Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1912)
Local News Notes D o n 't ovi'rliHik lii« bunk ru p i «siv nt Myer»'. (1, H. Redfield was ■ biisit»«« visitor In Mndfnrtl Wednesday. J, II. Messier «ml Charles Young were business visitors Dmn Medford, Monday. K. T M cKInstry, of Grant» Pass, greet ed friends and transacted business In Gold HUI on Tix-silay Four O liver ty|x-wrlterx for nai«, prac tica lly h * good «* new 1’riee, <*• oat-h. Inquire oi ismtmaithr John lla iii- ni«-r«,y Charley h u ilii Id iä n i« dow n Iroin M ed ford tliu la tte r p a ri o f last week, a llilla v is itin g at tiu- lio in e o, lii« parent» in t ili" e ily . Il L, fk -A rm n in l, ile in ia -ra llc c a n d i If you have a gissl ranch of from 10 to HO am-«. w ith in from 2 to « miles of Gold H ill, that you w ill exchange for other property in this vicin ity and cash, call and see me. Have two clients waiting -<J. M. R tiifleld , G. W. A lb rig h t arrived on Hatnrday evening last from l*uyallup, Washington, and w ill remain lo r several month« with his daughter, Mrs. R. I I . M isini. Mr. A lb righ t visits here for a sim ilar period each year, and confesses to a fondness for the Rogue River valley and Gold HUI in particular, Sum Sundry and Sam I’owell, of Rogue River, the former district tlsli an I game wardeti and the latter water b a ilitl for till" district, were ill Gold H ill Wednes day and Thursday attending to the pros- is'Uliou of T o lo parties w ho wen- charged with illegally inducing salmon from the lim pid Rogue The success of the silver tea given by the Ladles’ Aid sis lcty of the M. E church was such that henceforth the pleasant little sfs-ial affair« w ill !«■ given with weekly regularity, the second of tla- series p i Is- held iu the Ladies’ Aid ri" iw in the form er sclusil house mi Thursday of next week W. W. Eddington, the well known and up • to- the - m inute Sams Valley rancher, reix-ived a prize rum of real Joy al lineage the first of this week, which he w ill a ilil to the fine Hock of sheep hi already possessi-s The animal w reared by a well known and successful bn-eder iu the WillamelU- valley. date fo r reprcse iiia tivv, circu la te d am ong III" (e ld H ill friends on Thuraday in the IntercKta o f III" I'andidacy. M i"" Mayki n (iitia o iid i parted yesterday lo r In i Iioiue al T urlock, California, alter having "1« nt the past m otit,I «* the guest o l Mrs. W I, Mi«-, of till" city. The inn rior of the M K. church ha» tax-n n p iinled ami renovated during the past week, and pruannta a much im proved ap|"'arance. Misses V irginia and Blnssoin Beeman, esquired by Messrs. Oscar Itaker and George laine, attended the (¡ra n t* 1'uas opera on Wednesday evening. Frank Turner, who baa s,a-nt the past J. Q. Jarvis de,anted mi Sunday even fortnig ht aa the gta-sl of Ida parents in ing for Marshfield, where he plans to n thia city, returned to Eugene, where he locate In the drug business. Mrs. Jarvis la employed, on Sunday evening last. and tin- children w ill jo in him as soon as Fanateel electric Inina, the uusit upto- I m > has made suitable arrangements for date Iron on the m arket, fu lly guaranteed the ir n-slileneo in the busy little roast for ten years. Accept no anbatiliitea. city T lie departure of Mr. and Mrs Order one now from K. T. ( ’aine, agent. la rvis (nnn Gold H ill is very much n How would you like an electric stove gretted by a large circle of frit-nils, and that loaata. Ix 'il" or fries? And a H ot the g issl wish«« of the entire com m unity P olio one at that Guaranteed 2 years w ill follow them to their new home. W ell, John Kelsey, then he baa ’em Sattinlay m orning last while on tla Mrs J It. Ilainm eraly and Manter Dale went to Grants I ’aaa on Tuesday ev ading, and w ill remain in that city for a week's visit at the home of Mrs. Ham- incrsly’a mother Andy Jennings, Ralph D arling, John lu ll" , and A rt Boggi" are expected P> return w ith in the next few days from the vicinity of Salt creek, where they have spent the past week. W. G. Myers and fam ily returned on Wednesday from upper Sams \ alley, where they have been spending the paal two week" upon the Myers A \\ aril fru it I « Q u a l i t y is o u r first c o n s id e r a tio n Our customers are particu lar people :: But, with all this, we hold our goods at popular prices — that’s busi ness — for quality and price together are hard to beat.... M e r r it t & C o m p a n y 1 Riverside. C. D, WiMilverton is hauling his haled hay to Rogue River for shipment. Mrs. McCord, of Fisits creek, called on Riverside people one day last week. M r. and Mrs. R im - left Tuesday for Idaho, to spend the winter w ith th e ir son. bringing up against a tree w itli force suf- d ia l plats-. Ilcicnt Hi so Injun- it th a t it became ne- Mrs. D. H Klead was in M edford shop- is-mary to afterward end its suffering ping tla- first of the week and also visited w ith a gun. Mr. K irk emerged from tlie | her friend Mrs. A kin , wreckage none the worse save for a gen- M r and Mrs. W. A. E llio tt, M r. and ral shaking up and a few bruisea. Mrs. L. M ille r and little son, motored to The demonstration of an automatic Medford Wednesday and visited at the pump, water pressure Is-ing the motive home of Frank E lliott. power, is-ensioned no little interest on due of tlie state libraries has been re ranch. J E K ir k , of Kauos creek, haa rented Wednesday. The model was erected ami ceived aSul is installed at the Ris k Point the Blowers place near the Braden mine placed in operation at the Kell black school. A ll are looking forward w ith for the coming year. A lls 'rt Johnson, sm ith shop and thoroughly explained and much pleasure to tlie w inter evenings and th e pn-seiil P liant, expects te leave w ith li-inoust rated «I intervals throughout th i these good books. in a short tim e for Ida funner home in lay. Contrary to I I k - general opinion it Messrs R. C. Sli ad, H. B Nyc. and G. is in no sense a ram, but can 1»- installed B. Alden wen- in M edfonl Friday on W i I o |l- ill (¡old H ill haa grown faster and la tte r when-ver there I" a running sln-ain, and business. Mrs. Nye also went and w ill ■ntlnly automatic in its operation visit at die home of tier m other, Mrs. du rin g the past two years than ever be It lias been sncci-ssfully used for pump tin-gory, u n til Sunday. am! llw '«»1111 la y d in its Infancy, ion ing in connection w ith city water works C. H. Alden had a very painful and S< ow i" tile lim e |O pick up amiie genuine in iip " in improved and vacant lota that and the demonstration «I the model hen quite serious accident last Monday. As is designed to awaken interest in tills arc for .-ale by ( ’. 8. Redfield. he was leading the cow from pasture, she ty|s* of pump should Gold H ill ever Ht startl'd to run, in some manner the rope A rth u r I ilzg- raid came up from Grants lain to tin- affluence of a m unicipal water la-eaitM- tw istisl about his left thu m b and Pass oh Wednesday, and went out to t ili plant. as In- fell it ton- and mangled the thu m b imme of b i" cousin", Frank and W alter, Tlie Bull Mooscnt rally at the Wego on so badly that Dr. Woods, of Rogue River, iu Kama Valley. From there the three w ill lo n n a little fam ily party excursion Wednesday evening was honored by s was called and amputated it at the second fair attendance " I the curious, and listen jo in t. Considering his age of 80 years, into |||C b ill- after the la m nililig buck. cd to w ithout enthusiasm. A. E. Clark, he is doing rem arkably yrell. If you want an electric stove, you want -andidate(of die new party for the nation Mrs. 11. B. Nye entertained the Re one that w ill beuaconvciiicnt as possible. al senate, and Elmer Kennedy, candidate creation clnb Thursday w ith nearly all I have one that w ill broil, Piast, fry, or for sei-n-tary of state, wen- the speakers. members present and Mesilamt-s Ensign boll, d o ln g fu iy two at once. And thrci The funner held die attention and in te r and Springer as guest». Miss Harper had pans go w ith thia H ot P oint article. eat of his audience, but Elm er gesticulât charge' of the entertainm ent and all en Jons K b ijikv , Agent cd for a few brief momenta only befon M i"" Cynthia Tuttle, of Ashland, is announcing that he hail “ a long distant» joyed die n-adings by Miss Harper and Mrs. A iilen, also the v io lin music by spending Saturday and Sunday in this a ll” and must conclude his remarks city aa the guest of her sister, Mias Anna Whatever it might have been, die excnsi Mrs. Nye. Tlie hostess eerved most de T uttle. Miss T uttle, form erly a member mon- than sufficed his audience. Dr. R licious refreshment» and all voted it one of the lis id school faculty, now hoida a C. Kcta-y, tlie only local exponent of tin of die most enjoyable meeting». position in the Ashland high school. new menagerie, Introduced the speakers A Dinner Tor 25 Cents M orning sendees at the M. E. church w ith a few well chosen remarks, and ap The best to be had for that price in w ill I«1 held in connection w ith the regu planded at proper intervals u n til d it Rogue River valley at die American res la r Sabbath school «esalon, owing to tin final curtain. absence u, the paapir. Rev. E. C. R W i- Two minute»’ deliberation of die jury taurant (fo rm e rly Good Eats cafe) in ards. Evening service w ill be under in Judge Moreloek’ s court Thuraday Grants Paiw. Our vegetables, eggs, etc., charge of Rev. R. E. Dunlap, of Ashland afternoon, sufficed Its free Simon Bolen- are bought direct from farmers and are Superintendent B urt Adam« and Mrs baiigli and his twelve-yesr-old nephew, striedy first class as an- the groceries Adams arc rejoicing over the advent of Bobbie Blackburn, of tlie charge of il we use. Our kitchen is as dean as the an eight pound daughter, who arrived legally taking salmon by the mctliod kitchen« of the bet* home» and the cook on Thursday m orning, October 10th known as ’ ’snagging.” Tin- pair wen ing is done w ith the utmost care to have Both mother and ch ild arc doing nicely, apprehended lx-low die Ray dam on the food appetizing. You w ill enjoy our hut Dr. Kelsey professes a grave concern Wednesday afternoon by district warden coffee and tea, for it is rig h tly made. Another big cut in prices at the Gold H ill F urniture Store. China, granite, earthen, glass and silverware at one-half price. Tents, wagon covers, wall paper, and one lo t small rugs, at 25 pereen off Come and investigate. Big money sav in g opportunity on every thing in the store. Two nomads of Ita ly, w ith a hnget al iforn ia grizzly and truculent little bull te rrie r in tow, passed through Gold H ill o i l Tuesday and exhibited the ir charges at the Wego th a t evening. Both hear and dog delighted the' large audience w ith numerous clever stunts, and the occasion was almost as enjoyable as one of B ill’s ju s tly popular amateur nights. .1 hy deputy district attorney A. E. Kellogg, while attorney J. H. Beeman appeared for the defense. road to this city, Tom K irk narrowly Mrs. Springer, of Medford, is spending esea|«-d In ju ry In a runaway disaster the week at the home of her aunt Mrs. which reunited in tla- death of Ids d riv ing horse, and the utter wn-ck of tin Porter. Mrs. Butler was in Central P oint last buggy. In smne manner not known the anim ai b««k frig id and »».Iti-d, eventually I week ami joined the 0 . E. 8. chapter at for the head of the fam ily. Senator Jonathan Bourne, J r., has for distribution a number of bulletins issued by the Bureau of Mines and of particular interest to managers of power plants, coal mines, metal mines, or quarries, and he w ill be glad “ P°n application to send a copy to any person interested therein G en eral M e r c h a n d is e Sam Sandry and water b a iliff Sam Pow ell, who observed the youthful Bobby ap parently si-curing salmon by tin- simple xpedient of je rking a big trip le hook in to die fish. When two salmon had been secured in this m anner, the wardens niardied out from concealment and made tlie arrest. Constable Tom Pankey went to Tolo the saint- evening and returned w ith da- accused fishermen, who were a r ranged in Judge Mon-lock’ s court the follow ing afternoon, f t was m aintained hy the state that inasmuch as Bolen- baugh, him self fishing only w ith a legal tackle, had helped the hoy land the cap ttin-s he became an accessory. Master Bobbie, although badly friglitencd, m ain tained llia t lie had been fishing w itli sal mon eggs, and tha t one tlsli had struck at die liait and been legally hooked in tla- n iou tli, while the other In strikin g had lx»-n accidentally hooked in die side. A t the close of the case, after a brief con sultation, the ju ry n-turned a verdict of ‘not g u ilty ." The case was prosecuted See our Cut Prices on Flour $1.25 to 1.50, cut» price 10 sack lobs Shorts $1.35 Bran .85 Wheat .90 per bushel Millings 1.75 Standard rolled Barley 1.35 Steam ed process Barley 1.4 5 20 lbs. 1st class Beans 1.00 15 lbs. Sugar 1.00 — by the sack 6.15 and 6.35 If market changes we meet all prices on same goods in Southern Oregon, prepay freight to nearby towns WE PAY 40c EOR EGGS LANCE & COMPANY resident of Marion county. I» dead at his home In Mehama, after a lingering lllnesa. He waa 76 year« old. Aa a result of a team of farm horses running away near Lacomb. Mr». George McCltntlc is dead and a sister and two children badly Injured. Jesse McCorkle, a prominent hop grower of Independence, drove hi» automobile off an embankment near Eola, and when found he was dead. The report of the state superintend- ' ent of banks. Just issued, shows bank deposits In Oregon to be 1125,019,686.- | 70, as compared to 1117,116,316.95 a year ago, an Increase of $7.853,370.75. Two hundred delegates attended the twentieth annual meeting of the Co lumbia river branch of the Woman s Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church at Port A Reminder land. Governor West announces that on Obstetrical work is cash. No except and after October 10 he will offer a ions to this rule can lx- made. reward of 1100 for Information leading Clement H . Sm ith, M. D. to the arreat and conviction of persons in Oregon owning property used for ASSfSSOR Immoral purposes. W T. Grieve Republican nominee for assessor for ’’Bill” Hnnley, tha Eastern Oregon second term . Residence at Jacksonville. ranchman, who was nominated as a presidential elector on the Republican (Paid A d v t.) BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Springfield women have recently organized the Springfield Political Equality League. The total value of all Oregon farms on September 30, 1912, Including live stock, building» and machinery was 1631,317,256. Judge 0 . P. Terrell, a widely known UP-TO- DRESS GOODS DATE SHOES fUlL LIW INTER STOCK ticket, and at the last moment refuted to accept, has deserted Taft and the Republican party for thia campaign, and announces himself for Wilson. President Steadwell of the World’s Purity Federation, In session at La Crosse, Wla., haa appointed Mre. Imla O. Baldwin of Portland aa the head of the campaign which will be Instituted for the establishment of a state police to protect the purity of the state of Oregon. F lo u r and fe e d GOLD HILL FLOUR & FEED STORE H . C. R A E D E L, Proprietor H om e PK one J) Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class oi trade All Get th e Best