Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1912)
i i íjc fe í allí- GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OKKOON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1912 NO. 18 --------———— ———— im I I —— — — — VOL. 15 Paving Proposal Before Council Gold Hill’s New High School Building Red Tape is All Unwound Free Mail Delivery to Foots Creek on Nov. 1 Ordinance to Num ber Streets is Passed HE c-sUblb-him nt of mral mail route So. 1, to the Foots cric k district, T has been granted by the poetofflee de partment, according to advices received by Postmaster John B. Hawmersly, and HE regular iias tlng ««< tin- city conn- : service will be inaugurated November ell Tuesday evening labnfcil like the ! 1st. During tlie intervening time an ex proverbial mountain which brouv lit forth amination of applicants for the carryir ; a niiiuis'. an«l pruduoed as a l<me result I of mails on ibis route w ill be held, altho of Its ilcills raUon* the euactin. nt of an the date for snch examination has not ordinaries* altering the ulphal*‘tiesl nam- . yet been appointed. lug of tin' streets u> a system of iiutnlwr- | Subscribers to tlx petition for the lug. Thus the slnvt Just north of lie F<s)ts creek district ai n o t if ie d that mail river will I*' known ss 1st avenue North, | ,vc<l by lb" ! boxt of types and so on. It was pointed out thul In u i be inft&Beri on office department, preparation for lie* future expansion of t T the <Iatx <-t for I or before Novembi tiol.l Hill, this provision tor the guid the establishment * •rvict*. S«rh í*»xea, ance of strangers within t h e e it .'s gale» val Hst forwarded according to an a; was of prime Importance, and no objec to Postmaster Hanmiersly, are of almost tion being offered Pi this logo- ilu- oriliti- infinite variety of style, and range in ance was plaii’d upon its final reading + + + + + -’- + + + + + + + + + price from 75 cent- to several dollars ami adopted. apiece. Patrons of the new route should + Honest Man found An ordinance for the establishment of lore no time in consulting this list and Without Aid of Lantern * a grade on 1$ street, now one of the procuring mail receptacles which con northern avenues, met with a hw favor ^ .¡,q .q .4.q .q .q .q - -F + + -l*d-d--l*-i* + form to the requirements. able reception, being vigorously protested The petition praying for the establish R. H. Moore, of Merritt A Company, by W. W. Truux and F. W. Dtslgc, who Bramwell Booth, who euceeede hie _____________ ment of this route was circulated last is certain that he knows of at least one us eitixeiis ol that avenue professed them father ae general of the Salvation April by Postmaster Hammers-ly and honest man. Unlike Diogenes of old, he selves to Is- very well sutislb-d with s tm t Army. Frank Avery, and received tlx* endorse did not go on a still hunt for such a per conditions ss they are. Tin y maintained ment of practically every resident of the son with a lantern at noonday, but be- that grading operations on this street, Dallas Crop Damage la Slight i district, 104 signers in all being secured. chum * await* ui tin* bonert man h existence unliv» followed with an ixlcquute top Dallas.—An Investigation covering ! Rogue River also applied to the post- thru a letter just received from D. M. drowing, would result in bringing to the practically all aectlonB of the county I office department for th»* new route, with Harvey, of Chico, Cal., in wliich the surfaix- a particularly sticky and objec has shown that the damage done lo that point as a distributing center, but » riter says; tionable variety’ ol blue clay. Various hops so far has not been as great as the more advantageous location of Gold “ There is no use to apologize at this otlair objections were offered to the en was feared. The worst dumage In any Topeka, Kan.—Mrs. Wells Louns- Portlnnd.—With District Attorney late dat«*, but 1 hope you are well, and if j berry, of Medford, Oregon, for the first Hill carried the day for this city, and actment of the ordinance, spd it was pari of the county seems to have been 1 mail to Foots creek residents will be ad retired 1» the oblivion ol "further con Cameron sustained In his office by the you are still in the mercantile bmrigeas Ume since her arrival here, following In the Fulls City district dressed to “ Gold Hill, Route 1.” in Gold Hill you will find in looking over ( sideration*' without action being taken. ruling of Judge McOlnn, and H. M. The new route will total a trip ol your books for 1902 that 1 owe you a bill the robbery of a Union Pacific train An ordinance proposed by Recorder Esterly, appointed by the governor to by her husband, discussed his case. Rain Hurts Shocked Grain. twenty-five miles daily, except Sundays, lor goods purchased from you during W. P. Wetbcrell for tla- abatement of “Philip and George (the two boys) Eugene.—The heavy rain has stop supplant Cameron, recognlxed as a (he bUl-|MMting nuisance, an I providing ped all grain threshing operations In special prosecutor to handle the vice that year. Send me your hill with inter and I think that Wella Is the best dad for the carrier, and will abolish the old postoffice of Draper, where “ Uncle Bob” for the collection ol a license fix* for the Lana county and farmers believe that c . . . exclusively and Independent of est to date. “ Also, if jsswible, see Mr. Kellogg, dy on earth, and always will think so, Cook has distributed mail for the past posting of placard* or other announce grain standing In the shock is dam the district attorney’s office, Governor the declared. "Anybody who knows ments within the corporate limits, was aged so that It will be unfit for flour. West started a movement against the who ran tlie livery stable at that time. I him at all knows that he would not twenty-eight years. owe him $7 or $» for a rig 1 hired one favoralily discussed. Altho tabled for common carriers and the liquor In do these awful things is he were in oonaidaratlon, this measure is practically terests of Portland, which was made day. Have him give you tlx* bill with his right mind. He never has recover certain of enactment at the next session. public In an open letter to these In interest added. “ I have forgotten th e name of the man ed of the wrecks he was In and I Tla- iiMTriest warfare of tlx* evening, terests given out by the governor. __ ______ but I think I ow know these have affected his mind so however, was waged npon the proposal The public uulsance act will be In that ran tlx* hotel then. bill and rend it to that he was not himself. One of the ed him $39. Get tliis to pave Main street, now 4th avenue N., ! voked to determine whether railroads wrecks occurred about IS years ago between its junctures with 1st and 5th ] and breweries can make shipments of me with the others with interest added. and the other about five years ago. “ There was a man running a saloon streets. A petition praying for such liquor Into dry territory for the use He suffered for a long time and I am next to the hotel. I owed him about $16. pavement ami hearing tin- signature* of s of "blind pigs” and resorts. sure he never fully recovered.” One of the richest gold strikes In down business men, was read and evoked The railroad commlaalon of Oregon ' Get this hill also with Intern*. “ 1’1,-ase obtain all these hills if poarihle. the history of southern California la Governor Wilson openod his cam will be called upon to take steps to tla’ instant comment ol attendant cifl- Archbold Does Not Mind Roosevelt. reported at Holcomb valley, near San aens, who assatlisl the proposal on the paign In New York with a speech on enforce laws covering railroads of the They are all I owed in Gold Hill wlx*n I London.—When John D. Archbold, Bernardino. left there. Send them to me in a bunch, grounds that the petition did mu em- labor day at Buffalo at a "dollar din state. president of the Standard Otl com and 1 will remit the total to you. Also Heavy rains In Great Britain con Issly the sentiment of property owners ner” given by the workingmen’s The plan which the governor haa pany. arrived at Plymouth on the tinuing throughout the month of Au rend me your hill for the trouble you may on tin- street and was signed almost sole league. outlined relative to the shipment of steamer Majestic, he was told that gust have caused enormous damage to By a vote of 80 to 62, the republican liquor Into dry territory. •» applicable incur in granting this request. ly by tliose least U> be affn-tisl finan charge colonel Roosevelt had denounced him crops. The damage la estimated at “ Now, if Mr. Moore is not in party council at Topeka, Kan., defeat alike to both the breweries and the cially. Messrs. Albin Anderson and M. L. ed the resolution to force the Roose- , railroads. Briefly, he will ask that of tlx* store s t present, will whoever is i as being a falsifier because of his $10,000,000. Opdyke, (¡rants Pass paving contractors, veit electors to run on an Independ all liquor shipped Into dry territory now in charge please do as I have asked testimony to the senate committee Rear Admiral Southerland, com Investigating campaign contributions. mander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet, la were present and explained in detail the ent ticket. be plainly labeled as to Its contents. You may have me on your txxiks as Mike method to la* pursued should paving At the democratic state convention When received at Its destination he Harvey, htit my eorrect signature is D. . "TYiat is Just like him," said Arch now in supreme command of the situ operations tie ordered. After consider at Great Falls, Mont., Sam 8. Stewart aaks that the railroads instruct their M. Harvey. Kindly carry out my in bold. "I don’t mind i t I adhere to ation in Nicaragua. He has deployed able discussion tla’ mailer was laid on of Virginia City was named as candi agents that on the day of its arrival a structions as soon as possible, and I will every word 1 said and when I return the forces along the railway between to New York I will be prepared to tla* table to lie taken up at some future date for governor and T. J. Walsh of description of the shipment and the remit as soon as I hear from you. Corinto and Managua substantiate my allegations.” Helena for United States senator. With Justice John W. Goff presid meeting. * name of the consignee be posted In a In connection with the pavement pro An extended speaking trip for conspicuous public place In the freight uscar rarsons ana w. n . l eai, d o u i ing, an extraordinary term of the su People in the News posal W. W. Truax addressed the mem* Speaker Champ Clark la being plan | warehouse. This list to be open to the convicted of selling bottlsd whiakey preme court convened In New York Bishop Charles C. Grafton of the at Oakridge, the terminus of the 8. City Tuesday "for a speedy and vigor Is-rs of tlai council on the question of the ned nt democratic headquarters. The public and peace officers, and the rail- validity of any of their official acts, cit tour will extend to Oregon, Washing , roads will hold such shipments for Protestant Episcopal church, died at P.-Natron extension, were each given ous prosecution of Indictments which ing the opinion of the attorney general ton and other states In the northwest. one day following their receipt, to I Fond du Lac, Wls. the noaxlum sentence of $600 fine and may be found” as a result of the Ros George C. Perklna, United States 80 dave in Jail. of Oregon to (be effect that the new city Colonel Roosevelt left New York I give the officers an ample opportunity enthal murder Investigation. charter was not adopted in direct com early Monday morning for a speech- I to determine to whom liquor Is being senator from California, haa announc The American Bar association. In pliance with the law, amd that, holding making tour that will extend as far'aa shipped and to make an Investigation ed hla permanent political retirement. ALICE CARPENTER session at Milwaukee, Wls., denounc John Wanamaker, merchant and office under the provisions of this char the Paolflc coast and carry him into as to what use the liquor Is Intended. ed as dangerous to the country all ter, there might be grave doubt as to the more than half the state« of the union. The governor has directed District former postmaster general, la reported movements for the recall of judges or legality of their official character and Governor Johnson of California, vloe Attorney Brown, of Roseburg, to start seriously 111 at his son’s home In At of Judicial decisions. The report acts. Under the construction of city a t presidential nominee of the progres proceedings at once ngalnst the Rose lantic City. adopted declares the laws rather than By the will of General William torney It. O. Smith it was replied by sive party, opened his ispeechmaklng burg Brewing & Ice company. ‘'Offic the judges are responsible for delays Mayor Kelsey that the present council campaign at Syracuse. N. Y„ on ers of thia company have been Indict Booth, his entire fortune, amounting and expense of procedure. Attorney were acting under bis advisement ami Thursday, when he addressed the del ed for selliug beer when the brewery to only 32440, la bequeathed to the General Wickersham won hla fight In with the assurance that they were duly egates to the state convention of the la supposed to manufacture and sell Salvation army. the convention for the admission of Clarence Darrow, former chief coun qualified to serve ascouncibnen, ami that .progressive party. near-beer, and I am asking the prose negro members. until the matter received an airing in the Colonel Roosevelt declares Senator cutor to take immediate steps In rela sel for the McNamara brothers, must The flat charge that New England courts the council Intended to remain Penrose was guilty of blackmail when tion to the brewery Itself,” said the go to trial a second time on a charge mill owners conspired to “plant" dy satilficd witli its present position. of having bribed Juror Bain. he declared to John D. Archbold In executive. namite In the strike of Lawrence tex A special meeting to digest the uncom 1»«4 that the Standard Oil oompany George M. Whitaker, secretary of tile workers a tew months ago to dis pleted business of the regular session will would save trouble 6y making an ad the National Dairy union and presl- The Markets credit unionism is made by the dis lie called within a few days. ditional contribution to the campaign dent of the Farmers' National con trict attorney. Ernest Pittman, one gress, at Fort Atkinson. Wls., Is dead. fend, and says he should be expelled Portland. of the most prominent mlllmen in Philip C. Dodge, president of the fcntn th* Oregon News Notes Wheat—Club. 80c; bluestem, 83c; Lawrence, committed suicide after a Mergenthaler Linotype company of futile attempt to induce the district red Russian, 79c. Prosecution of Cuban Demanded. the United States, obtained his decree Lnne county this year Is putting Oats—$30 per ton. attorney to drop the Investigation. It of divorce from Margaret Dodge at Washington.—Señor Rlvens. the Hay—Timothy, $16; alfalfa, $12. $30,000 Into permanent roads. la said he left a full confession. Reno, Nev. Butter—Creamery, 32c. ,Work on Heppner's new »40,060 Cuban mlnlRtvr, hns been Informed Mrs. Henry H. Rogers, wife of the that the United SV.t-r rxpects a legal Within 90 days at the outride, the Eggs—23c. aqhool building has commenced. late vice president of the Standard prosecution Of Enrique Maxa, the Hn- Central Oregon Irrigation company's Hops—1912 crop, 17 %c. Plans to hold a big boxing tourney vntm reporter who assaulted:the Am dam across the Deschutes river and Wool—Eastern Oregon, 18c; Wll- Oil compnny, died suddenly In a dln- a( the Pendleton round dp are under Ing car In the grand central station trican Charge d'Affalrcs Gibson. Its irrigation project, knewn aa the (latpettq valley, 22c.__ way. • t New York. north canal, will be completed and Plttshiirg.—As ft rekult of the terri J. F. Hosch has been elected mayor Seattle. Mrs. Mabel Ely. widow of Eugene ready to turn water on about 70,000 fic rains'* through western Pennsyl of Redmond by the council In place Wheat—Bluestem, 83c; club, 81C» Ely, aviator, who was killed in Macon, PhStO by Amerlosn Frees Aseoetattoa. acres of eastern Oregon land. When vania, Went Virginia and eastern Ohio of, H. F. Jonee, resigned' Ge.,' O d d er 19, 1911, while giving ex- completed the dam will he 3$ feel 36 are deed and others are missing. red Russian, 79c. who is In Mise Alice Carpenter, In a fight which started over a bot Oats—$31 per ton. h'blt'.on tUghta. has become the bride From meager reports It Is believed progressive high and 260 feet long, and la btaK el of the women’s charge tle of whiskey at Galena. Bert Crow Rutter—Creamery, 32c. i t h i n Cross, manager of Bon Air solid concrete, reinforce* with Steel the monetary damage will approxi campaign In the east. ley was shot and killed by W. G. Set hotel nt Es *alle, Cal. mate $1,600,COO. T Current Gossip of the Political Rialto Rehashed tle West Warns Railroads : Old Injuries Affected Mind Against Shipments Liquor to Dry Towns Is Belief of Robber Lounsberry’s Wife Important News Notes Gathered Far and Near