Bbi «olö Hill &rtns Published Cvrry Saturday at bold Jackson County, Oregon —------ ~ Hill. '■ b y ..............■ ~ = B IN H. LAMPMAN W. H. MILLER FOR COUNTY CLERK To the People of Gold Hill and Vicinity— HE NEWS desires to affirm, however tardy it may seem in the doing, its unqualified support and approval af the can­ T didacy of W. H. Miller of this city, democratic nominee for the office of county clerk. In this it realizes that the recommenda­ tion of the press is largely perfunctory, and that platitudes and praise alike are little needed when the candidate, whoever he may be, possesses to a large degree the comradship and confi­ S aturday , »A d irar 12, 1912 dence of the constituency he seeks to serve. The pleasant duty Subscription $1 .so p « t Annum,m Advance reiterating that which the countryside is is entirely familiar with ,is approached more as a m atter of form than of any neces­ WOODROW W ILSON sity for service in his behalf. To begin with, Mr. Miller is a native son, and no capitalization is needed to call attention to the fact. The spirit of a clime locally—ami with justification - presumed to be inherent with the sons of the West, is made manifest in his greeting and his friendship Moreover, through this fact, he is possessed of an early and intim ite knowle Igo of local conditions essential to the proper administration of the not unimportant office he seeks. His reconi is here a t home, easily accessible to the few who are not already familiar with the char­ acteristics of competency and integrity which so readily recom­ mend him to the people of the valley and Jackson county gener­ ally. His present candidacy is his first bid for popular endorse­ ment, and is born solely of a desire to conserve the interests of each taxpayer, to enlist for a time in the public service of his county, and to put a square toe to needless expenditure and petty leaks in county office, which in the aggregate constitute no inconsiderable portion of the tax burden. That he would, if elected, mrke a signal success of his administration of the office of county clerk is the belief of The News and a host of more im­ portant friends and authorities. Party partisanship should have but little—rather nothing—to do with the selection of the county officials. The livery is not essential, but merely an inci­ dental, to the proper transaction of county affairs and public business, and if the common sense estimate of competency and fitness for office is applied, the voters of Jackson county will en- » dorse Henry Miller’s candidacy with unanimous eclat. datrnnl a ( the lit Id H ili ter iranem i* •io n through the I -tiled States mails as *c«>onri vlwse matter Overdrafts I Secured * Unsecured ( The Bungtown Pioneer Old Joe Dobson, just as he sits, there in the sun—looking like Life and him T H O M A S R IL E Y M A R S H A L L called it “ quits” —with one gallus un­ done; and his tattered old hat. with a rent in the crown, all stove in like that; anunty Judge— old Joe he was first! And he sits there F. L. TOC VELLE and mumbles his quid does old Joe, and County Clerk— mutters and grumbles and prophesies W . H . M IL L E R snow; and his eye is opaque, anil his race is 'most run, and he seems half awake as C rnnty Sheriff— he sits in the sun . . . and the swing of W. A. JONES the reaper is lower and low—but, stranger, C lunty Recorder— we none of ns want him to go. ROBERT TAYLOR Democratic Ticket County Assessor— martin M c D onough County Tn asurer— LEWIS ULRICH C sinty Commissioners— GEORGE LYMAN W. C. DALEY The Republkuna talk about tariff revision, and yet when a Democratic heiise In fulfilling Democratic promises to the people reduced the tariff, a Re­ publican president vetoed the measure. "By their works shall ye know them." I »eurocrats In every state of the Union should organize and prepare for polling a record breaking vote Nov. 5 Be It remembered that no matter how certain victory seems, overconfl dene* la always dangeroua. To the V oters or J ackhom C ounty ? Gentlemen, the time is drawing near when yon will he called upon to use your best judgment in selecting from among Is there any reason why the Demo your citizens, competent persons to fill the cr.'ttic party should go out of existence various offices of the county. In this I simply because Mr. Rooeevelt has tak­ take pleasure in offering myself as the en up the Progressive measures adopt­ Democratic candidate for the office of ed by the Democrats eighteen years County Clerk. agot—W. J. Bryan. In asking the people of this county to honor ine with this position I come not to you as a stranger, hut as a Native Hon, having spent the greater portion of iny past life among you whom I am now asking to serve. My life record is open before you for investigation. I have no excuses to make, no favors to extend, except courteous treatment alike to you people from all Senator George E. Chamberlain w i l l speak at Medford this even in g ^ Having purchased the drug store in Gold Hill, I wish to announce that 1 shall conduct the same as an up-to-the-minute store. The stock will consist o f a com plete line of drugs, stationery, rubber goods, toilet articles, in fact, everyth in g that a drug sto re should have— of one quality — the best. 1 expect to supply every want—may I supply yours? Martin D. Bowers parts of tlie county. No promises to make other than if elected, I will give my personal time and attention to the duties of the office, and will put forth my lust eftorts to see that the offitx* * Is conducted according to law and the liest of my ability. Respectfully Yours, (P aid A d v t.) W. H. Mii.IKK Bankrupt vSale o f W. G. M yers’ «Stock o f IMPLEMENTS Kanes Creek Dick Bessie left on Monday for his old home in Iowa. Miss Iva Householder was the guest of Maggie Foley on Sunday. Miss Katherine Foley was a pleasant caller at Mrs. Lewis* on Sunday. Mesdames Swinden and Higinbothan were Medford visitors during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Mardon s|s‘tit Sunday at the Braden mine as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Boggls. Mr. Kirk of the Braden mine hud the misfortune to lose a valuable horse on«* day recently. Mr. Myers, fruit inspector of Central Point, was in this neighborhood one day recently on business. Prof, and Mrs. Greenleaf, of Central Point, were looking over their Kanes creek farm on Saturday. Claud Ritter and wife, of Foots creek, spent Sunday on upper Kanes creek, the guests of Mr. anil Mrs. Householder. John Opp, the mining man of Jackson­ ville, made the Braden mine a business visit on Saturday, looking after his inter­ ests there. Mrs. Avery and family, who have been residents of Kanes creek for tlie the past year have become residents of Rogue River. Several Kanes creekers attended the dance in Gold Hill Satunlay night and report a most delightful time, the music was excellent. Mrs. Taylor, of Eugene, Ore., who has been the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Cook, of “ Garden Row,” and other re­ latives for some time, left on Tuesday for her home. Kan«» creek visitors to Gold Hill this week were: Mr. and Mrs. Householder, Bill Yantz, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Elmer Higinbothan and wife, Mr. Mason, Mrs. Mardon, Mike Foley, Mr. Johnson and wife, and the Misses Katie and Maggie Foley. T. C. Norris, of Medford, who is devel­ oping a mine on Kanes creek received the sad news of tile death of his son, Frank, who was working at a saw mill at Weed, Cal. The family have the sympa­ thy of their many friends in this, their first Isireavement. Notice To whom it may concern, all th e book accounts of J. Q. Jarvis, Bankrupt, have been assigned to the undersigned, and thoae knowing themselves indebted to above accounts will kindly call and arrange for settlement at once. They must he settled with cash or not«; in HO days. • A. E. Kellogg, Assignee. Gold Hill, Ore., Oct. 11, 1012. Every item in this big list o f Farm Machinery, Implements, etc., will be sold by the undersigned at a sweeping reduction, regardless o f cost THIS BIG STOCK CONSISTS OF W agons, Buggies, Harrows, Disc Harrows, Plows, Drills, Alfalfa Renovators, Cultivat­ ors, Harness and Harness Parts, Fencing, Paints and Oils, etc. COME E A R L Y W HILE STOCK IS COMPLETE B. G. L A N E , T r u ste e A 8 8 A Y E R A N D C H E M IS T . EARL V. IN G L E S , B 8c.—General as­ say and analytical work. Cement and asphalt testinz. Beat equip­ ped aaaay office and tearing labor­ atory in Oregon. All work guar­ anteed. Calveit-Paddock block. ' Phon« 170-J, G ran t* Paa*. Oregon. Notice All persona in arn ars'fo r water rental must remit in full on or before Oct«,her 1st. —Oregon Water »V Power Company, IL D. Reed, Manager. Notice- Board of Equalization Notice Notice ia hereby given that on the third Monday in Octolier, (21st day 111«' Board of Equalization will attend, at the court house in Jackson County, Oregon, ami publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, des­ cription or qualities of lands, lots or other property assessed by me; and it shall be the duty ot persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. —W. T. G rieve , Assessor. Dab'd this 2fitb day of September, 1912, at Jacks«,nville, Jackson County, Oregon. Every Man should decide to have a bank account Patronize your home bank ! The Gold Hill Bank a conservative custodian Sen. Chamberlain at Medford Tonight