Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1912)
TRYING TO KILL THE OREGON SYSTEM IN OREGON (Solò Mill 3îrt»w Published Every Saturday at Gold MdI, Jaikson County Oregon t — - - - - = = by . -------------- — BEN H. IAMPMAN gaiered •> 'hv ‘ •ru t U lli l-« for iM n s m t*. ■ton th ro n *» the l i n e d «»te» mull« M ie r o w U I» » matter s .tT tK D A Y , A t m * t 2 4 , 1012 Subscription $t .50 Per Annum, in Advance BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON More than 30 small forest tires were caused by lightning during the recent storms in Linn county and the eastern part of Lane county. The national holiday of the black smiths' association was observed at Albany by about 50 of the Oregon branch of the association from Salem and Portland. It Is planned to make the Hood Riv er Horticultural Chautauqua a per manent affair, with all those in atten dance this year as charter members of the organisation. Preparations are being made for the Clackamas County Fair at Canby com mencing Wednesday, September 25, and continuing until Saturday. Sep tember 28. inclusive. The W illamette valley in miniature la a big feature that will be shown at the Oregon state fair at Salem. A eyclorama la now being built that will Show six counties and doseaa of cities. The aecoad crop of alfalfa on the irrigated lands adjacent to Stanfield la now all harvested. It proved to he heavier than the first cutting this year averaging three and a half tons to the acre on many fields. Thomas McCusker has practically aampleted his petition aa a candidate for congress and It will ba filed with the secretary of state within a few days; It wlU contain about *00 aamea. the number required being (32. Beekeepers of eastern Oregon have lie d a complaint with the state rail road commission that freight rates on honey are too high and that as a re sult there is no chance for eastern Oregon beekeepers to attem pt to com pete with the California product. Lane county la doing much perman ent road work this year. Several miles of first class macadam road la being built, old roads on prominent routes are being rebuilt and many of the lesser traveled roads are being re paired with gravel and crushed rock. The annual fair of the second East ern Oregon District Agricultural So ciety, embracing W asco and Hood River counties, will be held In The Dalies, October 1, 2, 3, and 4, and pro m ises to surpass anything of the kind ever attempted in this section of the state. Owing to the surprising develop ment of the livestock Industry since the Portland Union Stockyards com pany established Its plant at Kenton a little more than 18 months ago, the directors have ordered the capacity ef the pens doubled at a cost of more than (100,000, and the work has al ready been commenced. Ascertaining that the Central Ore gon Irrigation company has complied with its part of the contract with the state for the reclamation of land In eastern Oregon, the desert land board has ordered paid over to It (80,000 in notes given by settlers and held by the state as a guarantee of the com pany to fulfill Its agreem ent The counties in western Oregon which are producing the bulk of the clover seed crop, according to Agron omist George P. Hyslop, of the Oregon agricultural college, are Washington. Yamhill, Marlon, Polk. U o , Clacka mas and Benton. Counties haring the best drained soils are preferable for raising clover seed, he says. Dr. J. F. Calbreath of Portland, who has been elected superintendent of the erstern Oregon asylum for insane nt Pendleton, made vacant by the resig nation of Dr. M. K. Hall of La Grande, has informed State Treasurer Kay that he thought he would accept the I 'sltlon. He said he would not say oc.lnitely until he had time to arrange h a affairs. The first shipment of Chinese pheas ants which are to be released by State Game Warden William L. Finley and deputies will be sent to Pendleton, La Grande and points in Wallowa county. Fix dozen will be in the first shipment. 1 hese birds were raised at the state gam e farm at Corvallis, and their re lease In eastern Oregon is largely an experiment. Although the documents are dated August 8, officers and men of the Sec ond battalion, Third infantry, Oreeen National Guard, arc Just begint receive official notifications th 1 sttalion ha« been disbanded, at they are honorably discharged the guard, as a result of the a mutiny of the battalion during I cent W ashington maneuvers. attem pt is on to stab the initiative anti referen A NOTHER dum. It will appear on the November ballot, warns the alert Portland Journal, and is what is known as the majority l amendment Its requirement is that no initiative measure can pass unless supported by a majority of all who vote at an election. Its effect is to record as voting against the measure every person who votes no as well as every person who does not vote at all. It registers as voting against the measure, whether bill or constitutional amendment, every voter who does not care enough about the bill to express his choice. It arrays against the proposition all the forces of unconcern, apathy, non-patriot ism and discontent It would set up a process that would make it extremely difficult to pass an initiative measure at all. The proposal should be beaten. Its passage would be a knife-plunge into the vitals of direct legislation. It is the most serious attack yet made on the Oregon system. There are changes that should be made, but this is not one of them. When we amend our system of direct legislation the aim should be to improve, not destroy. ERADICATION OF CRIMINAL PERVERTS B R E A D “T h e «Staff o f L ife” In order to enjoy life lo the fullest, the bre«»d you eat should be made from the best of flour. When you eat bread made from the brands ol Hour w a sell, it’s then that life will cease to be a dream, but will become a life lull of enjoyment and happiness — a real life worth living. W e c a r r y in i t o c H t h e f o l l o w i n g b e a t b r a n d s o f f lo u r a t t h e m o s t r e a s o n a b l e p r ic e s t P er S ack D aily Bread . Pure W h ite C arnation F isher’s Blend L ib erty Bell $ 1 .5 0 1 .6 5 . 1 .5 0 1 .7 5 1 .3 5 FEED P e r SacH $ 1 .5 0 F eed R oll O ats 1 .6 5 R oll B arley, 7 5 s 1 .3 5 S h orts . . . H e a v y M iddlings 1 .8 0 > kill in the white heat of ungovernable rage, or to take life through the promptings of acute fe“ r, may very properly be construed as constituting the crime of murder, since in either W h e n in G o ld H i l l c o m e in a n d lo o k o v e r o u r s to c k instance there is deprivation of life at the insane prompting of the moment. Yet society has little to be apprehensive of in the o f d r y goods. W e can save y o u m o n ey o n contemplation of crimes of this particular character, the incep a n y t h i n g y o t* m a y n e e d i n t h a t l i n e . tion of which is due to ineradicable instincts of the mind, as common to one as to all, though happily suffering the restraint with which centuries of civilizing influence have veneered our innate savagery. It is the constitutional criminal, the moral freak, the actual << mental degenerates who plan and execute horrors such as the Eugene case that society has mostly to fear, and of whom the social body must rid itself as ruthlessly as of cancer. A corre spondent in the current issue of the Scientific American, sug gests in the following article a means for the protection of society which will not find favor with the newer humanitarians, Professional Cards but is as susceptible of sensible practice as plucking weeds from the garden: 1» an ideal aummer or winter drink. Untie in tin- usual way and “Now th at the oW conception of punishment as social re »trained thru a cheese cloth, It will keep perfectly lor many, many hour». venge has died out, in theory at least, the question is no longer Unlike common ro ffc e , or even tea. Haalth (.olfca ia fully a» good and Itcalthful made the tiny before, aa It is alien wrvtd bcatily made. whether one who is a public menace is “insane” or “immoral.” Standing in tin- |«>t tend» Ui lurrvacc the injurious effect, of common The point is that he is a diseased element in the social organism, coffee or tea, but with Hr.Uh Coffee tlw-re 1.« not the alighteat undeair- and as such should be removed. Scientifically speaking, a man able ehangr. is no more to be blamed for crime than for insanity. With the A. E. KELLOGG Between Meal Drink odds overwhelmingly against the man who oversteps the bounds GOLD HILL. OKFGON Ami if one becomes fatigiutl, < t te-.le—, a’ t ny lltncol <lay, a good of social conduct, as they are, he who does overstep those bounds Embalmer and Funeral cold dtink of Health Caffe« will ixtxoUngly «at¡«lying Much reveals a weakness either of judgment or self-control, both of like ¡1« reatfitl effect nt l»iltiua- Health I afire . ill gem rally »1 anytime Director which are allied to other forms of mental weakness. This, aside of day settle a dixturl. d intiid wb n t htiMial mental or pbyaical acti Complete line of burial robe*, from the fact that the “perversion of the moral sense” is either vities have kit to rextlexaiu-a» or fatigue. ■-aiketa, etc. congenital or the result of early influences. FUNERAL CAR “The fault of the newer humanitarianism is not that it now Office Phone: Home, It—M; Ilesidctice holds extreme views as to irresponsibility for criminal acts, but Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 4(1-Main. that it does not recognize th at to declare a man to be insane E lement h . smith , m . d , does not make him less a social menace nor does it alter the fact GENERAL PRACTITIONER that he has become what he is by the action of laws beyond his Office in Wells Building control. Neither does it alter the fact that the health of the Hours 10-12—2-4 social organism demands that he be removed therefrom , and re IOHN R. CARKIN GLENN O. TAYLOR moved effectually. CARKIN & TAYLOR . “On this point the altuism which has done so much for our T H e A r c h ite c t a n d B u ild e r LAWYERS western civilization has degenerated into a harmful sentimental W in 1 7 - 1 » O VKK JA CXB O N C O U N TY M AN» ism which places an excessive value upon the mere form of MEDFORD. OREGON is here to stay, and is very much alive to the human life, regardless of the worth of that life to itself or to needs of this growing city, and will design society. We take better care of our idiots, lunatics, and crimin CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. and execute anything in the Building line. Practice Limited to als than we do our children. The last are left to chance until Brick, Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat they become idiots, lunatics, or criminals, when they begin to Eyi* scientifically examined and glamea receive the attention which comes too late. A rational and truly furnished when nettled. humanitarian policy would be to eliminate these elements by a -i- .ett-Corey PnL :it;a, M"dlord, Ore C em en t an d Ir o n G r ill F en ces painless death, which would end many miseries, protect society, A S p e c ia lty DR. R. C. KELSEY and purify the social atmosphere. Vast energies would thus be orrioe in left free to attack the problem of social regeneration at its root, G O LD H IL L H O S P IT A L the children. The social organism can never know its own pos COB. T H IB D A O BT». GOLD H IL L , OREGON sibilities until it has given every child an opportunity to grow up under the best possible conditions, physical, educational, and DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE ethical, and it is time that public solicitude shifted more in this DENTIST GAB A p M IN IS T ItR X l» direction.” r Lance & Company The Big Store" Iced Health Coffee Jarvis the Druggist S T E IN H O F F IC E C R E A M HI ALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD Overdrafts iSecured 4 Unsecured) A Town Divided Against Itself— born in pain and in that pain does die; A. E. KELLOGG th en naught that men endeavor ¡»certain NOTARY PUBLIC to attain, while fools tear down the tiling that wise men rear in vain! And warring Phone 88 Main little Bungtowns, which fain would model GOLD H ILL, OREGON be, must plant the gory hatchet beneath the cabbage tree; and, getting down to ASBAYER AND CHKMIHT. cases, if they wish the hamlet well, must EARL V. INGLES, If - —General aa- »ay and aDalvtb-«*! work. Cement specialize on concord and—raise—less— and asphalt texim.-. Beat equip hell! ped axxav office and Ic-ting lahor- • » • atory tn Oregon. Ab work guar Debs on Social f olly anteed. Cal vet t-f’a l dork block. Ah, ill betide the hicklet» town, to sor ry doom ordained, where harmony hax fled the coop and cooing peace look* pain ed; when- neighbor turns on neighbor the dour and doubtful eye, and w rangle rises daily in lifted voice and high. I wist that never nation in civil war etn- “ Seeley dinners and monkey parties , broiled e’er gave more apt renditi >u "I »poller and of spoiled: or showed the ' foreshadow the do, .in of modern aristoc ■simple Is-autie- attendant upon strife, racy. Tltc latest. exhibition of morbid 1 the p r js-r way to edge and plant the -cl,-conceit anil heartless d -fiance of thr fratricidal knife; or held in apter fashion social misery of the mass' s has I ns ii given to govern conduct by, th law of wift liy Mrs. Fish. The ilexcriptioii • of this . " „ r f . ' t l - n i l a ll O tlllt For riotous affair arc well calculated Io im (or an eye •ant press upon the minds of thoughtful puo- sip- i pie the fact that there is something ti ve wrong with a country in which such a d of display of luxury can be made within a the stone’s throw from where hundreds of and thousand» of men, women and children «e is are struggling lor a mere existense.” Phone 370-.I, Grant» Paas, Oregon School Children, Attention To the Boy» and Girl» "I Jackson County School»: Any’of you who »re preparing an ex hibit for the »late fair nt Salem, Septem ber 2-7, pleat»’ drop Supt. Well» at Jaek- »onvllle, a card giving your name In full and the name of (he article or artlclea you will enter in the state industrial con- teat. Thi» will assure yon a gtxsl plat« at thejfair for your exhibit. Soda Fountain Drinks Cold a» ice and pure as »now H ave a sundae ’fore you go Turner’s Lunch Room Gold Mill Livery Darling & Modges Proprietors Rigs for all occasions Good horses and drivers that know the roads We make no specialty of any class of trade A ll G et t h e Best