Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, August 17, 1912, Image 3

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First cutting, $ 8 .0 0 per ton in field, one
und one-half miles from Gold Hill, or
$9.00 per ton delivered
M ercu ry U p s* P rices D o w n
•Wheat or Barley Hay $ 1 1 .0 0 per ton delivered
Shoes from .5 0 to $ 7 .5 0 - Calicos and Gingham 6c to 8c
Summer Law ns 7c
Home Telephohe
Local News Notes
latin-e ami Co. «repaying 22i cents fa r
down for egg*.
Mm. Mae Avery and ami Donald, were
Fruit sheria-t. every day at the drugstore. ••rlllin creek visitors last Sattiriluy and
Prices Satisfactory
D a iry Salt, 5 0 lbs. . . 5 0 c
Stock Salt. 5 0 lbs. .
Mm. W. 13. Dariiog
lm<t Satur­
Mr. and Mm. II. If. DeAnnond cuna-
day In Medfonl.
I down lu*t Saturday, from Medford, n
Lajh-o und C o . an- paying 22hi <**'1)1«
maining until Monday ua the guests of
|a-r dozen (nr egga.
Mr* Ik- Almond's pun-lit*, Mr. and
It. McKinney of Sam* Valley was in Mm. W. L. Collin*.
C o u n tr y P r o d u c e
the i lly Wednesday.
M t and Mr*. A.
Peterson' left mi
Or. It. ('. Kelaey was in Medford be­ " i dm -lay evening for ,« ten day* visit
tween train* on Monday.
at San Fram-iaco and Portland. From!
•. II. Beeman woa among the bind ness the former city they plan Pi enjoy the sen
vldtor« in Medford Tncaday.
voyage pi Portland
Pnam-utlng attorney It. F. Mulkey wit*
Master Dale llainmently, accompanied I
by hi* father, Postmaster John Ham- '
a visitor in Gold Hill Monday.
Georg»- E. Boo*, of Medford, Iran* inemly, spent Monday in Rogia- River
at the grandpanntul home of Mr. and
acted bnaineaa In this city Monday
Mr*. Mai' Avery wa* in Rngt«' River Mm. tieorgi- R. Hamnu-mly.
Mr*. A. L. Fisher, formerly of till*
Wednesday vWling Iter a il» tben
Tired? Hot? Out ■>( aorta? Yottneeil place but How of Portland, who ha* been
viaitlng with Mr». F. B, Willinarth for Twenty yearn experience. J. Allen,
a slu-rlat. Get one at tla- drug atom
••verol t'ays, left on Monday lor Medfonl
Sams Valley, Or.
It. H. Swank, a former principal of tlie
when- »he will viait before n-turning
Mr and Mm Ralph Darling, Mr. and
local aebiMil, left on Monday for Alaaka. llOIIM-
Galls Creek
Mm. Luke Jennings, und Mr. and Mm.
Rex II M ui|anan wa* a buaineaa vla-
Ml**, * Mi-ade and Moua Goodrich went Ed. Wilaon, return ,) on Tuesday from
By Pruopeetor.
ilor to Medford Weitnoaduy and Tlinra
P, Grant« Pa** Monday morning. They a fortnight’s hunting trip in the vicinity
„-turned In the evening accompanied by of Evan« ereek. They n port exn-lh-nt I 0 . K. Hlackington was a Medford vis-
PreacriU, u «la-rlx-t (or yourself, und •Vli*» Vera Dnvhlaon, who hail la in
have tin pn acriptlou tilled at tla, drug spending a week in Grant* Pa** and luck, tla-party having necnn-d five fine itor one day last week,
buck« and enjoy,-,I to tin- fullest tla- ont-
■ .
........................... ... w * ,
S '" * ; , ; r -
Meadatne« If. C. Kelsey and Mae Avery
While John 0 , Walker of tiu- Meadow*
who werp also tncfnhpni of the
drove to the aotitbern Oregon na-tropoli wa* in Medford .Monday- hi* houaeeuiiglit j l»arty, remained hi nunp u tritk- longer u
* *nd
Win. Biurkert were at
on Monday.
* U'' K' Wr ' ,ne
" ’’» “ ‘Jy-
tin- and wa* completely destroyed. tlna-, n-turning to (}„l,| Hill yesu-rday.
Andy .huniugs and Jack Rail* ilcpart Other member* of the family wen at I John H.mmemlv and son. Dal-, went , ° ,
Bla, ki,,»rton
«»¡»ring a well
t*l on Wedneatlay for a week'« Inuit on hmm» but were unable Io aavc the build­ to Rogue River yesterday wla re th-y '" r lrr"<“li,,n
hotiK- use.
Sartlliu' ens-k.
ing or much of llie cmiu-nt*.
wen-joined by George Hammemly, sr.,
Eaton of Ashland visited hi* bro-
Tom Xorriz returned Wedneatlay from
M'ednesday, returning horn,
I have a cmiiplcp, camping outfit fo and August Fowler, the party tn kking t,M'r
.Mi*lford, w la-re !«• bad lawn s|«n,ling »ale, including Hxt» tent, with 3 ft. wall*, Into tla- Evan* <-n» k district to upend a ,,n Mon<»»y-
several day«.
rnhla-r blanket, diahea, cooking utcuail* 1 week in hunting and pnwpeeting. Mr.
Tho*. Dnngi-y and boys, Gus Blaekert.
Mr*. I.ynti W. Smith la the gia-sl of etc., 2-V3/I Winehcep r rlfic, and 25-20' Fowler, who ha* hut m-ently returned “nd Will Graham an- up tin- creek on a
* irieint* ut lingo tlx-pnwent week. Slit- Stevi-na. Will acll all or any part of aame i from u visit to his boyhood home in hunting trip this week.
at a n-ul aacrlfice.
—D. p Hhtp, Gold j Scotland, will I»- n-mwnhered by „Id
will return today.
Mr. an I Mm. Will Graham of Coqi,ill,,
timema* having been employed year* an-visiting with Tho*. Dungey and tuni­
J. F. Dietrich returned on .Monday to Hill, Oregon.
Medfonl, when- be ba* work on the
Mm. F. L. Caldwell and aon, Clemi, ng,, in tho Hammemly mine on Jump- ily. Mr. Graham says the c a s t is the
,„,iy p|a„. f<ir hhn
Boar . n sk bridge.
and Mi** Gunyaw, returned on Tm-mlay ofl-J,«- creek.
Mr. and Mm. Ed Shoemaker from the
Don't use tlie old fu-liioneil sad Iron.
Try a Hot Point triad Iron. See Joint Like. Mr. ami Mm. C. C. Gilchriat, Hlll, arrive,) Tuiwluy evening and will Braden mine „re staying with friend*
«ho accompanied them, remained at spend a short time in the city looking and relative* on I la-creek fo ra fc-w days
Kt l*ey, lie li t* ’em.
after business mutters, and enjoying a Mr. Sin«11inker expects to kill a Luck
Jam ie D. Av. ry left on Monday morn­ Pmayieaton tin- return jouna-y foapend
of air. Mr laindis, wa* formerly I before he returns.
ing lor Rogue River when- be will assist
Quirio* Gault, of Portland, arrivej mi a resident of Xewport, and wus Line-,In
on tin- Argu i font-.
tiold Hill vi-ltors this wwk wv-re: Mr-,
county's first sla-ritf and was h, 1,1 in
Tla- tiold Hill l.umlnr company art- Tn -ihiy morning and will *,w-nd hi* high ,-stis-m mid appreciation by the latwrenoe, Mr. and .Mr*. O. E. Blaefc-
now maiiiilaeturing fruit boxes for tlie annual holiday angling for ati-i-1 hi-inl and people of ibe county. Hosts of old ington, Mr and Mr*. Blaekert, Mex-r*.
aulmmi in tin- Rogue river rlttl,-*. The I
nearby fruit rain-la r*.
Johnson, Claude 1-awrvncc, R. M. Cook,
afn rniM ti of hi* arrival Mr, tlault, hi - | friend* und aequuuiiance* will Is- glad H. W. SKs-lnian, E. Jainhuon and Win.
Mu. R K Smith, and daughter, Ethel, eoinpanivd by Muater Johiinii- McCIcnd- to l i a s I Mild hear of him. He has suf­
el III-■ River-ide raneli, wi n- bi Medford • n, made a fit»- catch of ati-,1 head.
fered lately from ill health hilt with the Shoemaker.
shopping oil Wi-dnerabiy.
The Socialist meeting held in th
ire.-h sea air will no donbt soon reeovi-r.
S tiutor Jonathan Ronnie, J r., ba* ft r
This lea w iubc.r “ everylaaly’s doin' li trihinlou a num h-rof hulletln* i**uiil
Ray Moon- i* to the front as Gold school house Sunday evening was w,
it." Winn? Wanting a H ot PniM Iia n y the linn an of Mine* and of particular Hill's most *u.-e»**(ul angler s.t present, attended i»v everylxsly on this andnt igl
in 4t ml of a b c b.>nd|ci| one.
altho it is predicted that he will wear’ boring creek* and also from R,« k Poin:
inlen-st to niRiingem of power plant
Joint Deqner, the sp-akt-r, made one Ol
Mr. and Mr*. A E Weston, ant,* d cool miuei, mi-fa) mine*, or. ,ptnrrie*, and hi* laurel* but a brief time la-fore some
tla- l«-st l.s-tun * on Socialism ever heard
hi M.dfool, to make Mr. and In- will I«- glad u,*m applirutimi to w-nd
Mr*. D. II. Mdltr it litief vi*h Sunday. a ,-opy to any ja r», n inti re*p»l therein. of salmon and steelhead, will tem porarily in this community. He expect« to givt
appropriate the honor. At present, how- another in a short time.
Grandma G lim n- Me lnlyra and la-r
Mr. and Mm. J. A. Johnson of Klaek-
fver, Ray ha* a large-sizetl bulge on all
grand,-liildi, n. opal und Yalcii Gilmore, ley, Kaii*a», wvru tin gia »t* of
*|*-ld Monday visiting and aigbtweing Shavi i and family mi Sunday laat. Mr. competition. On Monday of this wwk
Debcnger Gap
he hiaiked and sueivssft-Jly landed two
in Aidihmd.
By Norman Gage.
I. Jin»'n i* *p, tiding a few week* in the
Chinook salmon and a steel head, weigh­
J. D. Ik-Il, ef tile Hotel Xosll, and J. Imeatigaliott of bu»iiM‘*H opportuuitiia in
ing twenty-five, eight'and four poniuls,
J. Sullivan, „-presenting the Studcbakt r tin- coast »late», and will di*po.-e of hi*
Florence Walker, of Beagle, was in
r,-s|a-,lively; and on Wednesday he
auto*, were Mulford visitors to tiold oaalct-n intereat* if aatlaflcd with prte-
gathered in *ix steelhead, the combined this vicinity last Monday l,a,king for
Hill yeati iday.
p -eta in thia acclion.
weight of this last catch being approxi­ beef cattle.
A. IE Pyle, representing tlie Jackson­
Malinger W. P. Wetherell unnottltce* mately forty pounds.
Ja*. I. Fredenbnrg and wife, of Sam*
ville Brick and Tile company, was in that * aerie* of aoeinl danei-», la-ginning
Why Gold Hill should not have a gold- Valley wen- nocial culler* at the Dcfe-nger
<i dd Hill and vicinity in Ute inti nst of -vi.h tonight, will bo given a* tla- w, at her
braided bunch of hero* to furnish tla- Gap ranch last Sunday.
that eon a-rn Monday.
will permit, either in the pavilion or the
5Ji*s (iraee Jones, who li.tsl* , n ap»nd-
um-pah music for picnic«, celebrations,
Mi** Dorothy Smith left on Monday ija-ra hottae, the n-muining month* of and other festal o,,,a*i, n-, t- (,*>,! for ing the time since last winter in (V-ti i:r 1
for Grants Pa**, where she I* spending eogitaiinn at present. Time was Point .s ii - iw at lieni,- with h r f. 1'
tin- w-*'k upon a camping trip a* the p -puhtr yo,mg ladle* eotip-it for an ex- when the resplendency of the local hand H in. Jones and family.
pii*lte gold bran-let will be c -ndu n d
guest of .Mi . Alice Ament,
I 'ft nothing to Is- desired in n sartorial
Bert Chapman of Beagle made a trip
i-y the management.
Mr*. B. M. Dufer ami children de­
way, wh n the resounding eels«-* of Medford last Tneslay and Thursday wi
Mr. and Mr*, .h im Lame returned mi twenty |*-r*piring musician* did credit to a load of Red Astrakan apples whi
parted on Thursday for Keno, when- Mr.
Dufer ia at present employed and when Monday morning to thefr home nt Grant- tile town at many a merry gathering an,I he „-a,lily disponed of at the publi,
Pa*-. Mr. Lance, who wa* temporarily many it wflcome to the prominent visitor market.
they will make their home.
IE B. Nye, of the Riverdale fruit ranch, ,-mployed by Jenniug* Bro*. in thia city, in our midst. Why, we inquire, should
August lanvn nUi.ii,I hisdnughtcr Mi
wa* a frequent visitor in tiold Hill the wa* taken seriott*ly ill severtd week* ago, the inspiring must- la, thus „'legated to Dora of Medford came up in his "W ar­
past week, attending to the ablpment of
struggle to eonvaleaccnee. Hi* many orgnnixt d endeavor is Is-ing made to per ren-Detroit 30” touring ear last Saturday
a very auperior crop of peuchea.
friend* in Gold Hill sincerely wish him it feet I lie Iiew organization. Those wish­ and spent the day with friend* at ih,
Mrs. Luther A. Hammemly, of Rogia complete n-eovery to goial health.
DclicngvrGap ranch.
ing to join in the boost for the new hand. |
River, departed on Monday evening for
t . P Dennis, who has h-en making i
Luther A. Hammemly, ex-editor of the to become meinlx-m, or .who have any
^ieat''“, when- ala- will n-niaiii for aomt
Rogue River Argna, ha* n-eeivetl an ap­ knowledge of the wla-realsiut* of tile tour of California, Oregon and Wasliim
time a* the guest of her mother.
hand instruments, un, uivited to confer ton since last March n-tnr.ted to Del* i
Perry Knott* returned on Thursday pointment a* water warden an,I I* now with l-'loyd Eddinps or J- Im Kelx-y, who ger (iitp ranch last Friday when' I
employed nt the Atm n t datn in the re-
evening from n month'* absence on the
; e t ’ - wint, -,
an-attem pting the n-rtorntion of a Gold > pee.* Io
C „1st, near th<- month of the Rogue, latiring and enlarging of the fishway at 11 ill hand organization.
til it. p lint. Following tin- ertnipleli, n of
Hir-I .loin:<tm:. » Deh, nger Gap, v.
where he hit* been engaged in mining.
!o Mi dfonl last - uiirday to „ti od di,
hi* Work III* planned tom.ike extensive
Mrs. Geo. M -C initell, of Long Bei, h, altcriMl 41 and iinprovemenl* in the
I l a ral -f hi*
■r, Mrs. A. H. l«,w
Cal., in company with Mr*. .1. W. Met' fiellltie* for fish travel at the Ray-gold
".tz, who died at tlie Snen-d Hear-
ill o der to further thp eilteleney and
rill, of Central Point, visited with Mr. d lilt ah ive till city,
pital at M,dfonl after a ling,' ring
to aid in the pro|«r grading of our
and Mm. K. II. Moon- on Sunday last.
George lamer moved pi Medford the
Mia. J. B. W a l k e r , L o n g |lr ,Ll |,
fore part of the week. HI* hottst, lien- ¡a in uragi-r John Hammemly, will remain -onteinplule attending the high nchool
a rompnnad freetun-, ftheindi *
now lieing occupied by II. C. Rai-del and
finger of the right hand while trying e
family, who took possession Wednesday. It will Is- n-o|a-ned. That the tri-wi-vkly patrons win, are interested.
■ntertiilnntent* nt the Wego, which Imye
I slntll 1«- in tlie otllce of the High save some hou*,-liol,l fmnlinre from ’),
F. It. Wilhnarth returned on Wcilnca- Itry-nmc equally welcome to ytning and School building, for till» purpose on the
ho,ise which 1,limed ia-t Sunday. 1 h,
Iny from the Blossom Bar mine, seventy- Id, are not, to he |a-nnanontly discontin­
following date*:- from l;0t)tofi:Ut) p. m. fracture wa* very sever,', h it Dr. Kip,h-
five mile* down Rogue river from thia ued is goial news, indeed, und the public
Augtist. 17 and ?l. Ih n r A. A dam *.
gessner was immediately ...............
iolnt, when- lit- ha* lieen employed dnr- should see Io it. that, the Wego n-eelves
,l,x>* not think it will give much trouble
ig the past month.
the support, its excellent little entertain­
Bette rtakeTheNcwaitwillpayynuhig!
ment* warrant.
Trade at Gold Hill.
Jine tiie bond
3 Cans M ilk .. 25c
W hite Beans . . 6c
Pink Beans . . 5c
T a k e n in E x c h a n g e
M erritt & C o m p a n y
G en eral
M e r c h a n d is e
N Y B O D Y can live up to h i, e a r n in g ,-a n d
fAen «ome.
B u t Y u U - c a n ’t you ,a v o a
littto m oney?
The Gold Hill Bank
Per cent on time deposits.
W hy not p a tro n ize a local in stitu tion an d
h elp b u ild up yo u r ow n
tow n
| H e a d q u a r te r s fo r |
H’ rdware Stoves, Tin, Granite, and Aluminum Ware ••
Builders Materials, I1-ml,inK Goods, Haying and HarvesB
ng tools :: Fine assortment of Queensware :: Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Paint Brushes :: Guns
Ammunition, and Fishing Tackle that cannot be
excelled :: Wall Tents and Campers’ Sup­
plies :: Miners’ Supplies, Powder and
Fuse, Caps, Picks. Shovels, Pans
M y S to cR in n il o f t h e a b o v e L in e s is a s
c o m p le te a s a n y in S o u t h e r n O r e g o n ,
a n d m y p r i c e s a r e R i g h t * It will pay you who
have not been trading with me to cal! and see for your­
selves, and I am sure you will be pleased and I will have
you for a permanent customer.
F lay
W heat $ 1.25 per buehei
...Barley— 7 5 lbs. Sack $ 1.50...
H. C. RAEDKL, Proprietor
Hom e P h on e