C7?e G o l d H i l l N e w s PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY IT (¡01.0 IIII.I JACKSON COENTY. - OREGON, BY = = - Overdrafts (Secured & Ui»ei m vil I ( hilil (u ltu rv in B ungtow n Pimr little kill, they ealleil him in; they ealleil him in (mm his play—they B en H. L am pm an ealleil him in (mm his treasure trove, (nun the spoils of a happy day, while the -mi hung high in a sapphire sky and the Entetvil at the Gold Hill pv-totliiv for transmission through the mails as year was young in May. (h it of the light second-class m atter when» tile young birds tweet, out of the great gisst sun, to ham m er a lesson on ivory key-still G ist's good day was done; SATURDAY, NOVEM BER 16, 1912 till G od's gissl day passed quite away, and the first star twinkled. “ O ne!’’ SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE Poor little k id —these wiser folk, this j calm eold dame and sire, it is little they know how the roses blow or tin- bloom ofa A NEW THEORY 0E THE LANDSLIDE child's desire; it is little they wot of that shaded spot where the wihm I thrush tunes 1 his lyre. Il is little they know of Imys HAT estimable weekly, the Portland Spectator, has a funny , and hints, w ho eoop him in from his play little habit of shaping theories, and asserting them as facts I to a sullen perch on the twirling st-iol wherewith to bolster up its editorial necessities. The Spectat wlien Spring is at the May. till the g n a t sun his course has run and twilight or’s latest import from Slumberland is a finely woven assertion ’ i good skys are gray. T that the election of Wilson was primarily due to the overmaster ing fear of Taft Republicans that Roosevelt might sweep the nation. Imbued with a highly patriotic yearning to defeat the Colonel at any cost, they left the Republican party to twiddle its thumbs in idle despair and elected Wilson as the lesser of two evils. In this manner and for this reason was Taft defeated, according to the masterly deductions of the Spectator, which adds, as a clincher, that “here in Oregon, Republicans who had never cast a Democratic ballot before voted for Wilson to defeat Roosevelt.” A truth that is half fancy partakes of the same unlovely nature as the entire misstatement, and the assertion that Repub licanism would have triumphed but for the introduction of the Bull Mice to national politics falls naturally under this indict m ent Oregon Republicans, in company with their partymen of every state, cast party preference to the four winds that the reign of corporate politics might cease, and that Taft, not as an individual, but as the accredited representative of such policies, might be handed over to retirement. Roosevelt was an incident never to be taken seriously in the past campaign; but there did not exist any general alarm lest, in the improbable event of his election, he might run the ship of state on the rocks. As a pref erence, the American people plainly indicated that, second to Wilson, they placed the Colonel above Taft. The policy of self immolation, of political hari kari, as out lined by the Spectator, could not have influenced more than a scant comparative handful of hack politicians, blind to the signs of the times, in a course so utterly inane and un-American. l*oor little kid. they ealleil him in and made him a [>age to Care; toserve a time with hollow heart while G od’s gins' day was fair—while each young thing did play or sing and Spring was in the air. For th re's little enough of playtime left, ami little time to grow, and the incurved chest and the puny limbs the wise folks made them so . . . When Life is run is the lesson done, and not when roses Wow. Hey! Come to Gold Hill For Your W inter Supplies. We have the BIGGEST STOCK and SMALLEST PRICES on everything. Rubber Coats, Slickers, Boots a n d Rubbers ---A Full line of Winter Clothing and Wool Underwear IN GROCERIES we have a com plete line o f everything....Also Flour and Feed W E M eet A ll Prices---P repay freight to nearby towns and have our delivery wagon at your service We Pay 35c for Butter and 40c for Fresh Eggs 1 S c h o o l By te s L- N ---- o ---------- ----------- I R ic h a rd M o r tlo c k Misées Mildred H odges and E th I S m ith visited school last week. W illiam Kelsey and R ichard More- lock were ab sen t from school Monday. LANCE & COMPANY W illiam H erron m et with a alight accident thia week which reauitad in Mr. G ills’rt was down from Midford N EW YORK W O M E N JO Y FU L two broken fingers calling on old fri mis tht* latter part of WILLIAM SULZER 15,000 Parada, Cheering Success In The 7th an I 8th grades have begun the week. Mr. and Mrs R C "I ad went to A sh Oregon And O ther States th eir com position work, w hich may a c New York.- Fifteen thousand ch e e r count for the rum pled h air and furrow land Saturday fo ra few day« visit with ing and singing women and men cele ed brows th a t may be s<en about the Mr. and Mrs. S is te r, old Illinois friends bra ted with a brilliant parade lu thia school room. F anners in this vicinity an- busy with city the recen t addition of four sta rs T he following program will be given their plowing, since the recent rains. A to tb e woman suffrage flag. by tb e high school L iterary .**oeiety st little fair weather now would in- quite Through Fifth avenue a stream of acceptable. 2:00 p. m., F r day, N evem ber 22d. AM flaring Vermillion light» flowed for I. T. Galligar was in Medford Saturday pairona and friends are cordially in v it miles. Its course guided by a n ie n t on buaines» relative to the renting of his ed to atten d . “votes for w omen" en th u siasts from new hnngalow at that plate, which has E lection day evidently proved too all sections of the country. Kach of Severe for Donald A very, as he was ab just been completed. the ten "suffrage sta te s" was repre Mr. and Mrs. Sii-nnett, of Iowa, visited sen t tlie rem ainder of the week. Don aented by women leaders In the equal THE BULL MICE FOREVER! ald is, Or was, an a rd e n t Hull Mooser, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hit auffnige m ovem ent there. which may account for the sudden in lie, the latter |«irt of the week. They Four floats and a half d oten glided are Mrs. H itllc’wcousins. disposition. chariots featured th e parade. Kach ELIEVING that an effort to drag the luckless Bull Moose A Thanksgiving program to consist of Mrs. I. T. Galligar entirtaiuisl the float and chariot rep resen ted one of from the slough of despond, into which it plunged immed th e usual literary work, b u t of more Kccn-ation i-ltlh Ih u n d u y I’. M in a the 111 suffrugn sta te F loats repre- very pleasing m anner. The program us iately after the first receipt of election returns at Oyster Bay— than th e usual am o u n t of musical niiin- i eatlu g K ansas, M ichigan. Oregon prepared by Mrs. Kittle was much e n and Arizona, w here the right to vote which, all things considered, appears to be an excellent location b, rs will lie given by theao two grad- a joyed. Visitors pre-, nt wen-: Mrs .lohn- We m ight say th it thia is preparatory w as given women at the recent elec for any sort of slough—should nowhere remain unheralded, The to th e m usical contest which will be , -on, <>f Ashland, ami M e - d iin ie s LyniiW. tion. w ere la front. "K ansas for Lib News hastens to give publicity to a request for space wherein to b-Id provided they accept tb e challenge | Smith, Nina Smith and D. ( ’. Henry, of erty " read a transparency. "M ichigan «.old Hill. for C o-operation," "O regon for F ree announce the permanent organization of the Bull Moose party, with tb e High School. Considerable in te rv t was manifest in dom." and Arizona for Ju stice," w ere while regretting that it cannot insert the entire impassioned The following is a l»st of officers of the i this locality over election. Fifty-four o th er texts. B eaver L iterary Society, who were el rigmarole of official declaration. Recognition of the recent suf I voles were easi at the Rii- r-ide -lore and ected a t a recent e le c tio n : H arriet frage additions is apparent in the preamble to “every man and Hodges, p re s id e n t; Vera Davidson, j almost us many at Rock Point. Central Congressman W illia m Sulzer, who M ic h ig a n C o n v ic ta In P lo t to B u rn at Gold Hill was kind enough to give a was elected Governor of New York by D etroit.— D etective W illiam J. Burna woman who has fought for the cause,” and contributions of one v ice-president; Elsie Miller, se c re ta ry ; general ring for all on tin- line und we the Dem ocrat!. stated that lie had obtained eight sep dollar are solicited from the despondent -faithful, who are ad M ary T ru ax , tre a su re r; Blossom Bee wen- kept informed about us well as those a ra te confessions from as litany Jack man and Jo h n K elsey, critics; Agnes son prison convicts, now held In sep- vised to be of good cheer and prompt with remittances. In ex Deitrich and E d n a P roctor, leaders of ill tin-cities and town-. > al< police station» here, thut a plot The Hallowe'en party at the home of change for this trifling token of fealty, each contributor will be division ; Miss T u ttle, c h ap la in ; Lloyd existed am ong them to burn every I Mr. and Mrs. ('. D. Wisilvertoii Saturday M iller, m arsh al. presented with a charter membership certificate in the Progres thing In the prison that could be btirn- eve, was a decided success. The hoii.-s- sive party, together with a bronze button, bearing in bas relief B u b jec'..........................T h anksgiving Day was tastily decorated with autum n leaves ed. the head of a very lachrymal bull moose, with the inscription, T hanksgiving H y m n ..................... School und jack o' lanterns, the latter shedding E ssay, "O rig in of T h a n k sg iv in g " Big Steel O rders Unfilled spisiky tights wlien the gliosis and goblins “Founder, 1912.” Lest the frivolous be inclined to accept this ......................Ben H aym ond appeared. Aliotti 4o were present and New York -T h e unfilled tonnage of In d ian ap o lis—G raphic sto ries ol latter as a memento of that memorable foundering from which R eading.......... . . . . . . . . Pearl Collins nearly all wen- i-n-costutne, each of which how he caused explosiona, how he the United S tates Steel C orporation the Bui! Mice are now striving to extricate the party, it is ex P ap er, " C h a ra c te r of the Pilgrim showed much thought and preparalion. carried dynam ite In su itcases on pas for th'- iiiosili ending O ctober 31 w as F a th e rs” . . . .C iarence V anH outen There wen- so many gm sioncs thut agen- J sengcr train s and checked the explos 7.594.381 tons. T his breaks all m onth plained that the nifty little button is the outward symbol of the Speech, ‘'P resid en t’s T hanksgiving eral vote was taken to decide who deser-1 Ive at railw ay statio n s w ithout think ly or q u arterly records. The unfilled birth of the organization, adding that it will “be treasured by P roclam ation” . . . . Edwin Olsen veil the prize. Mr. Galligar, as an! ing of d anger to o th e rs; how he w ait tonnage for the sam e m onth last year our children’s children.” The entire scheme smacks of the Reading . ........................Elsie M iller Irishm an being the most ludicrous anil ed to place bombs so nlghtw atchm en was 3,694,328 toils mid for S eptem ber stage, of the Rooseveltian ego, and should scarcely be consider Jack o’ L antern Song .Jo h n Kelsey. Is-st disguised was aw arded the hand ' would not see him, and how from ev or the pre. it year It was 6,551,(07 Blossom Beeman, R ichard Morelock, painted plate. Others running a close ery city w here he blew up a ''Job'' he tons. ed necessary to further “the Cause”, which will endure on its P earl Collins second were Miss Anna McKeown as sen t a souvenir spoon home to bis merits alone, if rationally conducted. C u rren t E v e n ts..................E rnest Lyman M artha W ashington, Mrs. Galligar asSis J wife In Chicago, w ere related by O rtle A LB E R T JOHNSON Paper, “ Tbe First Thanksgiving” H opkins, and Mrs. K.C. Bled asaconntry E. McMunlgal on the w itness stand ......................W arren Coppock elocution teacher. O thers deserving m en In the trial of the 45 accused "dyna h er aged fa th e r from drow ning N ew spaper ................... Blossom Beeman tion were the clowns, G. B. Alden and m ite p lo tte rs” on trial here. In a rep o rt of th e O regon S h o rt Line D ebate, Resolved ; “ T h at T hanksgiving B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON W. W. K ittle; Japanese lady, Miss H ar He nam ed F rank C. Webb, New th e o perating rev en u es a re show n to is O bserved P roperly by A m ericans” . per, ( which was very well impersonated 1; Y ork; Michnel J. Young, Boston; be $20,695,538, and o p eratin g expenses A ffirm ative, Agnes D eitrich, N ega Little old woman, Mrs. Sprague;The Suf Rlchnrd P. H oulihan, C hicago; Jam es R alph H en ry of N ew port »hot and are $10,340,612, o r an o p eratin g in tiv e, R ichard M orelock. killed a m an nam ed Dodds a t Cor fragette, Mrs. Butler; Night, by Mrs. Nye; Cooney, Chicago, nnd Frank M. Ryan, come of $9,161,136, a fte r deductions. vallis. Dodds is said to have alien Dutch woman, Mrs. Elliot; H ollander, all officials of the International Aaso T h at the only qualification a woman ated th e affections of H en ry ’s wife. Mrs. Rice; Down east Yankee, Mr. Weih- elation of Bridge and S tru ctu ral Iron h as to vote In a school election Is the A bequest of $10,000 for the Bible j erell; Little dutch girl, Mrs. Frank Elliot; W orkers, besides the M cNamara ow ning of p ro p erty in h er own nam e U niversity o t th e C hristian church at Colonial Dame, Dorothy Smith, und others brothers, as men who knew he was Is the su b stan ce of an opinion handed Eugene w as left in the will of th e late equally as good. Four tall und im pos em ployed as a dynam iter. Young and down by A ssistan t A ttorney-G eneral R iv e rs id e . T hom as W. Phillips, of N ew castle, Pa. ing ghosts, Dr. Johnson, H .J.A ten, Isaac W ebb actually pointed out nonunion De Long. Porter and A1 Wolverton. The thris- l Jobs for him to blow up, he said. Jo h n K ilcourse, aged 73, a veteran Harold Aten was in Eagle Point a few Complying w ith n req u est made Hockln, now se cretary of th e union, ) rooms thrown into one made an Ideal place of the B oer w ar and a B ritish pension upon him by G overnor W est, A. W. days the past week. for dancing. A delicoiis lunch of sand he described a s th e chief of the Me er, w as killed ju s t a t the o u tsk irts of Brown, of P ortland, recen tly appoint ( ’. D. Woolverton wuh in Medford last. wiches, cake and cofl'ee was served and at Ñ am ara dynam iting crew , und said E ugene by being hit by a sw itch en ed by the governor as a m em ber of Saturday on business. m idnight the witehes, gliosis, etc., went Ryan, p resid en t of the union, bad i gine. the sta te board of pharm acy, h as for II. IL Nye was a business ealler in home and all felt they had indeed hail a spoken to him about an explosion. T he im portance of th e grow ing of w arded to him his resignation Medford one day last week. pleasant, evening. cover crops in orchards Is em phasized John H aw kins Simmons, a prom in Mr. and Mrs. D .II.S lead, took Bunday T H E MARKETS In a recen t bulletin on orchard irri en t pioneer of Marion county, died at gation issued by the Oregon A gricul his home in W oodburn on November dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Miller. W ith the failure to abolish capital P ortland Mrs. D. ('. Ih nry, of Gold Hili, was a punishm ent In Oregon th ere are five tu ra l college. 1, a fte r a sh o rt illness. He was born W heat—Club, 78c; bluestem , t i c ; G overnor W est designated Lieuten- f in F ort W ayne, Indiana, in 1832 and gtiest at tin- Rozalia ranch tin- past week. men to hang a t the sta te p en iten tiary a n t Colonel B. K. Lawson of Cottage cros: ed the plains by ox team In 1817. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Ashland, on Friday, D ecem ber 13, who have | red R ussian, 77c. Grove to go to K lam ath Falls and were over Sunday visitors at the llozali- been reprieved by the governor until ; O ats—$26 per ton. P apers have been signed whereby H ay—T im othy, $18; alfalfa, $12. m ake an* investig atio n of conditions the Falls City M illing com pany con ranch. th a t date. T hey a re Mike Morgan, B u tter—( ream ery, 31.1. w hich w ere said to ex ist there. Frank G arrison, Noble Fnnlder, John Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Galligar entertain tracted to put in a saw m ill a t Inde A lbert Johnson, editor of the E ggs—C andled, 42c. E thel D avidson of Medford, IS years pendence th at will cu t not less than ed Mrs. Gay and lier pupils at their home W. T aylor and Jack R oberts In ad qulam W ashingtonian, successful H ops—1912 crop. 20c. Of • . is th e la te s t eligible for a Car lna/iPO feet of lum ber In a day of 10 Friday I’. M. Music on the player-piano dition to these John and George Hum Wool—E astern O regon, 18c; Wll publican candidate for C ongress negie medal. She plunged Into the !.• , ,i ' ■ -lood the company was iniieli enjoyed, also the apples which phreys are at the prison pending an lam elte valley, 22c. the Second W ashington district. cold .’ .iters of th e Rogue and saved »111 c ■ ■ up tic i-ile'z tim ber belt. appeal. were served. B M'MANIGAL NAMES UNION OFFICIALS Near Neighbors