Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1912)
<7 T a iK W i t h K ellogg' ^^SffZZffVZ O4ZM» ^O$E ifi t tfEt^ In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. A. W. M cCutch» n, plain- ) tiff. VS. Icedors Viola McCutcben, ) defendant. ) Summ ons, Suit In Equity. To It«don> Viols McCutcheon, the above named Defendant. how Is the time Io buy property la In the name of the sta te of Oregon Geld H illi don't wait till yon have to h ate It: buy now and make the In-, you are hereby commanded to appear vestor's profit, a word Io the w ise l» ,aud anaw’ r ,h e P'a‘» “ « a complaint su ffld en tt If yon have not Ihe rash: agaln’ t. y° u now °,n fll* ln the ab“ re talk to Kellogg he w ill get It for yoa: e n title d C o u rt an d cau se, on o r be he has »ome real bargains J u t now fo re th e la s t d ay p rescrib ed In th e o rd e r fo r p u b licatio n o f su m m o n s In Gold Hill properties. We guarantee 7 per cent and have n eter paid less than 11 per cent on saving accounts paid by the month, both large and sm all,. The Pacific Building Jt Loan Association. Talk with A. K. Kellogg, local agent. herein, to-wit, on or before the 9th day of November, 1912, said date be ing the expiration of six weeks from thv <Uj. o( ril>, publication of thia alid< , llmlnolw Ami you are hereby noticed that if y„u , o a p|H'ar and answer for S T E IN H O F F The U n iversity o f O regon Correspondence S ch ool t 1 X ï T » % • ' ’ # • 1 T h e A r c h it e c t a n d B u ild e r offers, F R E E , with the exception of cost of postage on paper* and cost ol th e lln iv e n iiy E xtension B ulletin, to C IT IZ E N S O F O R E GON, lorty U N IV E R SIT Y C O U R SES bi MAIL. A bility to pruflt by the course« »elected is th e oidy requirem ent for , roll incut In ti e C orrespondence ltv p artm en t C ourses »re offered In th e de- p arm euts of B o taix , D ebating, E conom ics, E ducation E le c tric ity , E nglish L ite ra tu re , English Coui,si-iUon H istory, M athem atics, M echanical Drawing, Physical Edii at m i, Physic-. Physiology, Psychology, Sociologi and ¡surveying. W rite t > th e S ecretary ol th e Correspond* n ir School, U niver«ltv of Oregon, Eugene, for In form ation and catalogue. Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick, Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic C em ent and Iron G rill Fences A S p e c ia lty COURSES IN R E S ID E N C E at the U niveraity prepare for the Profession» of E N G IN E E R IN G , JO U R N A L IS M , LAW , M EDI C IN E and TEACH 1 NG. Fall Seine* e r opens T uesday, Sept. 17, A ddress the K gistrar of C atalogue- d--*ertptive of ttie Colli ge of Engineering, th e College of Liberal A rt», the School» of b'duca cation, Comm erce, Law, Medicine a d Music. D. H. M ILLER . Own your own hom es; stop paying want thereof pla,nt,ff w i" “ P P * ,0 r e n t The Pacific Building A Loan the court for th* rellef l’raved io r *“ Headquarters for Hardware 2 3 A ssociation will furnish you the mon- [ *1»»' complaint, to-wit: ey; pay b j the month: Just like pay-! That th« bonds o f m atrim ony now + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + lag rent; It costs no more; talk with existing between plaintiff and defend- 4 •J Kellogg, he does their business In » “ t herein be dissolved. Gold Hill. This alias summons is puhli-licd in the + . . . Gold H ill N ews, by o rd e r of th e hon- FOR SALE—W ell im proved farm of 4 HAVE now in stock and set up on the floor for inspec 42 a c re s 3 m iles from Gold H ill, 20 oraWe F M Calkins, judge of the above you in crea se y o u r la n d y ie .d s enough to "I a c re s u n aer cultivation, w ater r i g h t.: said order was made tion one of the most complete lines of H E A T I N G p a y fo r i t th e fir s t y e a r . The n e x t th re e an d irrig a tin g system w ith p)ace. 1->nd entered of ns oni on the 19th day of S T O V E S in southern Oregon. Anyone wishing to Plenty of tim ber on place 200 f r u l t , ^ ^ r , 1912, w hich.-nler n quin-syou + y e a r s w ill b u ild a nice b rick house. B uy ' to a p p e a r an d a n sw e r said co m p lain t -J- purchase a heater should see my stock f i r s t ! I know th em fro m us a n d sa v e m oney. tre e s 3 y ears old, 1 a cre in b erries. on o r b efo re th e la st day p rescrib ed + that I can please you, Ixith as to size, price and quality. good house, b arn and out buildings, 4 picket and w ire fence, *4 mile from >'i **>.• order for publication of thus sum- ¡ + I also have in stock two F r e e S e w i n g M a c h i n e s school. Team , stock and im plem ents mons. Date of first publication is the 21 , "f" that 1 going to close out at c o s t ! They are regular $40 go w ith place. P rice $4000, p a rt day of Septem ber, 1912, and the date of ! + Jacksonville, Oregon 4 machines, and I am going to close them out at $ 3 0 I the last publication is the fkh day of I + doyvn, balan ce on favorable term s. November, 1912. q. N o w is your chance to get a $40 sewing machine for $30. FOR SALE—40 acres unim proved land * i + .¡. + ¡ 4 .i ¿ q. 4 t- 4 4 » - 4 4 4 4 ' 4 — DeARMOND & DeARMOND, Remember, they are guaranteed for five years. Anyone in Sam s Valley, price $20 p er ca re ; A tto rn ey s fo r P lain tiff. ; ~~ wanting a first-class sewing machine for $10 less than the also an 80 a cre tr a c t a t sam e price T h at lie personally paid th e ex q, q. q. q. p er acre. Both tr a c ts nicely lo q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. q. regular selling price should uvail themselves o f this oppor penscs of Woodrow W ilson's cam cated. 4 GOLD H ILL O P E R A H O U SE palgn for the first tw o m onths of his tunity at once. I also have in stock the celebrated ■b S eatin g C apacity 600. + candidacy, was the testim ony before FO R SALE—F arm 30 acres, 6 m iles ♦ Stage 50x22. + th e Semite cam paign contributions from Gold H ill, ric h riv e r bottom dozen com m ittee by W. F. McCombs, ch air land. 7 acres in alfalfa, good im I t is th e o b ject o f th e man of th e D em ocratic national com provem ents and fences, all u n d er P i n t s 6 O c Q u a r t s 7 O c 1 -2 G a l $ 1 National, Political and Per* m a n ag e m en t to book only m ittee. Mr. McCombs s ta te s tlmt he cultivation ex cepting 4 acres. P rice firs t class a ttra c tio n s an d had contributed $11.090. T he total sonal News Items Briefly $6000; $2000 cash, b alan ce on one a b o u t tw o p e rfo rm a n c e s a expenses to d a te w ere $208,18$, and and tw o years tim e. Sketched. Ì m onth. T h e sta g e h as been th ere w as a deficit of unpaid bills of en la rg e d a n d new d ressin g F T ,’ SALE—160 a cres of tim b er land OT IAMALAS $14,617. room s ad d ed to th e b u ild in g + m ites from Gold H ill, about 2 H T he New York city budget for 1913 OT CHILI CONCARNE w ith new scen ery an d th e + will probably exceed $200,000,000, th e m illion feet fine fir and pine tim ber Reoole in the News OT VIENNA SANDWICHES p re s e n t stag e, we can stag e >,rly a ll tillab le lan d , p lenty yf + j la rg e st In th e h istory of th e city. an y k in d o f a p ro d u ctio n . G overnor OdtTle, of Nevada, Issued p -in g w ater on th e tr a c t and nicely + 1 H a rv esters a re ln g reat dem and ln T h e H o u se in th e fu tu re -b th e C anadian w heat fields. S askat- a proclam ation calling out the sta le FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY •jeated for farm in g and stock ra is w ill be b o o k ed th ro u g h th e 4* chew an and S askatoon farm ers a re m ilitia to protect the w orkm en and ing. P rice $20 p e r acre, o r w ill en- N o rth w e ste rn T h e a tric a l as ■i paying as high $4.50 to $5 a day, and m aintain o rd er In the m ines a t Ely te r 'a in a proposition w ith m ill men so ciatio n h av in g sig n ed a co n + ! a t W innipeg $4.50 to $5.25 is offered and McGill. fo r th e tim b er a t $1.50 p er M. tr a c t to th is effect, an d th e y 4* i T he natio n al dairy show opened in A cting G overnor Wnllace, of C ali FOR SALE— 120 a cres Im proved have a ssu re d us th a t th e y 4> Chicago T hursday. More th an a fornia, has declared stric t qu aran tin e farm 6 *4 m iles from Gold H ill, rich w ill use th e ir beat en d eav o rs 4 dozen national associations connected ag ain st th e shipm ent of hay of any creek bottom lan d ; 80 acres u n d er 4 i w ith th e d airy in d u stry held th eir kind and of beehives from U tah, Idaho to only book good com panies cultivation. An old p erfected w ater 4-! conventions in Chicago during the or W yoming, T he action is the r e W. H. 8TICKKL rig h t, p len ty of w a te r; p roducing 75 q. I w eek of th e show. sult of the presence of alfalfa weevil M anagiT to 100 to n s alfalfa, can double th a t 4 4 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 4 . 4 . 4 . 4 ^ q. q. q. T he o rd er of th e sta te public utility in those states. am o u n t w ith m ore acreag e; very rich _____________________________________ ! com m ission com pelling railroad com M ajor O eneral L eonard Wood, chlel p lace r channel ru n n in g th ro u g h farm . OREGON A G R IC U LTU R A L COL- panies o p eratin g in New Je rse y tc of sta ff of the U nited S tates arm y, P ric e $9,000.00; term s reasonable. fu rn ish to p atro n s a san itary drinking announced a fte r an inspection to u r L EG E . g lass o r individual d rinking cups, is th a t he would recom m end to the w ar A N e w a n d Com plete F ir e . L ife . C a s u a lty , A c c i T h is g re a t in s titu tio n o p en s its upheld in a decision banded down by d ep artm en t th a t congress be asked d e n t a n d S ic K I n s u r a n c e , Line o f Fishing Tackle for an appropriation of $4,000,000 foi I o o rs fo r th e fall sem e ste r on Sep- tb e 8UPrem e court, L o a n s a n d In v e stm e n ts te m b e r 20th. C ourses of in stru c tio n Twenty-tw o players of th e Boston Im provem ents a t th e Presidio, near ---- a t the A m erican league baseball team are San Francisco. in clu d e: G en eral A g ric u ltu re Form al ch arg es ag ain st H orace Fo- j $4024.63 rich er as th e resu lt of th eir ¡A gronom y, A nim al H u sb an d ry victory over th e New York O iants, gel, p resid en t of the P hiladelphia N a D airy H u sb an d ry , B acterio lo g y , B o t w hich gave them th e w orld’s baseball tionals, based on his alleged a ss e r an y an d P la n t P ath o lo g y , Poultry | title. A to tal of $88,541.01, won by tions th a t um pires had fnvored the H u sb an d ry , H o rtic u ltu re , E n to m o l th e w inning team , w as divided am ong New York club and th a t th is year's A. E. KELLOGG ogy, V e te rin a ry Science, Civil En- I th e players. ruee had been fixed for that club to GOLD H IL L . OREGON lectrlcal g ln eerin g , E lectrical E n g in eerin g . com plete correspondence course win, w ere ordered draw n at u special M echanical E n g in e e rin g , M ining En- | n h o u sek eep in g and hom e m aking m eeting of the N ational lenf^ie. Emhalmer and Funeral - g in eerin g , H ighw ay E n g in e rin g , Do- fo r th e club women of K ansns is G eneral Felix Diaz, nephew of Oeu Director ' m estic Science, D om estic A rt, Com- available for th e club season through eral P orfirlo Diaz, the deposed presf Me have s|«»,n lusiks c .-|» m -. Cotnpli te line ol burial robe», ¡m erce, F o r e s tr y , P h arm acy , Zoology. Ou t th e sta te th is year. T he K ansas dent of Mexico, en tered V era Cruz »ally constructed for Rogue l(iv- ■-aski-ts, etc. (c h e m istry , P h y sics, M ath em atics, A gricultural college has arran g ed 24 with 500 men, and seized th e arsen al cr. The l»-st assortm ent of FUNERAL CAR E n g lish L an g u ag e an d L ite ra tu re lesfo n s in housekeeping for use at and garrison. T he new s of ibe rising cane poles in the town. Some- Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Renidenoe P u b lic S p eak in g , M odern L an g u ag es, club m eetings. has created in ten se < xcltcm ent thing new in Hies. Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 4ft-Maili. T he Renecla, California, arsen al, throughout Mexico, and h undreds a re H isto ry , A rt. A rc h ite c tu re , In d u s tria l F or W om en P edagogy, P h y sical E d u c a tio n , M il th e gov ern m en t's principal sto re house flocking to his cause. P resid en t Ma CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D ? Have More Friends th an an y other ita ry Science an d Tactic®, and fo r arm y supplies on the Pacific dero has ordered th» m obilization ol magazine or patterns. McCall's co ast, w as wiped o u t by fire. The 8000 reg u lars to proceed against GENERAL I’KAiTTITIONER is the reliable F a s h i o n G u id e Music. monthly in one million onehundred C atalo g u e an d illu s tra te d lite r a lo s t is estim ated a t betw een $3,00fe, Diaz. Office in Wells Building thousand homes. Besides show Wc also iwtic hunting hik I fish tu r e m ailed free on ap p licatio n . Ad 000 and $4,000,000. S pontaneous com ing all the latest designs of McCall Hours 10-12—2-4 ing licCIIM'M Blind A uthor Recovering budtion o r crossed electric w ires a re P atterns, each issue is brim ful of d re ss: R e g istra r, O regon A g ric u ltu r B ridgeport, Conn.— Fannie Crosby. assigned as th e cause. p irkling short stories and helpful al C ollege, C orvallis, O regon. O LKN N O. TA Y LO R th e blind hym n w riter, who Is In h er IO IIN I I . C A R K IH information for women. School y e a r op en s S ep tem b er 20th. S e t « Money and Keep in Style by sub- 92nd year, Is convalescing from an a t ^¿«.CARKIN & TAYLOR scribing (or McCall's Magazine at once. Costs Political News Bits tack of pneinnonlu. H er attending oaly 50 cents a year, including any one of LAWYERS the celebrated McCall Patterns free. physician says th e aged woman Is a F ran k A- Munsey, th e publisher, te s (KIM S 17-19 o v a » JA C K S O N CO U N TY B A N » McCall Patterns Lead all others in sty’e, rem ark ab le p atient, and unless un fit, simplicity, economy and number sold. tified before th e Clapp co m m ittee M EDFORD, OREGON N o r th b o u n d More dealers sell McCall Patterns than any foreseen com plications in terv en e her other two makes combined. None higher than th a t his to tal contribution» to Colonel I f you want your in. No. 20 8:13 a. recovery Is assured. 15 cents. Buy from your dealer, or by mail from No. 24 ( m otor, 11:02 a. in. R odsevelt’s cam paign th is y ear had CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. 5:27 p. in. been $118,005.72. No. 32 (m otor) M cCALL’S M AG AZIN E tools pu t in good Practice Limited to R obber Loots Skagw ay E xpress Office No. 16 6:44 p. m. 236-246 W. 37tk St., NewYork City George W. P erk in s, T hom as F. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Skagw ay, A laska — T he express N - * —AaxeyU Coyy, Freestea fata l-g o . and P a«*m Ceteis(ue shape be sure to see R yan and S en ato r Boie» P enrose of S o u th b o u n d office of W ells F argo and Co., at Eyes scientifically examined and glasses P ennsylvania w ere placed on th e cam No. 23 (m otor) 8:13 a. in. Skagw ay, contained $250,000 In gold furnished when needed, 1:42 p. in. palgn contribution in v estig atin g com ln boxes, locked up ln the Bafe, when No. 31 (m otor) r lett-Corav P-.i . i.g, M-dford, Ore, V aluation of pro p erty in M ultnom ah No. 15 ' 2:55 p rn. m ltte e ’s grill Monday and T uesday. A gent H erb ert T ay lo r w as sand 10:46 o. in. eounty on which th e 1913 tax levy No. 19 T he T aft forces In N ebraska won j bagged by a robber. T he thtef got will be based, not including th e val a p artial victory when D istrict Judges DR. R. C. KELSEY one ex p ress package, valued at $1200, uation of franchises and railroads OFPfUK IN C ornish, S tew art and Cosgrove handed some of w hich is non-negotiable paper which Is fixed by th e s ta te tax com G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L down a Joint decision th a t th e nom i C O » . T R I » » A C STS. m ission, totals $306,806,095, as against nation of th e presid en tial electors is Diaz R evolution Not Serious Menace. GOLD HILL, OREGON $295,400,820 for la st year, o r an in a political tru st, and th a t th e nomi W ashington— F e a rs of the sta te de crease of $11,405,275. II nees m ust accept th e ir party choice p artm en t th a t th e new Felix Diaz rev Miners, I can sharp DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Im ports received ln th e P ortland for p resid en t o r resign. olution a t T am pico and Vera Cruz, en, repair or make custom house d istric ts durin g the In a sta te m e n t a t Chicago Colonel Mexico, would en d an g er th e lives of DENTIST q u a rte r term inating S ep tem b er 30, R oosevelt expressed th e hope th a t the A m ericans and foreigners a t those tools, and guarantee GAS A D M IN tS T K R R D w ere valued at $909,258, th o se on cam paign would go on by all parties points and cause International com pli RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD my w ork to stand w hich duties were paid being w orth th e sam e as if he had not been shot. cations, w ere set a t re s t by th e re the racket; tr y me $537,366, and those en tered free be L ike Bryan, he believes th a t the d is ceipt of new s th a t both p a rties to the A. E. KELLOGG and be shown ing appraised at $371,892. T h e value cussion should not be tu rn ed away struggle have agreed to refrain from NOTARY PUBLIC of th e exports for the th ree m onths by an assa ssin ’s bullet from th e prin w arfare In both cities F’bone 88 Main w as $1,885,861. ciples th a t are Involved. GOLD H IL L , O REG O N B L A C K S M IT H By using drainage tile I Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co. A SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT EVENTS Mason Fruit Jars rr H ALL HOT D R IN K S 5 CENTS Turner's Lunch Room J Professional Cards T a lk W ith BON TON K e llo g g McCaifs M agazirc and McCall Patterns Give us a trial S. P. Time Card M IN E R S t CHARLES KELL 1912 f s i T i T i y Æ7 Just a w o rd ! 1 2 3 8 910 11 Ei 83Í14H516 17,18 M2Í C . F. C A R T E R f