Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, November 02, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Several Strong Reasons Why It Would be to
Your Advantage to Buy Clothes From Us
I. Ours is an exclusive Men’s Store, and we devote our entire time bo the study of
Men’s and Young Men’s wear.
II. Being an exclusive store, naturally the best manufacturers of the country are
anxious to place bheir line with us.
ill. We handle nothing but reputable merchandise, and guarantee everything we
sell to be as represented.
IV. Our finer goods are made by master bailors, Alfred, Decker & Cohn, “Society
Brand,” Chicago, and the Washington Clothing Co. of New York.
V. We carry all sizes and shapes, from size 31 to 50, and having our own custom
tailor can fit you perfectly.
VI. You have the advanbage o f being fitted by experienced clothing men, who take
an interest in the welfare of the business, and are anxious to see that every
customer is satisfied.
VII. We have several thousand satisfied customers and are gaining new ones
every day.
VIII. We mark our garments in plain figures and charge everyone alike.
IX. We have no old accumulated stock.
Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats $10.00 to
$ 4 0 .0 0
Unopposed and Adrianople
is Invested.
A m erican P r . . . A sso cia tio n .
General Felix Diaz, leader of a new
rebellion in Mexico, who w ai captured
a t Vera Cruz, with little fighting.
T illm an Reuter Take* Firat Prize« at
Dry Farming Congress.
L ethbridge, Alta.—Oregon b eats the
■world as a dry farm ing country ac­
cording to aw ards given exhibits from
th a t sta te a t the Intern atio n al Dry
F arm in g congress which closed here.
T illm an R euter, of M adras, displayed
w h at exp erts pronounce the finest dry
farm in g products ever seen. He w as
aw arded sw eep stak es In th e following
c la s s e s :
B est sh eaf of barley, best individual
ex h ib it of all kinds of grain, best
g ra s s e s and forage, best 90-day corn
a n d la rg est potato.
H e received first prizes for six-row­
ed barley, b est sp rin g rye, best three
y e a rs ’ grow th of alfalfa and sand
T h is Is not th e first tim e th at R eut­
e r has won a “w orld’s se rie s” in th e
d ry farm lag field. H e won sim ilar
su ccess a t th e co n g ress in S pokane In
1910 and again a t C olorado S prings
la s t y.ear.
London.—T h e sw iftness and effici­
ency of th e onw ard m ovem ent of th e
arm ies of th e allied B alkan sta te s is
m aking E urope open h er eyes. From
th e n orth and all along the line from
G reece on th e south they are crow d­
ing back th e boundaries of th e O tto­
man E m pire in Europe. T h e often
predicted and long delayed day when
th e T urk will have his back ag ain st
th e wall seem s a t hand.
T he two pivotal points of T u rk ey ’s
defense on th e no rth w ere A drianople
and Uskup. T he B ulgarian arm y In
th e e a st has d efeated th e T u rk s at
K irk-K ilisseh, w hich Is th e stro n g est
outpost of A drianople, and invested
th a t fo rtress.
The S ervian arm y in th e w est w alk­
ed into U skup w ithout opposition. The
T u rk ish g arriso n th ere w ithdrew on
th e railw ay tow ard Saloniki.
E v en ts ab o u t A drianople a re even
m ore Im portant. T he B ulgarians ap ­
p aren tly a re proceeding successfully
w ith th e in v estm en t of th e fortress.
The T u rk ish arm y w hich was d efeat­
ed a t K irk-K ilisseh did not fail back
upon A drianople, according to news,
but took th e road to th e south, w here
it could connect w ith th e railw ay to
C onstantinople. The second B ulgar­
ian arm y followed through th e m oun­
tains, carry in g on th e fight all day In
an endeavor to cut off th e retre a tin g
C onstantinople d isp atch es continue
to speak of th e read in ess of the T u rk ­
ish arm y to tak e th e offensive. In
any case a few days m ust see decisive
action. A B ulgarian arm y has occu­
pied B u n arh issar and is m arching to ­
w ards Kulell Burgas.
The B ulgarian forces, according to
advices received a t Sofia, have cap­
tured the tow ns of Lule B urgas and
Demotica. It is also reported th a t the
T u rk s are co n stru ctin g earth w o rk s
along th e riv e r E rkene, w est of Eski-
U nless th e T u rk s a re able to tak e
th e offensive vigorously th e present
Indication Is th a t they will be driven
out of Europe alto g eth er, falling In-
Seymour Tells
Story of Crime
W ashington.—C ontributions
Ing *591,030.20 and expenditures of
*558.311.25 lit the republican prcslden
tlal fund w ere disclosed In the finan­
cial statem en t of ttie republican na­
tional com m ittee filed with the clerk
of the house of rep resen tativ es.
C harles P. T aft, b ro th er of the p re s­
ident. appeared as the larg est c o n tri­
butor. T he report show s th at lie gave
*50,000 In two *25,000 co ntributions to
Frank Seymour, alias Parker, has fol­ seareli for tin- fiOO saidto Is-concealed in the New York h ead q u arters, and *6000
lowed the example of his p artn erin crime, a money la-lt by Dedaskaious, and were to the Chicago headquarter*. m aking
Mik.- Spate is, and tna<le full confession rewarded for their hlissty work with hut a total of *56,000.
■ if the brutal n m n ler of George Ik daska- five dollars in stiver.
C ontribution: to the presidential
The recital of how lie and Spanos lured cam paign fund of th e dem ocratic party
lous, a Greek laltorcr, at Medford mi the
evening of .Septenil-er 22. Seymour lias their victim to tie lonely scene of the thin y ear totalled *678.364. according
l s < i t a suspect since tin- earliest ilevclop- crime tallies exactly witli ,1»- confession
to the sw orn statem en t of Rolla C.
ineiits of (In- ease, lint was stitli red to go of the latter, and through the instruction W ells, of St. Louis.
E xpenditure*
fits- until Getols r 17, when the confes­ of S y m o itr the tap- w rap|*d gaspi|«- aggregated *562.618, Including *120,
sion of Spanos to Sheriff Jones i liarged tfiat Spanos used as a bludgeon was found 000 sent to Chicugo front hcadquar
him will) the plan and execution of tin- secreted in a pile of sawdust enroute from te rs at New York, and there a re out­
the place where the m urder was comm it­ stan d in g obligations of *55,149.
The Spanos and Seymour stories differ ted. Seymour’s own sim ilar weapon had
All told 53,303 contributions were
in tiiat the latter maintains the blows iss-n previously found concealtsl at the received by Mr. W ells and of these
1912. by A m erican i'reaa A ■■ocla t Ion
which crusued tlit life from tin- victim, rear of the hotel where he worked.
52,030 w ere for am ounts of ,1000 or
S e y m o u r sta ll s th a t th e c rim e was
and the added atrocity of throat slitting,
John 8chrank, who tried to assas­
less. G overnor W’llson, the nom inee,
were administered by Spanos. The new planned a week in advance and th a t Bert gave *500.
sinate Colonel Roosevelt at M il­
confession apparently rings true; Sey­ Cummings, Spanos’ son-in-law, was to I T he R oosevelt progressive p arty re waukee,
mour attempting to conceal nothing, and have been a partner in the deal. On this j celved contributions for Its cam paign
admitting freely that the blow which statem ent Cummings was again taken in­ fund up to O ctober 17 of *304,244.
felled Dedaskaious was given by his own to eustxsly. Although Heyinour does not spent *292.341, and had unpaid bills PLOT TO A R R ES T C ZA R BAREE
hand. He asserts, however, that follow­ charge Cummings w ith having Iss-n p n -s-1 and co n tract obligations fo r *41,341
ing the knock-out he was unable to re­ [ ent at the killing, he asserts th at it was I more.
Plan Was to Take Russian Ruler on
strain Spanos from lieating their senseless Cummings who originally planned the
F rank A. Munsey, who gave *70,000, '
Private Yacht
victim to death and afterward cutting ids job.
George W. P erkins, who gave *45,000, j 8 t. P etersb u rg .—News of a daring
throat, in a frenzy of fear lest Dcdasda-
The confession came entirely voluntar- 1 and W, Em ien R oosevelt, who gave but fru stra te d plot to a rre s t the C zar
lous recover to charge them with the ily on Seymour's part and was made to *31,000, appeared a s th e leading Indl and force him to abd icate the R ussia!,
throne, and fuller d etails of th e alleg­
Siteriff Jones in the county jail at Jack­ vldual contributors.
According to the Seymour story the sonville, isting afterward reduced to w rit-'
ed a tte m p t to kill th e 8-year-old Czar
m urderers were disappointed in their ing and willingly signed by .Seymour.
ovlch, h eir to the crow n, both etorles
nam ing the recently self-slain Adm iral
Chagtn as the chief co n sp irato r, have
P ortland
terferen ce by th e pow ers a t th e p res­ w hich they w ere tried In th a t city.
W heat—Club, 78c; bluestem , 82c; stirre d all Rusela. It Is said th a t the
A t th e sam e tim e th a t word of the
en t stag e to end th e w ar, as happened
A dm iral, th e C zar's favorite. and com
red R ussian, 76c.
in th e R ussian cam paign ag ain st T u r­ verdict ag ain st Diaz w as received,
plunder of th e Im perial yacht, the
O ats—*25 per ton.
key in 1828 and 1878, when R ussia cam e the re p o rt th a t th e m ilitary
H tandart, com m itted suicide when
H ay—T im othy, »17; alfalfa, »12.
had cap tu red A drianople and w as at
B utter—C ream ery, 31?.
w arned by th e telephone th a t the po­
der of suspension of sentence upon
th e g ates of C onstantinople.
E ggs—Candled, 42c.
lice w ere about to search Ills quarters.
the revolutionary leader, g ran ted by
Hops— 1912 crop, 20c.
A lthough the plot w as hatched a t
th e suprem e court, pending Investiga­
Wool—E astern O regoa, 18c; WII 8t. P etersb u rg , th e execution w as
D IA Z C O N D E M N E D TO DEATH tion a s to w h eth er the tria l of Diaz
lam ette valley, 22c.
planned for Ja lta , w here th e fleet w as
Three Associate« Are Also Sentenced should be by m ilitary of civil court.
M ohair—32c.
seriously disaffected.
A ccording tc,
Efforts to save th e ir lives, especially
By Mexican Court Martial.
perelMtent rum ors the plan was to
Mexico City.—G eneral Felix Diaz,
have the offlcere and crew of thfa
leader of th e revolution recently In­ inent women, men high In affairs,
W heat—B luestem , 22c; club, 79c; H tandart put the royal p arty under
aug u rated in V era Cruz, and th ree of
red R ussian, 77c.
a rre s t and force the C zar to abdicate
his co n fed erates have been sentenced arm y officers have appealed to P resi­
Eggs—41 o.
and w aive his son’s rig h ts In favor ol
to death by th e co u rt m artial before d ent M adero for clem ency.
B u tter—C ream ery, 35c.
Suspect in M edford M urder Confesses
Guilt - Charges Spanos with Equal
com plicity - Cummings A rrested