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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1912)
G01J) I 'M„ JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY Former Cold Hill Resident Brutally Murdered at Medford CUSTOM QUARTZ PLANT NO W ASSURED ottage Grove H as $30 000 Blaze. Construction Work C C ottage Grove -The moat d isastro u s Hrn C ottage Grove Ims ever known oc to Commence in cu rred vyhen the Com m ercial stablea, i W oods w arehouse. Know) Near Future , •» B urkholder & G raber w arehouses, 8. II. P ip er's sorge Dedaskalous, Known as “Curly George,” Found Dead Beneath Box Factory nge E ndorses W est's C rusade. gon City.—A t a m eeting of th e ng grange. No. 122, resolutions M il» a S p C F tO S ft I I H e ld residence amt several sm aller build adopted Indorsing the law en- A t) A ss* £ ' bigs w ere burner] in about SO m inutes. nent and an ti vice cru sad e In ^ U U l O r i i i e S TOT Tlw long dcferied ens-tion of a c u m ...... The loss Is estim ated ut ab o u t $30,000. ated by G overnor W est, and ex- / l z f , ~£ C ' 1 quarts mill at Gold Hill b, of the |,., t, ng hope th a t It would re s u lt In U .,T QT P TlQDCl and the plaid |x practically a no d, se- 11 T ons of Hops Burn N ear Dallas. cording to advices received from Mrs. Pallas. F ire In a hop house on the T ROOtfVtLÎ Cora M Morgan, who la now in the i a foul and brutal m urder, ilio MK»* )*"*** farm of 8. If. I’elre, five utiles south- Micc« »«lully inU n-Ming capital in the pro. arge D*-!askal,,us, a Gçeek Albany T ries Concrete Jcct. Il ia prediclsal lliut ivjuatruction w est of th is city, destroyed th e build . was discovered bem-iu h the Ing w ith a y ear's crop, w hich had Albany.— W ork has begun on the building of tlw Mi dford b»x fat-p ry in work will begin in tlie inintediah future.t Ju st been picked and dried p re p a ra co n tract for laying the first concrete the railway yards of th at city early Mon rhe practical value ami suex-sx o f a plant tory to baling. About 23,000 pounds s tre e t paving ev er placed in thia city. day um m ing. The murderers made a of thia nature, <>|arate<l In the rich quartz of dried hops w ere sto red In th e build ' »UND y All of th e stre e t paving h eretofore thorn job of the crin , rti-hing hi- head tninlng district adjacent to thiaciyy , ha Ing. laid In A lbany Is of bitulithic and the rejx.-aP.-dly by hkn with a Mont and sev never laa'tl questioned, latt it ia to tla* concrete pavem ent is m ors o r less ering with a knife the arteries of the neck. unswerving faith and activity of M rs. of an e x p e rim e n t Dedaskalous was known to have carried Morgan alone thut the long d, ir,.| mill a large sum of gold, approxim ately $800, will Is* due. Fighting againat tong <a|<is in a money belt T ncatfi Ids dm hing, in an endeavor to interest sufficient cap ital to swing tlw* big deal, the pin, ky p r o . and th e body has ! en rilled o f thi-* poa- session. Tlie crini, was com m itted on liiotress has at last met with llmim i>d en Sunday evening, ai I -u-picion was nap- couragement that insures Qu* enterpri-a-. nrally directed to Scattered profusely tiiniottt tin- vicinity ral companion " I t o . Id Hill an quarts mines lauriug .Mexico C ity.—Ignoring the usual Greeks and fellow vv rk. rs of the m urder ed m an, several of whom were taken in giaal values, the owners of which have ohnnnols e diplom atic Intercourse, found thut tlut shipping rate of ipturiz to th e A m erican amba>.atidor, H enry b a n e I Salem .—Copies of the C alifornia Ini ; cratody. other milling point« practically pn*cln led Wilson, m ade u perem ptory dem and I Hinw a t time tiativ e and referendum pam phlet have ./" V * th tilat “* die inveHigation* of their sucn-asful o|a-rat|on. With the in on th e g overnor of the sta te of Turn- been received a t th e ofTices of Secre- bhenfl Jones an<l ’ »r<»n<T A. E. Kt Iloifg su llallo n of a ctM om quartz mill ut thia aullpas, for the Im m ediate release in fixing - F r o m New York World. ta ry u O h lcott and a p resen t som e Interest- interest- have u u an . * practically resulted • ui- « in axing the tiM* It will I * rem em bered th a t it w as lu 1904 th a t Roosevelt w rote the cele- Ing com parisons with th e Initiative l"’lnt. it Is conservatively estimated by from th e fall at Tampico, of W. G. "P*’" ' fikc Sp.eme, one of th e Mcd- hra ted "Mv " • n r Mr H arrim an " letter, saying "you anil I are practical m en” ha-al mining inch that fully fifty C the Nichols, an A m erican fruitgrow er. — • - and referendum pam phlet of th is sta te ford colony of railroad Greeks, and a- N ichols was Itnnv dlntely removed sini askini.* smaller mines will at once reoja-u for e million re m agnate to the W hite House, and a fte r a confer- fo r th e com ing general election. gamst whom the strongest circum stantial H arrim an raised $240.000. which w as used in the cam paign; work, and tluvt numerous p ro s|. , t», now from th e T em plco Jail and placed In n eues Ibat T he C alifornia pam phlet has but evidence lias been obtained. T hroottt m d th at It *- a lso In this cam paign P erkins contributed tow ard R oosevelt's nut-incla d, w ill la> sought out ami dcvcl ,> p hospital u n d er guard. N ichols Is III 31 pages. T he O regon pam phlet con the most rigid exam ination, however, the cam paign li rance com pany motie* belonging to women and children. ed At the present time none of tliesc,,,, and his life was In jeopardy as a has ........J stoutly 'm ain tain ed m.* bis in- in- ta in s s.*/v 256 »/txftX pages. alifornia pam prisoner — To. T i he lie C v& iiiornia pam- equipiaai for the milling of ore, except tla result of his confinem ent. ph let con tain s eight m easures. Of n<xienee, an'l sought to fix suspicion of T his action w as taken by o rd er of Steats R a zo r and W ins Itradcn mine on Kanes ere. k and the ----------------- ‘ ‘ to the people tb'' " M “ - u p jn others; notably his th ese tw o w ere referred Summary o f Assessment the suprem e court judge, who previ Iks twin pnqa rtii-a on Sardine crix-k by th e s ta te legislature, th re e a re American son-in-law, Bert Cummings. Sixty Days at J ’ville Roll Reviewed for 1912 m The exact nature of the proposal mill ously had ordered his rniinprlsonraent. Tlie positive identification of the knife — easures y placed ia w u on uu th e ballot uaiiot by oy ini ini- 1 •«vn.i.n«,,.,», ,,|V x.niie has not been agreed upon, but it will 1« and It has relieved n situ atio n th at tla tlv e petition, and th ree a re placed *" cr>n*‘ a-l»l->nging to Spanus, N ichols of at least seventy-live ton capacity, and fast w as becom ing acute. For annexing without due ieav e araso r attem pts to fix its ownership A sum m ary of the assessment roll for bn th e ballot by referendum petition. an * o|a-rated l y the m ctlesl found most suit was sen ten ced to eight years' Impri not his own, a transient giving tla* mime Jackson county, fum islast by assessor In th e O regon pam phlet th e re a re *“1'* is th e strongest meah in the able Io the extraction of full values from sonm ent on th e ch arg e of having kill „ItM-orgi* Gray was comm itted to the M . I . Grieve, tabulates the following 37 m easures, exclusive of seven local heI wb‘*'b *•“ winding about the accuse«!, the local ore. iilioiild tile ,1,-ul Is- cio-s-d ed a Mexican robber. T he co u rt In county wail for a period of sixty «lays by inter, Ming statistics on county wealth: m easures. Of th e 37 m easures th ree Th‘‘ weapon, stain. <1 with t l s - hl.xxl of I he city of Gold Hill will donah a one- reconsidering his ease d isreg ard ed th e i luilg« .1. I). Morvhs-k yi«sler«iay forenoon. T- wn and city lots $ 6,167,280 w ere referred by referendum petition. ltH vi< tln i- was IocaU-d by Sherifl Jones acre mill site as a bonus to the company, confession of n Mexican w ho adm itted Ils pn«c «sling m orning Gray ami a c o tn - Imp. on town and city lots 3,290,885 six by th e s ta te leg islatu re and 23 ln Iuinut<‘ search of i he premises beneath tile laud in question la-ing alluahsl on th a t he w as th e slay er of the robber. , p ,ui,,n, Charles Johnson, were taken in- Acres of tillable land, 87,352 hen- la- laxly was 7,910,805 w ere placed on th e ballot by In itiative ,lle **>x iactory, the south laink In, CUM, sly l,y Marshal Dave Noe, charg- Acres iron-tillable, 1,539,877 11,707,989 petition. T he num ber of in itiativ e b,un,b From its j. uiiar eluuacte, and town. T ru st B uster Is O pposed to Recall i cd with <lisor,k*rly comlm-t. Both men im provem ents on deeded land 807,600 m easu res ln O regon alone is 20 m ore tbe niar»t iI1Ks >’» the tiandlc, Spanos’ fel- II. II. -McCarthy, a mining and miil SeutGe, W ash. In an nddress be ; w, re ha.lly intexicated at tlie time of Improvements land not deeded 25,711» th an th e sum total of m easures on th e }°" workmen readily i,leutified it as hav- ing expert of many years ex|s-rjems uin fore th e S eattle B ar asso ciatio n l-Vank their arnwt. Among the effects taken Men-hundise, stock in trail in* been in his |s .~ . s»ion for some 875,360 C altfornia ballot. Is in charge of the plant. For the paM B. Kellogg, Hie "trust b u ster," recently i from G ray's person were two razors. Maciiincry and engines ------------------------------ montlis previous. The watch of the 223,475 several months Mr. McCarthy has tas u elected presid en t of th e A m erican Bur * Farlier in the morning Charles Penning Money, notea and accounts 1 nttir.l. red m an. pm I - ..... ,im, agl) 103,545 | from section foreman Fred W itte, ot this contlmsi in a Portland hospital recover* association, plainly cam e out In oppo | olieerved the liiluiloiis pair in the vicinity Value of stocks W M . T. H A IN E S till.-GO ingfrom the clh-cts of a scrioiiso,a ration, sltlon to th e recall of judges. j «>f his rcairicnce ami iah*r on diaeovered Farm ing implements etc. x J city, was found hi- ,-Il oil a shelf in the 130,390 Hotel Medford, wh rer-p an o sh ad w ork but is now n-ported to I«- rapidly regain ih c h x s io fh ix p e t hlade, which ia- Inal AntotnoMIcs, 330 153,105 ing health, and witliiu a short time is More Alaska Cosl Claims Cancelled laid on a w ith stan d outside the lions,-. Fnrnitiin-, watches, etc. ed washing dishes. A blood stained five 507,500 dollar bill was also in the poesetwion of expected to arrive in Gold Hill to jayf Juneau, A laska. — C om m issioner of Suspi-cling these fellows of Ila- theft, he Horses and mules, -,215 334,145j , the prisoner, while the shirt he wore on plans lor the election of the mill. 147,981 ; the G eneral Land OfTIce Fred D ennett •juesiioiied Marshal N,x as to the prop Cattle, 8,ti:ll | the evening of tlie m urder had been has ordered cancellation of the 12 erty taken from them upon arrest, and Klieep, 12,308 32,411 washed the following m orning, bat yet Llppy Itsvls coal c la ln g In the Bering easily identified his missing razor as one Swine, 4,135 12,078 1 Political Gossip ; bore evidence of blood stains. of III,-two found in G ray’s is-sses-ion. Dogs, 852 river d isu ic t. 4.355 I Both prisoners were taken before poiia- From the fact th a t Ixdaskalous was a $32,114,635 G overnor Wilson has given his ap jndge M'illiam Wetherell and assessisi sturdy, powerful m an, and from footprint* This ,l,x-s not include corporations do proval to the form ation in New York Druids Expel Members In California *5.00 and eosts apiece on tla- charge of i near the scene of the m urder, the author- Indianapolis, bid.—C alifornia D ruids disonk-rly conduct, which they paid. ing business within the county. of the W ilson N ational Progressive ! ¡tie* have presumed th at Bpaaos was as- num bering H.000, m ore than half th e Johnson was accordingly released, hut Ensuing is the assessed valuation of R epublican League. . stated in the crime. F rank Barker, a T he political situ atio n in K ansas e n tire m em bership of th e general o r (•ray was held for trial in justice court, Jackson county cities: worker witli Spanus at tlie Meeford H.-tef, A shland, $2,895,660. was cleared by a decision of th e der, w ere expelled by th e action of the • hargi.l with petty larceny. A ttorney .1 1 and employe,! as a yardm an, wasarrented -Medford, $5,700,900. R oosevelt electors to ask to bo taken S uprem e G rove of A m erica, U nited II. ikeiiian appeared for tla- <lef, iidaiit, j Thursday afternoon and released Thure- Talent, $160,655. off the republican ticket on the ballot. A ncient O rder of Druids, a t Its d o s w bile attorney A. E. Kellogg eondueted j day evening, there being insufficient Jacksonville, $347,284. Colonel Itoosevelt will carry bis ing session. It w as ch arg ed th a t th e tla- prosecution. ! evidence to bold him . P arker proved a With the evidence Central Point, $407,865. speochm aklng tour through the south C alifornia D ruids tw ice failed to m ake strongly against him Gray entered a plea I complete alibi as to his ulw reabouts and Eagle Point, $155,225. this week, covering the te rrito ry from annual rep o rts and pay p er cap ita tax. of guilty, offering in extenuation his e,-n- moveuieuts on tlie night of die m urder. ITna-nix, $171,927. M issouri and A rkansas to th e eastern The question now bothering th e otlicials dilion at the time of the theft, and was coast. Gold Hill, $183,082. j is, who and where an- the aides of Spanos? seiit.'im d by t h e .... . to a two m onths' Ihltte Fails. $81,225. MRS. DECS S p eaker C ham p Clark h as begun a | A none the less interesting feature is the term in the county ba.-til,-. Woodville, $86,595. cam paign for Woodrow Wilson which w liereabouts of tlie motley taken from will keep him busy until election day. * Dedaskalous. He la to visit New Mexico, Arlxona, G«orge Dedaskalous was well known An election on O ctober 26 to vote N evada, C alifornia and o th er w estern j and equally- well esteemed in Gold Hill, B R IE F N E W S OF OREGON on the proposition of Issuing bonds to states. , where he was employed upon the section th e am ount of $30,000 for th e erection An Invitation to P resident T aft to W illiam T. H aines, who w as recent- cre^ ^o r »be past four and one-half years, of a new high school building, has F. 11. C onner was killed by a w est e n te r Into Joint debate with Eugene ly elected Republican governor of leaving some two m onths ago to work at been called a t Coquille. bound train n ear H aines. V. Debs, th e nom inee of the socialist Medford. As “ Curly George” he was Maine C atch of salm on again show s a de T aft nnd S herm an p ictu res w eigh party for president, was declined. The known and loved by all the town child, ing 16 to n s have arriv ed at Portland. crease ln th e Colum bia river. O pera p resid en t's declination was based on ren, and his dealings and conduct have tions along th e O regon const show a the fact th a t he has announced his Water Supply is Ready Blood poison zesiiltlng from a slight always been straightforw ard and above like condition and th e pack of the Intention of taking no speaking part K lam ath Falls.—T he California-O re reproach. razo r cut on th e thum b caused the week w as com paratively sm all. lu the cam paign. gon Pow er com pany is ready to con- , He __________ „ , v „ a wife „ 11(. and m , family death of Roy B. Wiley, a young busi is known __ to „ have T he rep o rt of th e D eschutes ra il nect its new arte sia n w ells to th e j residing in Greece to whom L T re a ritte d Pledges sup p o rtin g the Income tax ness man of Lebanon. road show s th a t since Its inception pum ps and will use th is w ater exclus- j his savings from tim e to time ami is said principle. Im m ediate minimum wage A lbany college began its forty-sixth $5.366,693 has been sp en t ln the con Ively for th e city supply in future, to have invested this capital so wisely in stan d ard s for women, pensions for de school y ear Monday, w ith th e stro n g stru ctio n and equipm ent of its line. T he new w ater supply Is am ple for the fatherland th at he expected to return pendent m others, abolition of prison est faculty it h as ev er had and w ith T his Is an average coat of $61,499 per the p resen t needs of the city, th e at the expiration of another year upon co n tract labor. Initiative, referendum th e larg est freshm an class ln Its h is mile. and recall and th e Ln F ollette national pum ps on a te st lifting 800 gallons a the section, tory. W. M. Dekald, a farm er residing m inute, or a supply of n early 1,200.000 platform w ere adopted at th e W iscon One of th e ev en ts of th e y e a r for n e a r Salem , has been placed under sin r.tate republican convention. gallon* per day. horse nnd stockm en will be th e W ood a rre s t on a charg e of a ssa u lt and b at One of the b itte re st lights In the P ortland. burn farm ers' annual fall horse sale, te ry on his 4-year-old adopted son, history of New York dem ocracy seem Pendleton F air Opens which will be held In th a t city O ctober w ho died from alleged m n ltreatm ent W heat—Club, 79c; bluestem , 83c; ed im m inent when It becam e known P endleton.—The annual U m atilla- 6th. red R ussian, 78c. on A ugust 6. th a t C harles F. M urphy of Tam m any, Morrow C ounty D istrict F air opened O ats—$27 per ton. W hile digging a well for A. M cNair All the m em bers of th e grad u atin g here M onday qnd will continue the had succeeded In preventing eith er H ay—Tim othy, $17; alfalfa, $1$. H arrison ln Gold Hill, w orkingm en classes of F ebruary and Ju n e of the en tire week. T he fair gives prom ise S en ato r O 'U otm an e r William O. Mc B u tter—C ream ery, 33c. stru ck a 12-inch vein of fine quartz O regon StRte N orm al school a t Mon of being m ore com plete ln every de Adoo, G overnor W ilson's closest Eggs—28c. which h as every Indication of c a rry m outh have secured positions as tail than form erly. friends, being elected delegates to the T he Round-Up H ops—1912 crop, 19c. ing rich gold values. te a c h e rs and principals for th e coining tak es place the last th ree days of the dem ocratic s ta te convention $1 I f f l t bv H ntlnw av Wool— E astern O regwi, l$o; W il school year. week. lam ette valley, 22c. Mexico Must Give Up American Citizen California Vot ers Have Little to Worry