Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1912)
Thom«« A. Rucker and wife arrived on Saturday allernooii last from F ort Jones, Calforniu, and are s|s'm ling son«' tin»' as D o n 't overlook lile bankrupt aale ul giu'sts of Mrs. Bueker's parents, Mr. ami Mrs D. Horn, In this city. Mr. Itueker, Myers'. formerly a Gold H ill l»>y, is now employed II W u lw rto n , ul Riverside, wu« I ii upon a large dredging project at Ft. Jones, Gold H ill Wedmtsday, ami re|«>rts that Joe Isaits, also w ill H. II M iller in rapidly convalescing reinemlsired In this city as u former (nu il Ili« lì'l'l'lll M r l< MIM illlK MM resident, is employed Upon til*'W ork. P ro f Il ( i Harding transacted lumi* Peter Schamhurg, of Gkland, Calif ., ih w nt Mi llio n ! on Sat onlay lust n'turned to that city Wednesday, t a l l e r Local News Notes I l i W l in in ' hik I m iii Floyd, o l Med having «|s nt the past w o k In tlw vicin ity of (m id H ill lis ik in g over various ford. mi re v U iio rn In Hold H ill Sunday .1. II Messier lin in ' down from (nun ranching priqs-rties w ith a view t linvest | M e d fo rd M o n d a y a n d lr i( iile r n iz e i| w ith im ut i Our customers are particu lar people :: But, with all this, we hold our goods at popular prices - that’s busi ness — for quality and price together are hard to beat.... M r. S c h a u m b u rg Is c x |s ri'tc i| l o | shortly return to assume charge of a pro , l»>rty in ig n is Valley, negotiations fo r i Ja n a - I ’ \ve ry, ol Hie Argus lortT, Ila purchuse of which are now under came u p (ru in R ogiu- River on Tlinmday way. and a—i»h'd llio News gang in llm weekly I sm II c D u ffie ld w a - su m m o n e d to b i Hpu-in F o u r O liver ty|«'W'ritera for Halo, pruc- home in th i* city on Monday I*) tin 1 r* * ilra lly a - ifiaid n i in « Price, ( ions ilh ie — of hi- mother, lb* n loained j each lin |iilii' of ihm I iiiii '- ii r John Ham u n til the following evening when be r* turned to Itid lib ill, C alif,, to lo iin ii h i-] n x r ly run U- pa-.-* ogi'i' blakeman between th a t io urge W liiin n , of Ashland, republi city and Klam ath Falls. Mrs. H u llii lit can nominee for com ity judge, met old has Iss'ii (ailing (or some mom» pa t. ( rii'iiil- and greeted new ones in tliia city and although her condition is extremely on Tuesday. critical Iw r recovery is not ili-spairisl of, Have Vvery, form erly of the local de,sit and at the present tim ivu ii improvement force Ian now regular aliitio ii agential Is said to I»' uotioublc. Tolo, visited w ith friend- In thia city on A lite rary -o iie iy, comprising the twen Sunday. ty-six higli selasil pupils was organized Mrs Maud Stickle and George Iverson on Wednesday afternoon, and u constitu Wen' I im m I deli galea Io tlie Sunday aehiail tion Mild by laws adopted. Ollie* rs were eonv iilio ii which uu-t at Aahland Thura- plaivd in nom ination, ami the fat*' of the day and Friday. res|a*ctive candidate* w ill bo determined at (rli'iiila in Ibis lly. Mra ' ay tin a r, president of tlie Kehe- kah iiaM'iulily of Oregon, was tbe guest of the local bulge at a a | a-rial meetingcalled oh Saturday evening laat. Q u a l i f y is o u r first c o n sid e ra tio n 1 1 M erritt &, C o m p a n y J the election which w ill la* held next Tues day afternoon. Tlie projected work of until today there are 38 measure, to be ' Candidate for County Clerk the ma'icty w ill cnilssly debut*--, musii voted upon, and official pamphlet con public s|M'ukiug, essays, discussions of taining over 250 pages for the voters i M ra Mae Avery, of ltogue River, la ut good literature, etc., am i should prove to of Oregon to grope through in order to pri-a nt in u lti ndanei' ii|am the younger lie* a benefit and a pleasure to the arrive at anything like an intelligent ! Mine Adam», win«« advent waa ehronie- mcmls'rs enrolled. eondluaion in regard to the proposed 1 led in the previous inane of the News Prof. Isaac's l*s-al bevy of sweet sing meaiures. Proprietors Must* r Floyd H ailing n'turned on Sun- ers met in their tlrst tuneful araeuibly as What percentage of the vot»rs will da) evening from H o riih n a ili, California, a I'luss on Monday evening. The class is take the trouble to give these 38 meas Rigs for all occasions where lie uua for several days the guest coin|s»«'d of twenty-six members, undis ures the requisite time and attention in Good horses and drivers that know the roads of Ida uncle, b - lio Hurling, and fam ily. enlisted for a three mouths course of mus order to vote intelligently thereon 7 Fauatccl electric Irena, the most opto- ical instruction, l«>th instrum ental and And yet, it is the bounden d” ty of ev- We make no specialty of any class of trade dale iron on the m arket, fully guaranteed Vocal. The course comprises twelve les ! erv voter to do so. because of this con sons, ami w ill be w id e r the personal d i for ten y* lira Accept no alihatitntea. glomerate mass there may be import Order one now from It T. ( ’nine, agent. rection of Professor Isaac, wins«* succeaa ant measures affecting vitally all the with sim ilar organizations elsewhere in people of i he state. A large majority M r- John Hanuocraly returned on ill*' county justifies mu* It hopeful ex|sct- of these 38 measures are ordinary mat Tnei'day fn m Grant« Puss where alie haa ations for the local warblere. A class in ters of legislation which should have viaited for tin paai week. Master Hale elocution w ill be organized as anon us a (ADVERTISEMENT) gone to the legislature where members nim iiu e d for an indefinite visit w ith sufficient number of entrants have been bers elected by all of the people are (■ m in im a Mi W illiama. , secured. paid for the purpose of passing upon Colonel FrioiR I.. ToiiVelle, democratic Bearing the slogan, “ Voteafor W omen” tbe merits or demerits of such meas nominee for county Judge, and J. A. Went- W. H. Miller the feminine campaigner» of •» * Medford ures, and who are at least supposed to te rlu in i, candidate for reelection a- repre- Equal Suffrage league descended upon To tuk V otxks o r J ackson C oi n ty : be competent to render an intelligent Nightly on the streets of Portland loud-mouthed agi «•ntativc, were interviewing voters in Gobi H ill in several auto loads Thursday | decision thereon. And yet we cannot Gold H ill and vicin ity Wednesday. Gentlemen, the time is drawing near tators blaspheme the name of the Lord and curse the Star and distributed < um|aiign literature ami expect any change in the number of The ¡a rsons who atole--or borrowed-- smiles among the slightly awed and win n yon « ili I«' railed upon to use your measures on the ballot so long as we Spangled Banner. They are reaching out into the smaller t wo dozen jars of enlined fru it from the wholly docile voters of tlie baliw ick. beat judgment in selecting from among have an unbridled and unprotected ini I io iii «* of E li Baker one Sunday rc iv h lly , T hi' |w rty were enroute to Bogue Biver your citizens, competent p rsotu to till the communities and it may be your turn next to contend with tiative law that allows every paid prop w ill confer a favor upon the owner by ut where they w* re entertainisl at lunclieoii various offices of tlw county. In this I agandist, every faddist and fanatic them. Read and Vote No. 370-in Voters’ Phamphlet least n turning lla 'c m p ty jars.— K ll Baker by tbe tallies of that city. Memla rs of take ph usure in offering myaelf a« tlu 1 who may be able to raise the price IhiiiiK T atic candidate for the office of John llam m ersly departed on Thursday tlie party wen , Mrs. A B. Shuster, Miss with which to hire an army of profes in "oinpany w ith Charley Young and <daily's Ib anl, Mrs. .1. F. Beildy, Miss County Clerk. sional petition circulators to go forth In asking tlu' isnple of this county to several other Medford s|sir|s|nell, tile June Kurhart, Mrs. Heard, Mrs. S-liel- and solicit signatures to a petition at 1 z • o h je c iiv , p o in t of the party Is in g G allo- fllin, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. McCallum, honor me w ill* this position I come not so much per name. t V. 1 c ric k . in Jnw phinc county. T lw y w ill Mrs. B usm 'H, Miss Newman, Mrs. Sar to you as a stranger, lint as a Native Sm , High salaried agitators are constantly assaulting ano having spent 'th e greater portion of my i What is there to prevent special in Is ' a b o u t a ls m t a w ie k or ten days. geant, and Mra Hoon. terests from initiating measures con past lib- among you whom I am now maiming the honest laboring men of Portland who are Fred Huy, general claim agent of tin taining jokers that if let pass may work asking to serve. Southern I'm itie, mid 1*. K. Kelly, aji untold injustice to the people of Ore unwilling to divide their earnings with thase leaches on My lib- record is open before yqu for Sams Valley ■ ini am nt, wete in this city on Saturday gon ? W ill the electorate of Or'gon investigation. 1 liuve no excuse« t*i make, the decent labor elem ent Read and vote No. 368 and Pn«f. George Briaco delivered a tine last in attendance at tin inquest of A ln li- no favors to extend, except courteous ! lake the time and trouble to study this reae Marshall, the cian|iany carpenter lecture on the auhject “ Graded Hchoola," prohibit boycotting Qnd picketing. Your son is not safe treatment alike to you people from ail official pamphlet sufficisntly to select killed Iiy train 1-1 on the evening of tin at G ardncr'a H all in Sam« Valley, laat parts of tbe county. No proiniacs to the good measures from the vicious in Portland if he refused to support these crime instigators. I7lh. Sat unlay evening. The hull wa« filled make otbi r tlia n if elected, I w ill give my o n e s-th e wheat from the chaff, to to Senator Jonathan Bourne, J r., haa for w ith an appreciative atidlenee. Prof. H. I.Tsonal tim e and attention to the duties speak, and pass favorably on the good distribution a ntim ls r of liulletina issued laauc and hia daaa furniahed the muaic. of tlie office, and w ill put forth my l.'s t ones and reject the bad ones 7 We say by the Bureau of Mim s and of particular "D im p le ” W illiaaia aung a aolo anil the efforts to see that tlie office is conducted no, and to substantiate our claim we interest to munugera of power plant«, elaaa rang tlx* chorua. Prof. Brian) gave according to law and the liest of my need only call attention to the fact that you may go forth today— Iasi coal mines, metal mines, nr quarries, amt a giaal outline how to better « c I kni I con- ab ility. (ADVERTISEMENT) than a month before election, and con he w ill la- glad upon application to send diliona in country diatrict and encouraged Respect fu lly Yours, the people to hold up the atondanl aa sult 10 business and professional men a copy to uny person interested therein W. H . M il ij m . high ua poaaible by giving the laiy ami ( P a id A d v t.) whose business and professional train “ Idulio Beauties,*’ J. F. Brown very g irl auch almlica aa w ill make them uaeful ing has taught them to look carefully appropriately terms the splendid variety in life. The people of the valley w ill Majority Rule Amendment into important matters before render of large |a'ar grown upon hia ranch south (A D V E R T IS E M E N T ) aoon ilo all in the ir power to practiw ing a decision thereon, and ask of town the past season. Specimens what waa preadicd. Among th» thirty-eight measures, them if they have looked care brought to town by the proprietor weigh The muaic elaaa here took an exam in which will appear oti the official ballot fully into the 38 measures proposed and ed 1 ', pounds apicie and are of very fine ation laat Saturday. Nine out of eighteen to be voted on by the electorate of O r if they have read the 2(0 pages of the apisuranee ami superior flavor. Why should a woman be bom, educated, married, di received 100 In the ir work O tlier marka egon at the coining election on Novem official pamphlet. We make the state Another big cut in price« at the Gold ranged from 78 to 1»*^. Three paper» ber 6th, *>111 be the M ajority Rule ment without fear of successful contra vorced and buried under laws made exclusively by men. H ill Furniture Store. China, granite were sent to Chicago to aome of the beat amendment. This is an amendment to diction, that at leas' seven out of the earthen, glass and silverware at one-half teacher» for th e ir judgm ent, the rem it the constitution of the State of Oregon ten «rill admit they have not read the price. Tents, wagon covers, widl paper, The right to govern is conferred by the governed and of which w ill lie puhliahnl later. so as to require a majority of all elec pamphlet at all, and if to have only and one lot small ruga, at *25 percen off the governed are not exclusively males, the governed are tors voting at any election to adopt given it a superficial glance I f such The Antioch elaaa w ill take exam ina Gome and investigate. Big money aav- constitutional amendment and pi ss in be the case with the man who ia sup men and women, for women are responsible before the law. Ing opportunity on every thin g in tlie tion next week. The teacher ia much itiative measures. posed to give these matters close at plcaacd w ith the work. atore. This measure is proposed for the ex tention, what can be expected of the Why, if we desire to be just and fair, should we not Ned Potter, Charley Kell, Howard Betts press purpose of preserving the initia busy mechanic and la oring man whose S. I I. McClendon, and Ralph Hurling, allow the women to exercise what shonld be an equal tive law for the people of Oregon by attention is centered in other directions were local figh t fans who attended the Q U E E N S ON W O M A N ’S preventing its over-use by its friends, and whose environment is all along right with man. Anderson-O'Brien m ix at Medford Wed SPHERE. and by preventing its «l ure and possi other lines7 nesday evening. The fight was a ten bly its repeal by its enemies. The remedy suggested at the present Being gentle and good seetna round cyclone w ith the decision to Bud I t scarcely admits of argument that moment by some of the most promi to me the loftleat ambition a wo Anderson, and the Gold H ill laiyu an* man ahould pnaaeKa. No reward the In itiate e Law as originally intended nent newspapers of the state is, “ Vote unanimous in declaring it to have I cel* of wealth or state van equal the by its sponsors, is a moat worthy meas No on all measures unless you aie one of the greatest machos ever. In the autlafactlon felt In performing a ure, But we find it today "working sure.” Not having studied the merits prelim inary, Bud's younger brother wal Kindly* act. I t la a tendency of overtime” in Oregon. We findit bei g o f the 38 measures, how can the voter woman'a untore to he too harsh loped a friend for a fast six rounds, also grossly abused and perverted—turned ti- su-e? I f he votas "N o ” on all or III Judgment, too imperious In gaining the decision. Altogether it was from the purpose for which it was or most all the m isures and all are c«|H«h interests to the detriment ot the difficulty a t all in getting a majority to «'iimmauils. The exchange for a great evening for the Anderson«. iginally intended, namely, t> be a turned do«wi. how about the one, two kr-pHier number of the people of the vote in faver of it. tills of kindllnesn and gentleness The new s lid and concrete bridge at pcwertui weapon in the hands of the or fierhaps thre • or four meritorious Stale. Take the time and p*ins to look into surely ought to make the world the Pacific highway crossing on Sardine people with which to get important ai.d measures tor which there is a genuine The Majority Rule amendment will tha Majority Rule amendment and i f lietter.—Margherita, Queen Dow creek, west of this city, was opened to necessary legislation a lte r the same need or demand by the people? Are do this by driving all ordinary meas you do you will yote for it and preserve ager of Italy, tratlie by contractor E. G. 1‘erlntm on has been neglected or refused by the they to meet (he same ¡'ate as (he ures of legisl tion into the legislature the initiative law for the people of O r Secure a home and be able to Monday of this w ick. Some little work State Legislature. Governor Wood- dozens of ordinary measures which where they belong, and by driving the egon. manage It. Be to the home remains to I«' done in completing the row Wilson says: I t is to be regarded should have gone to the legislature in selfish and pernicious measures into ob what her husband Is to his busi (Ills for the approaches, but the handsome as ” a gun behind the door” —to he used the first place, ot the vicious, or fanat livion where they, also, belong. ness affairs, n director and an new structure over the erts'k w ith the un only when the people’s representatives ic measures which should be turned The majority Rule amendment, if authority. I believe a woman lovely name is now caring for the traffics fail to represent them down with a vengeanc. 7 pasted, wili reduce the number of ought to bear children. A home which for the last m onth has Isen com A fte r its eight years of use and I f we ate to preserve the 'nitiative measures on the bal'ot to a sane basis without children is not complete. Yes X I Vote 322 pelled to cross the river ut Rock Point abuse we find that it is fast pushing law for the people of Oregon, both by giving notice to all that a moasure, —Alexandra. Queen Dowager of bridge, taking the ( ¡alls creek road to the legislature into a subordinate and present and future, we m uit protect it in order to stand a chance of passiug, England No 323 and from this city. The former bridge secondary plac» Beginning with a by surrounding it with a safeguard must have real merit and that there was of wiHiden construction and had done few measures and a romparatively which will prevent its misuse and abuse muat be an actual demand for the service for fifty years. Bette rtaketheNews. M A JO R IT Y R U L E LINGUE small official pamphlet, it has grown Dy those who would use it to further same, in which case there will be no1 , r Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges A ll Get th e Best Old Glory or the Red Rag Assaulting the Dignity of Labor WTiy Should a Woman? Vote X 300 on the Ballot