/ - \ f t VOL. 15 GOLD HILL, JACKSO N COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, D ECEM BER 28, 1912 NO. 34 WHEN A POLICEMAN IS NOT A POLICEMAN— WHY? FORECAST OF NEW CABINET | G(y Marshal L. S. Noe Ans­ wers Riddle by Brutally Beating Prisoner ~s.R EDWARD grey Preference of Pres­ ident-Elect Well Known to All * HOMESEEKER i “ WISED UP" V /' State Issues Infor­ mation Booklet to New Settlers EMPTIES GUNAFTER FUGITIVE ON STREE'l Washington.—Although Presldent- slect Wilson I ihh said tlmi be will not Portland.—An immense fund of in­ aunounoa the personas! of hie cabinet formation aa to Oregon. Its resources •nucb before March 1. It le believed and opportunities, is supplied the here In Washington that he hits al­ homeseeker, the settler and the in­ most, If not fully, determined who hie vestor in he initial official pamphlet advisers will be. It coulee from u just issued by C. C. Chapman, state aource exceedingly close to Mr. WII- Immigration agent. Wrappere for aon that the following are most likely 200,000 copies have been addressed, to be choeen. and the literature will be placed Im­ Hocrelary of elute, William J. Bryan, mediately in tbe bands of people in­ Nebraska. quiring abqut Oregon. Provision for An attem pted arrest in which tin- city c n ’ll, Mayor Kelnry in > uh capacity an ex- Secretary of tbe treasury, Henry the publication was made at the last Moraenthau, New York. marshal of Gold Hill upheld lia* m a je s ty officio police judge, required Marshall Noe session of the legislature, when a state ,f tl law by Is-uting J im - Shot-maker, of U> ap|M\ir agaiuwt Hhuemaker, but wan in­ Secretary of war. ReprvHeutatlve immigration department was created I ¡all- - n I k, across the jaw w ith a eluhla-d form al by the officer that he had given Mitchell Palmer, Pennsylvania. and an appropriation of {25,000 made revolver, I« rudi teil his prisoner to escape h b prisoner fiiliWicrty and had no charge Seoretary of tbe navy, Harry St. to meet expenses of operation. and then emptied h b gun at the fugitive to present against him. George Tucker. Vlrglula. The pamphlet probably is the most At by A m erican F r e e s A sso c ia tio n . N otw ithstanding the fact that Marshal Attorney general. William F. Me- complete compilation of its kind ever Sir Edward Grey, England's Secre­ ‘luring a ntcm chaac down F ront Mreet, Combe, New York, or W. A. (ihiHgow, tary of State, who la a prom inent ' “ ,,Mrit»»u «l an official flaw » on (lirintm aa No»» “ conMidcrately” dropped the charge It is replete Dr. Anna H. Shaw, president of the assembled in this state Jr., Philadelphia. figure In the Balkan War peace nego­ night (hat n licet* fait little credit on law againnt him, Shoem aker hw- aworn out a National Woman's Suffrage Associa- ! with drawin«s and illustrations show- and order. Postmaster-general. Josephus Dan­ tiations. w arrant «barging the Gold Hill peace of­ tlon, who disapproves adoption of orl- amon£ other things, the land area iela, North Carolina. Inspire«! by Christm as “ c h e e r" , Shoe­ ficer with “ assault with a dangerous entai dress by American women. and P°Pulati° n. classification of lands m aker sought adm ittance to tin- dune»* w ip in” , ami it. is more than likely that Secretary of the Interior, ex Gover­ __________ by counties showing the acreage avail­ hall, where Marshall N o e official«*«! a s the prelim inary hearing will hind him nor Osborn. Wyoming able for settlement, average produc­ d'sirkecper, ami was refused entrance. over to the next term of circuit court. Secretary of agriculture, Itepreaen tion, yield and price of staple crops It is reported th at words passed between tatlve Burleson, Texaa. in Oregon and other states, yield of T hat Marshal Noe did not succ«««l in the (sill« ,Hiccr and Shoemaker at this shooting down the fugitive or in wound- Secretary of coinmerre and labor agricultural crops and their value, and Representative Redfield, New York. time, ami (he latter was ordered to make ing any one of the innocent pedestrians general industrial statistics. himself scarce. Upon his departure Mur- may be credited more to luck than intent, Thia Hat la subject to change, but la Farmers* Week at O. A. C. Liked W ashington.—The corning to Ameri- shut Noe followed him to th e sidewalk, while his refusal to appear the following regarded aa aubatanttally correct so Sheepmen Fix Meet Date Corvallis.—Complete data on Farm­ Icclan d him under arrest, ami w ithout morning against a cha'racter sufficiently C“ unUer in e nam e of Rulz of c ‘Priar far aa offers of places In the cnblnel Vale.—Convention dates for the 16th are concerned. Whether all of the ers' Week registration at Oregon Agri­ tla- slightest show of resistance being of- desperate to w arrant gun play the prev- n° C a8tro' on«fim® p resid en t and annual meeting of the Oregon State cultural college, aa compiled In the of­ ferred, brutally struck him with clubbed ' - - - is a conclusive com m entary on practically dictator ot Venezuela, waa Woolgrowers' association in Vale are men will accept la problematical. . ¡mis night fice of R as|( for his resignation or to take action there Is no legs! charge against him and premises. vtcted WUIard N. Jones. .. -— ........... overtook him. The character of the ; in the m atter unless requtwU-d to do so by that would warrant such action, j Charges Against Bankers Dropped wound inflict««! by the gun butt was such a petition of the citizens. Therefore the decision of the question | -------------------------- Salem.—With a motion made by ' that it was feared his jaw had Ixvn hrok- to his admission probably will be £ > xv < 7 / " ) /* / ? _ ,* _ . / _ Gold Hill is not a last stam ping ground as left to the department of commerce K Q W M U i { J ÎT I d O l S Dlslrlct Attorney John H. McNary, , en. and he was iinm««lian-ly taken pi the for wild west m arshals or wild west meth- i Judge I*. R. Kelly, of the circuit court | office o f Dr. It. Kelsey, where the ods. Its citterns dem and a police ad-I and labor, which is charged with the here, m ade an o rd er dism issing th e wound was exam ined and dressed. Al- m inistration th at will safeguard the inter­ conduct of immigration. Noe Declines to Appear Against Pris­ oner -- Police Officer in Toils on Serious Assault Charge / Oregon News Notes of Interest Interesting People on the Public Stage William J. Flynn of New York will be chlaf of the United States secret te n Ice, succeeding John E. Wllklt, now chief advisory agent of tbe eus toms servlee. President-elect Woodrow Wilson will reach hla fifty sixth birthday an­ niversary Saturday. He him promised to spend the day In Staunton, Va„ Ilia place ot Ills birth. The day after Christmas Admiral Oeorge Dewey, hero of the battle of Manila bay, and the ranking officer of the navy, celebrated Ills seventy- fifth birthday anniversary. He la proud of the fact tbnt he I r 75 years old. Stanton Sickles, non of General Dan­ iel E. Sickles, of New York, promised to see that the state Is reimbursed for all funds unaccounted for by his father as chairman of the New York State's Monuments Commission amounting to about {28,000. The bodies of Horace Kearney, the aviator, and Chester Lawrence, a newspaper inalf, who left Los Angeles last week to fly over the ocean to San Francisco, were recovered. The body of Kearney was washed ashore atM that of his companion picked up a mile away at sea. Robert S, Lovett, chairman of the executive committee of the Union and Southern Pacific railroads, announced In New York that he had arranged with Attorney General Wlckersham to up- peal at once to the United States su­ preme court for Instructions In work­ ing out the dissolution plun of the railroads. Dr. Anna Shaw, president of the Na­ tional Woman Suffrage association. In an address at Chicago, placed the stamp of her disapproval on the aug gestlon that American woman suf- fruglsts adopt the artistic trousers worn by the women of the orient. She •aid I he present day st yles of the «Ir 'i arc good enough for her. four crim inal cases In stitu ted by th e s ta te a g ain st J. T h orburn Ross, Jo h n R. A ltchlson and T. T. B u rk h art, as to all th e d efen d an ts save Rosa. In all cases the Indictments charged th e d efen d an ts with m isap p ro p riatin g school funds belonging to the state while tbe defendants were officers of the Title Guarantee & Trust company, of Portland. Ex-Dictator Not Wanted in U. S. ! though tla* injury was not s o serious as I supposed, th e gaping wound upon his left | cheek will afford a perm anent scar of con- sHlerable an a as a memento of the affair, Following this, Shoemaker was left at 111....,« -- L I . . I ............. i ] liberty, with the understanding th a t la would Is- called upon to answer a charge of .llsonlerly conduct the follow ing...... ing. In the alisemv f Ris-order U eth- est« of tla- city w ithout recourse to b ru t­ ality or reckless gun play. G ranting i that either an excess of excitem ent or fear prom pted Marshall Noe tosodanger- oualy overstep the bounds of prudenre and authority, the safety of the * general public would seem to require that the council a c e p t his resignation as soon as it cun 1«- conveniently proferied. NEWS NOTES OF WASHINGTON Pattison Aids King for Cabinet Spokane, Wash.—John Pattison, as dem ocratlc national com m itteem an of ^ ' a8hlnKton- teleg rap h ed to P resid en t (* I f \ k i I a r t rv h 1 ax c-vFFi n l n l f _ _____ elect Wilson his official indorsement of W. R King, of Portland, for secre­ tary of the interior in the democratic cabinet. With Pattison's Indorsement Is Included that of R. H. Elder, demo cratic national committeeman for Ida ho, and John B. Sanford, democratic national committeeman for California. Indited by New York Courts New York.—Charles S. Mellen, pres­ ident of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad; Edson J. Chamber­ lin, president of the Grand Trunk rail­ way of Canada, and Alfred W. Smith- era, chairman of the board o« directors of the Grand Trunk, were Indicted jointly under the Sherman anti-trust law by the federal grand jury here. They are charged with conspiring to restrain trade in connection with a memorandum of agreement between the two roads under which it is alleged the Grand Trunk proposed to abandon the extension of its railroad lines to Providence, R, I., together with a pro­ jected steamship line between Provi­ dence and New York. The penalty for the crime charged is one year in jail or a fine of {5000 or both. , But for the commission of the crime set forth, the Grand Trunk system, fhe indictment charges, would have ac­ tively competed with the New Haven system for interstate and foreign traffic between tl»e southern New Eng­ land cities and the west. Through their connections, It is recited, both systems reach the same cities in the west, both in the United States and Canada. Albany.—Completing a session marked by Important action for the betterment of dairy conditions lu this Washington.—Congress, before ad­ the state department, who said the : Turks Delay Peace state, the Oregon Dairymen's associa­ tion adjourned its 23d annual conven­ journment (or the Christmas holidays, tenor of the ultimatum to be sent was London.—Turkey is playing the olo tion. More interest was manifested witnessed some lively maneuvers to purposely allowed to leak, so that | game of delay and has caused a fur- at this session in dairy problems and | get President Taft's third message Madero might realize the situation and - *her postponement of the oft-delayed there was a more whole-souled desire of the year into the record, secure I take Immediate action. It was cm P®ace conference, which adjourned to for the Improvement of dairy condi­ j action on the President's recent ap- ! phaticaly stated also that the warning ; Monday after a brief and fruitless tions and the development of the In­ | pointinents and bring proceedings in would be the last diplomatic demand se88ion. It Is evident the Turkish del­ dustry In this state, apparent than at I the Archbald impeachment to a point for protection of American citizens in egates are trying to gain the right to provision Adrianople by consenting any former convention of the associa­ where they may be disposed of early Mexico. in January. The House was unable j tion. to Include Greece in the conference J. M. Dickson of Hhedds, was elected to get a quorum and adjourned with- ! Seven Inquiries Ahead president of the association for the out even receiving ’he President's An era of Investigation probably un­ 22 Lost With Steamer year In the annual election. Charles messaka, precedented In the history of the St. Johns, N, F.—Twenty-two of the In his messnjfe President Taft gave Kunzc. of Tillamook, was elected firat house will be ushered In when con 27 members of the crew of the Fur­ vice president, and Rdwnrd Cary, of Congress his opinion oi the charge gress reassembles iu January. Mem­ ness line steamer Florence, from Hali­ Carlton, second vice president. F. L. that he had been playing politics In 1 bers will divide their attention among fax, N. S., for St. John, lost their lives Kent, of the Oregon Agricultural col­ his recent executive order putting seven distinct Investigations sched­ In the wreck of the vessel on the lege, of Corvallis, was re-elected sec­ 36,000 fourth-class postmasters under | uled to begin Immediately after the ledges west of St. Shotts In a north­ the civil service. The President made | retary and treasurer. holidays. west gale. Exhausted survivors who Tillamook was selected for next the counter charge that hts accusers They are: Inquiry In the so-called reached land In a boat brought the on the floor of the house were telling year's convention, but the date was money trust; hearings before the news to Trepassy. "/he steamer car­ "untruths," and declared (hat he deep­ left to the officers. ways and means committee prelimin­ ried no passengers. ly regretted the failure of Congress to | ary to tnrlff revision by the next con­ Opposition at Roseburg to Tax. pass legislation which practically > P. & E. to Extend Road Six Miles gress; the probe Into the New Haven- Portland. Updeburg.—At a lasgely-at tended would destroy the "spoils" system. Medford.—The directors of the Pa­ Grand Trunk railroad In New Rag­ Wheat—Club, 79c; bluestem, 83c; meeting held here the merchants and ''Criticism has been made of this I cific & Raateru railroad have voted land; the grand Jury’s hearings on red Russian, 77o. professional men of the city served an appropriation sufficient to extend order on the ground that the motive general trust legislation; the inquiry Oats—{25 per ton. notice on the council that they were |h e east end of the road alx miles was political,” said the president, into the ramifications of the so-oalled Hay—Timothy, {18; alfalfa, {12. opposed to the proposed increase in further into the timber along the “Nothing could be farther from the foreign and domestic shipping trust Butter—Creamery, 37c. truth. The order was made before the the occupation tax, and would refuse right-of-way towards Bend, providing by the merchant marine committee; Eggs—Candled. 32c. to pay the same, pending the estab­ that the assurance Is given to them election and In the Interest ot efficient the Glasril sub-committee's Investiga­ Hops— 1912 crop, 20c. lishment of its legality in the courts. that an adequate mill is built and op­ public service.” tion Incident to the framing of a cur­ Wool—Eastern Oregon, 18c; W it erated at that end of Uns. The con­ Final Warning to t® Given Madero rency bill, and the Inquisition Into the lamette valley, 22%c. Turks and Greeks in Naval Battle. struction of the additional six miles One more warning will be given affairs of the office of superintendent London.—A naval engagement be of railroad will entail an expenditure President Madero of Mexico to pro­ of Insurance In the District of Coluni , Seattle. tween the Greek and Turkish fleets of close upon {250,000. tect American life and property in bin. Wheat—Bluestem, 83c; club, 79c; was fought between the Dardanelles his republic, and If this goes unheeded red Russian 77c. and Embros Island. It lasted an hour Wego Bill’s New Y ear’s ilaiice—Dcc- the United States will act. This ad­ Found, r daguerreotype in case, owner Eggs—38c. and a ha'f and the damage done is H ila r 1912. mission wua made by an official of can have same by calling at this office. Butter-Creamery, 38c. _ problematical.