V O k Iß (IO LI) HILL, JA C K SO N COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912 Spanos Stoutly Avers Innocence ^ OCRAT,CN^ N E ^ COUNTY^ ^ Robert G. Smith is L IT IC S a Attorney for the P S en O ato r La F o llette h as com e out flatfooted In su p p o rt of (ha Republlcuu Accused ticket In V. , Neighbor Boys Shoot Estray Calf PEO PLE T he second trial of C larence Darrow will be called In Loa A ngeles O ctober 21. J. P ierpont M organ and his fam ily will spend th e w in ter a t S anta B ar­ bara, Cal. Colonel H enry G. W atterson, ed ito r of the Louisville C ourier-Journal, has been seriously ill in New York for the past week. O rtle McM anigal, chief w itness for the prosecution In the governm ent's dynam iting cases, has arriv ed a t In­ dianapolis from Los Angeles. T he will of the late John A rbuckle, the coffee king, was tiled In Br ,klyn. It bequeaths an e sta te of $30,357,790.66 equally betw een tw o sisters. Mrs. Mary W ebster McMillan, g ran d ­ niece of Daniel W ebster, and g reat grandchild of A lexander H am ilton, died a t Los A ngeles Friday, aged 76. C. J. Sinsel, of Boise. Idaho, has been nam ed as chief judge of apples fit the Pacific N orthw est Laud Pro­ ducts Show to be held In P ortland Trouble on Sardine Creek Over Veal Cutlets New York He publican a have nomln I l«*l«l in tin’ county jail at Jack unvilji , uted Job H. H edges for g overnor and without I muh I, Mike Spun ox, all« .'' I mur- Jam es W. W adsw orth, Jr., for Hen Three boys and a calf wen- the combi­ «len-r of IkMlaxkaJoitx, i i i i i i i i l u i i i * tonuiit-goveriior. nation which led to neigbliorly di-e-nti«n Ilia innocence of tin* awful crime and «!«• G overnor McGovern of W isconsin on Sardine creek last fa tu n la y , and came clan « tliat lie a ill have hut little dillh-ulty haa laaued a statem en t in which he near to adding yet a n o tlu r .-a-.- r., ihe in freeing hiniarif of the charge wh. u tin* announced th a t he would vole for long list which now adorns the docket at cam* coin«* tirforc <>»«• jury. Spains a«k* Rooaevelt and Johnson. Jacksonville. Tia general s-ono-nxns , f for an early trial in order that h e 10.15 Denied adm ission to th e b ar by the opinion is th at the eaif slxmld have been n-gain I i I m freedom ax Moon a |« > -ihl , ap p ellate court Judaea In Han Frtin home witli its tnotls-r, and thus and tuide from thin preserve* i . ¡ p j , u cisco. Lucy Goode W hite, Socialist spared an untimely transposition into aiu*e of gn at good hum or and no» h e m . can d id ate for auprem e Judgo. haa with vesi; while th e boys concerned are he­ All uuele of tin* MCCUM m I IIUM i , h •i«liu.' at draw n from th e race. li, ved to have ree l e d a lesson which MaryHville, California, hax emiit I 'tw aid P resid en t Joseph F. Hmtth of the will effectually cl, vk any forth, r tend- with llnaiuial axxixtanee and «-tiiMged the Mormon ch u rch issued u signed sta te ­ eney tow ard emuh the wild, free life legal xervkvx <>t Attorney I. In it K. m ent at Halt laike city Indorsing the of cattle ‘' rustierw. Smith, of Grant* I' uxh , to conduct the adm lnlatrutlon of P resid en t T aft and The calf in qu, xu u was the pr qM-rty Me Kurd «•ass home. Ayonng , brother, Clarence, colony of Grceka, and while Spano« U ai an.l Donald Avery, wl ho ha«i remained a t a prvviotiw reputation of Hhndy chara. t« r, lit«* ranch, assisted in kinning and ent- th e victim, George Dudaxlcaloux. ap|«eai tiug up the-trophy of the chase, and the W ashington.—Two m ore Uvea were to have been a man of exemplary con­ Law rence, Maas.—A dem onstration vi al was hung toc-s.l in an adjoining VF. H . M ! L E R aaertfleed to aviation a t th e U nited duct, rex|a*rU*d ami popular with I nj U i ■trike ag ain st th e Im prisonm ent of outbuilding. To T ilg VtlTKKH o r J At K- State« arm y aviation field. College > n Cot v r v : asking to serve. hia fellow workmen ami hix varioux eui* labor leaders took place here Monday. When Mr. Smith went out to “ call the P ark, Md., n ear here, when an arm y .My life ns-««r«l is open Is-f-ire you for < ii'Utli-nien, the tint«- is draw ing near |4oyerw. aernplniMi fell 35 feet to th e ground, when Jon will be ealltsl upon to one your invi-tigatieii. | have ito«-xi'iis«-s totnake, A fter hand-to-hand clashes betw een cattle hom e” , the youngest failed b> re­ For a numtier of yearx Dtx'axkalottx wax Blatantly killing Corporal Frank 8. rioter» and police lasting all day, th e spond. and ids search for the missing employe« 1 upon the xeetfon crew of the Rcott and ao aerloualy in ju rin g Second l»'st jtiilgineut in selecting from among no favors to extend, except conrttxais dem onstration w as declared off by the anim al led him to tin- Van Hotiten ranch, Siaithern l*H4 itie at Gold Hill, when« hix L ieu ten an t Lewla C. Rockwell th a t he your citixena, coni|s-tent |«-n-otis to till th«- treatm ent alike to you (ample from all Industrial W orkers of th e World. where lie «liscovere-1 the hide and veal' various offices of the county. In this I parts of th«- county. No promises b> thrift ami g«Mxl hum or «’omniendod him died later. T he strik e w as called for 24 hours He came to Gold Hill the following after­ m a k e ««th*T than if eleebsl, I will give my ta k e pleasure in offering myself a s' the to all who km-w hiui. Two month* ago In p ro test ag ain st th e im prisonm ent noon and iaiti com plaint ls-fore ileputy Hundred« of portion«. Including fel­ he waa trtuisi.rred to Medford, where 1 low srtny officer» attach ed Io th e avia I »< it i vratie candidate for the office of 1« rsotial tim e und attention bi the duties of Joseph J. E ttor, A rturo G iovannltti preweeutingattorney ... E. Kellogg, with of tile office, and will put forth my la-st County Clerk. Wax niiniluily employed. and Joseph Caruso, w hose tria l in co n ­ instructiiMM to pn»,-, ute. Through the tlon school, wltnrsiead th e truglc acci­ In asking tin- |«-opli- of this county to efforts to sts- that the office is conducted nection w ith the d eath of Anna Lopiz C o iiiiii , ,11 kllowliMgi- of the fuel that intervention of m utual friends however, dent W hen they reached th e scene l*ed.t»k,doiiH at all lillitv« carried a large Corporal Hcott was found dead several honor tia' with this position I co n a-n o t i aeeording to law und the la s t of my ■o opened M onday In Salem . Seven tlie matb-r was sat faet -rily Mettled oo* ability. "iim of currency in a tnotiey 1« It ii | miii feet from th e w reck ed . m achine, while Io yon as a stranger, hut us a Native Son, I thousand of th e 25,000 operatives in of court, by the agm -m ent of Earl Yun Bi's|ss'tfully Yours, hia |icnion, made him a plain ta rp l for L ieutenant Rockwell waa n ear by, fa ­ having s|s'tit the gn-atcr portion of my ; th e cotton and woolen m ills h ere obey Houu-n to re im h u r- Mr. Sm ith for ttie past lit«- among you whom I ant now tile (ate lie met in Mialford. W. II. M i u . ek . ed th e call, forcing out 5000 o th ers anim al, tia' value of which was placed at ta lly Injured through th e closing down of d e p a rt­ $25.00. L ieu ten an t Rockwell had sta rte d up m ents. As the eldest of the youthful trio is but w ith Corporal S cott as a p assen g er to H enkle Fam ily Holds Reunion. At a m ass m eeting late in th e day eighteen years of ami the rem aining P hilom ath.—T he llenkh* reunion, m ake a te s t flight in hia tria l for a the w orkers w ere told to go back to two had little o r n thing to do with tlie leading ev en t of Its kind for Benton m ilitary a v iato r's license. (bi Monday evening last tlie ladies ol unstudied sincerity «if his rem arks all work, ready to com e out again a t th e actual misdded, th, re was a strong («.po­ oounty, which Is held annu ally nt th e tlie M. E. church extcndol a very cor­ pn-s. ut felt that his interest was an indiv­ call of th e In d u strial W orkers, if th e lar sentim ent against the case being H etikle hom estead, four m iles from W M . M. W OOD dial invitation to tlie pithlie to come to idual m atter, that lie was striving to do a leaders a re not satisfied w ith the pro­ pushed, the boys having made a clean Philom ath, took place Saturday. It llieir church home and assist intem lering yreat an,I good work for eaeli and all. gress of th e trial. breast of the affair. As an iim riiive t,| wna atten d ed by 126 men. women ami a reception to th eir pastor, Rev. E. ('. I tie iK-rasioii was made even more enjoy­ future good conduct tin- case was accord­ children, all of whom nre m em bers of Bil liards, und wife. Tlie ladies had so able |,y a program of musie. A q n artrt, L aw rence. Mass.—Police and parad- ingly suspended and all three placed tlie H enkle fam ily, o r connected to it transform ed the interior of the church •....... . .. M r s,b illie s Kellogg and Koi­ ers fought w ith kniTes and clubs S un­ ujsin probation for a period of three by m arriage. edifice as b) completely effa«-«- its auster­ 'S y, and Messrs. Harvey and MeFarren, day before a dem onstration by m em ­ years. ity—tlie liis ir s w e re spread with rugs, f.ivond the audience with a (ileasing bers of th e In d u strial W orkers of th e the walls tastily d«-eorated and hung with nun,tier. Mirers Dorothy Smith and W orld. Two officers w ere stabbed, CONTRACTORS SUED pictures, and, though late in tin- season, H attie lhsige-. contribute,1 dainty in s tm - ' **Tera* dem o n strato rs w ere clubbed, RECORD RECEIPTS FOR BIG DAMAGES quantities of lieauttful cut flowers lent mental sol,. l ’rof. Howell Istiae sang and an In d u strial W orker leader w as OF WHEA T BROKEN tlieir graceful beauty to the «ieeorative and recited in his illimitable m anner. oaptured a fte r a h ard fight and then scheme. Hupqrintemlent Burt A Adams, I'oll,living the program the ladies ol the freed. Two a rre s ts w ere made. R ecent T ra g e d y in J a c k s o n v ’le of tin- I ih ' h I sell«Mils, in a brief, fonx-ftil chnreh M-rvisl fruit punch and confec­ P o r tla n d R eceives 8 9 0 C ars in Q u a rry Cause» A c tio n address, voiced the sentiment of the e n ­ tions. Tlie entire evening reflected the T alesm en Excused in M urder T rials. S in g le W e e k ’s S h ip m en ts tire city when In- wt-leomed tin- return­ high esuein in which Gold Hill people Salem , M ass.—Of one hundred and - 1 Five actions for ilniniigc* have been ing pastor and his charm ing wife to tlieir hold Mr. and Mrs. Kichanls, and the MX talesm en who w ere exam ined by p o rt,and. _ All records for w heat re- iH iini-hed in flu- circuit oourt at Jai kson- third year in th e pastorate. Mr. Adams g, u,-ral pleasure w hich their decision to Judge Quinn in the superior co u rt celptg the northw egt w ere brokpn ville against Twoliy Bros., contractors, as (►aid a just trib u te to tin- progress a ttain ­ reinuin occasions. It is no light tribute h ere for ju ry duty in the m urder tria l ln P ortIand ,agt W(?pk whpn g90 c ar. III«' a flin n a th of tlie explosion in the ed under tlie tutelag»- of Rev. Kichanls as to la ' fnxly given the approval of an entire of Joseph J. E ttor. A rturo G iovannitti loadg reached , he lerm in a, yardg Thi> Jacksonville quarry some tim e ago which pastor, teacher, and comrade. On Ixdialf «,’inniunity, and it is in hearty conconl and Joseph Caruso, grow lug out of th e lmmenge quanU ty, with th e o th er resulted in several deatlis ami n numls-r of Mr-. Kieliards and himself, Rev. Rich­ with Ihegt iieral sentim ent tliat The News I-aw rence strik e last w inter, only tw o grain> floul. hay and m isceUaneou, of injiirii-s. ft is slab'll th at Ih e I'linip nny ards ileelured tlieir (ile u s, ire in assuming joins in welcoming Rev. and Mrs. Rich­ w ere accepted. T he m ajority w ere ex­ succeed««! in compromising hut one ease. m erchandise received, so congested charge for another year. Through the ards to another year in tlie local field. cused when they told th e court they the tra c k s th a t it w as im possible to A list of tlie actions filed follows: had form ed or expressed an opinion. get all th e w heat to the docks w here John Hutton vs. Twoliy Bros., action for daimtgi's. | It w as w anted. One P o rtlan d firm Ik iirdsli-y A Crny vs. J. W. D re-lcr, A LFR E D B. B E E R S j had 130 c a rs of grain in th e term inal action bi ns'ovi'ry money. yards, but could not get them to its B rakem an C harles U tte r of t h e 3. P. Two U m atilla county w heat raisers, I’asquul Yzuna vs. Twoliy Bros., action dock. A S. freig h t service, w as killed a t G eorge C opplnger and Ab AVIlliams, (or damages. T he larg est w heat receip ts in P o rt­ W illiam M. Wood, head of th e wool­ W arren w hile doing sw itching. It. K. O 'Brien as adm inistrator estate en tru st, recen tly Indicted for alleged land for one w eek h eretofore was 680 T he Dayton D rier and E vaporating engaged in a fight a t Echo, In w hich of Win. Carrol Byrne vs. Twoliy Bros., "p lan tin g ” of dynam ite during the com pany's p lant nt Dayton burned to W illiam s w as severely stabbed in the cars, w hich cam e in the correspond­ shoulder, received a cut in th e face, action for damages. ing week last year. T he record in L aw rence tex tile strike. th e ground w ith 20,000 pounds of dried and may lose the sight of an eye. H. It. Simmons as adm inistrator of De­ 1910 w as 540 cars, received in th e prunes. T ipping In o rd er to get baggage late of J. M. Simmons vs. Twoliy Bros., week ending S eptem ber 24. In 1909 O ver 2,000,000 tro u t w ere d istrib u t­ G overnor's O rders Obeyed. handled prom ptly a t the Union depot action for damages. th e best record w as 581 cars, arriving P rairie City.— Following ex p licit o r­ ed In th e various stream s of the sta te Isinra Ryan as adm inistratrix of «-state d ers from G overnor W est, th e d istrict durin g th e p ast year, according to in P o rtlan d must stop. T his is the in the week of O ctober 8. of J. W. Ityuu vs. Twoliy Bros,, action a tto rn ey recently notified th e Inm ates th e rep o rt of W. L. Finley, gam e war- I ultim atum issued by th e s ta te railroad com m ission to B. Lyons, m anager of for damages. of questionable re so rts in Canyon den. The Markets the N orthern Pacific T erm inal com ­ T he O regon A g ricu ltu ral college has City, John Day and P ra irie City th at pany. W rrts rn P ins Men Meet a t Ln G rsn- at a designated date th eir places must decided to m ake extensive exh ib its at P ortland G angrene resu ltin g from a wound La G rande.—The W estern Pine be closed. T he o rd er w as obeyed to th e N orth w est Pacific Land P roducts W heat—Club, 78c; bluestem , 82c; sustained In a m otorcycle accident, M anufacturers' association held Its th e le tte r and at th e appointed tim e show to be held la P o rtlan d ln Noveia red R ussian, 76c. caused th e death a t Salem of Frank q u arterly session here w ith dhlegate'- all th e reaorta w ere cloaed anti the her. O ats—$27 p er ton. J. Moore, eld est son of Ju stice F. A. from all th e mills of Im portance In hnbituea, with th e ir belongings, had C harles II. C arter, nom inated by H ay—T im othy. $17; alfalfa, $13. Moore of the s ta te suprem e court. eastern Oregon, eastern W ashington d ep arted to o th er sections. th e D em ocrats of U m atilla oounty for B u tter—C ream ery, 33c. Mr. Moore leaves a widow and four and all of Idnho. I circu it Judge, and J hiiich H. -Raley for E ggs—35c. children. i d istric t atto rn ey , have both declined Hops— 1912 crop, 18c. W om r" ' '’ -tr-l V igorous and explicit denial la m ade Coos-Curry F air Is Success. to run. Wool— E a ste rn Oregon, $18c; Wil­ by M acA rthur, P erks A Co., of N r El Paso, Tex.—"C oroneia" Alls, wife Coquille.—T he flrat annual Coos and D espondent because his sw eeth eart lam ette valley. 22c. C urry county fa ir held a t M yrtle Point, of th e rebel chief of th a t nam e, is w as about to accom pany h er p aren ts York, of fhe published statem en t from M ohair—32c. closed S aturday. A m agnificent dis­ lending a band of rebels 28 m iles east to an o th er town, G erald T raylor, a 17- Coquille th a t they a re backing a pro­ jected railroad, to run from P o rt O r­ play of farm products In g re a t variety of Ju arez, Mexico, according to a re­ year-old boy of Elkton, com m itted sui­ S eattle C aptain Alfred B. Beers, of B ridge­ port received by U aueral B teever at cide by shooting him self througli the ford to connect w ith the Pacific A w ere exhibited. W heat—B luestem , 80c; chib, TTc; port, Conn., new com m ander of the E u stern a t Medford. F ort Bliss. head. red Rus sian, 75c. G rand Arm y of th e Republic. O ats—$25 n er ton. Aviation Claims Another Pair 2 4 -Hour Strike Incites to Riot Popular Pastor is Tendered Reception Little Items of Interest to Oregonians