Local News Notes Isutoe utiil (’ 20 Per c en t Shirts, 20 per Hum. Tu Mr. and Mm. Jaik Hutchins, I tent. off. Hard Wheat I* LOUR, $1.25 in 10 Sack lots. of Gold Hill, on Thnmday, Heptomls-r j 2»ttli,|ii daughter Don’t inii' tile old fashioned »ail iron. Try a Hut point Glad Iron. Heu John Kelsey, )»• ha« 'em. Wonderful bargain» in (nil and winter rlothiug and (urn, at lauwe A Coni|iany'», (k'tolier 3rd and till Mi»» lli'lta Eddington, id Sam» Valley, has been to Grant« Paa» aeveral time« HAVING shipped in for this $5,000.00 worth of the finest fall w ithin the paal week. w fiT ^ v 160818’ a,‘d FurS that G(,ld HHI ever Many garments will b Mm. Jennie Chisliin-, and your dollar will stretch like rubber. COSTS NOTHING TO LOOK. 1 Uncle Boh Conk 1» making one id hi» wtui-iH'eaaional ami alway» welcome vla- Ita to Gold Hill llie present week. ' Oscar Baker, signalman on the Southern Parifie (nr I hi» dtvtatitn. 1» nnwtha proud piaas-anr ol a gaaolliic speeder Mm, W. K. Hurling left on Wednesday for HornhriHik, Cal., where »he 1« the gtx-t of Iter nub , lawlie Darling II you want a line little ranch of .50 Tlie ladies of the M. E. church will | llienry Miller eaniiwlgnetl about the Tiiat tlx* hue and t ry after alleged dy acres, inoatly river l»>ttom lami, crock u nder a reception to their pastor, Rev. county on Wiilmwlay in the iiitenwta of running thru It, fine new house ami E < . Richards, on Monday evening next, namiters of Rogue river fish has not been hie eaudidaey (or county clerk. barn, moat bi'aiitifully situated on tile and un all-inclusive invitation i» Iwnx-d to without avail, is aUeoted to by tlie fact Fred IVnnlnger and children ol (lent hunks of the Rogue, call upon C. S, Golh Hill people to he present. During tiiat newly killed fish along the river hanks an* is*eoming ol far less frrqucmx*. ral Point visited lor aeveral day» thia Redfield. tlie year in which Rev. Richards ha» hail A fortnight ago it was common to find a wi»'k at thi' home id T. N. Anderson If you want an electric stove, you want charge of the local pastorate, Ixith he and A I why daughter arrived at the Sam» one that will Inaaconvenient a» possible. Mrs. Richards have endeared themseJviw half dozen salmon, jack salmon or stei-l- Valley holla* id Mr. and Mm. W. II ' have oue that will broil, toast, try, or to the congregation and the community, h. ail within as many yards of fawkwati r. Vaughn on Friduy morning ol lost wn*k lx.il, dohigjiny two ut once. And three and the announcement tiiat he has con­ While some of these undoubtedly died from ailments peculiar to their kind and sented U> remain for another year will he The fln e « l offering of lailli*»' suits and pans go with this Hirr P oint article. , rough usage on the rock strewn rapids J ohn K kiskv , Agent gladly received by all. fur« ever shown In Gold Hill. At Iauuxt | tlx- geat majority bore evidence of no Davi- Avery, for the |umt wveral A <’oni|wny’R, next Ttuimilay and Friday. After thirty years of service to horse | malady save man’s malicious greeii in months warehouseman at the l<» ul de|a>t, and fixit the old wooden bridge over Sar­ . the utilization of giant powder as an aid Mr and Mm. S. W. McClendon lilt on Tuesday evening lor Pendleton, when* ha» Iwen promoted and transferred to dine i reek, west of this eity, was dia- to angling.' M liile tlie notoriety given T HAVE now in stock and set up on the floor for inspec- they wen' In alteudauee at tla« “ Bound ruin, when' hi' will serve the nuupany a» . mantlixl this week u, give phute to a this method lias resulted in tlie abate- * tion one of the most complete lines of H E A T I N G agent. Heliry*llritt ha» taken the I» *1 «reel structure. Contractor K. G. Perham D p- HH nt of the abase, it is sincerely to be re­ lion vacatisi In the local office? S T O V E S in southern Oregon. Anyone wishing to is 111 ehiirgi' .f the work, am' it 1» esti- gretted tiiat tla* autii'.rities failed to ap­ Four Oliver ty,»-writem for »ale, prac­ !> < » you know that you are liable to maUsl that the new bridge will I«' open purchase a heater should see my stock f i r s t ! I know tically az good a» new. Price, $50.00 prehend tlie law breakers for proper each. Inquire nl po»tnia»tcr John Ham- meet with an accident at any time, even to traffic within several weeks tiuai. punishment. that I can please you, both as to size, price and quality. today? Who will pay you $25 per week, Meanwhile traveller» upon the Pacific ■unruly. I also have in stock two F r e e S e w i n g M a c h i n e s >r $5,000 to your family if you are kilksl? highway must cross the river at thi» city Join in our hig profit »haring salt Redfield can fix it for you so you and take die Gall» creek mail to Rock that I going to close out at c o s t ! They are regular $40 f.dl coal», »ult» and (urn Thumday and ■an answer—eafl and »ee him. Point, where they may recroM». machines, and I am going to close them out at $ 3 0 I Friday, Gitola r 3rd and llh. Izuioe A J. P. Dinkens, of Beagle, drove down Darling A ll"dgis have rented eighty (' mipany. Now is your chance to get a $40 sewing machine for $30. - aenwof the Braden ranc h aoiitli of tilt» city from hi» ranch on Sunday afteriuxin last, Rex II. launpman departed on Thiim- ontfie Willow Springs mad, and will short- aieompanied tiy die family pet—“ Dick” Remember, they are guaranteed for five years. Anyone 4ay evening for Portland, when« he ha» W ith the exception of G eorge W. U eommenn' work to prepare the land ' —a yearling deer raptuieil in the hill» wanting a first-class sewing machine for $10 less than the ai-ivpie.l a position on the stuff id tin lor another crop. Mr. Johnson, tlie for­ hist season, and reared in the farmyard. Joseph, who w as nom inated for su­ regular selline price should avail themselves of this oppor­ Journal. mer tenant, ex|»s t» to remove to Portland With the advent of hi» first horns, or prem e court judge, all of th e candi­ d ates nom inated by th e P rogressive tunity at once. I also have in stock the celebrated Mm. B m M o Pearson who visited for inthe near future. spikes, tlx* animal has developed pugnac­ sta te and congressional conventions several day» at the home id Mm. John James E. Kirk arrived on Friday of last ious temlciificH which make him no long­ have filed th e ir acceptances. Bolt, 1» tlw gueat ol Medford friend» Ila week (min Scott« Valley, Calif., when' la- er desirable as a playmate for Mr. present weak, R equisition papers issued by the ------------doawsx----------------- ------------ ha» sp'iit the past three years pmspis'ting Dinken’s grandchildren, and “ Dick” Ml»» BI omhoiii Iti. iiiaii suffered an at­ and mining S-veral year» ago Mr. Kirk was aeeonllngly shipped from this point governor of C alifornia for th e retu rn P i n t s 6 O c Q u a r t s 7 O c 1 -2 G a l $ 1 tack "( appendicitis which prevented her mined very succesafully upon Sardine to I-os Angele» where he will he placed to I-os Angeles of Jam es Brown, col­ ored, w anted for the m urder of hts atleudaiiix* at seluail »everal day» (lie fun creek, and it I» understoo 1 that he will in a privat«* park. wife, and under a rre st In P ortland, l»art of the week. nhsaU ' tla*rc. Harry I«aiu\ former mayor of Portland w ere honored by G overnor W est. Mm. llarvey DeAnnond, id Medford, Senator Jonathan Bourne, J r., ha» for and now democratic candidate for the W ith bands playing, red fire b u rn ­ vi»lt<»l for several day» the limt of the dialril.ution a nuniher of bulletin» lamed senate, spent aeveral hours iu Gold Hill ing and the s tre e ts lined w ith people, week at (lie home ol |«»r parent», Mr. l.y tla1 Bureau of Mim*» and of particular Wednesday fornoon getting acquainted Medford day a t the Jack so n county and Mm. W. L. Collin». interest to manager» of power plant», with the voters. Thru an error in the fa ir a t M edford culm inated w ith a John T. Donegan, of Fmita creek, 1» coal mine», metal mine», or ipiarric», and itinerary no arrangement had been for “Made in Medford" parade, one mile now under Dr. Kelsey'» care at the Gold he will I»' glad upon application to send an miilress in thi« eity, a lth j Mr, Lane long, in which 100 women suffragists llill hoNpital. convalescing from a recent a copy to any person interested therein. addresred gatherings in several towns of the Rogue R iver valley w ere a thrnout the valley that day Dr. Lane special attractio n . K'rioii» attack id ph iiro-pnennionin. Another big cut in prlies at the Gold was met in this city l.y prominent lnem- Fnn»h*cl electric Iron», tla' most upto- Hill Furnitnre Store. (Idna, graniti', A petition requesting G overnor l»'rs of tla- democratic ivntrul eoinmittis- W est to exercise clem ency in the case date ¡rollon the market, lully guaranteed earthen, glass and silverware at one-half for ton year». Accept no aiiliatltiitcn. price. Tent», wagon coven, wall paper, who escorted him via auto to Central of John Irvin, convicted of second Order one now from R. T. Caine, agent. and one lot »mall rags, at 26 |terccn off Point and Medforik Thom* iu the escort degree m urder, has been circulated from Gold Hill were: Mayor Canon, 1 How would you like an electric »love Come and investigate. Big money sav­ E«l. I’otlinger, J. T. Summerfield, C. I,. and num erously signed a t Sum pter. that toasts, I h .I1» or fries? A nda llor ing opportunity on every thing in the Ream.'», F. I.. Ton Vi lie, and E. E- Kel­ Irvin shot a m an nam ed McCraw dur­ ing a Sunday m orning saloon row in P oint one at that. Guaranteed 2 yearn. store, ly, of Medford; and secretary of eom- the little town of W hitney last spring. Mr». Alii-e Morgan arrived on Tuesdav Well, NT John Kelsey, then lie ha» 1 ein. mittce If. I>. Reed, of this city. W. R. Foote, th e aged M arshfield Mr». F. B. Wilmarth went to Central from Medford and is at present the guest Post master John llammersly has bis-n ran ch er who shot and killed C harles of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. H.xlge», (,f this Point on Tuesday evening, when' »he was notified by tlie postofficc department W ilcox for alleged crim inal assau lt ' duly initiated Into the order id the East­ city. Mrs. Morgan has l»-en seriously ill tiiat, with tlie commencement of the on his tw o young daughters, and who at Medfi.nl for the past two month», and ern Star, returning to Gold Hill the fol­ her return to health and Gold Hill ¡»a FiM.ts creek fire delivery service, the w as tried once, w ith the re s u lt th at lowing morning. source of much »atisfaetiim to her many Itix-k Point offiei- will lx* discontinued. th e Jury disagreed, has plead«4 guilty Gold llill school pupil.» enjoyed a three friends here. Ris k Point Is 25* miles west of Gold Hill to m an slau g h ter to save his fam ily day» vacation thia week during the ab- anil directly upon the nutlineil route to from fu rth e r trouble and hum iliation. li. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor Harry K Foster, engineer in charge of wiiei' of their instructor» at the tcaclicni' Foots creek, hence the discontinuance Through an ag reem ent raached be­ Hom e Phone in»titule, held nl Ashland (mm Wedncs- (lie Gold Kill stns't survey, was taken older. Mrs. it, 11 Haymond is postmist- tw een S tate T re a su re r T hom as Kay critically HI on Saturday of last wick, day until Saturday. r,-s at the I’oinl. All supplies of tlie dis­ and T hom as D rake, ad m in istra to r of mid forced to n'turn to his home at Med­ continued office will be forwarded to litis the estate of A lbert C. H opkins, mil WI,000.U0 worth of the finest, fall coa’ s, ford, when' he has sinee been confinisi anil«, dresses and fur», will (»• on »ale at with typhoid. Surveyor Rigid, also of city, postmaster llammersly retaining lionaire tim ber land ow ner, who re ­ The tangle over the Oregon presi 401,039 a cres a re held in p riv ate own greatly reduced price»—for cash only—at Medford, is rontlhhiiig 'lie work inati- such as muy lie available fur use lien', | cently died, th e appraised value of and holding the remainder at the order j H opkins' e sta te in Oregon h as been dentlal ticket hag been straig h ten ed ership, upon which eith e r final certlfi Uime A Company’»........ Thursday ami lliteil by Mr. Foster. of the department. Applications to take placed at $1,045.004.56, and the state out by Dan K ellaher resigning from eate, p aten t o r g ran t has been issued Friday, October 3rd and Ith. John llammersly, of this city, and Mom' Barksdale, democratic candidate Charley Gilchrist, of Sum» Valley, trek­ the required civil service examination for will receive over $10,500 in h eritan ce both th e R epublican and P rogressive o r upon pending e n tries or locations, tickets. Phil M etsehan, Jr., tak es his leaving a net acreage of governm ent for the legislature, and Rola rt Dow, de­ ked into the wilds of upper Evans cris k carriers upon tlie new route have been ' tax. R eturning from th e C ascade moun place on the R epublican tick et and land w ithin th e reserves of 13,613,181 puty »In rill', wen' in Gold Hill for sever­ on Wednesday afternoon, intent in »pend­ received to the number of five. Tlie ex­ al hour» Tuesday, enronle home to Med­ ing the remainder of the ivis k hunting amination will Is* held in this eity on tains, w here they exam ined the land the Roosevelt people have nam ed A. S. acres. T he to tal tim ber w ithin th ese ( k tols r 5th, and the mute will is* placed included iu the 50,000 acres w hich the G eddes of La Grande. John L. Rand, reserves, based upon the la te st gov­ ford via auto from Creseenl City. Is'tir with Gilchrist's new dogs. The in iqs'ration on November 1st. Contrary federal governm ent proposes to ex­ a B aker attorney, tak es the place of ernm ent cruise, including alienated Mi and Mrs. J. E. Kirk arrived from pair of dogs, one a reputed veteran nt to the general Is-lief, the position of rural change with the sta te for scattered W illiam H anley, of Burns, who failed (private) holdings, apprexte tee 186. Hawkinsville, C h IIT, on Saturday of last many hattles with bruin, and the other earrier gives ample opportunity for ad­ school lands. G overnor W est and S tate to qualify as a T aft candidate for (88.000,OPO feet, board r <«■ e, which, W.-Id. and will .... .. their home in Gold an untiled pup of royal lineage, were re­ vancement.. I’pon satisfactory evidence F o rester E lliott have expressed fhem- elector. at an average of $* ban md feet, Hill It Is understood that Mr. Kirk cently imported l.y Mr. Gilchrist from T h ere a re 16,014,220 acres of lands re p resen ts r otal tit. bar 1 wealth of merit and ability rural carriers may be aelvee as satisfied with the lands. The will Is-employed at the Braden mine on old Mexico, when' he Is said to have promoted either to service in estal.lislied exchange will not be made pending a w ithin th e national fi, st reserv es in within the Bi. ion: 1 reserve alone Kan crock. paid $600.00 for them. offices or tlie railway mail service. rep o rt from the forestry departm ent. Oregon, of which approxim ately 2,- $682,440,1., . ~ — — —— — ------------AND------------------------------------ Great FaM oat, Suit and Fur Showing THURSDAY and FRIDAY, OCT. 3-4 C FF H F P F OLL I 1 LK L ‘r’ »8 up - BEA U TIFU L SUITS $ 1 0 wp - FU R S $ 1 .5 0 t o $ 7 5 .0 0 IV E ARE LANCE & COMPANY D. H. M ILLER Headquarters for Hardware L ittle Item s o f Oregon News Mason Fruit Jars F lo u r and fe e d GOLD HILL FLO U R & FEED ST O T E