We Must Have Money—Between Now and the 1 s’, of January We Must Raise $29,000.00 —— —— ————— — — ———— —— ■ I ■■■■ ■ — ♦ ___ This is a Tremendous Amount of Real Cash and to do it Re­ quires the Most Drastic Price Cutting Ever Known of in Medford Here are the plain facts—-This valley this year raised the greatest crop in its history, and this store, expecting as good business as a year ago and better, prepared for a big business. This business has not developed and in consequence we find ourselves obliged to pay $29,000 between now and Jan. 1, 1913 Part of this money is now due and must be paid. Eastern wholesalers and manufacturers won't listen to any such nonsense as bad season, etc. AU they want is their money. So in order to sell this tremendous amount of goods we will start a sale on Saturday, November 30th, that will make all former sales look insignificant. Every article in this immense store will be reduced. Some goods will be sold as low as 40c on the dollar. Now is the Tjrne You need^ the Goods--Now is When we Need^ the Money. Supply Your Needs at 40c, 50c, 60c_on $ Store will be closed all day Friday, November 29bh, to mark down goods and get ready for this sale of sales. Doors will open at 9:30 Saturday morning. Below is a small list of prices. You may expect hundreds of others equally good and better. article in the store is reduced. Ladies’ $15 and 16.50 Tailored Suits 9.98 Ladies’ 20 and 22.50 Tailored Suits . Ladies’ 25 and 30 dollar Tailored Suits . Ladies’ 15.00 and 16.50 Cloaks Ladies’ 18.50 to 22.50 Cloaks Ladies’ 7.50 to 10 all wool Serge Dresses . 14.95 17.95 Ladies’ 12.50 to 18.00 all wool Serge Dresses Ladies’ 1.50 Percale House Dresses Children’s 5, 6.50 and 7.50 Cloaks Women’s $5 Fine Messaline Silk Waists 10 Yards of Standard Calicos for . 9.98 14.95 5.95 . Ten yards E x tra Heavy Bleached Muslin, 10c grade 15c Yard Wide Percales, best grade 12 l-2c and 15c Dress Ginghams 69c 11c . 9^c $1 and 1.25 Finest All Wool Dress Goods 1.75 and 2 Finest All Wool Dress Goods, 54 in. wide 2.50 and $3 Cloakings and 56 inch Suiting Fabrics 1.25 Fancy Silks . . . . 1.75 and $2 Table Linen . 1.25 Pure Linen Table Damask . . 50c and 65c Colonial Drapery Fabrics 12 l-2c Extra Heavy Outing Flannel X . 9.75 98c 3.98 2.79 39c . 79c 1.29 1.98 .79 1.29 . 85c 39c 9 l-2c Men’s 15c Sox, Black and Tan . . Men’s 50c Winter Weight Underwear . . . . . . . . 7c 39c . 86c 1.15 . . . 4.67 Men’s Suits, ons large assortment, 15.00 values . . . 10.00 All other Men’s Suits, Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothcraft reduced Men’s 50c Work Shirts . . . . . 3 for 1.00 Men’s 2.50 Pants - - - - . ggc Ladies’ 1.25 and 1.50 Flanelette Gowns . . . 9gc Ladies’ 75c Flannelette Gowns Children’s 20c Iron Clad Stockings Ladies’ 15c Hosiery - - - - - 39c - - - Ladies’ 2 and 3 dollar Sweaters, reds, greys and navy blue Ladies’ 4 and 4.50 Sweaters, all colors . . . Ladies’ 75c Union Suits . . . . . Ladies’ Separate Pants and Vests, 60c grade 2.50 E xtra Heavy and E xtra Large Blankets 7 .0 0 Finest Ail Wool Blankets, all colors 11c - 9c - 1.59 . 2.98 39c . . 1 lot of 4.50, 5.00, 6.00 Gossard, Nemo and Bonton Corset I 1.50 Heavy Cotton Blankets - - - 5.oo Wool Blankets, tan or grey, large size - . - - - - - MEDFORD, OREGON 1.13 1.89 - - 42c 2.98 - - H. C. RENTNER CO. R ailroad F are R e fu n d e d . . Men’s 1.50 all wool Undewear, Shirts and Drawers Men’s 1.50 and 1.75 Shirts . . . . Boy’s 6.50 and 7.50 Overcoats Every 3.75 4.95