Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1912)
T a lk W it h Kellogg + ♦ * ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + <»<♦ + ♦♦<«> + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ < *' + <«• + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ How to Get Nice * Premiums FREE Punch Card Plan Saw la the time to hay praperty la « • Id H ill) daa*t w ait t ill yea have te have Its hay aew aad make the la- te«tor's profit, a word te the wise Is safftelent; If yea hate not the rash; talk to Kellogg be w ill get It for yoa| he has some real bargains Jast new la Hold H ill properties. ..O w n year own hones; stop paying rent. The Pacific Building * Loan Associatioa w ill fnralsh yea the asaa- ay; pay by the month; last like pay- lag rent; It costs no more; talk with Kellogg, he does their business In Hold HUL J + NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Oeps.rbnunl of tlx- Intenor U. H. Land Office at Koseburg, ( I give you a card with your Hist cash purchase nuuihered Iron» Ac |o $50. For every IKdiar in cash purchases, you are al lowed 10c In premium money to apply on any article in the store. Among the Articles to Be Obtained Free Are 1 N ew Royal P a rlo r C abinet Sew ing M achine w a rra n te d fo r 10 years, fo r $100 in cash trade. 1 H arm ony T alking M achine fo r $75 in cash trade. Dishes, E a rth e n and G lassw are. Also C hina and Silver. 75 A x m in ister and V elvet R ugs to pick from . We guarantee 7 per rent and hate never paid less than 11 per rent on sating aeeoaats paid by the aioath, both large and s n a il.. The Pacific Ksliding Jt Lean Association. Talk with A. E. Kellogg, local agent. Legal Publications REMEMBER: Every Dollar Purchase gives you 10c on any of these Premiums. Call for a Punch Card when you come to the store. : April 12, 191 Matias is hereby given tliut Richard Jennings, whose » |xM nosto U>ffii*e add Eugene, Oregon, did, on (lie 17th day of November, 1910, tilt* In tills office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 007X1, to purchase the l*.)*Kt(i, Section IS. Township 35 South, Kan«* 3 West, Wil lamette Meridian, and the timber tlx*re- on, under the provisions of the Act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as tlx* "Timber anti Stone Istw, 1 at such valis* a-* might Is* fixed by ap- praiseiiK*nt. ami that, purxuant to such application, the land and timtx*r tlxrvon have been appraised $7X2, the (indx*r es timated 1,0X0.000 board (eet at (10 cents ;a*r M, and the land $X0; dial aaid ap- idicant will ofibr final proof in support of nis application and sworn statement on the 29th day of June, 1912, l»*fon* W. W, + Calkins, United States commissioner, at ■}.; Eugene, Oregon. . Any person is at lilierty to protest litis 1 pun-hat* before entry, or initiate s con. ♦ test st any tiux* l»*fon* patent issues, by + tiling a eorroborau-d affidavit in thia 4. office, alleging (acts which would defeat . I the entry. *1 , Storage Room for Everything B EN JA M IN F. JONES, K»*gisu*r. i The Gold Hill Furniture Store C le a n e s t a n d B est M ad e NO TIC B FOB P U B LIC A TIO N Department af the In terio r , United States Land Office D a r lin g ' & H o d g e s H a n d le o u r i c e a n d w i l l fill TOR SALE—Well Improved farm of FRANK BURNETT, Proprietor 42 acres 3 miles from Gold Hill, 20 Roseburg. Oregon, May $2. 1912 y o u r o r d e r s p r o m p tly acres under cultivation, water right, + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + ♦ + + *l**l**h*t**l*‘4-*4*-l*d**)-‘4*-i->l- Notice Is hereby given that Stephen and irrigating system with place, Tobin, of Eagle Point, Jackson Coun plenty of timber on place, 200 fruit ty, Oregon, assignee of Henry Kegler. NOTICE. trees 3 years old, 1 acre in berries, has on April 10, 1912, filed In this Notice Is hereby given that I will not office his application to enter, under good house, barn and ont buildings, President Taft has appointed K. P. h; re»h‘'r J» n«Pons«We for the payment the provisions of Sec. 2306. Revised picket and wire fence. 14 mile from school. Team, stock and implements Morelock to be postmaster at Wal- of “ J / lebu- ^obligation. contracted by Statutes of the United States, the SW my wife, Lily M. Ring. go with place. Price >4000, part lew a. >ASE>4. and the NE14SW14, sec. 38. T. J. II. RING. down, balance on favorable terms. 35.8.R.1.W.W.M. Any and all persons Dr. Paul Ritter. Swltxerland's min Gold Hill, Ore.. July 25, 1912. claiming adversely the lands descrlb- FOR SALE—3 miles from Gold Hill, ister to the United States, visited i ed. or desiring to object because of Portland last weeek. 20 acres placer mining ground, good ‘ ' the mineral character of the land, or titl% all tillable land, 600 tiers of! By a vote of almost five to one Bend 1 for any other reason, to the disposal voted bonds in the sum of $00,000 for fire wood standing on the claim. No to applicant, should file their affidav Improvement on the land. This is J • sewer system for the city. its or protest in this office, on or be The union summer school of the a snap for some one that wants a , fore the 12th day of July 1912 small ranch and a pay roll right a t ' SeTrn,h Adventist teachers of BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register their door. Price, cash »400.00. 016 Pac,fic coa8t 18 ,n se88ion in Port land. Notire of Tax Bale FOR SALE—A small home of 15 acres! Klamath Falls has a new industry PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY g lv - 1 2 H miles from Gold Hill, new up* in a tub and pail factory, which has en. that, pursuant to the real estate to-date bungalow, 26x40 feet, % just been started with a force of 15 1 tax Judgment and decree of the Re mile from school, spring and run workers. corder’s Court. In the CITY OF GOLD ning water on place. Four acres The pack of salmon along the Col A. E. KELLOGG HILL, COUNTY OF JACKSON STATE under cultivation, balance good till umbia river is expected to show a de OF OREGON, an order of sale duly GOLD HILL. OREGON able land. Owner has a business crease of 25-per cent of what it was a Issued out of the said COURT, entered proposition be wishes to take up, year ago. E m balm er and F uneral on the 29th day of May, 1912, In the and will sacrifice this property for Wolf hounds, chasing down wild D irector proceedings in foreclosure of tax lien $1300 cash or trade for Medford res coyotes around the park, will be added Complete line of burial robes, upon real estate, as per provisions of idence property. M a thriller to th<s year's roundup at <*asketa, etc. law, I shall on the 19th day of August, Pendleton. FOR SALE—40 acres unimproved land 1912, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the front FU N E R A L CAR The question of the constitutional in Sams Valley, price $20 per care; ity of Albany's midnight closing or Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence door of the Court House or City Hall, also an 80 acre tract at same price In the City of GOLD HILL, COUNTY Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacifie 4«-Main per acre. Both tracts nicely lo dinance Is to go to the supreme court OF JACKSON, STATE OF OREOON. of Oregon for decision. cated. Eighteen of the seniors of the Uni C L EM EN T H. SM ITH . M. D. In a manner provided by law, sell the Is one of th e m ost useful am ong th e electric fam ily and following described Lot:—or to much G EN ER A L P R A C TITIO N ER FOR SALE—Farm, 30 acres, 6 miles versity of Oregon just graduated, iro ning day has no m ore te rro rs since th e a d v e n t 0 / thia thereof as shall be sufficient to sot- from Gold HUI, rich river bottom have accepted positions as teachers useful m em ber. Office in W ells Building lsfy the full amount of lien. Interest land. 7 acres in alfalfa, good Im In the high schools of Oregon. H ot in a jiffy, clean and econom ical to operate, and a H ours 10-12—2-4 and costs adjudged to be due thereon According to a statement prepared provements and fences, all under a m ore practical or co nvenient a rtic le would be h ard to as follows: to-wit; cultivation excepting 4 acres. Price by State Treasurer Kay, there was a find. G U A R A N TEED TW O YEARS, and th e price is only JOHN H . CA K K IN G LEN N O. TA YLO P Lot Seven (7) Block twenty-seven $8000; $2000 cash, balance on one total of $1,144,148.85 of state money In (27) City of Gold Hill. C A RK IN & TAYLOR the depositories of the state on June and two years time. In witness whereof, so, LAWYERS TOR SALE—160 acres of timber land L. S. NOE, City Marshall. ooms 17-19 ovsa jacksox cocmty bans 5 miles from Gold Hill, about 214 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Dated at Gold Hill this 29th day of MEDFORD. OREGON million feet fine fir and pine timber 4* GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE + May 1912. nearly all tillable land, plenty yf 4* Seating Capacity 600. + DR. R. C. K E LSEY spring water on the tract and nicely * SU ge 50x22. o rrios IN + located for farming and stock rals + G O L D H I L L H O S P IT A L lng. Price $20 per acre, or will en C O B. THIRD A C STS. It Is the object of the + tertain a proposition with mill men GOLD HILL, OREGON management to book only + for the timber at $1.50 per M. Miners, I can sharp first class attractions and + 7 DR. A RTEM AS W. D E A N E en, repair or make about two performances a + FOR SALE—160 acres situated 3 + month. The s u g e has been + D E N T IS T tools, and guarantee miles south of Kelseyville, Lake + enlarged and new dressing + GAS ADMINISTERED County, Calif., About 40 acres clear + my work to stand rooms added to the building ♦ RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD to work, balance pasture. Creek + the racket; try me with new scenery and the + running through the place. Price + and be shown present stage, we can stage + A. E. KELLOGG $1600. + any kind of a production. + + NO TARY PUBLIC TOR SALE—Two lots 25x100 each. The House In the future ♦ + Pbone 86 Main B y G e t t i n g L A C K S M IT H Willamette Addition to East Port will be booked through the + + GOLD H IL L , O R EG O N land. Oregon. These lots are situ Northwestern Theatrical as ♦ + Y o u r ated in a rapidly growing suburban sociation having signed a con + DLL C. KIB C H G ESSN EB + P R A C T I C A L district of Portland and have In tract to this effect, and they + Practice limited to chronic diseases. + creased at the rate of 40 per cent have assured us that they + H O T E L H O LLA N D , Medford, Oregon S H O E M A K I N G + each year. An excellent buy and will use their best endeavors + Wednesdays Hours 10 to 3 Boots and Shoes Made to Order and one which is bound to make + to only book good companies. 4 Office Hotel Holland. Both Phones. + R E P A IR IN G money. Price $600. W. H. STICK KL. ♦ Residence phone. Farmer 16xx5 ♦ Done in First-class Shape + + FOR SALE—11 acres near Santa Rosa, + Cal., highly improved farm, all In 4- + 4* + <t- + + + + + + 4 - ; - + + 4’ CLARK E. SA U N D ER S, M. D. + H A R N K 8 9 R L P A IR .X D fruit trees 7 years old. New 4-room Practice Limited to + Mineral Application Number 07718 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED house, large new barn, fence, fine + Eye, E ar, Nose and T h ro a t United States Land Office + chicken wire. Team, Implements, Eyes scientifically examined and glasses Roseburg, Oregon, May 24, 1912. + J . C. M A R T I N G and 400 chickens go with the farm. + Notice Is hereby given that J. J. furnished when needed. I T r a » « L C o ., P r o p r ie t o r « Neat to Beiher Shop Price $3000; $2000 cash, balance can + Ritter, whose Postoffice address Is -i'*;-ieU-Corey M'xlford, Ore remain on mortgage at 7 per cent + Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon, + has made application for a United + FOR SALE—120 acres improved farm 614 miles from Gold Hill, rich States Patent for the Prefount in creek bottom land; 80 acres under Group of Placer Mining claims, situ N e w ly F t n u h t J E lectric L ig hted cultivation. An old perfected water ate in the Foots Creek Mining District, AH8AYHR AND CHEMIST. right, plenty of water; producing 75 County of Jackson, State of Oregon, EARL V. INGLES, B Ho.—General at. to 100 tons alfalfa, can double that embracing the South-west one quarter ■ay sud analytical work. Cement amount with more acreage; very rich (14) of the South-east one-quarter and asphalt tasting. Best equip placer channel running through farm. (14) and Lot eight (8) In Section ped assay office and testing labor Twenty-five (25) In Township Thirty- Price $9,000.00; terms reasonable. atory in Oregon. All work guar M o rth b o a n d six (36) South of Range Four (4) anteed. Calvei t-Paddock block. No. 20 L. R. Cardw ell, P rop rietor 8:13 a m. '»Vest, of Willamette Meridian, Jack- Phone 370-J. Grants Pass, Oregon. No. 24 (motor) 11:02 a. in. No. 32 •’ ot Couuty. State of Oregon, contain- (motor) A Pleasant Place to Stop No. It) • g e. i iuiive of conflict, of any min (1:44 p. R a ta » ! T w o d o lla rs p a r d a y T w o b lo c k s f r o m R o g u e R i v e r , eral -.urvey, or lode claim, aixty-nlne fa m e u s f o r t r o u t a n d salm o n i S p e c ia l ra te s f o r th e w e e k S s u lh b o u a d and ninety-five ons hundredths acres No. 23 (motor) If you want your 8:13 a. (69.95.) No. 31 (motor) 1:42 p. tools put in good No. 15 • There are no known adjoining min 2-56 p, No. 19 ■ 10:4« p. eral claimants. shape be sure to see Gold Hill, Oregon First-clagg B ar Notice posted on the ground Janu ary 25, 1912. Trade kept at home means a steady BENJ. F. JONES, Register. B la c k s : boom in local progress. MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE COMPANY News Notes of State Professional Cards The Electric Iron $430 Just a word] R o g u e R iv e r E lectric C o . Keep Happy C. F. CARTER M e a ls Q , L u n c h e s Gold H ill Cafe S. P. Time Card The Gold Hill Hotel T a lk W ith M IN E R « Kellogg' CHARLES KELL