I '» Z * Six (Solò tiili XrU» Published Every Sai i r day al Gold Jackson County, Oregon Mill. BEN H. EAMPMAN t£c* 1 «t the t»ri», Util .staffle« for tran»ml*. «n Ifcrwtirh th e V tied State* mails a » »eoimi cl »• matter ¿»ATUKDAY, (K t\« » K 2»S 1912 Subsm ption $1.50 l i t W 00DR0V A n n u m , in A dvance W IL S O N X '• * * f f -U m * —z EMASCIILAT NG THE INITIATIVE HE FOES of the initiative, skilled in all the soft verba! chic - i anery of their sort, are stalking the Oregon system with soft T words and a loose blade. Through the majority rule amend- ment, which is an ostensibly fair worded and persuasive meas- ure, the blow at popular legislation is designed to fall. Should the measure carry, the very spirit of the initiative law will de part, leaving only an insensate legislation corpse into which the breath of the popular will may be blown in vain. The majority rule amendment provides that all initiative measures submitted must receive an actual majority of the votes east, or suffer de­ fe a t Under the initiative at present a majority of the votes cast upon any certain measure alone is sufficient to ratify or re­ je c t Under the amendment proposed every voter who, for any : cause whatsoever, neglected to vote upoh an initiative measure1 would be considered to have voted negatively. Though a measure might be ever so popular it is difficult to conceive, with the reactionary forces which are always allied against populai legislaltion, how the percentage of voters who disregarded it upon the ballot would not lie sufficient to carry the day for a selfish and corrupt opposition. The system of legislation b\ initiative petition undoubtedly has its faults, nor can it ever be expected to be perfect, but up to the present it is the only means devised for the direct expression of the people. So jealously is the popular trust guarded under the initiative sytem a t : present that iniquitous measures are certain to die aborning, and that meritorious legislation is always certain to arouse an in­ terest sufficient to insure its passage by a more potent and repre­ sentative majority than could possibly be represent ?d in any legislature. Vote 323 X No. Hey! Come to Gold Hill For Your W inter Supplies. We have the BIGGEST STICK and SMALLEST PRICES on everything. Rubber Coats, Slickers, Boots a n d Rubbers — A Full line of Winter Clothing and Wool Underwear IN GROCERIES we have a com plete line o f everything.... Also Flour and Feed W E M eet A ll Prices— P repay freight to nearby towns and have our delivery wagon a t your service Wc pay 35c for Butter and 40c Fresh Eggs IÎÎR < N THEIR CANDIDATE for Joint Representative, the Demo­ I qualified cratic Party is to be congratulated in having a man so well for the position. Being an accomplished orator, well | LANCE & COMPANY acquainted with the needs of Southern Oregon, Hon. C’ L. Reames will receive at least 500 majority in Jackson County and 1 would do equally well in Douglas County if the people there knew him as well as we do. Mr. Reames has been a resident of Jackson County for the past thirty-three years, is a successful attorney and will be a credit to the section he represents. If elected he will look after the needs of Douglas County as well as Jackson County. We have no fear in recommending him to the voters of Douglas Connty. j (Item s In thia column paid advertising) yon will agree with us t h a t this county Is exceedingly lucky t«> have a man like NINE TIMES OUT OE TEN TouVelle adm inister its affairs, Don’t let the little l» tty quarrel* <>( rival towns Influence you in a m atter as lni|a>rtant as this. Do y»ur own thinking anil size up the situation thoroughly and we T H O M A S R IL E Y M A R S H A L L BEARS A GOLDEN KEY have no doubt of the verdict. looked times good sheriti ami ha» at all ( Item s in this column paid advertising) after the duties of his office in a ra|iahle Everybody knows Bob Taylor, our manner. U n s e c u re d I candidate for Recorder and they all like Hon. C. L. Realm-», our candidate for him and an- going to give him a big vote The Drama in Bungtown START A BANK ACLOUNT joint Representative from Jackson and la-cause they know their Interests will be W e're shy on cultured dram a, and the Douglas countier, is a lawyer of recogniz­ xjrved in a thoroughly capable m anner WITH high toned troupe» whiz by with the ed ability. He i» a fine orator and w ill Your vote (or Bob will I»- cast for the DEMOCRATIC TICKET prinia dona’s special whisking cinder» j be a credit t»> Jackson county. He has right man. from the track, and there come no funny I always Iss-n an ardent lioosU-r for Jack- minstrel shows to rai*e our spirits high fo r PRESIDENT: son connty ami ha» spent considerable We don’t expert the entire county to WOODROW WILSON with the jests that teased the Romans time and money in Insisting tin- virtues vote for W. 11 Miller like Gold Hill Is e 'e r the empire went to wrack— w ith the , of southern Oregon. He will carry this going to do, U-eause lie is going to get For VICE-PRESIDENT: gag- the Inquisition : -Id their victims on county by a large majority and his many nit the votes la-re, and if he were a» well THOMAS R. MARSHALL the rack. Vnd it'- seldom, very seldom, friends in Douglas county predict the known all over the county as lie is hen Senator— that the gifted B-- >11 singers, or the U same result th en 1. he would get them everywhere, because HARRY LANE noted travel trotter, levate our hunihle we know him to I»- a gissl, clean m an. stage, and its eons inee we listened to Representative in Congress»— well qualifiisl to fill the otliis- of County W hen you look over the ballot and the novel Swiss bellringers, or have heard a R. G. SMITH the name of J. E. Barkditll for Rcpre- Clerk. “ troupe of artists” ran t the old Avonian'a sentative d o n ’t think lie is some strangvrto page—O, ’tia age» since we hearkened to Representatives— yob, for it is only the proper name for Martin McDonough, for assessor, is J . E. BARKDULL tlu-fine tragedian n . e . For the i-itic- C O U N IY JUDGE WHY our old friend, “ Mose” . You all know well known in this locality, having form ­ H . L. Da ARMOND claim the cnltnre and the box receipts George W. Dunn C o l i ­ - s m a l l W. ('. H anley shitiild In- "M i»«” and if you have Iss-n in thia erly been engaged in business lien- and must flow when tlie talent of the dram a Joint Representative Jackson and Doug­ Republican candidat- i r i ' ,111.1; county any length of tim e, you have has many friends who an- making Votes i I i - i ( ’-ingress. condescends to wring the tear; and the las Counties— ( Paid Advt. l surely heard him Insist for Jackson for him every day. lt in • in point of ability, ex|» rii liis- Jmlgi minstrels, e'en the comics, with their C. L. REAMES county and when he goes down to the ..ml , ii . hili a ll ii no opposing eandidatc hones ami black face show, find a better Legislature he will make the “ old tim ers” I \ irahly m uipan- n ilh him. District A ttorney— - Prof. Rebec, for School Superintend­ pi ice for laughter than the folk» could PROSECUTING ATTORNEY think that Jackson county is the original ent, is ju»t the kind of man to fill that li iu • i t large abilities and i-llli ii-m-y E. E. KELLEY pay them here—than the little town could J. A. lem ery site of the Garden of Eden and entltlisl im portant office. i ad ! I hi-i known h int-sty, m u lih is s l, Recognised among pay them for a smile or a tear. But School Superintendent— Prohibition cpii-lidute for I’r.....'in in.- a d a i harm I r w ithout hleiiiish. to just a little mon- notice than any other educators of the state as one of the best away with all repining when the lamps GFJ >RGE REBEC part of the stab-. He lias never been be­ qualified, he will tie a enslit to’tlie office. Attorney. 1» .m u- Imiai in Oregon he knows her are burning low, ami the first film bum s 1 am a progn-ssive of the moat pi-.-n - m I- ai d ha - already securs-il millioas of fore yon for public office, hut ha» always The University of Oregon recognized his it» title on the c lo th ; for we all forget the County J udge— been an ardent worker in the ranks. He ability when they engaged him to fill a sive type as und»-rat<»sl by the present dollars for ptihlii- iinprovements io thu F. L. TOC VELLE dram a when the moving picture show National ami state platforms. is one of the most pleasant men yon ever First District vacancy at th at instifution recently. f -ils the viilian as the lovers plight their I stand for a strict enfons-ment of nil met and th a t serious look on his face lb cause lie travels thousands of miles County Clerk— t r ith—as the beaten, baffled viilian wax- 'crim inal laws, and will not evade my over his district annually m nfering with just grew there ami d o n ’t mean anything. W. H . MILLER e< wroth. And we've followed H air­ Oh, well, w hat’s the use of boosting ,juty In supn swing blind pigs, roadhouses, his constituents and learning their licisls. If you thin k he don’t know what Jack- breadth H arry o’er a cactus covered plain, County Sheriff— son county necils, just ask him ami find our candidates anyway. Yon can t find i an(| other plai-es of vice, ami while strict- Because it lias been proven th at he is W. A. JONES with the bullets kicking dust at every anything against any of them, can you.’ jy enforcing tin- law I will faithfully industrious, able, efficient and siti-i-essful out for yourself. jum p, with his trusty Colt’s unlimbered Now, be honest alsait it, ami when you j guard the interests of the tax payers, in serving all tlie js-ople and not a favor­ and a loosely given rein to a plum p and County Recorder— an- alone in the booth on election day, y ia, no unnei-cssary burdens Is- placed ed few. ROBERT TAYLOR Lewis Ulrich, for county Treasurer, is placid broncho on tlie hum p—with the Bceaitst- lie has Iss-o a fullhful public an honest, eiean, upriglit and capable with nothing lietween yon anil God, ex- upon them. posse trailing rearward and the W in­ County Assessor— cept an indelible pencil, just stop and have praetised law seven years, and servant, working up to a |sisitii>n of io- young m an, who asks you for the first chesters apump. W hat care we for martin M c D onough think it over and decide to vote tor the have lss-n a resident of Jackson m an ty thieni-e in national affairs so that I’n-ai- time for your support. If eli-cted he other dram a, who have seen the gang dents Taft and Roosevell, Ills associati-s will conduct the office in a business-like lient qualified man for each particular of­ five years. ■plot, and the limp and flaccid victim County Treasurer— fice, and wc will wager ulsiut two and of all parties and constituents generally, (P aid Advt) m anner and you will never regret your LEW IS ULRICH slugged ami stranded in the tid e ; seen the one-half dollars against a Teddy button praise him in terms sim ilar to this«- usisl choice. h -ro, single handed, m aterate ami clean th a t the entire Democratic Ticket will be County Commissioners— by Governor West, after a visit to the PROSECUTING ATTORNEY the lot, as a little light diversion e’er he GEORGE LYMAN elected. National Capital, when he said in an in ­ w nt to claim his bride—with a wealth Judge Kelly seems to have everything H. K. Hanna W. C. DALEY t e r v i e w I n intellect, oratorical ability o marcelled tresses ami a fortune on the his own way, and from every section of Republican candidate for Prosecuting and devotion to the interesta of the peo­ si le. So we take our tears and laughter the county w<- hear nothing hut w ords of Attorney, was nom inated at the Prim ar­ ple. Hawley stands head and shoulders “ anned” — if you would choose the Snap Shots of County Candidates I cofnmendation and the party is to be above the great m ajority of the members ies April 19, 1912. phrase—but we can’t say th at we miss the ! congratulated in having for its candidate A native son who stands for vigorous, of the National House of Representa­ ASSESSOR “ heavies" so; and we give alike unstint­ , , . . 'fo r prosecuting attorney so able a man. honest, and economical adm inistration tives.” The ticket nominated by the demo- |<(TO(;lnb(.r when h(. ln offlce the Htot4. W T. Grieve ed of our censure and our praise when (Paid Advt) handl).(, right) fw m m aking Republican nominee for assessor for of the otliis- and im partial enforcement we pay our dime ami enter at the mov­ crats of Jackson county needs no com- o n t|, H witll th(, M-cond term . Residence at Jacksonville. of all criminal laws. ing picture show. . . . Three new films m ent. Each and every one of the candi- Note the followingeliangi-M at the Wi-go (Paid A dvt.) dates are men well qualified for the post- tonight, Melinda—won’t you go? theatre: Tuesday evenings dancing les­ I Paid A dvt.) tions they seek. They are all good, clean sons will Is- given from 7:30 to 9:00 men and when elected will give Jackson Notice o’rliM-k, a t fifty cents per lesson. Friday COUNTY JUDiiE COUNTY RECORDER How al> mt TouVelle f-irC unity Judge? evenings the usual program, moving pic­ To whom it may concern, all the book county a good, economical, business ad ­ Frank L. Tou Velie fred L. Colvig He ministration. Yon will make no mistake Have you ever in I tin- gentlem an? tures and am ateur specialties. Saturday accounts of J . Q. Jarvis, B ankrupt, Republican candidati- for Republican nominis- for - ftunty record­ is tin- best single-handed campaigner you night, social dams; from H:30 to 12:00, at have been assigned to the undersigned, in voting for them. Judge. Residence Medford. ever run across ami lie is trying to ims-t er, second term. the usual price, fifty is-nts. Everylssly and this«- knowing themselves indebted ( Paid E xtract from report of J. H. Wilson, every voter before election, hut in ca-*' H. L. Di-Armond. who asks for your cordially invited. to above accounts will kindly call and he don’t find you just take the time to ex|»-rt accoim tant for Jackson county: arrange for settlem en t, at once. They vote for Representative, is a rising young h u n t him up and s-e for yourself if lie “ Mr. Colvig’s books have been excel­ The persons who stole—or horrowed— m ust be settled with cash or note in 30 attorney from Medford, who lias never looks like a man th a t would play fast lently kept. A H B A Y K K A N I» C H B M IH T . In all my experience I two dozen jars of canned fruit from tin- Iss-n mixed up inany political deals, and days. and loose witn the county funds« Talk have found hilt one recorder’s offlce with home of Eli Baker one Sunday recently, EARI V INGLES, B He.—General as- who is capable of representing Jackson A. E. Kellogg, (Paid A dvt.) tnjliiui and find out ids ideas as to how so good a record.” say and analytical work. Cement will confer a favor upon the owner by at county in an aide manner. Assigni»:. Best equip- and asphalt testing. th a t office should Is- conducted. Look least returning the empty jars. — Eli Baker ped assay offlce and testing lalmr- Gold Hill, Ore., Oct. 11,1912. up his record since lie lias Iss-n in Jack- R E P R E S E N T A IS All work guar- atory in ... Oregon. — Can yon find any possible reason for son county. Send back to his old home A Reminder anteed. Calveit-Paddock hlock. J. A. Westerlund Fanstis'l electric irons, tin- most upto- not giving W ilbur Jones your vote for Phone 370-J. Grants Pana. Oregon. Obstetrical work is doth. No except­ Shcriir? We th in k not, because you can­ and sis; if he is not a good business man. Republican nomini»; for re-election lor dati- iron on the m arket, fully guarantis-d After you have investigated his record for ten years. Accept no snlistitutes. ions to this rule can be made. state representative ui Jackson county. not find anything in his past record to Bette rtaketheNews. Grder one now from R. T. Caine, agent. justify it. He has been an cxiss.-dingly (The above column paid advertising) ( Paid Advt. ) Clem ent H. Smith, M. D. Overdrafts OPPORTUNITY II Jackson County I — DEMOCRACY GET READY EOR HER! THE GOLD MÜLL BANK A nnouncem ents