Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1912)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE + + Seating Capacity 600. + Stage 50i22. + ♦ ♦ + + CHINESE REPUBLIC ♦ REACHES CRISIS 4 How to Get Nice * It Is the object of the + 4 + management to book only + + Pekin Correspondent Says Bru + first class attractions and ♦ Punch C a rd Plan + about two performances a ♦ tal Execution Marks + month. The stage has been + Turning Point. ♦ enlarged and new dressing + + + rooms added to the building : + with new scenery and the London.—The execution of Chang + present stage, we can stage + Chen Wu by Chinese government offi ♦ + any kind of a production. +1 cials la compared by the Pekin corres Among the Articles to Be Obtdincd Free Are + + The House In the future pondent of the Dally Telegraph to Na + + will be booked through the + poleon's shooting of the Due d'Eng- + 1 New Royal Parlor Cabinet Sewing Machine warranted + Northwestern Theatrical as hien, at Vincennes, lu 1804, and what + for 10 years, for $100 in cash trade. + sociation having signed a con + followed. It ts the turning point, the + tract to this effect, and they + writer asserts. In the life of the Chi + 1 Harmony Talking Machine for $75 in cash trade. + hare assured us that they + nese republic. The correspondent Dishes, Earthen and Glassware. Also China and Silver. ♦ will use their best endeavors + continues: ♦ 75 Axminister and Velvet Rugs to pick from. + to only book good companies 4 “President Yuan Shi Kai, alarmed at + + W. H. STICKKL. + the outcry, is publishing Vlce-presl + Manager + + dent Li Yuau Hungs telegrams in er- + RFMCMBCR: Every Dollar Purchase gives you + + + ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + > + + + der to fasten the blame on that official ♦ and, fearing assassination, surrounds * 10c on any o f these Premiums. Call for a Mineral Application Number 07718 himself by troops. According to Chi + Punch Card when you come to the store. : : : nese newspapers the execution woa I'nlted States Land Office carried out in a fiendish manner." Roseburg. Oregon. May 24, 1912 + Notice is hereby given that J. J .! Pekin.—The Chinese national as Ritter, whose Postoffice address is Gold Hill. Jackson County. Oregon.! sembly, after a stormy meeting, re solved by 60 votes against 11 to pre FRANK BURNETT, Proprietor has made application for a United sent a petition to President Yuan Shi States Patent for the Prefount in Kai for a further explanation of the + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A + + + q - q - 4 . q . 4 .q .4 . q . q . 4 . + + Group of Placer Mining claims, situ evidence on which General Chang ate in the Foots Creek Mining District, Chen Wu and General Aeng Wei. who County of Jackson. State of Oregon, were members of Dr. Suu Yat Sen's embracing the South-west one quarter .... . « . pnrty, were seised and summarily ex (U ) of the South-east one-quarter ecutpd (U ) and Lot eight (8) in Section The petition sets forth five of the Twenty-five (25) in Township Thirty- charges which the government had six (36) South of Range Four (4) stated in a manifesto had been proved The beach season is in full swing (Jo while the crowds go. West, of Willamette Meridian. Jack- and then adds rebutting comment. It Enjoy the cool breezes now, while the heat is unpleasant son Couuty, State of Oregon, contain requests President Yuan to answer inland. Bathing, boating, hill climbing, fishing, hikes over ing exclusive of conflict, of any m in-) within three days and says if his re delightful trails. Oregon beaches belter prepared than ever before to can* for the crowds. Plenty of accommodations. eral survey, or lode claim, sixty-nine ply is unsatisfactory the national as Is Its of fun. Tile water is fine! and ninety-five one hundredths acres sembly will summon him to explain (69.95.) in person. If his personal explanation GO via the There are no known adjoining min should prove unsatisfactory, then the eral claimants. house will Impeach President Yuan or Notice posted on the ground Janu- > the whole Chinese government. N e w p o r t, Excellent train ary 25, 1912. BENJ. F. JONES. Register. + ♦ Premiums FREE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The I give you a card with your ilrst cash purchase ntimlicrcd from 5c to $50. For every Dollar in eaali purehanw, you are al lowed Ilk) in premium money to apply on any article in the store. E lectric Iro n « Is one of the most useful among the electric family, and ironing day has no more terrors since the advent or this useful member. Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate and a a more practical or convenient article would be hard to find. Gl AR.AN1 LED TWO YEARS, and the price is only ♦ $ 4 .5 0 Î The Gold Hill Furniture Store î A u g u s t a t th e B e a c h e s so REDMOND OFFICIALS RESIGN Notice of Tax Sale Marshall and Mayor of Oregon Town PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY giv-j Obey Governor. en, that, pursuant to the real estate \ Salem. Or.—Governor West has won tax judgment and decree of the Re in his fight at Redmond. The city corder s Court, in the CITY OF GOLD council has accepted the resignation HILL, COUNTY OF JACKSON. STATE not only of Mayor H. F. Jones but of OF OREGON, an order of sale duly Marshall McClay. issued out of the said COURT, entered This will mean that the Governor's on the 29th day of May, 1912, In the prospective raid on Redmond with the proceedings In foreclosure of tax lien militia will be unnecessary. He had upon real estate, as per provisions of planned to take a squad of the Nation law, I shall on the 8th day of Sept., ai guard personally into Redmond 1812, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the front Wednesday if the resignation was not door of the Court House or City Hall, accepted by the council. Mayor L. C. Edwards, of Sumpter, In the City of GOLD HILL, COUNTY OF JACKSON, STATE OF OREGON, sent notification that the saloons of In a manner provided by law, sell the Sumpter were closed all day Sunday. following described Lot:—or so much Governor West forwarded a telegram thereof as shall be sufficient to sot- to W. J. Woods, Justice of the Peace isfy the full amount o f lien, Interest at Huntington, demanding his resig and costs adjudged to be due thereon nation immediately. Woods promptly resigned. as follows: to-wit: Nehalem, ' Bayocean, (OGOENSiSH. ROUTES Tillamook Co. ________ c » ! service. Season A l?» I .5 round trip fares. » / J* / , Beaches. K Special weekend & Sunday fares. Send for illustrated look lets about the Oregon resorts and oar special folder on ‘ Vacation Days in Oregon.” It tells all alsiut the beaches, springs, mountain resorts, etc. Call an nearest agent for information relative to fares, litera ture. etc., or address JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Is Your Property for Sale? Lot Eight (8) Block twenty - seven If so, list it with me. I have opened a real PROGRESSIVES COMPROMISE (27) City of Gold Hill. In witness whereof, estate agency in Gold Hill and have good Washington State Convention Given L. 8. NOE, City Marshall. connections with leading firms in Port Power Regardless of Primary. Dated at Gold Hill this 29th day of land and other cities. Seattle.—After three times revers May 191?. ing themselves, members of the Pro gressive party campaign committee Summons. Suit in Equity compromised with the Spokane dele In the Circuit Court of the State of gation, decided to make it optional with each county organization wheth Oregon, for Jackson County. er or not local tickets are to be nam A. W. McCutcheon, plain- ) ed: granted authority to the state con OREGON AGRICULTURAL <<IJI— tiff, vention, which will be called to meet vs. LEGE. In Seattle September 10, to seat coun A N ew an d Complete Icedore Viola McCutchen, ) ty delegations irrespective of whether defendant. ) This great Institution opens its or not preferential primaries are held, Line o f Fishing Tackle oors for the fall semester on Sep Summons, Suit In Equity. but still adhered to the requirement tember 20th. Courses of Instruction To Icedor Viola McCutchen, defen ----- a t the " that a preferential primary vote dant. Include: General Agriculture, should be binding upon the delegates Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, In tine name of the state of Oregon from the voting unit Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Bot you are hereby commanded to appear There were tea counties represent and answer the plaintiff’s complaint ed in the meeting by committeemen any and Plant Pathology, Poultry against you now on file in the above and 18 others who were present by Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomol ogy, Veterinary Science, Civil En entitled Court and cause, on or be proxy. gineering, Electrical Engineering, fore the last day prescribed in the Mechanical Engineering, Mining En order for publication of summons gineering, Highway Enginering, Do herein, to-wit, on or before the 7th mestic Science, Domestic Art, Com day of September, 1912, said date be We have h | kkju hooks espec merce, i'oreetry, Pharmacy, Zoology, ing the expiration of six weeks from ially constructed tor Rogue Riv Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, the day of first publication of this er. The best assortment of English Language and Literature, summons. cane j»oles in the town. Home- I f you w a n t yo u r Public Speaking, Modern Languages, thing new in flies. And yon are hereby notified that History, Art, Architecture, Industrial | tools p u t in good if you fail to appear anil answer for Pedagogy, Physical Education, Mil- I want thereof plaintiff will apply to shape be sure to see Itary Science and Tactics, and the court for the relief prayed for In Music. the complaint, succinctly stated as Catalogue and Illustrated litera follows: We also issue hunting and fish ture mailed free on application. Ad-1 That the bonds of matrjmony now ing licenses dress: Registrar, Oregon Agricultur existing between plaintiff and defend al College, Corvallis, Oregon. 2 2 ’ ant herein be dissolved. 8chool year opens September 20th. This summons is published in the Gold Hill News, by order of the hon P R A C T IC A L orable J. R. Neil, Judge of the Coun S H O E M A K IN G ty Court of Jackson County. Oregon, which said order was made and e n - ) *’,»ols and Shoes Made to Order M in e rs, I can sharp tered of record on the 29th day of N o r th b o u n d R E P A IR IN G en, re p a ir or m ake No. 20 July, 1912.which order requires you 8:13 a. m. Done in First-class Shape No. 24 ( motor ) 11:02 a. rn. tools, and guarantee to appear and answer said complaint | No. 32 (motor) 5:27 p. m. on or before the last day prescribed 1 m y w o rk to stand No. 1« 6:44 p. m. . H A R N E S S R E P A I R E D in said order of publication, to-wit. j th e ra c k e t; t r y m e SATISFACTION GUARANTIED on or before the 7th day of Septeni S o u th b o u n d and be shown No. 23 ( motor ) ber, 1912. 8:13 a. m. No. .31 (motor) 1:42 p. m. DeARMOND & DeARMOND. No. 15 2:55 p, m. • • • • Next to Berber Shop 13-19 Attorneys for Plaintiff. No. iu • e • • 10:46 p. m. R o g u e R iv e r E lectric C o . + + + + + + + + + + Keep Happy By G e t t in g + + Y our t M eals Q. L u n c h e s + + + + + + + at th e Gold H ill Cafe + + + + + + "XruwM & C o ., P r o p rto to ra I 4 For the Next Thirty Days I will take your order for some of that life-time Mission Furniture, or sell you some of that I have already made, at wholesale prices. C a ll a n d Look O ver the Stock a t M y Novelty Shop, South Side, Across the Street from the laning M ill. F. Zana, Gold hill BON TON M IN E O Give us a trial J. N. FOUNTAIN Gold H ill, Oregon E lectric Lighted The Gold Hill Hotel A Pleasant Place to Stop L. B. Cardw ell. Proprietor TatUtk, rameare f o r P a c e , S te er. f r o n t one! enter First-class Bar A«»... TWa AMmaerdag S a e tta i r a t , , fa r I h , eoook , G old H ill, Oregon CHARLES KELL s. P. Time Card J. E. M A R T I N G Just a w ord! C. F. CARTER B L A C K SM ITH r T T T T T ‘r * * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Increase your land yields SO to 75 per cent! ♦ + + + + + ♦ G et the w a te r out an d let the la n d breathe W rite us fo r inform ation. Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co. Jacksonville, Oregon ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + + .}. .j. .j. + + + + + + j. + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ + + + + + :+ + ♦