ANOTHER EXPERIMENT BY BURBANK ©t)i iGolD UiU 5foh» Published f v c n S«(urda> «1 Gold Mill, iacfcson County. Oregon -r— - ===== by B tN M. tAM PM AN .in u re d »I th e G rid tilli t>o»fcgta» lo r Irnnsm l* •to n th r o iu h th e I •died State» m alie a* <'«**» m atter S au BOAT, < ' WM« '• Subscription $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Advance 0 EATERS. Almighty ha« n o n e mouth to uiir of hands h fi >d for th at : can be proved f heaven It 1» 'net th t that fed by thiwe ■'tig Interfered man who has i feed and his •til. I hold If d ever made a o>uld do all the of th e work he ie them with no hands, and another class should do all e of th e eating ale them w ith ­ out m o u th s and w ith all h a n d s .- WORKERS A W here« ' i> ..dupted to fu n mouth. if m . j IIP to be the will proved by this mouth Is to I hands w ithout w ith by any ills., his mouth h; i ds to labor the Almighty h set of men that eating and r.oue would have i: m ouths only u: if he had m if that he Intend the work ...d ’ he would have t A b rah am I .iv «'•« THE PILGRIM SPIRIT. T he pilgrim sp ir.t has not lied; It w alks iu no. u 's broad light, Aud It w atches the bed of the glorious de: (1 W ith th e b ta rs by night; It w atches the l> d of th e brave who have bled And still guard th is Icebound shore TUI the waves of the bay w here the Mayflower lay Shall foam and freeze no more. - J o h n Pierpont. PRAYERS. Make us of quick and tender conscience. O Lord. th a t discern­ ing we may folio.. every sugges­ tion of thine in elliug spirit.— C hristina G. Ito. iti- G ran t unto us. Almighty God. of thy good spirit, which If we have th e a to m ,' f life can hurt us but little and ie cures of life vex us not a t ull -G eo rg e D aw ­ son. G rant uuto u s th a t the fire of thy love may 1 a up in us all th e things th at 'p lease th e e .- Rom an Breviary L ift my soul above th e weary round o f haras>. g thoughts to thy eternal pre'.-,, e.— Pusey. As thou h -t • l e n l o us a life of high - - atl -a so may thine own breathing .., our hearts In­ terpret for us it- sacred oppor- , t u t i i t i e J a n e- ‘ artlneau. To the People of Gold Hill and Vicinity— OLD HILL arises to claim a new distinction. Its citizens G modestly embrace the honor that has been thrust upon them bv the Luther Burbank Society, of Santa Rosa, California. No­ where else, in so small a compass, has ever been discovered so large and brilliant a coterie of citizens distinguished for then- zeal as patrons of science and disciples of progressive research. Of the very first one hundred honorary members of the society made famous by its gifted preceptor, the humble little hamlet on the Rogue lays claim to a considerable tally. Handsomely engraved invitations of membership, seductively Mattering with their hint of exclusiveness, brought smiles of self appreciation to many countenances, before it became generally discovered that thè favors of the Society had literally been thrown bro d- cast Letters accompanying the invitations, and signed by the secretary, intimated that, although the memberships to lie so disposed had been limited to five hundred, it was considered very probable that the recipients, who were among the chosen, would alone be afforded the distinction of being polled among the first hundred memberships so accepted, and that the further exten­ sion of the Society’s roster would not be deemed advisable for some seasons to come. Those desiring to be enrolled, and to whom the honor had been extended in recognition of their sing­ ular fitness for membership in the Burbank Society, were re­ quested as a mere m atter of form to forward membership fees of $10.00 per month for fifteen such periods, and enter into the unrestricted enjoyment of their privileges - namely the freedom by card of the Burbank experiment farm at Santa Rosa, where ‘•the influx of visitors, tourists, curiosity seekers” and other hoi polli is so great as to preclue a general admission, and the ebul­ lient satisfaction of beholding their facsimile signature append­ ed to the scroll of life memberships as reproduced in a complete set of the Bnrbank books. Stripped of its empty verbiage and soft flattery, the proposal reduces itself merely to an ancient and not overly clever scheme of book peddling. That the com­ piled research of the genius, whose experiments have revolu­ tionized the most ancient of industries, may well be worth the money is beyond the issue. The method proposed for their dis­ posal is shoaled on shallowness and insincerity. Commercialism has taken root in Santa Rosa, and the old process of fertilization will be practically adapted to Burbank’s acres of admirers. THE SHADOW OE DOOM N A CURRENT WEEKLY appear two new departures in J political method in the endeavor to get the ear of the people The one constitutes a full page of almost prohibitively priced advertising, the other a modest little single column space. Each represents an extreme in American political theory. The one promises panic and depression if its mandates are disregarded the other offers financial independenc to the toiler, ihrough one runs the same old flimsy thread of bulldozery and deceit, through the other the silver weave of faith in human betterment. One cautions the meddlesome who presume to voice the com­ plaint of their class, the other invites the freedom of thoughful investigation. They are the representations of two parties, the Republican and the Socialist. It is written that both may not endure. One must go down to the junk-room of the centuries. On the face of things as they are —with the scale yet unequally balanced—which will it be? , I NearNeighbors Im portant E vents Having purchased the drug store in Gold Hill, 1 wish to announce that I shall conduct the same as an up-to-the-minute store. The stock will consist of a complete line pf drugs, stationery, rubber goods, toilet articles, in fact», everything that a drug store should h ave- of one quality - the best. I expect to supply every want-m ay I supply yours? Martin D. Bowers J I I B a n R ru p t S a le o f W . G. M y e r s’ 5 to c R o f IM PL E M E N T S Every item in this big list of Farm Machinery, Implements, etc., will be sold by the undersigned at a sweeping reduction, regardless of cost THIS BIG STOCK CONSISTS OF Wagons, Buggies, Harrows, Disc Harrows, Plows, Drills, Alfalfa Renovators, Cultivat­ ors, Harness and Harness Parts, 1 encing, Paints and Oils, etc. It Is rum ored to u t a new rte e l c- - blnation will soon be form ed with By Norman Gage. C harles M. Schw ab a t its head ami Unsecured I ( Andrew C arnegie and H enry C. Frick Herliert Johnson of Wilhiteville, left as its financial backers. The Bungtown Curfew for Prospect the first of the week. Illinois has a pension law for m oth­ O, th<- sun went out. and the 'tan*cam e School began at the Debenger Gap dis­ ers of dependent children, and last 1, k, and the moon climbed over the the m onth in Chicago 380 m others, with li 1—a rolling pearl on a uilver track — trict last Monday with Miss .Mabie Scott 1306 children, received $8145 tow ard a ; 1 the little, old town grew still. His af* teactier. th e support of th e ir children. Miss A lberta Stacy, the popular young p ;ie was mild and the air was sweet, the The Mexican congress has granted n rh t bird called to its mate, when he teacher of Beagle, attended the teacher’s P resid en t M adero’s req uest for au­ li ard the trip of scurrying feet and the institute at Ashland last week. th o rity to ask perm ission of th e U nit­ click of the garden gate. The curfew Miss A lberta Stacy, and sisters, Flora ed S ta te s to tra n sp o rt Mexican troops r ng from the old town hall, and the and Dessie attended the “ Literary at again through A m erican territo ry . m arshal slouched on his rounds, but the Table Rock last Saturday. T he d ep artm en t of ag ricu ltu re has '.a rs and the moon and the evening Quite an accident occurred at the Buz- , issued a q u aran tin e ag ain st Irish po­ ail were full of pleasant sounds. tato es from G reat B ritain, G erm any, A 8 8 A Y E R A N D C H E M IS T . And 1 m - hears the click of the garden zard mine last Sunday when considerable A ustria-H ungary, N ewfoundland and powder exploded. One man waa in ­ 1 tc h and the trip of scurrying feet, and EARL V. IN GLES, B 8c.—G eneral a s­ th e islands of St. P ierre and Mequelon. say and analytical work. < «merit a whisper of white in a moonlit patch, ured, hut I)r. Porter, of Medford, who On th e ground th a t it is confiscat­ Best equip- was called to dress tlie wounds, said they and asphalt testing. a i f the low laugh when they meet. And assay office and testing labor- o ry F ederal Judges H ump’ ■ y. ped were not serious. li smoke dies ont and the pipe grows All work guar- horn and B aker at S p rin g '1» Id. 'll. d" atory in Oregon. Cal vett-Paddock block. c c l, ami the little, low breeze grows B urdette L. Dodge, of Riverside ranch, elded th e sta te 2 cen t p assenger law anteed. c'.i'll, as he hears like an echo ever so old recently purchased a gasoline threshing Is u n constitutional so fur as the Cm P h o n e 370-J. G rant« Paas, O regon. a whistle call from the hill. Ami th e lady outfit for his own line. He said witli so cago. P eoria & St. Louis railroad com m on, in the ravelled lata- of the Iitti» much grain everywhere atid only two Notice pany Is concerned. li lit elouds flung by, but half obsenres machines a t work, if he waited for them R ebels raided th e cam p of William All I'-mons in arrears for water rental I h ■ smiling face ami wrinkles a merry he would have fine work about C hrist­ O. O rr, co n tracto r, em ployed by the m ust rem it in full on or Is-fore Oetols-r mas time. Mexican N orthw estern railw ay, and 1st. And the curfew called and the curfew Theodore Glass, a prom inent and in­ forced th e A m erican to give over his —Oregon W ater A Power Company, r ing, ami the drowsy old man arose—but dustrious fanner of Beagle, returned payroll, am ounting to about $14,000, II. D. Iteed, Manager. the cricket shrilled and the night bird home after spending several weeks in the equipm ent valued a t $12,000 and about s mg, and the breeze bespoke tin* ros» W illamette valley during the threshing $10.000 In com m issary supplied And one by one in the sleepy town tin season. He says he was not satisfied un­ L um ber m an u factu rers of the Paci­ Notice- Board of Equalization Notice 1 -t little lights burned low—for the cur til he was back in the Rogue River valley. fic no rth w est will m eet In San F ran­ Notice Is hereby given th at on the third f v’s call as night drifts down is a time He lias the Rogue River fever alright. cisco in large num bers O ctober 14 to Monday in Oetols-r, (21st d a y ) tin- Board f r the old to go. For the years swing discuss w ith th e lum ber d ealers of nt Equalization will attend, ill l i e - court lu ck with the garden gate, and the ash that and o th er C alifornia cities ques­ A Dinner For 25 Cents house in Jackson County. Oregon, mid in the pipe grows chill—and tin- curfew tions of general In terest in the lum ber publicly examine Inc assessment rolls, The is— t to be had for that price ill b i l l . ills that the hour Is late industry. and correct all errors in vidunlion, des­ l; Lie River valley at the American n-s- whistle sounds from the hill. A very rem ark ab le fact regarding laiirant I formerly Goixl Eats ciifrj in the Inspection of anim als in the public cription or qualities of binds, lots or other projs-rty assessed by me; and it. shall Is- « ,,.i,i- l'a-s. Our vegetable», eggs, etc., j slau g h ter In es of the country, is For Sale Cheap i. I,might direct from farmers and are th a t durh.i -he last year, although the dnty of persons hihYi-sh-d to appear A five passenger Ford, almost as good irielly first class as are the groceries t at tin- time and place appointed. 13,005,500 i- -I of m utton w ere h r as new. If taken at once will go at tool». w en-. Our kitchen is ns clean as tin-i —W. T. G iiie v k , spected by th e governm ent, not a sin­ —< i. A . Landis, Awwaor. kitchens of the is st homes and the cook- - gle anim al w as condem ned a s d iseas­ Gold Hill, Ore. ¡tig i- don«- witli the Utmost can- to have ed, and not a single p a rt of an anim al Dated thiiiZSth day of S ptemls-r, 1912, I Lance ami Co. are paying 30 cents III- fond apis tizilig. You will enjoy our w as destroyed for th e sam e reason. at Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon. ! eoll'e- an,I tea, for it is rightly made. i r dozen lor eggs. Debenger Gap Overdrafts COME E A R L Y W HILE STOCK IS COMPLETE B. G. L A N E , T r u ste e Every Man should decide to have a bank account Patronize your home bank ! The Gold Hill Bank a conservative custodian Go and see the Prize Corn at the Bank!