Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1912)
i Baled Alfalfa and $12 per ton HAY Wheat $ 12 per ton stOEStansEsaaccsssEETatSTsss M ercu ry U p s* P r ic e s D o w n , Delivered in Gold Hill Shoes from .50 to $7.50 - Calicos and Gingham 6c to 8c Summer Lawns 7c SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM Home Telephone Ij»iUT mill Oo. an» paying 26 ccnl-l 1 |*er dozen G>r egg-. | Gordon Hick-on, of Seattle repo-1 Lance and Co. an» paying 2#tx»ntaper " "‘¡»tt 'be s uen - company, waa again dozen for egg«. | 1,1 * * » Thun-lay. J. II M .-ler, of Madlord, w m in thia «„*’ .,l Vlll,r k* "‘vi|i" <<li« .... i.. / . f T “*' *’»vlng hn n impum Ik'd on the y ‘ lull jury, lie liowi icr, wum oxi used an.l II I>. K im «1 won a hu*ilMMM villtof ill linliii- t)*«* *unu* day. Medford Thursday. ; If you want an eki-trlc atove. you want J. .1 Houck w « mh local vlwllor on Fri- j l^al I*- ium>»»v< uj« nt uw jm »i,4< . tiny, for a Nbort (line. ’ luive out* (hat will broil, Vuitt, fry, or Mr. an.l Mr*. 0. II. StiMbritig were 'b’b'K-jtny two nt once. And three Medford vMtor- W. .I... »lay. I“"'" *" * l,h ,hiM l‘" ,vr ,,rl" l‘ - .... . *. ... ,, J ohn K loky , Agent I la* Lion ami tla* M oun ', at ihe, opera hoicai Kunday evening. A modem eight room dwelling bou-r i, |> , io . “".I largi'lot. beautifully located in Aah- H. I Itlin- waa a liiiHine-a vi-itor at u , , . , t i l t . , . , . . land. For Male for only $2,600. Will A-ldami for -cvcrul daya lid- week. . • , , ' eonnider an i xeliange for improved pro- Mm. J N. Fountain was a vlalu.r at ,a rty in .»r m ar Gold Hill. If inten-ated "Ih. Paaa” for -evcral luaira Tueadaj. .all upon C. S. Redfield. lk.B'1 u-e the old faahioned aad Iron (fat- on ,1... Pankey raneh in Sam- Val Try a l|..t point Glad Iron. See John ley yielded 61 bu-liel- to thre. quarters hl laey , lie haa em. of „„ acto. Th<(y (m M(tr<li l< K Wood and Am llwleoinh, p m - ! 20th. Ou a four-acre pieue in the-am e min. iit btullie-a men of (iranta Paaa, via- ’ neighl-.rli.--l, -own April 111, 220 Ini-hel- lti-1 with L. B. Avery on Monday. were threshed, or an average o f « bush Mm. F. K. Wood and children, of ¡«'I* an a. re, Grants Pa—, wen» gue-ta at tlm home Ow ing to the ileenu-ed grain acreage of .Mr and Mm. I.. It. Avery .Monday nniilting from the planting of fruit tre»- loot. I two th mailing outfit- now do all the Ju d ge«’. C. Gall, who «peat a fort- Jhr, ' l' in« in ,l*e Rogtie River Valley. A igl.t intiold Ilill and Sam- Valley with I , I*“™ ago it took half a down. Sev- nigl rlenda and and n nlativea. returned to to hi- '»UG have -hut down la- friend- ialiv e-, returned In- ,'r‘‘l •an-e of the falling off of the local wheat home in A-hland Thuraday. , supply. How would you like n i l eleetric stove Carr Hendemon, seriously ili with aj that toa-t-, or fries? And a lltrr Ptusr one hi dial ( iuaritnleed 2 yearn. j pen.licith»,- wa- brot in from hi« home in Well, John Kcl-cy, then he ha- ’em. ! the Blackwell district and taken to the by Faust,-| eleetric Iron., the most npto- ! South Pui ille . ho-pital 7 at tirant- Pa— by date iron on .......... ,rk. t. fully guarantied ' f , A" "I1" ™ ”» *«« l- rfom„-l for ten yearn A dept no .Ubstitnuw m° rn, ^ ' i0 ” - Swlth * ’* tinier on. now from It. T. Caine, agent , lxlU|i,,ri'l“’,| " ," 1 «*"' I“» " '" 1 '">« con- Local News Notes Hi. N atio n al -ti-'k eomiviny, in "T he [ Urn, and the M o n - ." aeapahh .-..ntpany ' of eight pi,, carrying . ial-.v n ery ’ , -Idervil certain to recover. .. *” chronicle in ita ' ‘" ,w «'-at might la- te n ,a il GROCERIES Prices Satisfactory COMPLETE STOCK Dairy Salt, 50 lb s .. . 50c Stock Salt. 50 lb s .. 3 5 c 3 Cans M ilk.. 25c White Beans . . 6c Pink Beans . . 5c C o u n t r y P r o d u c e T a k e n in E x c h a n g e M erritt & C o m p a n y C O M I N G G eneral Every Man Gold Hill Opera House should decide to have a hank account Sunday, September 8 THE CLAMANS presenting The National Stock Co. Patronize your home bank ! in the great American play THE LION AND THE MOUSE" in four acts At the tiold Hill oi - tii hotwe, Sunday * " h ' 'he pl-enlornd "event of evening. <. p.en,l» r Md, ' ,l"- " Ihe taking of a . . . . » /:, , I lwe,Hy lH'iuui xhtl-IitHd trout by liuusUr John Harvey and family home j „.|„.rhml| ( .<K)k (,f la-t Saturday frntn tirantte. two mile- d a , last wwk Ina-mueh as Ilog,,e rh- wvM t | < «runtA ra«tf, when« they have «riMiHiiMil «.r .. . Hhtdt-n» . i wrM'n'U'r cotiffmrate ini'll f<»r ttthuit ntne wwlu. . u..,- ,»r z nxj - i and , fly a.« die . . . Mr . Harvey J , u* spin uw’lr yarn# hasem p oyment at that plan- and re (>| |uru, . r (1>)| B. Lee l’agi't, pmliibition candidate tnrn. d them Sunday , il llllir Vllri(.tj, nmy ,w f. £ The dance given at Jess Enyart’s Rogue lor I iiilcd Slates senator, and (). A. B< n ItarriHon and wife, of Foota envk, where, and a- a ten j-.imd -n-'lhead is Stillman, candidate for congn-ss, reach River ranch last Saturday, August 31st, wvn- vaeitorM in (void Hill M Vcrul day« well conshlered to lie a goliath of his ed this city on Friday last in their auto was well attended by people from Med this w«i k* Mr. Harrison iaMijMTintend- -l-i i. -, Mr. G -ik ’s catch i- di M rving of mobile "w ater wagon” , in which man ford and surrounding country. Tlie <*nt of the BLuk ('haniu'l placer mine,, mom i I ihu pu—ing attention. Tradition ner they an-m aking a tour of the state music was furnished by Prokvsor Shnrtz, the owners •>( which arc pn paring U» I h a -it that C' C. Outliekl one,' landed a in -upi-irtl f their candidacy. Gold first violin, assisted by Misses Mary and patent the dahlia comprising ihe p r o -» vetinen potunlcr, hut the one taken l,y Ilill was the tISth town to lie visited by Martha Gage on the piano, and Bird pert J Mr. Cook i-eotm iled to eclipse all local them since their campaign l-'gan on Johnston with the violin cello. A fine Senator Jonathan Bourn«, Jr., ha- for records, August, till at sherwr—l, ami the route ! time was enjoyed by all. listrlbnflon a numls r of bulk-tin- issued i Tlm-e srperate varieties of fine looking Io this point ha- covered a distance of by the Bureau of Mini'- and of particular l-.laloe- have been grown from seed by 1,-100 miles. In addition to their regular interest to iiiiiiiugem of power plant-, (icorge Holcomb upon hi- place just west appearances In towns, they have «pokeu Riverside. coal mine-, metal mines,or quarries, and d ............. n and s|s*cimcns of the -eco,id In httnlier camp camps, mills, and thresh till- city, he will I. glad upon appln atloli Io -mid ' year’- growth have Iteen left at The News ing lields. "Then' have been many mis Mrs. Reddy, of Engine, is visiting at a copy t , any j-'twon taU'mste.1 Uwmln. ollke. The tuls r- grown the tlrst year conceptions regarding the Frehibition tin Rozalia ranch this week. I have a complete ramping outfit for dlmetly from tla1 anal were ulx>ut tla party,” said Mr. l ’aget in the course of | Mrs. Butler visited in Medford Wed -ale, ineludhig Kx!l tent, with 3 ft. wall-, j girth of marble-, this year they am a- Ills remarks here. "M any jieopfe have nesday with her brother and family. ntbls'r blanket, tli-hes, cooking utenaila i htrgc as a base bull, aml next year Mr. considered It merely as a temperance (’harks Champlain returned Saturday (»((•,, IH’llC^tl’T «^H.. » *kfk I Holeoinb I a »1««. .«> > 1 k (.MuKota ¡1, I»- _— I— win society. It 1«, on Ihe contrary, a vigor from quite an extended visit in Chicagi rille, a.n.1 ami •!* 26-20 predicts they will prize Steven-. Will mil all or any part of -tun»' tier-. It requin'N thm* years cultivating ous, progressive political organizatiou, Mrs. Gay and Mi-g Harper are enjoy nt a real -acrittro. —I*. P. Blue, Gold ami replanting to arrive at the maximum capable of dealing with all the great ing a visit with old friends from Illinois Hill, Oregon. grow th of -ceil planted potatoes, and In questions of the day. While opposition Hr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Me the -------— result oh- to the liquor traflie is tlm dominant issue Julius Halvorson returned to hi- home , I- well -atl-fied with ---- — Quilken of Ashland were Sunday visitors in Wi-i'on-in on Saturduv la.-t, a fte r1 laim d o far. HI three nix'of new ami in our piattono, it is not by any means in Riverside. -l-'tnling the pie-l winter ami -uininer in unnanml varietie-, and nr»' l-'lng grow n the only important one.” Other mem Claude Ritter lias marketed about (¡.»Id Ilill m il vicinity. Mr. Halvorson f' J ‘•'i-m anner by Mr. Holcomb with a bers of the “ water wagon's” view upon -l-i dily l- eiime "on»' of lb,' boy-” in view to producing a potato thoroly ae- the visit to Gold Hill were: Carolini' thnx' thousand pount'a of tomatoes in Gokl Ilill and bi- return ut no distant l'litiial»d ami adapted to thi- district, as Van Nice, candidate for country superin Medlurd so far this season. eastern grown seed potatoes an» not. A tendent of si I i i h i L s ; G. A. Moore, of Tal I-rank Elliot and family motored out date is gladly anticipate»!. An exp» »litlon against d u c k - will leave favorite fn-ak of the Holcomb garden is ent, eamlidiue for representative; 0. W. to the panntal home Sunday, from Med f>rd. W. A. Elliot returned with them for Klamath 1'iills on Wednesday next, a eueund-'r known as the "serpent” var- Silsby, and John Arnell, of Ashland. Misses Ruth and Mary Wallace return captained by Jack Morrill ami travelling jety, which attains a contorted max ed to Conneil Blull's, Iowa, Wednesday by auto. Ollier meml-'i'S of the party imum length of three feet. A s|—'inieu to resume their work in the schools there. w ill Is- Fred W. Hodge, Sprague ItiegrI, presented to Tile News Is over two fis t and Hr. Haucnstcin. They will I-' ab long and very fantastically curved. Mrs. H. 11. Nye is enjoying a visit from Circling the glolie on a motorcycle in sent for a wis'k ami will visit Crater Luke lier sister. Miss Gregory, a neirc», Miss eonfortnamv with the terms of a $10,000 on tbem turn trip. Oox and Miss Mamie Riddle all of Med- Debenger Gap lord. Mr. ami Mrs. ltiley Hamtiii rsly eame wager. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Hntnphn'vs By Norman Gage. passed thru ( told Hill Tuesday afternoon, George Jacobs wl,o fx^,n (l(,re (1|]r_ down from their home at Willow Flat, on Kvuns creek, the tlrst of the week, stopping only to seelin' the signature of ing the -untmer clearing his land, return G. Bird Johnston was in Medford on ed to his home in Council Bluffs the first remaining until Wednesday at tin- home postmaster John llntutnersly and (lie of the week. of Postmaster John Hummcr-ly and fam |Mwtal stamp of this city whereby to con Thursday ami Friday last on business, ily. Mr. Harriinersly. who is a deputy firm their progress thus fur. The wager Roy Stacy lias returned to his home lit II B. Nye has almost completed the ' I-based upon the ability of Mrs. Hum gum»' wurili'ii, will leave shortly for ser- Beagle, after a few weeks work at Klam harvestin'- of his Hue peach crop. Althe phreys to emlnre the hardships of the ath Falls. vi<< In the Fish Laki' country at the he thinneil considernble, long trip, which must average tio miles lii'inl of the south I'mpijua. School started last Monday, Septi inber I f the limits were broken oil with the per day for 1.000 days, m i l k i n g a total The Clauian-, presenting the National Wuiplit of tin* fruit. trip of (16,000 miles. The first leg of the 1'i'oml, at Antioch with Mi-s Alberta Stacy as teacher. stm k company, an' billed to api- ar at Mrs. .1. c. W, sterlund. of Medford long journey ls*gnn nt l-is Angeles ami the local o | - tii house tomorrow, Sunday, Josie Hanna has returned to his home ami 111" Misses Marjorie ami Lillian the itinerary im lndis a tour of evening In the four act play, "The Lion country mid Cnnadn, England, Europe, hi Rogue River after -pending the sum Westerlniid of Chicago, and Mrs. Perl and tile .Mourn.” Sullieient Indication ami Mr. Pangwald motored out to tl, and the west African const, terminating mer ill Fort Klamath. of the worth of the company is eontained 1‘. Foster, after a few day- visit with Laugbing Water ranch and took Sunday at Han Francisco in |tt|6. The motor In the fact that they are engaged for a cycle was uniquely riggisl with a side his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Morrison, who dinner with the Slenil family. week's n't urn engagement lit Grants Pass wheel which bon' a small tonneau, in resides at Fort Klamath, has returned Mrs. Wallace ami Miss Elizalieth Wal during the fair commencing September which Mrs. Humphreys rode while her home. lace left the first, part ».f the week for I Ktli. husband directed the progress of tli Quite a queer coincidence oeeurred last, Oakland .Cal., whim Mrs. Wallaie’s Have customer wailing for a rum'll of strange eontrivam'e. Humphreys—we Sunday when P. II. Gray’s and Oscar son lives. From then' they will return from 120 to 1(10 acres, not too far out, put this up to the dictum of local author Rodger’s houses, both of Beagle, caught to their old home at Council Bluffs, la. and not to exceed $3,000, in price. If ities on sport—claims Io hold the profes tire. There wa- no damage done to either Their many friends n gn-t to ace them go. you have such a place see me nt once. sional championship of the world as a besides the burning of part of the house. 0. J. K e d f iu ij i . Marathon runner. It I- not known how the tire- started. Bi*tU*rt.ak(‘TlH‘Nt*WHÌt willpayyoubig ! The Gold Hill Bank One Night Only Near Neighbors a conservative custodian D. H. M IL L E R H e a d q u a r te r s fo r ] Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite, and Aluminum Ware Builders’ Materials, Plumbing Goods, Haying and Harvest ing Tools :: Fine assortment of Queensware :: Paints, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Paint Brushes :: Guns, Ammunition, and Fishing Tackle that cannot be excelled :: \\ all Tents and Campers’ Sup plies :: Miners’ Supplies, Powder and Fuse, Caps, Picks, Shovels, Pans M y S to c K i n a l l o f t h e a b o v e L i n e s i s a s c o m p le t e a s a n y in » S o u th e r n O r e g o n , a n d m y p r i c e s a r e R ig 'h t It will pay you who have not been trading with me to cal! and see for your selves, and I am sure you will be pleased and I will have you for a permanent customer. if - F lo u r and fe e d COLD HILL FLOUR & FEED STORE H. C. RAEHEL, Proprietor H om e P h on e