tim (JOLI) HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912 V O L 15 NO. 32 Why Not Exact Full Value from Every Tree in Bearing? H i, ' A '? . ; ’ <4- ’ ¿i •* ’*» M ’ £t • . * < » * ’ £».*<*£* ■ A. The Establishment of a Co-operative Packing and Canning Plant at Gold Hill will Put New Profits in Pockets of Sams Valley Growers ++♦++++++++++++++♦+♦++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + peaches, converting the culls into Organization Plan ' i and vim-gar, and the grapes iuto wine, fer­ Road from Pass to mented or unfermentisl as may Is-, tliere- Crescent City is by becoming exporters rather than ini- of New Industry 1 ' isirters of such products. Creating a for the orrhardixt and gardener, Certain Go is Outlined . market work for a few lalsirers all the time and (By C. S. Ihxlfii-lil) Tla-re in ■ Urne (or «II thimrx in tin- a(- laini of men ax well ax eommunltlea, ami we, ax individuala and ax a comtinlty, by neglix-t or Indifference fail to embrace the oppoitanitiex (or our advancement when that time I lax arriviti. We Hrc retarding our individual ax well ax communal ad- vamvmeiit, and in iunxcqticncc thereof become men- pl // /If Q, the orchard to Investigate tla- reported D U ll lVlOOSe i j t a m f ) ■lamage, and hail only went a short way into the orchard, when they started a I deer (doe) which ran directly for the fence, which is a 55 inch Page Wire Fence, with a liarlied wire on top, the deer seemingly not seeing the fence, ran I'nder tin- Oregon garni- laws [xMseasion into saiil fence with force enough to break Chicago.—The event of the week In of -lead game obtaiiuxl in any manner itx neck. the field of politics wag the national whatsis-ver during tie- closed season ix —Sam L. Handry, I). G. W., in ference of progressive leaders in pritpa facie evidence of guilt. That two Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday, to —Kiley Hammersli-y, sworn wardens of the law should be en- devise plana for carrying on the work ’ —Chas. P. Champlin. tunglisl ii^tla- net of circumstance and Snbecribed and »worn to before me this of the party during the next four literally hoist by their own petard, is ad­ 9th day of December, 1912. years. Colonel Roosevelt was among ditional evidence of the *>bf ullage that those In attendance at the conference. —G. F. Wertz, truth is stranger than fiction. Anyway, Justice of tlie Peace for district of He has entirely recovered from hia ultlxnigh they do not admit the necessity wound and took active part. Woodville, Jackson County, Oregon. of a revision of this particular clause, "Without trafficking or dickering deputy game wardens Sam Sundry ami with the old parties, fight to have our Acting under instructions received from platform principles embodied in the Riley Hammersly have added another gisxl story to their long list of camp-fire tin- department, the carcass was cut up laws of Illinois,” was the appeal Col­ and distributed among the ranchers of onel Roosevelt made td the newly- yarns, and the joke ix on them. For some time past a buxom big doe that vicinity. elected members of the Illinois legis­ has ravaged the orchard of the Champlin lature, to whom he made his first ranch, seven miles south-west of this speech at the conference. city, evidently preferring tla- tender Among those who participated In fnffts of cultivation and a bower Ix-neath the deliberations were: Governor tin- apple trees to the uncertainties of the Stubbs ot Kansas, William Allen bii^wisxla. It may Is- that the grai-cful White, Henry J. Allen, Editor Van brile of the forest sought the haunts of Valkenburg of Philadelphia, Gifford civilization to escape the attentions of some Pinchot, William Flinn, Bull Moose ardent old seven-pointer, electing to chew leader in Pennsylvania; Dean Kirch- tlie cud of maiden mi-ditation In the A gang of railway surveyors plied their ney of Columbia university; State agreeable confines of the Champlin ranch; , mysterious labors up the very center of Chairman Hotchkiss of New York, for­ a recluse of the wildwood, devoted to Front street—o» 4th St. North, ax Mayor mer Attorney General Charles B. Bon­ ( reflection and apples. At any rate there Kelsey would say—on Tuesday. Passing aparte, Miss Frances Keller of New 1 sis- was, and Charley Champlin east j directly through the center of town the York, Miss Alice Carpenter of Massa­ i ulxiut for some means of eviction with- line swings abruptly across the southwest chusetts and many other persons of I out violating any ol the multitude of legal corner of Lynn Smith's front yard, head­ prominence. Colonel Roosevelt and provisions which protect does at all times, ed for the gap in the hill beyond. The Mr. and Mrs. McCormick will be the ' and without recourse to dog or gun— party are now working out through Sams guests at Hull House of Jane Addams. ■ both taboo with the (Iregon statutes. The largest single delegation came , Valley enroute to Eagle Point. The simplest solution seemed to be in Ì Tlie proverbial clam is a Fourth of July ,rom New York on a Bpeclal traln with putting tlie dilemma directly up to the orator compared to any of the crew when Colonel RooaevelL The Colonel was authorities, and on Saturday last Mr. approached with reference to their work, greeted at the railroad station with Champlin notifii-d wardens Sundry and and beyond learning that tlie survey will cheers and shouts of "he can come Hammersly, then at Rogue River, that he be through when completed all inqniry back." desired the animal removed under their was fruitless. It is known, however, The committee on arrangements in escort. Both wardens appeared at the that the party left the coast in June, sur­ attendance at the conference Included Champlin ranch on the following day, veying u p th s Coquille river, thence over, every state chairman and members of and in company with the proprietor be­ to the Rogue and up to the present point the national executive committee, ae gan a tour of the orchard. Up sprang —the identical route which rumor con­ well as hundreds of members of the the startled doe from her boudoir, and tends is to he taken by the Hill line. From party, Including many women. dashed madly away. The Champlin or­ the survey taken in this vicinity it is also chard is enclosed with a five foot Page believed that an electric road is contem- People in the News wire fence, which the doe had doubtless plaied, the nature of the curves outlined cleared many times in making her en­ being too sharp for steam locomotives. The will of the late Senator Rayner, trance, but into which the alarmed ani­ Far from being displeased at tfie survey­ mal now rushed full tilt. The stout i ing crew’s activity in his front yard, Lynn of Maryland, ahowa that the value of strands upheld their guarantee, and the Smith points with pride to Abe stake hia estate will approximate $1,060,000. The resignation of Robert L. Far­ deer was thrown fully ten feet backward planted in hix lawn, and has announced rington, second vice president of the upon the turf. that the property is ideally located for a Both wardens and Mr. Champlin rush­ depot, and will he volunteered ax such Great Northern railroad, is announced. Major-General Julius Staehl, of the ed at her, intent upon capture, but the when the proper occasion arises. civil war volunteers, died in New York twitching body relaxed, the clear eyes Locally we are, as the Medford Sun so filmed over, and two waidens of the Ore­ aptly pointed out, laboring under an “ ob­ after an illness of about a year. He gon game had in their possession, in di- j session” —but it is a pleasant dream at was second oldest surviving general reel contradiction to the letter of the law, that, and one that came unsolicited and of the civil war. Henry Dlsher, of Davenport, Iowa, the carcass of a fine fat doe with a brok­ without the assistance of Dr. Reddy and en neeft. While Warden Hammersly 1 Grants Pass. The new survey is of course aged 73 years, and a veteran of the fanned desperately with his hat, warden of no moment—in that it fatuously per­ civil war, has just welcomed his twen­ Sundry laid his ear vainly against the I sists in ignoring Medford, being therefor ty-third child. It is a few days old. His oldest Is a son, 43 years old. All plump side. In that far vale where the I both doomed and damned. are living. de|iarted warriors of the Rogue give thanks Senator Poindexter at Washington to Manitou for “ plenty game” , milady signalized his entrance into the na­ of the Rogue woods buried her slender Marvin Exonerated o f capital by giving out an inters muzzle in clear springs and drank deeply. | Charge by Circuit Court tional view in which he declared that Presi­ In compliance with the official require-1 tnents Warden Sundry immediately I The case of the state vs. W. A. Mar­ dent Taft should be impeached for ’phoned the intelligence to the chief vin for bigamy was dismissed in the cir­ improper use of federal patronage. Mrs. Daniel E. Sickles has again game warden, where his report was met i cuit coart Tuesday and the bondsmen with polite official incredulity. Here and exonerated. A legal questioh as to Mar­ saved her husband, the aged Major- then- and elsewhere the officers told their , vin’s right to remarry imposed itself be­ General Sickles, from his financial story to friends—who were not so polite. ! tween the charge and conviction, and in troubles, this time by satisfying a addition to this the witnesses for the state judgment ordered against General Representatives of the Medford press Sickles by the Bank of Metropolis for turned a deaf ear to the latest hoax. are no longer at hand. Marvin was arrested last summer for $5050.94. Disls-lief met the unhappy pair at every Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Chinese progres­ turn, while, like the Ancient Mariner, bigamy when he married a Gold Hill they yearned for understanding and sym- I girl. He was supposed to have a wife sive leader, and former provisional pathy. Witness therefore, in immortal j and child, but it appears that this m a r-! president of the new republic, is com­ refutation of the common belief that I riagi- was illegal and that he was so ad­ ing to Los Angeles with three mem­ vised before ls-ing married at this place. ! bers of A e Chinese cabinet. The ori­ game wardens are past grand nobles of I the ancient order conceived by Ananias, When arrested he gave bond, the case entals also will visit San Francisco, the following affidavit, which is now on being continued for several months, final­ Washington and New York ly being set for the December term. “Make a bonfire of your hats; throw file with the chief warden of the state of Marvin reached Medford Sunday to away your corsets and wear trousers Oregon: answer to the charge. On his appear­ Instead of these ridiculous tight ance in court the case was dismissed. skirts,” Is the recommendation of Mrs. AFFIDAVIT Carrie Chapman Catt the suffragette State of Oregon { leader, to the Equal Suffrage League Portland County of Jackson ) ‘ Wheat—Club, 79c; bluestem, 83c; In her report of her two years’ round- We, Sam L. Sandry, Riley Hammersly, red Russian, 76c. the-world campaign In behalf of votes and Charles P. Champlin, all of the county Oats—$26 per ton. for women. of Jackson und state of Oregon, ls-ing first Hay—Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $13. duly sworn, say that the statements here­ Butter—Creamery, 37c. in contained are true and correct, and Hadley Plan Opposed by Borah Eggs—Candled, 42c.. tfie whole of the circumstances connected Washington.—Senator Borah of Ida­ Hops—1912 crop, 18c. therewith. Wool—Eastern Oregon, 18c; WU- ho, is not in favor of the proposal of Governor Hadley, of Missouri, to call That on Saturday, the 7th day of Dec­ lamette valley, 22ftc. a convention of republicans next sum­ Mohair—32c. ember, 1912, Chas. P. Champlin report­ Seattle mer for the purpose of perfecting ed to Sum L. Sundry, deputy game ward- I Wheat—Bluestem, 81c; club, 78c; plans for the reorganization of the en, that the deer was damaging his or­ republican party. He does not think chard to quit*- an extent, and on Dec­ red Russian, 76c. Eggs—43c. such a convention would be practica­ ember Hth. 1912, Sam L. tfandry and Butter—Creamery, 35c. ble or successful, as it would have no Riley Hammersly, deputy game wardens, Hay—Timothy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, recognized authority, and would not went to tls- ranch of Chas. P. Champlin bind anyone by its action. to investigate the report, and accompan- $12 per ton. Affidavit of Game Wardens Proves Odd Tale The Pacific - Interior railroad from Grants Pass to Crescent City on the coast is receiving that financial encouragement which practically insures the construct ion of the long wanted highway to the sea, and enthuxiam is keen all along the pro­ posed route of the new mail. Through the Illinois valley every resi­ lient ix alive to the situation, and much material assistance lx ex|w-ct