T aiK W i t h K ellogg' New Is th e tim e to buy property in Gold H ill; don’t w ait till you have to have It; buy now mid make the in- v esto r’s profit, a w ord to the wise is sn fflelen t; If you have not the c a sh ; talk to Kellogg he w ill get It for y o u ; Summons, Suit in (quits In th e C ircu it C o u rt of th e S ta te of O regon, / o r Jack so n C ounty. A. W. M cCutche. n, plain - ) tiff, ve. Icedore V iola M cC utchen. ) d efen d an t. ) Sum m ons, S u it In E quity. To Itwdore Viola McCutcheon, the above! named Defendant. In th e n am e of th e s ta te of O regon you a re h ereb y com m anded to appeal and an sw er th e p lain tiff's com plaint a g ain st you now on tile in th e above e n title d C o u rt and cause, on o r bo- i la-rein, to-wit, on or before the 9th •lay of November, 1912, said date be ing the expiration of six weeks from the day of first publication of this alias summons. And yon are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer for w an t th e re o f p lain tiff w ill apply to th e co u rt for th e re lie f p rayed fo r In ,,»> eompiatnl. to-wit: T h at th e bonds of m atrlm o tly now exibli!; . , t n ,.cn p laln tlff nnd d a fe n ,,_ vember, 1912. Dl AU 1OND « DeARMOND, Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick, Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic Cem ent and Iron Drill Fences A C O l'R sE S IN R ESID E N C E at the Univ isily p rep ,re for the Professions of E N G IN E E R IN G , JO U R N A L IS M , l.A W , M EDI C IN E and T EA C H IN G . Fall Sanivsier opens T uesday, Sept, 17. A ddress the R egistrar ol C atalogues descriptive of th e College vl E ngineering, th e College of Libera) A rts, th e Schools of Educa Itiou, Comm, ree. Law, Medioine and Music. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -h + -h S p e c ia lty D. H. M ILLER = 4 ) ..O w n your own b o n iest stop paying re n t. The P acific llalld ln g A Loan A ssociation w ill fu rn ish ,o u Hie man- e y : pay by th e m o n th ; ju s t like p a y . h.g r e n t; It costs no m ore; talk will. K ellogg, he does th e ir business in ant herein be dissolved; Gold Hill. Thi- !i i- -umin n« is published in tht FOR SALE!— Wbll im proved farm of I .old H ill News, by o rd e r of th e h o n 42 acres 3 m iles from Gold Hill. 20 orable F. IkiiH. judge of the above a cres u n a e r cultivation, w ater right, entitled O. which -aid order was Hindi and irrig a tin g system with place, ami enter» i :»-ord on th I9tlt day of plenty of tim b er on place. 200 fru it - -pteuilar, I'i|2 , which order require.-you ‘ trees 3 y ears old. i p r e in b erries, t ap: :.d a n sw er said co m p lain t . good house, barn and out buildings, on •r before th e la st day p rescrib ed ’’ 4» picket and wire fence. A* mile from • ! -r .•'.J'lie.uioii of this -uni ; ... school. Team , stock and im plem ents . I' • i first publication is tin 21 K go w ith place. Price $4000, p art 1 ml- r. 1912. ami the date of i , lay down, balance ot favorable term s. I. - pulilieatiot is the Pth day of FOR SALE— 10 acre unim proved land in Sam s Valley, p ice $20 per c a r e ,I also an 80 acre tra c t a t sam e price p e r acre. B eth tra c ts nicely lo- - eated. f He A r c h ite c t a n d B u ilo e r offers, F R E E , with the exception of »-osi of postage on papci a anti costNrf th e U niversity E xtension B ulletin, to C IT IZ E N S 0|,> u g g . UON, forty U N IV E R SITY BO U R SES bv M AIL Abllitv to profit by the courses selected is the only requirem ent for • rollineiil iu ti e C orrespondence Itep artm en t Course» re ell', red In tb s ile- pat m oots of Botany, D ebating, Keen -ml« . Education E rc lrle lty , E nglish L ite ra tu re . English t'otiipo-ii on linaio y, M athem atics, M echanical Drawing, Physical Edit «lion, Physic-. Physiology, Psychology, Sociology and Surveying. W rite to th e S ecretary ol th e C orrespond, m e School, U niversity of Oregou, Eugene, for in form ation and catalogue. he has some real b arg ain s ju s t uow fore th e last d ay p rescrib ed in th e In Gold Hill p roperties. o rd e r fo r p u b licatio n of sum m ons We g u aran tee J p e r cent and have never paid less than 11 p er re n t on saving acco u n ts paid by the m onth, both larg e and sm all,. The Pacific B uilding A Loan A ssociation. Talk with A. E. Kellogg, local ag en t. S T E IN H O F F The U niversity o f O regon Correspondence School Headquarers for Hardware + -h •!• -1- -I- + q. By using drainage tile Is now in i't,'k ant! set up on (lie floor for inspec 1 IIA\ tion one t l tiic most complete lines of H E A T I N G you increase y o u r la n d y ield s enough to p a y fo r it the firs t y e a r, The n ex t th ree y e a rs w il l b u ild a nice ?rick house. B u y them fro m us a n d save S T O V E S m southern Oregon. Anyone wishing to purchase a heal er should see my stock f i r s t 1 I know that I can please you, both as to size, price and quality, I also have in cl. n o F r e e S e w i n g M a c h i n e s that I going to close out at c o s t ! T hey are regular $40 and 1 an .“ “¡ng to doae tl ein out at $ 3 0 I Now is your « hanev to get a $10 sewing machine for $30. Kemern! er, tl ry , re guaranteed for live years. Anyone wanting a firs' class sewing machine for $10 less than the regular selling price should avail themselves of this oppor tunity at once. I also have in stock the celebrated Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co. Jacksonville, Oregon 4. t J A tto rn ey s for P lain tiff In tlie Circuit Court of the State «»I l o r approxim ately $400,090, a tract Oregon for Jackson County. of yellow pine tim ber In Lake county, com prising 20,000 acres, h as been pur I.illic strom pf, P lain tiff,) Suit III NOTH I. r<>K PUBLICATION FOR SALE— F arm 30 acres, 6 miles chased by the S chroeder lum ber com -vs- ) Equity. Ik-partm eut of the Interior from Gold H ill, rich riv er bottom patty of M ilw aukee, WIs., front the I - S. Laud Otiice at Roseburg, Oregon, Joe Strompf, D efendant,) Summons land. 7 acres in alfalfa, good im To Joe Strompf, the alaive named O regon Land & IJv esto ck com pany October 31,1912. per doaoa-- «. ....... provem ents and fences, all u n d er of Eugene. Notice is hereby given th at Minor A. defen d an t: P i n t s O O c Q u a r t s 7 O c 1 -2 G a l $1 cultivatio n excepting 4 acres. Price Foster. of Gold Hill*, Oregon, who. on T hose who paid for space in tlie In the name of the state of Oregon, $6000; $2000 cash, b alance on one September s, 1910, made Homestead E n you are her by comm anded to ap|«*ar v o ters’ pam phlet containing the lnltla and tw o y ears rime. try, Serial No. 06581, for S >g NW >4 o f and answer the complaint of the plaintiff' tive and referenilutn m easures, »III Section 34, Township .36 8, Range 3 W, against you now on tile in the al«>ve en receive a refund of $25 a page, as the FOR SALE:— 160 acres of tim b er land titled Court and cause on or l»-fore the cost of th e pam phlet was th is much OT TAMALAS m iles from Gold Hili, about 2% W illam ette M eridian, has filed notice of m inion f e e t f i n e f i r and p ln 7 tim b er | * ”?*ke Fin“1 1>rooi- last day prescrib'd in the publication below th e am ount estim ated by the OT CHILI CONCARNE to establish claim to the land above de herein, to-wit on or liefore six weeks secretary of state. —arly al! tillab le lan d , plenty yf O perating revenues of th e Southern from the first day of publication of thia OT VIENNA SANDWICHES scribed, before W. IL Cannon, U. S. P 'ln g w ater on th e tra c t and nicely Commissioner, at his office at Medford, summons. And you an hereby notifiisl Pacific for th e e n tire line totaled $90.- cated for farm ing and sto ck ra is Oregon, on tile 16th day of December th at if you tail to ap|«-ur ami answer tin- 621,090 for the y ear ending Ju n e 30,1 FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ing P rice $20 p er acre, o r will en 1912. said com plaint, for « a n t thereof plaintiff according to a partial rep o rt for th at ¡ te rta in a proposition w ith mill men will apply to the Court for t lie relief pray com pany Just tllpd with the s ta te rail Claimant names as witnesses: for the Umber a t $1.50 p er M. ed for in her complaint, to-wit, for a road com m ission. T he totnl In tra Edde Khoten, of Gold Hili, Oregon. E dd Swindell, of ” ” decree setting aside and annulling the s ta te revenues for the stu te of Oregon FOR SALE— 120 acres im proved Alford Boyas, m arriage relations now existing la-twecn w ere $7,903,718. farm 6% m iles from Gold H ill, rich T rack lay in g operations on th e O re Frank Avery, plaintiff and defendant lien-in. creek bottom lan d ; 80 acres under gon E astern railw ay, th e uew Harrl- This summons is published in The B. F. JONES, cultivation. An old perfected w ater : Gold Hill News by order of lion. F. M. m an trans-O regon line now being R e.ister. rig h t, plenty of w a te r; producing 75 s 27-32 Calkins, jndge of the alaive entitled built w est from Vale, w hich w ere to 109 tons alfalfa, can double th a t I- Court, which said order was made and stopped tw o w eeks ngo on account of am ount w ith m ore acreag e; very rich p lacer ch annel ru n n in g th ro u g h farm ’ •5- + T + + + + + + entered of record on the 21st day of Oct the fh o rta ;e of motive pow er will be ober, 1912, and which said order requires resum ed w ithin 30 o r 40 days, says GOLD H IL L O PER A HOUSE P rice $9,000.00; term s reasonable. S eatin g C ap acity 600. + you to appear and answer the said com an official report received. The body of nn unidentified man, F ir e , L if e , C a s u a l'y , A c c i S tag e 5 0 t2 2 . ' + plaint on or la-fore tlie last day preserilasl A N ew an d Com plete the right hand still clasping a 38 call d e n t a n d S ic K I n s u r a n c e , + in said order for publication of this sum L o a n s a n d In v e stm e n ts It is th e o b ject of th e + mons. Date of the first publication tlie bre Sm ith A W esson d-volver and Line o f Fishing Tackle - w ith a gaping wound in the right tem m a n ag e m en t to book only + 9th day of Novetnlier, 1912. ple, v.as found In an em pty house on D e ARMOND A D e ARMOND, firs t class a ttra c tio n s and + V ìi:' — a t the — the old G eiger donation land claim, Attorneys for Plaintiff. a b o u t tw o p erfo rm an ces a + 27-33 a mile and a half south a f Cornelius. m onth. T he sta g e has been + Tlie man was about 43 y ears old und V en larg ed and new d ressin g + Only A lire Hero weighed 200 pounds. room s ad d ed to th e b u ild in g + but tlie crowd cheered, as witli burned Au ag reem en t expected to result in i w ith new scen ery an d th e hands, lie held up a small round laix, th e nnnual exporting from P ortland of A. E. KELLOGG p resen t stag e, we can stag e ♦ “ Fellows!” be shouted, “ this Bucklen’s $1,000,000 w orth of pure bred live GOLD H IL L . OREGON any k in d of a p ro d u ctio n . + Arnica Salve I hold, lias everything l»*at stock to tlie new C hinese republic was T h e H ouse in th e fu tu re ♦ fo rb u m s.” Right! also for boils, ulix*rs, reached at P ortland by En Lung Embalmer and Funeral w ill be b o o k ed th ro u g h th e ♦ sore-, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, brui ilsleh , for the new republic. O. M. Director N o rth w estern T h e a tric a l as 4 ses. Surest pile cun* It sntslues inflam P lum m er for the P ortland Union We liave -|«>oii iiis.ks Com plete lino oi burial robes, sociation h av in g sig n ed a con + m ation, kills pain. Only 25 cents at all S tockyards com pany, and O. M. Clark, ially ■■onstrueh-d for Rogue Riv »•HHkcts, etc. t r a c t to th is effect, an d th ey + druggists. er. Tin- l«-«t assortment of tru ste e of the ch am b er of com m erce. have assu red us th a t th ey + FUNERAL CAR «-am- (Mili-siii tlie town. Sonn*- D eath has claim ed its th ird victim ( Miiop Phone.* II oiik *, 9—Mj K<*Hi<i<*n<Y* will use th e ir best en d eav o rs 4 tlling lie» in tlii s. from the to lle r explosion in the Salem F o r W om en A Great Building falls Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Msiin. to only book good com panies Bank & T ru st building of last T ues wbi-li its foundation is um leniiined, ami Have More Friend» than an y other W . H. ST IC K E L , + day. I. B. M ucbm ore died S aturday m agazine or patterns., McCall’s if the foumlatititi of health—good «ligi-s- M anager + as the resu lt of injuries in th e c a ta s CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. is the reliable F a s h i o n G u id e tion—is attacked, quick collapse follows. monthly in one million one hundred -Í-4- + + 4- + + + + + + + > + + + GENERAL PRACTITIONER trophe. W. O. E ast, c a sh ier of the On the first signs of indigestion, Dr. thousand homes. Besides show bank, and H arry A hlers, son of the Office in Wells Building ing all the latest designs of McCall King’s New Life Pills shoubl lie taken We also issue hunting and fish president of th e hank, w ere the first P atterns, each issue is brimful of Hours 10-12—2-4 ing licenses OREGON A G RICULTURA L C'OL- to tone the stomach and regulate liver, victim s, Mr. E ast dying early Wed Sparkling short stories and helpful kidneys and bowels. Pleasant, easy, lege :. inform ation for women. nesday and A hlert la te r in th e day. IOHN H. ( AltKIN GLENN O. TAYL9B safe and only 25 cents at all druggists. S a v e M o n e y a n d K e e p ¡a S tylo by »ub. In a le tte r addressed to the state senbing for M cCall's M agazine at once. G .ati CARKIN & TAYLOR only 50 cent» a year, including any one o( land board. G overnor W est has form al T h is g re a t in s titu tio n op en s its the celebrated M cCall Pattern» tree. ly stated his intention of assigning LAWYERS o o rs fo r th e fall sem ester on Sep M c C a ll Patterns Lead all others in style, H. M. E sterly, now special prosecutor OOMS 17-19 OVKK JACKSO.V COUNTY HAN* fit, simplicity, economy and number »old. tem b er 20th. C ourses of in stru c tio n I N o r t h b o u n d More dealer» sell M cCall Patterns than any in the governor's vice cru sad e In P o rt M EDFORD. OREGON other two maket combined. None higher than in clu d e: G en eral A g ric u ltu re , No. 20 8:13 a. rn. land, to the task of regaining for O re 15 cents. Buy from your dealer, or by mail from If you want your 11:02 a. in. A gronom y, A nim al H u sb an d ry , No. 24 (m otor, gon 60,000 acres or m ore of land a l CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. No. 32 ( m otor, 5:27 p. in. McCALL’S MAGAZINE D airy H u sb an d ry , B acteriology, Bo> No. 1« 6:44 p. m. leged to have been fraudulently se- tools put in good Practice Limited to 236-246 W. 37tk St., New York City any an d P la n t P ath o lo g y , P o u ltry cured from the s ta te in the fam ous »rrs_»«yU Cvyy. Pool.* «1 PsUo. CaUI<- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat H u sb an d ry , H o rtic u ltu re , E n to m o l shape be sure to see Benson and H yde operations. As soon S o u th b o u n d Eyes scientifically exam ined and glasses ogy, V e terin ary Science, Civil E n as It can be arran g ed , A ttorney E ster furnished when needed. No. 23 8:13 a. rn. g in eerin g , E le c tric a l E n g in e e rin g No. 31 (m otor) Porto Rico’s New Wonder (m otor) 1:42 p. m. ly will be relieved of his special work »■ »ett-Corey PtiLjing, Medford, Ore M echanical E n g in eerin g , M ining E n No. 15 2:66 p m. in P ortland, w hich will be placed la E rom far away Porto Rico come re No. 19 10:46 p. nt. o th er hands. ports of a wonderful new discovery that g in eerin g , H ighw ay E n g in erin g , Do r ’ wuR-f- DR. R. C. KELSEY A ccording to a statem en t filed with is believed will vastly benefit the people. m estic Science, D om estic A rt, Com OFFIGK IN the clerk of the senate. S enator Ramon T. Marchan, of Barceloneta, m erce, «Forestry, P h arm acy , Zoology, ASBAYER AND CHE.MIHT. G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L B ourne has received no contributions M athem atics, writes “ Dr. King’s New Discovery is do C hem istry , P h y sics, COR. THIRD 4 C STS. E.ARL V. IN GLES, B He.—G eneral a s to his cam paign fund and has spent in g splendid work here. It cured tne E n g lish L an g u ag e an d L ite ra tu re , say and analytical work. C em ent GOLD H IL L , OREGON only $137, $100 of which w ent to Sec ab o u t five times of terrible coughs and P u b lic S peaking, M odern L an g u ag es, and asp h alt testing. Best equip ped assay office and testing labor re ta ry of S tate O lcott for space in the colds, also my brother of a severe cold H istory, A rt, A rc h ite c tu re , In d u s tria l Miners, I can sharp DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE atory in Oregon. All work guar cam paign book. T he Bourne P opular in his chest and more than 20 others, who P edagogy, P h y sical E d u catio n , Mil en, repair or make anteed. Cal vet t-Pad dock block. G overnm ent club, however, repoi-is DENTIST used it on my advice. We hope this great ita ry Science an d T actics, and tools, and guarantee P h o n e 370-J, G ra n ts P ass, O regon having raised for the cam paign $9810. OAS ADMtNISTKRRO m edicine will yet be sold in every drug Music. ____________________________ Ben S elling's sta te m e n t to th e clerk RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD my work to stand store in Porto Rico.” For throat and C atalo g u e an d illu s tra te d lite r a v , , , . . . , of the sen ate acknow ledges contrlbu- lung trouble there is nothing better. A tu r e m ailed free on ap p licatio n . Ad the racket; try me Fansb-el electric Irene, ti.e meet upto- tlonB of , 3400 for cttInpalgn t)r tria l will convince you of its merit. 50c d ress: R e g istra r, O regon A g rlcu ltu r- lab -iro n on the m arket, fully guaranbted | H arry Lanp r„por, H contrlbl,tions of A. E. KELLOGG and be shown A I1 .0 0 . Trial bottle free. Gnaranh-i-d | ai C ol]ege; C orvaIH g' ’O rego; ' NOTARY PUBLIC for ten years. Accept no substitutes. JuHt |4 0 and to ta , expendl(M, , of oul by all druggists. | Sehool P bone 86 Main y ear op en s S ep tem b er 20th. O rder one now from R. T. Caine, agent. j 7G GOLD H IL L , OREGON Mason Fruit Jars rr H ALL HOT D R IN K S 5 C E N T S Turner's Lunch Room Professional Cards T a l k W it h BON TON K e llo g g McCall's Magazine and McCall Patterns Give us a trial S. P. Time Card M IN E R S CHARLES KELL' J u st a w o r d ! C .F . C A R T E R B L A C K S M IT H