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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1912)
Professional Cards Legal Notices OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST In the Circuit Court of the State of for Jackson County. Lillie Strotnpf. H aintitl,I Suit In Events Occirrlng Throughout -vs- ) Equity. the State During the Past Joe Strotnpf. Defendant,) Summons To Joe Strotnpf, the above named Week. defendant : A. E. KELLOGG In the name of (he state of Oregon, Abstract of Votes Shows Osvslopmsnt you are hereby commanded to appear GOLD HILL. OREGON Salem.—The rapid development of ami answer the complaint of the pluintitl the Oregon system as pertaining to Embalmer and Funeral against you now on file in the above en the initiative, is shown In the slie of Director titled Court and eau*“ on or Ix-fore the the sheet of paper required for the last day prescribed in the publication Complete line of burial robes, printing of the abstract of votes cast caskets, etc. herein, to-wit on or before six weeks from the first day of publication of this for the measures. FUNERAL CAR In 1991, when the Initiative was In Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence summons. And you are hereby notified Its Infancy, the abstract of votes on that if yon tail to appear and answer the Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main. the measures was placed In the same said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff table with the vote on the candidates. C.KMKXT 11. SMITH. ML D. will apply to the Court for the relief pray The whole thing required 10 Inches. ed for in her complaint, to-wit, for a The abstract for the vote In the last GENERAL PRACTITIONER decree setting aside and annulling the election Is now being prepared by Office in Wells Building marriage relations now existing between Secretary of S tate Olcott and the In plaintiff and defendant herein. Hours 10-12—2-4 ttlative has grown until It Is necessary This summons is published in The to abandon the single sheet for the Gold Hill News by order of Hon. F. M IOBM H . C A R K IN G I.E .W O. TAYLOF abstract and print the report In pam Calkins, judge of the above entitled CARKIN & TAYLOR Court, which said order was made and phlet form. LAWYERS entered of record on the 21st day of Oct Shell Rock Road Injunction Lost OOMS 17*19 OYKK JA C K S O N COVNTY B A N » ober, 1912. and which said order requires Hood River.—The Injunction served MEDFORD. OREGON you to appear and answer the said com on Hood River county by the O.-W. plaint on or before the last day prescribed CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. in said order for publication of this sum R. & N. Co. recently asking that Hood mons. Date of the first publication the River county officials he restrained Practice Limited to from proeecutlng the work on the 9th day of November. 1912 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Shell Rock road around Shell Rock D e ARMOND A D r ARMOND, Eves scientifically examined and glass» mountain, where the road runs close furni-hed when needed. 27-33 Attorneys for Plaintiff. to the present railroad track, has been .v .ett-Corey P >i- • i.g. Medford, Ore dissolved by Judge W. L. Bradshaw of ! Hood River county and the suit dts- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DR. R. C. KELSEY ! missed. The Injunction was denied on Department of the Interior OFF1CK IN the ground that It was prematurely V. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. G O L D H I L L H O S P IT A L brought. October 31,1912. C O R . T H IR D A C S T 8 . Notice is hereby given that Minor A. GOLD HILL; OREGON Foster, of Gold Hill, Oregon, who, on BONDING ACTS OPPOSED DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE September S, 1910, made Homestead En Co-Operative Union Holds Three-Day try. S rial No. 06531, for S hr NW ’4 of DENTIST Meeting at Baker Section 34, Township 36 S, Range 3 W, G A S A D M IN IST E R E D Willamette Meridian, has tihsl notice of Baker.—With two closed meetings RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD intention to make Final five-year Proof, the three days of the Farm ers’ Edu- to establish claim to the land above de eatlonal and Co-operative Union con A. E. KELLOGG scribed, before W. H. Cannon, U. 8, vention closed In this city. The meet NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, at bis ottice at Medford. ings consisted of reports by the com Phone 36 Main Oregon, on tlie 19th day of December m lttees on legislation constitution, GOLD HILL, OREGON 1912. minimum prices and resolutions. The Claimant names as witnesses: recommendation In the report of the ASSAYER AND CHEMIST. Eilde Rhoten, of Gold Hill, Oregon. legislation committee opposing bond EARL V. INGLES, B Sc.—General a«- Edd Swinden, of ” ing acts for the upkeep of roads was eav and analytical work. Cement Alford Boy as, of and asphalt testing. Beet equip* enacted. It Is not known whether any ped assay office aDd tearing labor Frank Avery, of ” action further than the convention In atory in Oregon. All work guar- B. F. JONES, dorsement will be taken In this direc anteed. Calvei t-Paddock block. 27-32 Register. tion. Phone 370-J, OrtnU Paas. Oregon. The attendance at the last day's Administratrix’* Notice of Appointment session dropped off considerably, but not so much but that a great deal of and to Present Claims. Interest was manifested to the last. In the County Court, of tlie State of Ore N o r th b o u n d It la generally conceded by those who 8:07 a. m. gon, for the County of Jackson, Estate have attended the other conventions No. 20 11:04 a. m. of John B. Mattis, deceased. No. 24 (motor) 5:37 p. m. No. 32 (motor) Notice is hereby given that the Hon. ef the union that the one Just dosed 6:29 p. m. J. R. Neil, County Judge of Jackson was the best ever held. No. 16 County, State of Ortgon, has appointed Mary Mattis, administratrix of the estate Roseburg Poultry Exhibition Opened Soutlxboxssx«! Roseburg.—With an exceptionally 8:07 a. m, of Jphn B. Mattis, deceased. Any per . No. 23 (motor) 1:42 p. m, son having a claim against the said estate, large number of exhibits representing No. 31 (motor) 2:55 p. m. must present same duly verified, to the a quality of birds far superior to the No. 15 • • • • • • • • 11:06 p. in. undersigned at the offite of A. E. Kellogg, '’barnyard" product heretofore dis No. 19 attorney fo rth e administratrix,J. inIGold played in this country, the second an + 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - Hill, Oregon,CwithinXsixJ’months prom nual exhibition of the Douglas County + GOLD H ILL OPERA HOUSE + the date of the? first publication]of this Poultry and Pet Stock association Seating Capacity 600. 4- notice. Date of first|publication|Novem- opened here under the most flattering + conditions. Chickens of all colors and Stage 50x22. 4- ber 2, 1912. + kinds were exhibited, and the poultry ---------- + + Mary Mattis, fanciers were In their glory. It is th e object of the 4- ■+ Administratrix -c m anagem ent to book only 4- Medford Rate War Begins ri first class attractions and 4“ Drives off a Terror Medford.—Because Medford, accord ff- about two perform ances a 4- The chief executioner of death in the ing to a statem ent of Mayor Canon, Is ri month. The stage has been 4- winter and spring months is pneumonia. paying a higher rate for electric lights enlarged and new dressing 4- ff- Its advance agents are colds and grip. In than any city In the state, and because 4- rooms added to the building 4- any attack by one of these maladies no | an amendment passed at the last gen- w ith new scenery and the 4- 4- time should be lost in taking the best • eral election gives councils the right 4- present stage, we can stage 4- medicine obtainable to drive it off. to fix the rates, a committee has been 4- ri any kind of a production. Countless thousands have found this to appointed to submit a uniform rate to The House In the fu tu re 4- ff- -j. will be booked through the 4- be Dr. King’s New Discovery. “ My hus be charged by the Oregon-California band believes it kept him frfim having ri- N orthw estern T heatrical as- 4 pneumonia three or four times,” writes Power company. ri- sociation having signed a con- 4- Mrs. George W. Place, Rawsonville, Vt., •+ tra c t to th is effect, and they 4- “ and for coughs, colds and croup we UNIVERSITY CUTS BUDGET + have assured us th a t they 4- have never found its equal.” Guaranteed Sum Granted by Last Legislature Cut + will use th eir best endeavors for all bronchial affections. Price 50cts. From $503,000 to $205,000 ri to only book good companies and $1.00. Trial bottle at all druggists. Eugene.—To hold down to the bare W. H. STICKEL, + ff- necessities and to join whole hearted- 4- M anager 4“ A Reminder ly In the state-wide movement for 4-4- 4-4 -4 - + 4 - 4 -4 - 4 -4 - 4 - 4- + -i- Obstetrical work is cash. No except i economies In public expenditures was the decision of the board of regents ions to this rule can be made. of the state university when It put the Clement H. Smith, M. D. knife into the budget passed by the last legislature and cut the total from $503,000 to $205,000. The university’s requests at Salem promptly obtained OR KO • >«1« Mark«, are to be confined to the following Caroato. Copyright» »n ■ ‘ regieterW. TW1FTT TZARS'PRAC* mgheat raforanoea. Items: $100,000 for a new classroom Saad mod«', akateh >r i . • for free report on patentability All bntinaaa « m M m m L building; $75,000 for repairs and minor HARD BOOK FREE E ir l* inB«T«»7thing. Tall« How to Qbt .m-' <<«11 hatenta, What Inventioaa additions; $60,000 a year for two years F o r W om en Will Pav I to Get a Partner, explains beat for additional maintenance and $15,- ■aehan'c -’ - <<r»mnti, and eontaina 100 other Have More Friend» than any other t tance to inventors. A'MfZAS, 000 a year for two years for corres magazine or patterns. McCall's pondence and extension work, a total is the reliable F a sh io n G u id e lox 365 Willson 3ldg, WASHINGTON, 0. 0^ monthly in one million one hundred of $205,000 for the biennium. thousand homes. Besides show The procedure favored by the re ing all the latest designs of McCall gents was the submission of these A Dinner for 25 Cents Patterns, each issue is brimful of Items to Governor West with the re sparkling short stories and helpful The best to be had for that price in information for women. quest that he should lay the unlversl Rogue River valley at the American res Save M on ey and K e ep in S tyle by mb- ty's needs before the ways and means scribing for M cCall's M agaxine at once. Costa taurant (formerly Good Eats cafe) in only jo centa a year, including any one of committee. the celebrated McCall Pattema free. G rants Pass. Onr vegetables, eggs, etc.. M cC all P a ttem a L e a d »11 others in atyle, are bought direct from farmers ami are fit, s im p lic ity , economy and number sold, •lore dea’ers ae 1 McCall Pattern» thaa any strictly first class as are the groceries By taking a sc nil wife a man other two makes combined. None higher than we use. Our kitchen is as clean as the pays the highest compliment to 15 centa. Buy fr >in your dealer, or by mail from the first by showing Unit she kitchens of the best homes and the cook M c C A L L ’S M A G A Z IN E made him so happy ns a married ing is done with the utmost care U> have 236-246 W. 37th St., New York City man that lie wishes to be so a the food appetizing. Youjwlll enjoy our H 'n — Coyy, Fwwffnws ml Pattern Cstaioju« second time.—Samuel Jobnsou ire», m r , coffee and tea, for it is rightly made. SF t t r e e at S. P. Time Card McCall s Magazine and McCall Patterns it. 6. WILLSON & CO. 8 th A n n u a l MASK B A L L Christmas Night D ECEM BER THE 2 5 t h G O LD H ILL, OREGON 5 G ood F lo o r , G o o d M usic, G o o d O rd er FOUR S P L E N D ID PRIZES' Best Sustained Character, Best Ladies* G ents’ and Comic Costum es D a n c e T ic k e ts $ 1 .0 0 A . E . K ello g g , C ly d e W a lk e r F. L. E d d in g s — C o m m i t t e e BALKAN WAR PEACE PROSPECTS IMPROVE London.—The prospects of a satis factory and reasonably rupll settle ment of the Balkan war and of the greater European Interests hanging upon It seem brighter than at any time since the allied armies took the field against Turkey. The envoys from the Balkan kingdoms and the Ottoman empire, will hold the first meeting of the peace conference next Friday, Dec. 13th. At the same time the ambassadors of the great powers In London charg ed with the tusk of protecting the In terests of their countries will meet as a sort of court of appeals to watch, advise and admonish the peace dele gates. This will be by far the most Import ant assembly of diplomats since the Berlin conference of the Russo-Turk ish war. Giants like Bismarck, Bea consfield, Salisbury and Gortchakoff, to be sure, will not tread the stage, but their successors who go will have an equally Important work to perform. OUTLAW ROBS TRAIN "Imperial Limited” Pullman is Looted Near Vancouver, B. C. Vancouver, B. C.—A train holdup that for boldness has never been equaled In Vancouver was perpetrated Just as the Canadian Pacific railway's "Imperial Limited” transcontinental passenger train, was passing out of the Vancouver city limits. A single highwayman, disguised by a black mask, boarded the train as It was passing the British Columbia Su gar Refinery, a mile and a half out, entered the Pullman car and at the point of a revolver forced the passen gers and the Pullman conductor to pass over their money and valuables. The man dropped off the train Just before It arrived at Barnet, which is six miles from the city. The total loss was $308 In bills, two watches and one chain, one diamond ring and two English sovereigns, amounting to about $10. The conduc tor contributed $30 of the $308. There is no trace of the robber. CORN Extra Large and G ood Q uality H. V an H ovenberg, Jr. Siskiyou Ranch Sams V a lley BRITAIN PROTESTS AT PANAMA TOLLS Washington.—Great Britain's formal note of protest against that section of the Panama Canal act which exempts American coastwise shipping from payment of tolls for passing through the Panama canal, a document writ ten by Sir Edward Grey, British Min ister of Foreign Affairs, was presented to Secretary Knox by the British am bassador, Jam es Bryce, who read the note word for word to the secretary In the latter's home. It Is an elabora tion of the points of objection In the note presented to the state department last July. In brief these are the objections: “That while It was clearly In vio lation of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty either to rem it or refund tolls on all Amerlcnn shipping using the canal, the same objection probably would ap ply to the coastwise shipping In view of the probable impossibility of fram ing regulations that would not result In a preference to American shipping.” In addition to supporting these points by long arguments, Sir Edward Indicates clearly that strong resist ance will he offered to any attem pt to exclude from the canal British ships owned by Canadian railroads or whose owners may be guilty of violating the Sherman anti trust act. He holds that this section of the act cannot apply t i British shipping, but only to United States vessels. Could Shout for Joy A “ I want to thank you from the l>ottom of my heart,” wrote C. B. Hailer, of Ix-wisburg, W. Va., ‘‘for the wonderful double Ix-nefit I got from Electric Bitters, in euring me of both a severe rase of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I hud Ix-en all almost helpless suf- furx-r for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me.” For dyspep sia, indigestion, jaudice, and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheu uiatism, Kleetrie Bitters have no suficrior. Try them. Every Isittle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only otk-ts. at all druggists. 1912 DECEMBER I 2 8 9 115 XLW 3 121314 w tis No Peace Prize Awarded Christiania.—The Nobel Peace prize will not be awnrded this year. This Is the first time since the establish ment of the Nobel foundation that the committee or Norwegian parliament has found no person worthy of the award. The committee states that It has decided that there has been "no work deserving of the prize.” »