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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1912)
BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON . Legal Publications ] ♦ How to Get Nice ; Premiums FREE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I give you a card with ▲■tort* will hold the annual Department of the Intonur your first cash purchase ts August IT. It and It. V. 8. Istnd Office at Roseburg, O numbered from fle to »60. April 12. lUl Nehalem will hold a big dahlia show Notice b Iiereby given (list Kiclutrd For every Dollar in cash the latter part of August Jennings, whose uiwtoffire address is purehanw, you are al Preetdeat Taft has nominated Cbaa. ♦ Eugene, Oregon, did, on tlie 17th day of Punch Card Plan lowed 10c in premium November, 1910, tile in this office Sworn B. Culbertson as poetmaster of Clats ♦ money to apply on any Statement and Application. No. 017« 1, kanie. ♦ to purchase the EUKIq, Section 1«, article in the store The annual session of the Coos ♦ Township 36 Sooth, Range 3 West, WU- i lametta' Meridian, and the limber thete- Count; Training school will be bold ♦ ' on, under the provisions of the Act of In Bandon. August 8-16, Inclusive. + i ■■ i , ...................................... .. i, ................. June 3, 137«, sml acts amendatory, Albany's new filter plant, which known as I lie “Timber and Slone law, Am ong th e Articles to B e Obtained Free Are civil engineers say Is a very line one. + ■ at such value as might be fixed by ap- . praMuncnt. and that, pursuant to auch was officially opened Monday, July It. + 1 N ew Royal Parlor Cabinet Sew ing Machine warranted T application, the land and timher thereon Albany's city charter Is to be com 7 have lieon appraised »732, tlte timber es- for 10 years, for $100 in cash trade. pletely revised and an entire new + + timated 1,080,000 board feet at it' cents + per M, ami tin) land »30; that said up- charter submitted to the voters of the + 1 Harmony Talking Machine for $75 in cash trade. + [ plicant will offer final proof in support of city for adoption. , tils application and aworn statement on By a vote of 146 to IS. the people of + Dishes, Earthen and Glassware. Also China and Silver. ■*" the '2(3 h day of June, 1912, before W. W. Lakeview detected the »76.00« sewer + 75 A xm inister and Velvet Rugs to pick from. + Calkins, United Stales coiuiuiwuoncr, at 4. | Eugene, Oreguu. bond Issue to Install a sanitary meth + . Any person is at liiierty to protest this + od of handling the town's sewerage. r pntehaM' before entry, or initiate a cott- Congressman Hawley baa been ad + REMEMBER: Every Dollar Purchase gives you + test at any time la-ion- patent issta-s, by filing a corrolsirated affidavit in this vised that the claim for »3600 in favor + 10c on any of these Premiums. Call for a office, alleging (acts which would defeat of B. H. Henry of Klamath Falls has ♦ the entrv Punch Card when you come to the store. : been allowed by, the Indian bureau. + BENJAMIN F. JUNES, The campaign in behalf of Presi + Register. dent Taft and the republican presi + NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION dential electors In Oregon will not be + Department of the Interior started until late in August or early + H a n d l e o u r I c e a n d w i l l A ll Called States Land Office + in September. FRANK BURNETT, Proprietor Roseburg. Oregon. May 22. 1912 A restraining order, to prevent fur + y o u r o r d e r s p r o m p tly Notice Is hereby given that Stephen ther work on the new Klamath county + ■ *> + + + + + + + •»• + + ♦ + ♦++ + + ♦ + + + + + * + + + + Tobin, of Eagle Point, Jackson Coun oourthouee until the matter can be ty, Oregon, assignee of Henry Kegler, tried In the supreme court, was asked and ninety-five one hundredths acres has on April 10, 1912, tiled In this Summons, Suit in Equity tor this week. (69.96.) office Lis application to enter, under Petitions are being circulated at In the Circuit Court of the State of There are no known adjoining min the provisions of Sec. 2306. Revised Grants Pass for the recall of Mayor Oregon, for Jackson County. eral claimants. Statutes of the United States, the SW R. O. Smith. The petition alleges that A. W. McCutcheon, plain- ) Notice posted on the ground Janu %SEK, and the NE14SWH, seo. 28. T. he employed incompetent officers and tiff. ary 16. 1911. 35 8R.1W .W M Any and all persons paid excessive salaries. vs. BENJ. F. JONES. Register. James E. Sawhlll of Bend, secretary Ieedore Viola McCutchen, ) claiming adversely the lands describ of the Central Oregon development ed, or dealring (o object because of defendant. ) league, has prepared a tentative pro the mineral character of the land, or Summons, Suit in Equity. gram for the convention of the league To Icedor Viola McCutchen, defen-1 for any other reason, to the disposal In Lakeview, August 20-13. to applicant, should file their affidav dant. H. K, Donnelly and Ray Luper, two its or protest In this office, on or be In the name of the state of Oregon ' employes In the state engineer’s of fore the 12th day of July 1912 you are hereby commanded to appear i fice, are in eastern Oregon to com- BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. plete the maps and gather more wat?r > nd an8Wer the P o n tiff's complaint against you now on file in the above 1 supply data In water adjudication Notice of Tax Sale entitled Court and cause, on or be PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY giv Water has been turned Into the fore the last day prescribed in the en, that, pursuant to the real estate Portland Railway, Light A Power order for publication of summons tax Judgment and decree of the Re company's new reservoir on Bull Run herein, to-wit, on or before the 7th corder’s Court. In the CITY OF GOLD which, when completed, will make day of September. 1912, said date be A. E. KELLOGG HILL COUNTY OF JACK8ON. STATE available »0.000 horse power addition ing the expiration of six weeks from OF OREGON, an order of sale duly GOLD HILL. OREGON al energy. issued out of the said COURT, entered die day of first publication of this Embalmer and Funeral The Roseburg water and lighting summons. on the 29th day of May, 1912, In the systems and the real property owned And you are hereby notified that Director proceedings In foreclosure of tax lien In conjunction therewith have been if you fail to appear and answer for upon real estate, as per provisions of Complete line of burial robes, purchased by A. Welch and his asso want thereof plaintiff will apply to caskets, etc. law, I »hall on the 3th day of Sept., ciates. A trust deed to secure a bond the court for the relief prayed for In 1912, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the front FU N ER A L CAR Issue of »600,000 has been Hied. the complaint, succinctly stated as Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence door of the Court House or City Hall, in an effort to secure manufactories follows: In the City of GOLD HILL COUNTY Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 4«-Main. for Medford, an official offer of free OF JACKSON, 8TATE OF OREGON, That the bonds of matrimony now water, free sites, free lights and pow In a manner provided by law, sell the Is one of .the m ost useful among the electric family, and er has been made by local business existing between plaintiff and defend CLEMENT H. SMITH, M. D. following described Lot:—or so much ant herein be dissolved. GENERAL PRACTITIONER ironing day has no more terrors since the advent o f this men. The sites will be donated out thereof as shall be sufficient to sat This summons Is published in the right and tax exemption Is promised useful member. Office in W ells Building isfy the full amount of lien. Interest Gold Hill News, by order of the hon tor a term of years. H ot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a Hours 10-12—2-4 and costs adjudged to be due thereon The supreme court of Oregon has orable J. R. Neil. Judge of the Coun a more »practical or convenient article would be hard to as follows: to-wtt: reversed the Marlon county circuit ty Court of Jackson County, Oregon, find. GUARANTEED TWO YEARS, and the price is only OL.KNN O. TAYL.3S Lot Eight (8) Block twenty - »even court In the University of Oregon ref which said order was made and en IOHK H.CAHKIN (27) City of Gold Hill. CARKIN & TAYLOR erendum case and dismissed the suits. tered of record on the 29th day of In witness whereof, This means that the referendums July, 1912,which order requires you LAWYERS L S. NOB. City Marshall. ’ yg-t" .’ the appropriations of over to appear and answer said complaint OOMS 17-19 OVBB JACKSON COUNTY BANS Dated at Gold Hill this 29th day of »600,000 will go on the ballot. on or before the last day prescribed MEDFORD. OREGON May 1912. Miss Molly V. Gaither has been ap In said order of publication, to-wtt, pointed principal of the Indian school on or before the 7th day of Septem DR. R. C. KELSEY at Chemawa. For several years Miss ber, 1912. o n i c i in Gaither has been an Instructor at Car DeARMOND & DeARMOND, G O L D H I L L H O S P IT A L C O B. THIBO A C STS. lisle. Prior to that she was for nine 13-19 Attorneys for Plaintiff. years superintendent of the Indian GOLD HILL, OREGON Miners, I can sharp school on the Umatilla reservation. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + In addition to the >00,000,000 feet of + GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE + DR. ARTEMAS W. D EA N E en, repair or make timber already owned, the Wendllng- DENTIST Seating Capacity 600. tools, and guarantee Johnson Lumber company has Just Stage 60x22. GAS ADM tNISTBBBD my work to stand filed deeds at Engene for 3700 acres RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD the racket; try me of timber lands on the Sluslaw river, It Is the object of the hearing timber estimated at 160.000,- and be shown management to book only A. E. KELLOGG 000 feet The price paid was »160,000. first class attractions and NOTARY PUBLIC Keen rivalry over the passage or about two performances a B y G e ttin g P fa O D e 3 8 Main failure of Initiative and referendum B L A C K S M IT H month. The stage has been GOLD HILL, OREGON measures Is shown by the great num enlarged and new dressing Y our ber of affirmative and negative argu DR. £ . KIBCHGE88NEK rooms added to the building P R A C T I C A L ments which have been submitted to with new scenery and the Practice limited to chronic diseases. be printed in the voters' pamphlet, S H O E M A K IN G present stage, we can stage HOTEL HOLLAND, Medford, Oregon which will be issued prior to the No any kind of a production. Wednesdays Hours 10 to 3 vember election. There are 16 affirm Boots and Shore Made to Order The House In the future Office Hotel Holland. Both Phones. ative arguments and 20 negative ar R E P A IR IN G will be booked through the Residence phone. Farmer 16xx6 guments. — — •...... = n t t H e Done in First-dose Shape Northwestern Theatrical as The Jones-Wheeler company of Port sociation having signed a con CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. land has deeded all Its timber hold H A R M K 9 I R S P A IR JC O tract to this effect, and they ings in Clatsop county to the Central Practice Limited to SATISFACTION GUARANTEED have assured us that they Trust company of Illinois and Wll- Eye, Ear, N ose and Throat + will use their beet endeavors Ham T. Abbott, to be held In trust as Eyes scientifically examined and glasses + to only book good companies. security tor »300,000 in 6 per cent furnished when needed. + W . H . STIC K EL I T r u a x C o ., P r o p i- le t o r p | """ bonds, the money to be used to liqui Neat to Bother Shop + »ett-Corey PnLiicg. Medford, Ore + date the company's outstanding obli + gations, and to purchase additional + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + + F ♦ ♦ ♦ + property. + Mineral Application Number 07718 That the delegates to the Bull United States Land Office Moose third party convention In Chi Newly Fumiehed Electric Lighted Roseburg, Oregon, May 24, 1912. sago, attending from Oregon, will not AS8AYBR AND CHEMIST. Notice Is hereby given that J. J. be entitled to receive payment of ex EARL V. INGl.EH, B 80.—General as penses from the state unless that par Ritter, whose Postoffice address Is say and analytical work. Cement ty flies s petition containing the Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon, and asphalt testing. Best equip sames of at least 5 per cent of all has made application for a United ped assay office and testing labor the electors at the last preceding elec States Patent for the Prefount In atory in Oregon. All work guar r N o rth b o u n d anteed. Cstveit-Paddock block. No. 20 tion Is taken by Secretary Olcott to Group of Placer Mining claims, situ L. R. Cardwell, Proprietor 8:13 a. in. Phono 170-J, Orants Pare, Oregon. No. 24 (motor) ate in the Foots Creek Mining District, be the Interpretation of the lav/. 11:02 a. m. No. 32 (motor) 6:27 p. ni. From the elopement of Robert L Cminiy of Jackson State of Oregon, A Pleasant Place to Stop No. 1« (1:44 p. in. Mooney, ex-convict, and 18-y- nr-old ...i,racinx the South-west one quarter R a ta s i T w o d o lla r s p a r d a g T a ta b la c k s f r o m R a g u a R ig a r , î ’ . w Ethel Metcalf, from Oakland to Astor (V.) of l ie South-east one-quarter l a m e s t f a r tr o u t a n d d 3 S p a c ia l ra ta s f o r Ib a w eek S o a lh b o s n S ia last month, has resulted an Indict (%) and Lot eight (8) In Section No. 28 (motor) 8:13 a. m. I f you want your No. 31 (motor) ment by the grand Jury, charging Twenty-five (25) In Township Thirty- 1:42 p. m. tools put in good No. 1« . . . . 2:66 p. m. Mooney with obtaining money under six (36) South of Range Four (4) No. 19 10:4ft p. m. shape be sure to see false pretenses. The charge is based West, of Willamette Meridian, Jack- Gold H ill, Oregon F irst-class B ar on Mooney’s action In mulcting the son County, State of Oregon, contain girl’s employer, Mrs. Carrie 8ettle, out ing exclusive of conflict, of any min Trade kept at home means a steady of »54 the day before he decamped eral survey, or lode claim, sixty-nine boom in local progress. FlacK srY tfh. from Oakland with Miss Metcalf C le a n e st a n d B est M ade Storage Room for Everything Darling' &, Hodg'es The Gold Hill Furniture Store MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE COMPANY Professional Cards Electric Iron \ $4.50 Just a w ord! R o g u e R i v e r E le c tr ic C o . Keep Hoppy C. F. CARTER M e a ls Q , L u n c h e s J- C. M A R T I N G Gold Hill Cafe S. P. Time Card The Gold Hill Hotel M IN E R « CHARLES KELL ■ . ; • . i