Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1912)
GOLD HILUJACKSON COUNTY, oitG Q N , SATURDAY, AUGUST 31,1912 Gold Hill Plans Entertainment for Labor Monday, September 2d, is Labor Day. Prefountain Mining f Gold Hill will observe by devoting the occasion to general booth Claims Contested a good time and the entertainment o f visitors. by S. P. Road There will be ball games—three o f ’em—neighborly Aa long ago as 1865 it js of r w w l that contest in which the warring talent will be: men tave min<-d U - rich plater deposits ol that group now known as the Prefount- sin claims, which are situated went of this Sams Valley Grangers vs. Gold Hill Plutocrats, city in section 2-5 of township 36. Dust and nugget« aggregating several very ree- Ladies’ Nine vs. City Merchants, (a-i table fortunes have been taken from thia identical group, which are atUl pro fitably worked each season by the pre High School vs. Town Team. sent owner of the mining rights, John J Bitter, of this city. J. W. Hayes, who Also race between “ also rans;” the main event be may justly claim distinction aa one of the old»** sons of Jackson county, was etn- ing a hundred yard dash, with ’Tony Olson defending pioyeii in the operation of tins group in 1887, ami recalls thrt several year* prior to that time the rnagnitnde of the de the local record. posits had been known and soccesxfully worked. A Social dance will be given in the evening, at the Down to the present day the claims tave panned thru many hands, steadily paying dividends, and it is the taliet of opera house, by manager Billy Wetherell. Governor W ert, of Oregon, who has all competent mining men that their ac General W illiam Booth, founder of announced a crusade against vice In tual worth ia yet far from exhaustion. The Wego will grind out hundreds o f yards o f new Portland, the Salvation Army, who died recently Willard Prefountain who acquired the declaring local officials have group and operated the claims for sever in London. not been doing their duty. al years prior to hts death, in 1900, was motion pictures. one of the best known of old time Jack- son county argonauts, and it is from his Gold Hill School Gold Hill merchants will make it a big bargain day State Executive cataU1, thru several changes of ownership, that tile property lias passed to its pres Bells Will Soured Wages W ar on —pruning prices down to the limit. ent possessor, Mr. Ritter, who hag applied to the United States ¿and office for min on Tuesday Next Portland Vice eral patent to their permanent and act Labor Day in Gold Hill will not be a very preten ual |*jssession. Anticipating no difficulty in the secur Gold Hill school lu lls will sound the "I'm prepared to go down tious occasion, but it will make good on all that is pro the Portland.— ing of title, in view of the well known tocsin for the opening of tlie fall term line on the enforcement of the law mineral character of the land, and having next Tne-day, September 3d, and it is In Portland and I am here to ask your complied with all the requirement« essen the belief of the school board and those mised, and the “g e t together” spirit will predominate. co-operation. I f I don’t get that, I w ill tial to procuring a patent, Mr. Ritter is i h who take an Inter*-* in school welfare that the coming year will be one of un exampled progress in the work of pupils and instructors. on the grounds that the land ia agricul Applications for positions as instructors Col. Roosevelt Promises tural in character, and as such reverting in tlie Gold Hill acnool, which enjoys the W ith this declaration. Governor to the company under the original grant ’ reputation of being one of the finest and West announced his crusade against to Explain the Campaign of railway lamia in which thia aection i most thoroughly equipped knowledge vice in Portland, at a meeting with waa included. Under the construction of ’ mills in the state, literally swamped the Contributions of 1 9 0 4 the mayor, chief of police, district a t thia grant the railway companies do not ! directors thruout the summer vacation, torney and members of the municipal attempt a contest of bona fide mineral and it was from this host of competent association and vice commission at Oyster Bay, N. Y.— Having failed to claims, and it ia asserted by Mr. Ritter applicants that the l*«n i selected the the office of the mayor. Sheriff Stev •btatn a hearing before the senate and his attorneys that the Southern Pac faculty for the'school year of 1812-13, for Wheat straws six feet in length, sixty- committee Investigating campaign con The board of inquiry convened to as ens did not attend the meeting, send ific, thru the medium of their chief sur- which scholarly efficiency will be the live to one hundred springing from one tributions because of the Inability of certain the cause and fix the responsibU- ing word that he was too busy. 'eyor, N. E. Britt, acknowledged the goal aud watchwont of instructors and During the whole session the air pnrunt kernel, with heads averaging six the committee to get together, Colonel ity for t l t e derailment of Southern Paci mineral character of the land in 1896, papils. Inrhea, presaging a yield .if at k w l one Roosevelt plana to w rite the commit fic train No. 11, on July 8, two mile» was charged with tension. Governor and withdrew their application for The commercial conree, which was ten W t o sweepingly declared that none hundred hualM-l* to the acre, lx a paaaihU- tee a letter, embodying some of — the I •‘•"t of Rogffc Rivas, haa found that en- — -------— patent. tatively tried out last term, will be en Ity for southern Oregon that haa been thinga to which he would have teatl gfoeer G. Edlund ia Individually and pri- of the city or county authorities had W hile it ia locally believed that the larged and extended to include a complete conclusively demonstrated by Enoch M. . marily at fault for the derailment, re- been doing their duty. railway company are proceeding under a j course in commercial work and stenogra Sheriff Robert L. Stevens takes the Jinith upon his little brushland farm He reiterated hie declaration that I gardien* of the fact that a alow order he misapprehension of the true facta, and phy, and will be under the charge of just west of tlda city. By selective breed* he knew nothing of a contribution by had previously received did not more de- position that he has been performing that Mr. Ritter will he able thru tlie test Professor B. G. Harding. Burt A. ing covering only two «-axon* of growth, Mr. Archbold, of the Standard Oil finitely and clearly locate the bad spot in the duties of his office according to imony of competent witne^ea to establish Adams, Ph. B., has been engaged as the requirements of law. and w ill not and by an intuitive knowlege of garden company, to the republican campaign the track ; he lias been suspended thirty the true character of the land, and con-1 superintendent, and is enthusiastically ing ami U h - needs of plant life, gur.lener Of 1904. 'lays on th. record. Agent J. M. laham recognise the governor’s right to in firm hi* right to patent, the fact remains planning a school campaign which will terfere with him in that work. Smith baa succeeded in producing such and operator M. L. Shinabcrger, at that he will be subjected to coaiderable I establish a new precedent in progress for Governor West removed District A t wheat aa thia, which lie |»r iM B - < li Washington.—Colonel Roosevelt w ill Grants Paas, were found negligent in expense in the matter, aside from tlie' the local institution and other schools of tribute among growera really lntcreeted not have an opportunity to answer handling message* regarding the tad torney Cameron from office and ap remote probability that the land office similar rating. pointed W alter H. Evans. The remov in die Improvement of wheat yields. John D. Archbold’s statements before place in the track and have each been will decide against his claim to the group. “ We have a teacliing force sufficient al was made under the statute provid Ow ing to hia limited acreage Upon the the senate In committee Investigating stwpcnded thirty days on the record. During his tenure oi the premises Mr. to handle the regular work without ing that whenever a district attorney little paleh of land which he cultivates campaign expenditures until late In < Tiief deapatcher E. B. Pengra, at Ito«- Ritter lias made some very extensive im crowding, said Superintendent Adams, he lias not been in a position to produce 1 September. burg, it was found by the Ixiard, did not shall fall to furnish the governor with provements of the property. A two “ and to do justice to the new depart weed of thia aort in any considerable; Senator Clapp, chairman of the com •iiaplay proper intereat in obtaining and the complete statement of facts In a story residence, reservoir, much ditch ments, domestic s< it nee, manual training quantity, but la certain that he could mittee before which Mr. Archbold told transmitting information regarding tlie pardon case, the governor may remove ing work, and other work of like na and the commercial With three good eepeet the yield in equal proportion upon his story of having contributed $100.- derailment and he haa been discharged. him. It Is not known yet which par ture testify to the good intent of Mr. four year courses in the high school— any given area. don case or cases Governor West will 000 to the Roosevelt fund In 1904, tel It was also found Hurt the fill had receiv Ritter in tlie occupation of tlie property. I-atiu, scientific, and commercial — all Gardener” Smith, aa he styles himaeif, j egraphed Colonel Roosevelt that the ed proper care and inspection and no cite. Tlie description of the contested land is I pupils will be enabled to specialize on The latest move by the governor ie committee would not be able t» hear ia aixty-flve years of age, and fora life blame is attached to the roaintenamx* of as follows; the southwest, one-quarter of practical lines. I especially request that the result of Cameron's refusal either time haa linen modestly tinkering away him, aa the colonel desired. way department. the southeast one-quarter, and lot eight all matters pertaining to the schools be to quit office and allow W alter H. Ev at the problem* of plant growth and , The hoard of inquiry comprised: . Stip- ..r in section twentyfive, in township thirty- brought to my notice that they may be ans to take his place and clean up the breeding, utilizing for the moat pan 1 eriun-ndent L. R. Fields, assistant sup- six, Jackron county, comprising nearly properly adjusted. I also wish parents town, or to allow Evans to act as spe People in Ihe News land thot to be unfit for agricultural pur- 1 erintendent G. C. Morris, district engine seventy acres. to observe that beginners should enter cial prosecutor and carry out W est’s laiaea, and making several acres of aueli 1 er F. L. Bnrckhalter, of the Southern Mr. Ritter is represented by attorney the school the first week, as they cannot Orville W right, flying a hydroplane Pacific, and O. Donnell, postmaster, and reform plans. soil priMluce what the average grower J. H. Beeman, of this city, who will ap be admitted later. Any ehUd will be ad When District Attorney Cameron conaklera to be a good return upon many In an experimental flight at Dayton, W. P. Counts,{a flour and feed merchant. pear for him at the contest proceedings mitted during the first week who will be was informed of the action taken by time» the acreage. Tlte little plot near Ohio, topk an unexpected plunge Into before the United States land office at six years of age by January 1st.’’ Governor W est the prosecutor Is re («old Hill produces such agricuHural mar- the Miami river when making a turn, hoseburg. Ensuing is the list of teachers and their ported to have said that he did not The Markets vela aa seed and Heedless squash upon one and was only saved from death by the respective departments: believe the governor had power to re vine, big yield» of garden truck thruout shallowness of the stream. Anna M. Tuttle, B. S , domestic sci move him from office, and that he + + + + + + + + q. + + + + + A plea to negroes to cease depend the entire season upon unirrigattvl noil, ence and science. + Portland. would resist West's attem pt + COMMUNICATION and is the site of Gardener Smith’s Ubra- ing on uncertain Jobs aa a means of \ ernon G. Blue, grades 7 and 8. + Editor News: 76c; bluestem, 79c; red Russian. 76c + torial labora with various (eriliaers of bia livelihood and to enter farming and Hilaisi Caesar, grade* 3 and 4. + 76c; bluestem, 79c; red Ruslan. 76c. own devising, tliu formula of which lie commercial lines was made b i Dr. "'hat is the matter with the + ic and^i-T' Nt>rtOn’ 8r#,les 1 «n<i 2, mua- Political News Bits + Oats— New, $26 per ton. + secretly preserves, and which be guaran Booker T. Washington In an address + Gold Hill Park7 Money has been Hay—Timothy, $1$; alfalfa, $1$. tee* to accelerate plant growth at a rate before the National Negro Business raised but nothing accomplished. Butter— Creamery, Sic. I t Is reported that Rudolph Spreck + never attained ulnce Jack planted the league. We should get together anil try to ♦ Kills Buck in Back Yard Eggs— 23c. els, of California, and John J. Blaine. + Colonel C. C. Wilson, 67 years old, marvellousIwan and went after the Giant. get a GOOD PARK. As it is we ♦ + Hops— 1911 orop, 20c; oontraets. 1 of Wisconsin, both supporters ef Uni have nothing, and other towns not ♦ Mr. Smith’s two aons, John and .lame* former president qf the United W ire " U - , W!’ybri?>;t. of Tolo, was in town ted States Senator La Pollette. In his + half so large as Gold HiB have ♦ 5 ’ edne*iay w.tb a rood story anent the S m ltl, are well known and proaperou* less company, died at the United Enstsrg Oregon, l ie ; W il + campaign for the republican presiden parks a n d improvements that + killing of a fine forked horn buck the ranelter* of tld* I »’itllty, foil .wing worth States penitentiary at Atlanta. Oa„ lamette valley, 22c. t i a l nomination, have agreed to head + + evening previous in the very center of make a city worth living in. ily in the per. ntiil furrow upon their while he was serving a three-year sen Mohair—32c. an organisation to work for Woodrow + populattoii in that hamlet. Mr. W ey- We do not need $1,000 to do + hright, who. is employed as electrician by qieirti r aeeliott of line alfalfa land onSar tence tor uirtng the mails In an at Wilson In the presidential campaign. + tempt to defraud. + it. as we can get much of the need dine jrrek. <ianieticr 8 nith, h twev.w. the power company, generally joins tta Seattle. Official count of the Kansas primary + + hoys at the section house for the evening profes* ■* that four acres of Jackson Wheat. New— Bluestem, 10«; club. gives Colonel Roosevelt a majorly qf + ed lalmrand material subscribed. Japan's building at the Panama Pa meal, and it was while engaged in the Uct’s all get together and rush county bnidiland I* enough to satisfy the cific exposition will cost $1,000,000, 76c; red Russlap, 78c. 34,000 over President Taft. Governor + destruction of tiapjueks that he glanaed tlie park along. + nioat <tril"iit agrieulliiraliat, ap.l ia plan ffIlf,occupy four acres, filled with rare Qats— $26 per ton. out of the hack door and belield the buck Stubbs was nominated for United + + prancing down tlie avenue. A quick run ning to ii**i*i die southern Oregon cli plants and flowers, and w ill be a per —B T. CAINE. Butter— Creamery, 31c, States senator, although Senator Cur + for non s h o t jM W e t shot + ror the rifle and a a a snap mate hi producing some really remark - manent gift to the people of the Uni veni- E«gs—24c. tls received a popular majority of + son to the menu. The buck wa* a a big ™ + al>le and nov 1 yi'Id* Knottier season. Hay— Timothy, $16 per ton. ted 8tatet 1060, the nomination being fellow for hi* [xiint* and in fine condition by Presumably he had been driven from the Bette rtakeTbcNe wsitwillpayyoubig ! legislative dlatricta hills by hunters. go It alone, and from now on I will be on the job every minute as long now confronted with the filed protest of the Southern Pacific railway company, aa I am in office. I will clean up Port which conteats the granting of the patent land If It takes me until January t. COME IN! Gardener Smith Establishes New Yield of Wheat Inquiry Board Eixes Blame for Recent Wreck