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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1912)
(Colò tiili &rtos LABOR AND IE1E PRESIDENTIAL SITUATION Published Every Saturday ai Gold Hill, Jackson Count), Oregon » T H O SE political wiseacres who predict the rally of labor to the support of Roosevelt, have a cud to chew upon in the dec BFN tl. 1 4M PM AN laration of Clarence Darrow for Woodrow Wilson. In speaking tin te n e at »be G rid Hth i . .office for iranami» of the presidential campaign during his recent visit to Portland, •io n through the I 'tiled State* m ail* the noted labor attorney classified the Roosevelt platform as “a a* aeccNht el»*« matter political bodge podge, compiled without regard to logic, philoso S , < 1 4 ,1 9 1 2 phy or common sense,” and declared that Wilson will receive a HE time of year is fast approaching when those friends of yours that have Subs, option $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Advamr larger electoral vote than any other since the Civil war. been carrying you around the long summer through will begin to kick out and W O O D R O W W IL S O N Wilson is honest and intelligent," said Attorney Darrow. ask you what you expect to put on them the coming winter. If you’re figuring on He would not knowingly be controlled. He does not come making your feet a nice present, one that will keep them w a r m and comfortable. from an environment that would naturally produce*great sym we suggest that you call in at our place and look over the new pathy with the working people or promote deep knowledge of stock which we have just unpacked: industrial conditions. But, in all fairness, 1 am convinced that le would always do the best be could and the most fairly. I do not think there is a chance to beat him." Branding Roosevelt as a faker, and refusing with contempt MEN’S WINTER LADIES* FINE to discuss the presidential past and political future of Taft, this W EAR foremost champion of labor undoubtedly expressed the senti W EAR ment of the class for w’hom he speaks. Labor, as a unity, can Pioneer le-imh . $ 8 .0 0 Bacholor GirL,?t")n$ 3 .7 5 rind but little to approve in Roosevelt, who is too prone t o r e gard the splendid strength of American manhood more as a Gold Seal 18-inch 8 .0 0 Paris tan 16-button , military asset, food tor powder in the prosecution of imjierial schemes, than othewise, and whose administrative record is al W inchester 14-inch 7.00 Fashion black 13-button most entirely void of real accomplishment in the interests of the Giant 14-inch . 7 .0 0 Fashion tan 13-button working man. Neither can labor stamp with approval the over weening ambition of an ex-president who attained the office North Coast 10-inch 5 .5 0 Col. Calf bld< k 1 6-button 4 .0 0 largely thru the employment of a mammoth campaign fund clandestinely subscribed by labor’s oppressors, the trusts. Gold W est «-¡nth 6 .0 0 Gun Metal 16-button 4 .0 0 That the Bull Moose band wagon will have its followers in Repeater 6-inch . 5 .0 0 Alpine 13-in w aterproof ton 5. 0 0 numbers to be reckoned with cannot be gainsaid, for the excit- ables of politics love the circus as does the small boy. Peanut vendors, thimble riggers and three shell men may find their pro totypes in the crowd of lesser politician attracted by the blare of the Roosevelt band. Disregarding the claims of the present incumbrance, whose official acts have done more to foster the malady of class prejud ice and class spirit than they have to mitigate the misery of the under dog, labor must turn either to direct socialism or to the support of progressive principles, unidentified with any partic ular party, but exemplified in the candidacy of Woodrow Wilson. THOMAS R il e y m a r s h a l l Darrow s espousal of Wilson, half hearted as it may seem, Professional Cards constitutes a genuine recognition of merit and endorsement of The U niversity o i O regon worth, coming as it does from one so jealous of the rights of Overdrafts workingmen and zealous in the interests of American toil. Come and Get Shod aturday h tpm h kr T Lance & Company “ The Big Store” Correspondence School One of Bungtown's “ Boys” off. fi, FRF E, w lth the exc ption oi ,-oet oi isiatag- on papeta and The Roosevelt-Taft armistice during the Maine elections co«t ui the U niver-ity K xt"ii.ioif B ulletin, «n < I TIZENH (»E O R E In Bnngtown, in Bungtown, about tin resulted only in a demonstration of the weakness of both. GON, fcrty U N IV E R S IT Y COI HsEM h. MAIL Ah, 1,0 to proflt break of day, when Phcebos kindles o’er l.y »he selecte.l n. the«,nly for eo ro tlm en t in the hills and eastern skies are gray, we th e C orrespondence D epartm ent. C re o th re d In the de- hear the Bopgtown “ boys” go home A. E. KELLOGG •long the jovial way; and there is m irth parm ent» of lio tan » .......bating. E «,,,,uni -. Edu. atum , E lectrlelty . « O L D H IL L . OREGON K ngll.h L lte r s tn r e , K ngll.h C e m p n .ltio n llftio ry , M aihem stlr». and m errim ent and jest and lifted song, M e.hsni.H l O rssin g , P h y .l.s l E d n ratlo n , P h ia tc . Physiologe from ihose whose days are idle and those Embalmer and Funeral P sych o lo g » , Kneiology n m l « o rr e y lu » . W e ile l . th e S e .ir.-t.r» o i whose nights an- long—for “ boys” must Director th a C o r r e .p o n .h n ie R rlm o l, C o lv e r .it» o f O regon, Eugene, fo r fn - h a le their frolic as every dog his day, Com plete lino of burial robe*, fo rm a tlo n s in i catalogue while Time his sickle sharpens and age is packet», etc. B y 'R O 'B E 'R T E E J V S fE T H M A C L E A . on the way; come wind or stormy weath COI R SE8 IN R E SID E N C E s t the U n ig e rs .t, p re p .re for the FUNERAL CAR er, come sleet or driven rain, the nights Pi..foasm n. of E N G IN E E R IN G , J o V ItN A M, l„ \W , m i I»|. F o r m e r ly C o n su ltin g E xp e rt o f th e T a r i f f B o ard . Olli«> Phone: Home, ft—M; Residence of m irth and pleasure do not return ‘ •' 1 u 1 ,MO ■ • • n o... l7 Hume, Home 2—K ; l'iii itìc hl-Main. aga n. A . ld r e s . t h e R. g i . t r . r o f ........................ .. o f th e C n ll. ge „ f Under the p ressu re of prom ise to fight chicanery and fraud In tariff leglsla- In Bungtown. in Bnngtown, »boot the E n g in e e rin g , th e ( ’«lie g . , f L ils o a l A rte . Il.e hOh » e ,. «,f E ,),,,... * P.? b" C dUty “ Ot to w l0lhol‘1 f«e«s In my possession break of day, we heard the jolly given, re atlve to the Investigation of th e cotton m anufacturing Industry. Regretful CLEMENT II. SMITH. M. D. r a ilo n . C om m erce, L a w , Me.Ji.dne » c l M u .ie we heard the answer gay, and saw the experlence wlth the tx,« rd w arran ts auch conclusions. 1 am com GENERAI- PRACTITIONER Bungtown “ boys” go by in bibulous pelled to presen t the following Indictm ent: Office in Wells Building sashay. All night th e glasses tinkled cost d a ta oa w eaving neceasary to enable along the sloppy oak, all night the fellows Hours 10-12—2-4 •!• + + + -I- + + -E T h a t the t a r if f board. It to m ak e an In te llig e n t •E -E -E + -E + + 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- j sted and teased the barroom soak; with In Ita re p o rt on m a n u fa c com parison w ith costs st prank and quip and sally they sped the tu re » o f cotton (Sched hom e; th a t tha board IO IIN H. CAKKIN OLKXN (>. TAYLOP SUPPRES ule I. ) has suppressed INEXACT was offered o p p o rtu n i b urs away till Pha-bu- kimlled o ’e r the CARKIN & TAYLOR ties fo r o b ta in in g auch fin din gs o f v ita l Im p o r SIO N fills and eastern skies were gray — come tance to the cotton In d a ta , but did not « LAWYERS d u s try , to th e pu blic and th e m ; t h a t ouch fo re ig n s irry day and sober, come heads that to th e go ve rn m e n t, but In im ic a l to the d a ta as w a re obtained w ere In a o m . case» OOMS 1 7 -1 9 OVKK JACKBON COUNTY HANK sj'lit with pain, come empty purse and special privileges o f a fe w N ew E n g la n d suppressed and In othern w are In ad eq uate VOU increase y o u r la n d y ield s enough to M EDFORD, OREGON p ■ ket, for m irth is not in vain. m a n u fa c tu re rs w ho w ere p e rm itte d by fo r honest com parison, alth o u g h so u til p a y fo r it the firs t y e a r. The n ex t three In Bungtown, in Bungtown, about the S e n a to r A ld ric h to w r ite th e cotton ached ized. ule to suit them selves. V IL break of day, the “ boys” will meet an CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. yea rs w il l b u ild a nice b ric k house. B uy T h a t th a ta r if f board b e trayed th e con an<*ient m an, a broken man and gray, Practice Limited to fidence o f A m e ric a n m a n u fa c tu re rs by pub them fro m us a n d save money. a 1 hail his plodding to tter to cheer him lish ing d a ta th a t should T h a t th e ta r if f board Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ha v e been held fo r con has p e r v e r t e d o t t e r O I his way. There was a tim e in Bung- Eyes scientifically exam ined and glasses fa cta , th e reb y a vo id in g fid e n tia l In fo rm a tio n o f PERVER. exposure o f t a r if f in ju s l- 'wn this ancient wre< k was young, and UNFAIR le g isla to r» ; t h a t com pet furnished when needed. itor» w e re given thereb y tice» th a t have benefited SION luere were days he squandered and eer- S' lelt-Con v P i i . . l.g. Mmilord, On- Ja c k s o n v ille , O reg o n v a lu a b le tra d e secrets, the fe w a t th e expense songs hi' sung; in nights of gay ca- w h ile th e fo re ig n m an u o f th e m an y m a n u fa c - fa c tu re rs divulged n o th in g o f s im ila r r isal. full gla-s and jolly noise, this palsi turar». c h a ra c te r o r Im po rtance. DR. R. C. KEI j SEY ed. plodding hostler w as one of Bung- J. A. 4 4- 4* 4- -E -E h - -!• J. 4. j. j. 4- 4. -E 4. 4. .1 IIL , 4. 4 o rn cK in t wn’s "boys. ’ * » * p or j,ini ¡n w jn(|y nn. T h a t the ta r if f hoard has not, as stated G O L D H I L L H O S P I T A L weather, in sleet or driven rain, the by P resident T a f t to congress, d ra w n a n y T h a t th e ta r iff board’s CO». TIU Iin A c STB. tr e a tm e n t o f e c o n o m ic ni-dite of m irth and pk-asme do not re- conclusions th a t w ould "be v a lu a b le In adv is in g th e congress and the people • • • queatlona v ita lly a ffe c t GOLD H IL L , OREGON DISINGEN tu i ag ain ! o f the changes th a t o u g h t to be m ad e to ing the rela tio n o f the Facts Suppressed and Issues Evaded by Taft T a riff Board By using drainage tile Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co. rr UOUS A ttanda; ; i t S ' 5 F air L arger .ulem.— I v tli rrow m argin of •“L the paid adm issions a t this y e a r’s b. te fair ex ce e d 'd 'h e paid admis t.. as of lac. year's fair. T his year 3 .08 persons paid to see O regon’» Id ; show, as O'-cinsi 31,047 last year. Albany has $12,500 Fire Albany.—-Eire which broke o u t In a row of fram e buildings In the c en te r of A lbany’s business d istrict destroyed tw o stores, causing a total loss of $12 - 500. ta r if f to th e prices e x m ak e m ore e q u i t a b l e acted fro m c o n s u m e r s th e ir (th e wool a nd co t waa d l a l n f f e n u o u a and ton schedules; effectB." T h e board did not a t mleleadln*. te m p t to d ra w c onclu sions. “ scien tific'' o r o t h T h a t th e ta r iff hoard has proved not to erw ise. fro m Ita "scien he the ’’n o n p a rtis a n ” and «cientlflc in s tru tific a lly " collected d a ta , but sidestepped th a t respo nsibility hy a rg u in g th a t such m en t prom m ed by ( ’resident T a fe ; th a t ita deductions as Its d a ta Justified w e re not m em bers dlaplayed in experience in busl- I called fo r under th e specifications o f Its neas. Incom petence and e x tra v a g a n c e have been forced r e lu c ta n tly a fte r a year's em p loym ent. In tim a te aesoclatlon to accept the opinion th a t the ta r if f hoard h a * been no thin g IV . m ore th a n an effective T h a t the ta r if f board's re p o rt w as a r - cog in a ’’s t a n d p a t " | ranged so as to be In co m prehensible to p o litica l m achine, th a t eith e r legislators o r la y m en ; th a t tables •orne o f the men who w ere d e lib e ra te ly disas clam ored moet loudly fo r sociated o r em asculated a ta riff ho;ird and Home If not suppressed, and hi in»- men appointed t h a t a c o n g r e s s m a n tii«-r»»to w o rken a ll the tim e com placently w ould require the ,e rv - in the anow icdgF th a t the creatio n of the Ic e . nt , ita tis tlc la n and ( « .H id w a s . ,,h e .„ e to pre ve n t genuine s c i, . s ix m o u th , to •i.riff 'c fo rm «« long hr pmodble by ’’r u m - m s s e u e a fl o r t a ll o f t h e tu m b le o f d a t a u i u i k th e c a rd .- arid h ia y ltig the gam e a presented as s basis fo r In te llig e n t ta riff uarge freq u e n tly m ailt, but which I for re v isio n « long tlrn * d I n<-red I ted EVASION IX PARTISAN EMASCU- LATION D o n ke y B o ile r E xplodes; One Dead Dallas.—E rn est Olson is dead and G. Reynolds is fatally injured, as the r suit of an explosion of donkey 1 slier a t th e Spaulding logging camp, eig h t m iles w est of Black Rock. J. C. B rittain , one of th e pioneers of L ane county, died suddenly a t his hom e in Springfield. He w as a bach elor, aged 85, and was p resid en t of th e F irst N ational Hank of S pring field a t the tim e of his death. * V T 1 h a i such rai ls as the ta r iff board has T h a i the ta r iff b o a rd , naI " a voider! a ltog eth er In ve r reported sustain the charge, as to both t b s wool and the cottna (ig a tin s certa in phases schedules, th a t the io n - or ta r iff g ra ft hidden in "Joker«'' of the I-a y n e UONVICI- Burner has been robbed A ld ric h law outrageously as a cons«- quence o f excessive du VI ties and th a t the pruflts have nut gon» In to .he T h a t the ta u n ooard falsely reported pockets of the laborer to m a in ta in an U . . . It . . . „„possible ,0 ob tain abroad A m erican s ta n d s rd ' of ’iiv'ln« • AVORI I • ISM ING voitn New York World. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST OAS AUMIXIHTKKKIJ IC E C R E A M RIALTO BUILD IN G , M EDFORD Soda Fountain Drinks A . E» K E L L O G G NOTARY PUBLIC P hone 89 Msln GOLD H IL L , OREGON A S 8A Y E K ANU ■ II O U S T . I*.A III, INGLE*', B I* -sy Hhd Hnsl. tii al and n s p ln .lt teslh.g. C o ld as ice a n d p u re as snow H a v e a sundae / Genei s| k. Cement Best equip 1.1(1 s e e » » ilfB ce h u i I testing sliiry in O regon. A ll » o ik g its '- siiteed Cslvei t-P s I dock block P hone 370-J, G ran ts P ass. Oregon, E’nnsteel elcetrie irons, the most nplo- diite iron on (lie m arket, fully guaranteed for ten years. Accept no substitutes. Order one now from It. T. Caine, sgenl. I I'linvc 11 complete ram ping outfit for ! I sale, ¡m inding ftxft tent, with 3 ft. wall.,, ruhlicr hlunket, dishes, cooking utensils e tc , 25-35 W inchester rifle, and 26-20 Stevens. Will sell „|| or any part of same at a real sacrifice. —D. P. Blue, Gold Hill, Oregon. fo re y o u go Turner’s Lunch Room Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade AH Get th e Best