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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1912)
'M*- i t • ». .'f ■ Roosevelt and Johnson Nominated . l[ By New National Progressive Party\ Former Gold Hill Man Member of Committee on Resolutions Jackaon County Bull Mooae to Organize at Medford Monday Evening ALBERT J. BEVERIDGE Till' MOW National Prugnisalvc jwrty, In it« lin t conwnll«>n at OhUajJt»« i.oinln.itcil 'll«' «lore Jbawcwlt. of New York, for president, and Gov Hiram Johnson, of California, for vloe-pn -bU nt Roost'volt was notniuatod by accJuiua- Hon, and Johnson’ was given «« oik I plat»' vlrlnally without ojtpoxltlon. Judge Ben Lindsay, of Denver, was made portuooani chairman of the nation al, cntnmiUM of the new party. Dr. Henry Waldo Hoc, of Portland, was named nat ional coniniltuvtnan for i Oregon, with I». L. 1‘orey aa mate chair- man. r>ank Hughes Helio Resolve ,1. Frank llnghea, formerly of Gold HiU hot now of Salem, ami pre-ii'lcnt of tin Culcltc Whin- Lime oompany, a local concern, was a Hh inher of I he « 4 7 . U . M u < »< » g z .x z d y .tu maolutioiia committeo. Alloa G. Car penter, of Boston, another member of Ex-Seqator Beverldge, of Indlana, that coinniiMt«’, was the first woman n. named temporary chalrman of the na (Ill sttch an olllce in a national conven tional progressive convention at Cht- tion. An active speech-making ertnpatgn is planned, Roosevelt to atuinp tla* west and Johnson the cast Perkins to Provide Sinews An “ executive” Committor, headed by iieo. W. Perkins, late t«i»incss parti., r of J. Pierpont Morgan, will provide funds for the campaign. Tim ^invention was marked by the greatest cnthiisiasni, anil unbounded confidence for the success of the ticket was a dominant note. Ily common aunaant the Bull Mooso was adopted us the symbol of tla» Infant |>arty. O>l. Roosevelt ended his “ confession of faith” with tba warcry, ” We stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the ls»rd!” In Jackson County The Bull Moon party will tie formally organized at a meeting at Medford, Mon day evening, when a county ticket may Is' nominated. »ago. Perham Don t Care a Ding for Those Injunctions DlMdahiihg’tlic Injunctions that have Isvii plan'd u,Hin Bear cni'k bridge, Contractor K. G. Perham has a-ked that the Medford city council perndt him to move llie old bridge to It* place on Jack- son street and allow him to proceed with his contract on the erection of the new bridge. A committee waa- appointed which will instruct Mr. IVrhatu within the next two day« a* to whetlmr he may proceed with his contract or not. At thia tin«» little toot}' can be done toward tlie work on the new bridge on w,n ,|M|( ll( removal of the present structure. With its removal, Mr. l’er- Chicago.—-The first session of the liatn states that he will proceed at oucu first national ‘convention of the new with the two contracts. progressive party, of which Colonel Theodore Roosevelt is aponaor, was held Monday In the Collaeum, and while the setting was attended by all the usual cerpmony und paraphnrnalla of a national political assemblage, the aotual proceedings were suggestive of Cleon, six-year-old son of Mr. and a love feast. Mrs. F. I,. Caldwell, wo.- badly bitten by ’ Not a dissenting voice was raised during the session. The question of a dog at the ranch of Wm. J. Scott, on i negro representation from the south lite Prospect road, twelve miles northeast ! h id caused frictlon earlier’ in the day I,,f G”1' 1 H « , Wednesday. Mrs. Caldwell, ' In the national committee, but on the I Mi«s « la Guanyaw and tl.e little ixry Little Lad Bitten by Savage Canine (Continued on last page) and Walter C. Hoover of Los Angeles. Foreign C rporations Are Warned i a Keen Out of Both Americas W u k fc g to n .- The United States . senate has U*ti-> 1 a warning to the na- i U oob of the world against encroach- ! ment upon the continents of North I and South America. The United S’ate* wilt not gee with- I out “grave concern," «aid the sénat , any suitable Bitvnl or m‘"»rry site pass into control of a foreign corpor ation, when si ch possession .nig threaten the commuaicatlon or toe safety of the United States. So vital were the issues discussed in the bodge reaolution, which set 1 forth the policy of the Unitod States. fe by V a w u tti. I as to points situated like Magdalena Herbert Knox Smith, who resigned Bay, in bowel . California, th at the a t United States Commissioner of doors of the senate were closed tor Corporations to Join the third party I three hours while the resolution was movement. ! debated In secret session. 1 The resolution arose from the re ported attem pt of a Japanese syndi cate to secure land about Magdalena Bay. w Committee Condamne Monopoly. V* Fifteen months’ Investigation of the steel tru st by the special committee of the house were summarized In re Rock Point people know bow to save a ports submitted to that body—one set nickel. The fgre from Rock Point to condemning the United States steel Medford under the new 8. P. rate ar- corporation as. a gigantic monopoly in 1 rangetnent is fifty-five cents. Frrm.Gold restrain t of trade, the other, although Hill to Medford it is forty-five cents. accusing it of sharp practices, holding Front Rock Point to Gold Hill it is five) th at it la not a monopoly. cents. It is not for Rock Pointers to Three bills, -outlining tru st curbs, reason why tills should be.. Tlicy are not were presented with the report. One given to puzzling over the mysteries of provides for amendment of the Sher railroad rate-making. They simply pay man law .to place the burden of proof tlieir fare to Goto Hill, five cents, and upon defendant corporations charged then buy a ticket to Medford, forty-five with restraint of trade. Control of cents, making the trip for fifty cents, or 30 per cent of any business Is made five cents less than they would be taxed prtma facie evidence of g u ilt An if they paid their fare direct from Rock other provision gives each state and Point to tire southern Oregon metropolis. any Injured Individual* the right to bring iniunctloi. gulls against a truss. A second bill is designed to prevent “Interlocking directorates" among railroad and Industrial corporations. Another bill seeks divorce of indus trial and copin'i>n carriers by prohib iting mining or m anufacturing com Douglas D. Janney, aged thirty, un panies from ow ning stock in any car married, was found Itanging dead from a Ixam at the head of the stairway at rier. O Rock Pointers Find S. P. Napping Save 5c Douglas Janney Self-Slaughtered Itis farm home two miles west of Central Point Thunxlay morning about eight o’clock, by a neighbor who called to see | why he had not been seen the previous <iay. It is supposed that lie had been dead since Wednewlay morning. Cor oner Kellogg coudnctod an inquest ofi , Thursday. The cause of suicide was not i brot out , but is ascribed by neighbors to an unhappy love afiair. Janney came to Portland from Minneapolis seven years ago, living there five years. He bought the ton-acre orchard tract on which he i took his life, two years ago. He was a successful jsxtltry raiser. Two brothers and a sister live in Medford. Cardinal Articles in Roosevelt’s “Confession of Faith” Coherent action between those responsible for National affairs and those responsible forj»tate affairs. This he calls the most important thing. Extending the recall of judicial decisions to apply to Federal as well as state courts. Establishment of machinery to make amendment of floor of the ooaventlon there was no •**•« * ' '*«’ “ » driw '* c ™tvr I* 1‘e I echo of the fight. T ls ystop,««) at the Si-ott pla.-e k> .n- both National and state Constitutions easier. The dalegates were at tim e, explo- 'toin-the way. ( I v o , , g o t o u t o f the rig, Government aid for workmen that they may become elve In their enthusiasm. Many state with hta mother, a n d tl.e dog. rushing part owners of the business in which they are employed. delegate, came into the hall singing »’it hm. through lh. ea ves of both Alternation of the Government system so a public ser and shouting In their delight at the >'*-■ " r "" ■ b> P vant, when he cannot conscientiously carry out the wishes birth of the new party and three hours ! •>'« « *’i L' ,{‘ of the people, shall at their desire leave his office. later left the building in the same dreaetxl, and the party returned to the Control of trusts thru retention of the Sherman anti happy frame of mind. Caldwell home in Gobi llili, when» the Outburst Greets Beveridge. trust law and an interstate industrial commission to regulate victim of tin- ill-natured ranine is resting There was a great cheer as Senator easily, with no alarming symptoms. Tire industrial conditions governing monoply prices to be control Dixon, national chairm an of the party, dog was examined, but showed no signs led where these concerns deal with the necessaries of life. rapped for order. This was repeated Adoption of a number of measures to secure “social and of rallies. later, when the call for the convention industrial justice to the wage workers.” was rend and there was oven greater I Legislation to incre.ise popular control of all Govern enthusiasm when ox-Senator Dover- > mental agencies, including a National law for Presidential idge, of Indiana, was preuented as the primaries, election of the United States Senators by direct choice of the national committee for ) tem porary chairman. The formality vote, the short ballot, corrupt practices acts, applying to pri of electing Senator Beveridge was not maries as well as elections, qualified adoption of the initia necessary and amid renewed acclaim b. K. Hoover, a well known piontor tive, referendum and recall. he was escorted to a place on the fruit grower of the Rogue River valley, Woman Suffrage. stage, decorated with a gold badge died at Dr. K. B. Plckol's oftlco in Med Strengthening of the pure food law. and handed the convention gavel. ford, Thursduy ufterntsm, while an nnes- Senator Beveridge then mnde his llietie was being administered in order Establishment of a National Health Department. keynote speech. He spoke for more tlint a dl«lH»ated thigh ini.lit be set. Creation of a permanent Tariff Commission to study the than an hour and a half, expresrPiR !!■ '.va. injur d ia an .' i t . an .bile at'fideltt effects of protection -and the relations of the tariff to labor. some of the rdvsncrd id "<s <«f govgr::- t i lit.. - i e rg n t'ew .I is prior to his The end of blanket revision of the tariff, saying changes rpont mtoPted by the cw party find .1 th paving the way for t>o ovm m e n should be made schedule by schedule. Mr. H u n r wa« w. 11 know iiiii tills progressive proposals to bo ;,iada to . . .i u. II. v i ,ls r» ,'l age. emii- Measures to relievo the high cost of living, among which the convention by Hcotievclt. tng front !ii» liotroi in M inouri at the ago j are suggested elimination of the middle man. Roosevelt Straightens Out Tangle. . , . n . . . I , in 1», « I'Uig. For tl.e Fortification of the Panama Canal. Free passage thru When Colonel Roosevelt reached patir I'd yeiti'i fie has lived in Vtodford the Canal for coa»stwise traffic and equal tolls for. all other Chicago he put In a stormy two hours : mi Ute iii.tie diate vieiniiy. Be-id - a Wife, Mrs Alma Hoover, bej ship, whatever flag they fly. before he succeeded In straightening the tangle over the contesting negro 1'.-ves three children, Mrs. J. Holies of Navy to be built up steadily until reduction of arma delegates from the south. After he Medford, t'liarles Hoovor, of Medford, ments is made possible by international agreement. L. E. Hoover Dies Under A nesthetic Scat! Cays Our I Noble Senate THE BULL MOOSE CALL UT from Medford like a trum pet blown to marshal scattered h o s ts-th e G. 0. P., they’ll bump it, leave a trail of standpat ghosts -sounds a call throughout the valley, like the whistle of a freight, that the Bull Moose boys will rally behind Theodore the G reat So all who fancy bluster and wind instead of deeds are invited there to muster and sow the Bull Moose seeds. For progressive Jackson county must not be le(t behind, but join in and trust the bounty and the breadth of Teddy’s mind, all our problems to unravel, with the aid of Perkins’ dough. So be there when the gavel fails to open up the show. There’ll be limber Mr. Mulkey, spineless wonder of the age; with his mouth he’ll not be sulky, but he’ll fume and rant and rage that the time fo r all good yeomen, whether pushing pen or plow, for all honest men and women to get in line i3~now! There’ll be many a discourse windy, many a peroration fine—Oh, I tell you, Aunt Malindy, now’s the time for you to jine! For we offer votes to ladies, because we need their votes, and for raising happy Hades what’s so good as petticoats? There’ll be Hicks, whose first name’s Harry, and little Bobbie Ruhl, timid, just triflo scary, truant from the standpat school. Bobbie is the gentle genius editing the morning Sun, he whose frank, refreshing greenness causes tears of mirth to run. Harry, bless his darling picture, toils upoh the Mail-Trib une, an established, handy fixture, like Ed Root or the spittoon. Like a hero to the battle comes ambitious Mr. Ware, willing, quite, to make a rattle in the county judge’s chair. George E. Boos will be there smiling the same smile he used for Taft; can it be he is beguiling for another federal g raft? There’ll be Abrams, with zeal burning for the noble young Bull Moose; wonder for what place he’s yearning, for what job he’s set a noose? From Gold Hill goes Mayor Kelsey, full of patriotic fire, want ing politics to smell, say, as sweet as cleanest mire! » W ill' they name a county ticket? Will a duck, dear people, dive ? From their own sweet selves they’ll pick it, and then they’ll shout and strive to induce the simple granger to learn the Bull Moose yell. W hat’s that you’re saying, stranger—nice weather for Tou Velle? So black up your boots on Sunday, trim your whiskers, or get shaved, and be on d?ck next Monday, for the country must be saved! CK NO. 14 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1912 HERBERT K. SM ITH . Forest Fires May Rage in Oregon ■ Salem.—With the forests virtually swarming with hunters the field w ar dens of the forestry departm ent In their reports to the state forester are expressing fear thaQ tefore the season is ended the state is destined to be visited with a series of disastrous for est fires. Several days prior to the opening of the season, they declare hunters be gan to flock into the woods in order to be on hand on the opening day, and they exceed by far the number going out last year. During the last year, forest fires occasioned by the reckless ness of hunters, destroyed vast areas of valuable timber, and the depart ment does not Intend to allow a repeti tion of It this year, for as soon as it becomes apparent th at fires originate from the carelessness of hunters, the state forester will ask the governor to issue a proclamation declaring the hunting season closed. Compared with last season, the departm ent thus far has been fortunate as to forest fires, as but a few minor ones broke out In May. There were no fires dur ing the months of June and July. Increase Duty on Mohair and Wool. The house adopted the report of the conference committee on the wool tar iff bllL The vote stood 160 to 62, 24 progressive republicans voting with the dem ocrats In support of the re p o rt Substantial increase of the duty on ■ « h air over the rates carried by ‘the tjaderw ood bill, when It was sent to the senate, is assured by agreement of the conferees on the wool tariff bill. The effect of the compromise rates on the wool Industry is n at so r, but it appears that mohair hn.t be :n given a relatively higher Cut” “ . wool, as both have been placed o . t' c same ad valor« m rato and -- age of wool is many tim es gre. _-r than mohair. Congress May Adjourn Au. J-t •?. Adjournment of the present Blast of congress on August 17 was th. 1 ? tentatively set by leaders of both houses. Postponement of the Arch bald lmpeachn nt trial until Decem ber 3 and the disposition exhibited In the senate to hurry business along, were taken as clearing the way for a windup. The house not only deferred the trial, but adopted a compromise on the, steel tariff revision hill, which is certain to send the measure forth with to the W hite House. The house concurred In the conference on tha wool bill. National Capital Brevities. Alarmed a t the growing strength of the two battleship proponents In the house, democratic leaders have Issued a call for another caucus on the naval hill. The senate adopted a resolution au thorizing the w ar departm ent to spend $100.000 In transporting Mexican ref ugees from El Paso to any point in the United States they wish to reach. The com mittee of representative* which took testimony against Feder al Judge Cornelius H. Hanford a t Se attle, recommended to the house Judi ciary committee th at the Impeachment proceedings he dropped and that Praa- Cincinnati.—^John W. Herron, father ldent Taft accept tha judge’« raalgM of Mrs. William Howard Taft, wife of the president, died a t his home herd tton. after an illness of several years. He Be’ , rtakeTlicXcweitwilltw «whig! was 85 years old.