Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1912)
Kl ........... ■ - ■■ ■■ . ................... ALFALFA HAY M ercu ry U p First c utting, $ 8 .0 0 per ton in field, one and one-half miles from Gold Hill, or $9.00 per ton delivered P rices D o w n Wheat or Barley Hay $ 1 1 .0 0 per ton delivered S h o e s fro m .5 0 t o $ 7 .5 0 • C alicos and G ingham 6 c t o 8 c Sum m er L a w n s 7 c SLEEPY HQLLOW FARM Home Telephohe --- - I G R O C E R IE S P r ic e s S a tisfa c to r y 4<>iin Palm- landed a thirty-six |*iund -ahnon after a two h<mr fight with the Idg flali on Saturday afternoon last. The was hooked up river at a point near L. R. Cardwell w u at Medford mi bn- tlu- Lyman ranch. »intvw Wednesday. 1 4. H. Brake, of Beagle, Is ready fo (ill John Eddington w m hi town from order» fur nuna-ry sta*-k in any quantity Mam* Valley Wi*liic*day. desired. Over two iiutidrod varic-tlca of S kchiii ! hand cook stove lot sale. In trees and plant* to select from. None C o u n tr y P r o d u c e quire at Itaedcl Feed Store. I hut tlie best of »lock bandied and every 4. W. Merritt, of (Jcntral Point, waa a ptirehase warranted. Write him, buaiucsa vlaitor in thia city Saturday. Prof. W. T. Van Seoy, of tlu- Ashland Harry Traahani, of Mama Valley, tran- Normal w-luw.-l wa* In till* city Wcdnes- aacted Igi-incHM in till* city Wednesday. day Interviewing prnapertlvc xtudent*. Win. bliia'inaker, of Gall" Crack, fra- i Tlie already Mpletidld curriculum will be trm|wli*t-d with Gold Hill frk-nd* Wed- | further improved tlu- eomlngU-mi by tin- 1 addition of a practical engineering own»-, licaday. 0 . W. Martin, engineer in charge of * Cha*. F. Young and Harry Mcaalcr were Medford visitor* to tfd* city Wed <-*>nat ruction work for tin- Rogue River I Electric m«m|>any at ftogue River, visited nesday with Gold Hill friends on Monday and Mm. latke Jcniung* returned nn Sun Tnemluy. Mr. Martin is satisfactorily day (rout « two WM-k’a visit with friend* recovering from a ree*M accident wliirh at Portland. severely injured him. F. A. Griaex, of Arliland, tranaaeKai Kaiu-a creek business visitor» to Gold buaiiu-aa lit Gold Hill on Tneaday and IJiU till* week were, Mr. and Mm la-wis, Wednesday. Mr. and Mm. Mardon, James Lawrence, Mm. Ned Heatli, <>( Grant* Pana, ar Mr. Mason. Frank Avery, Mr. 4ohnson, rived on Monday for a viait with Mm. Katie Foley Mm. Hlghihothan, Mr. Al G. V. Stlckel. BliiScn, Thomas Kirak, Mr». Hoogis and Don’t nae tile old faaliioned mid iron. " Prophet" Foster. Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite, and Aluminum Ware :: Try a Hoi l)>i»t Glad ima. Sec John Mr»- W. A. Marvin and little son, builders’ Materials, Plumbing Goods, Haying and Harvest Kefcwy, la- lia* ’em. .Maxwell, went to Eagle Point Wednea ing Tools :: Fine assortment of Queensware :: Paints, l> -f. W. D. Field*, of Grant* I*aaa, day afternoun to viait for a time at tlu- Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Paint Brushes :: Guns, was the guest of Mr. and Mm. L. W. home nt Mm Marvin’» cousin. Mm. Vartan Jonas. They were accompanied Smith on Sunday last. Ammunition, and Fishing Tackle that cannot be to Medford liy Mm. W H. Stlckel who F, Zana i* completing arrangement* excelled :: Wall Tents and Campers’ Sup for occupying hi* recently purcliaa-d rea- paid n brief visit to friends in that city. plies :: Miners’ Supplies, Powder and Gail* Creek l>-»sincas visitor* to Gold idence on Front «tree!.* . P’use, Caps, Picks, Shovels, Pans N. Shaver and little non, Claude, Hill thia week were: Mr. and Mm. Black ■ p efta fe w lio n m at Grant* Paa* on ett, Mr. and Mm. Blacklngton, Mr. and Mr*. R. M, Cook, Mr. and Mr*. William Wedneaday between train*. Klua-makcr, Mm. Mary Lawrence, lohn <|. Alexander, O. C. King, and J. 4. Johnson, Jiniuu- Bums, Mr. and Mm. ’Martin, of Medford, were Imslncaa vial- Duiigey, Mr. Jamisun, and last hut not tora in thia city Wcrineaday. least, Mr. Claude Lawn-lice. 44 F. Deitrich came up from Medford M y S t o c k In a l l o f t h e a b o v e L i n e s i s a s Butt* Hanenatein, M. D ., of Buffalo, on Saturday and remained over Sunday N. Y ., arrived on Thursday amt will n - c o m p l e t e a s a n y in S o u t h e r n O re g o n * with Id* family ill thia city. inain a» the inidauuniier giavt of Jack M y. J. W. Hay* returned Wednesday Morrill and Sprague liiegi-l at Itiverside. a n d m y p r i c e s a r e R ig h t It will pay you who evening friati San Fnmdaro, where ahe Mr. IlauciiNtcin visited hen- last summer, have not been trading with me to call and see for your bad'heen visiting for wcveral week*. . when he made many friends who an selves, and I am sure you will be pleased and I will have I., II. Avery w«a summoned to Port glad to weleonu- Id* annual pilgrimage to land on liuatnaaa the drat part of tlie southern Oregon. you for a permanent customer. week, Winer» iw ha* ainee remained. Contrary to tin- report, which Tlu- Mr* II. 1). Reed returned on Sunday News ladicvcd to he well autlu-nticated, front Portland, when- she ha* been the tliat Jack .Morrill’* touring car was to guest <>( friend* during the paat fort- tally destroyed by fln- in a Madford nlglg. garage recently, tin- car in question is Mr*. L. B, Avery and children went again in operation, having suffered liut to Grant* Paa* n il Thursday, when- they a trifling damage (nun the ignition of a will remain fur «wcrsl <|gy* a* the gueat* eaky gaa tank. of foetid*. A number of Gold Hill folk* accom Mia* Audrey Britt was tlie guest of panied the excursion to Colestin on Sun Hand Knott*, at the Swlnden home on day la*t, ami thorougldy enjoyed the out Gall» Crock, for several day* the ton- ing :T hey wen- Mr. and Mm. J. Q. Jaivi*. Mr. ami Mm. L. B. Avery, Mm. part of the week. O. K. Blarkington, Mr. and Mm. Cha*, Mr. and Mr*. Cliarlc* Lower and «on Harold, left on Tl^iiiyday uygniiiqi. for » lin in g , Mr, and Mm. Fred Reldel ami I will take your order for some of th at Prospect, where Mr. L-Wtr is to t« oui- s-at*. G. Ik Turner and Osear Baker. life-time Mission Furniture, or sell yeu Coroner Alva E. Kellogg recently fur ^ploygd in tlu- [tower hixsa- nished proceeding* of the inquest into some of that I have already made, at G. A. Landis departed on Monday tlu- death of Ia-Koy Carden, tlu- young wholesale prices. evening for Newport, when- he fonnerly deuirniUte who was struck by train No. resided, and will apend some time a* Un- 14 at n point near this city on July 12th Look O m tho Stock a t guest, of relatives and friend*. and, instantly killed, to one of the old Gordon, Dickson, who has t«en cam Itne eastern Insurance com|HUiies in My Novelty Shop, South Side, paigning for the Success magazine in which Carden carried a >1,000 policy on Aeroee the Street from the thia territory the paat wuek, departed hi- life laning FOIL on Wednoeday for Central Point Iasi Sunday aft>-Mu*ui a party of young Mm. K. S. Cooper arrived on Wednea- folk* spent several hours at the Kelsey day from Klamath Falla, and will re home. Besiile* mnking candy and rend main for. several week* aa the guest of ering instrumental music, tliey also had Gold Hill, Oregon her aiator, Mm. Henry Britt and family. a very enjoyable time telling jokea and bringing bark to memory laat year’s Ed. Bolt, who ha* ia-en employed on school day». Misses Edna Procter, Hultii- tlie ronatnietion of a city water *v*lem Hodge*, Bkissoin Bocsnin, EJaia Miller, at Sutherlin, Oregon, returned to tliia Yfcrfk Davidson, IVari NmvsHs and Mnnnger W. P. WYihervIl auiionaee* city on Sunday, after a two month’* Dolurvs Kuinuy, and M«*srs. Roy Avery, that a serie* of social dances, beginning ahaenw. William Kelsey and John Kelsey were A New an J Complete with tonighi, will be given as the wi-a’h»«r G. W. Walla«!, of Seattle, arrived in those present. will permit, either In the pavilion or tin- Uold Hill tlie flmt of the week, and ia A letter from F. Clan- Hanslmair to Lineof Fishzng Tackle opera houso, tlu-. remaining months <•( now n]x-rating the Norri* claim on Kane* L. W. Smith, of this city, announce* summer on each Saturday evening. A creek, having secured a leaae of that the rapid convaleiym-o of H. H. Mc ......... at the _____ popular roung ladies contest, for an ex ^-property. Carthy, who rueuntly underwent a «erl- quisite gold bracelet will la- cunductcd Mrs S. T. Hodge* visited Iter brother, ona operation at a Portland hospital by the management. Aliairt. Gal),al hi* lion»- in Jacksonville Mr. McCarthy's m any Gold Hill friends At a meeting called for the orgiintaa- thc latter part nt last week. Mr. Gall 1* will n-joiee to Icai-n that, aside from the lion of u liM-id niit*ie«l elas--, which wa- now convaleaeent from injuries received iiutilrtd wenknvK* following his long si-ige liehl at tin- M. E. eiitnvh on Mondirj ! in a runaway accident two week* ago, of (linos* and the operation, he I* rap evening last, I’rof. If. Isitae, o f Ashland, j when he sustaint-d a broken rib and idly n-gahiing health and is expected to I h - alsiut again within the next several who ha* tlie work in charge, tiioroughlv i other injurie* of a le*»t-r nature. explained all that tlie course would in week*. » Mr*. J. F. Deitrich and daughter*, Tom Gallagher, captain of the Rock clude: theory, definition, analysis, con We have spoon iw- •;* i »,*---- Mi**e* Agne* and Nellie, vi*ited with Point Applejacks, having heard much of ducting, harmony, ete. Although tlie Lilly constructed ft,- •; #nc l i b Mr. Deitrich at Medford, when- liei* em tin- prowess of Stinvbring’s Limekiln« organization wa* not perfected at that er. Tlie liest I .KKirllllCIll - f ployed, on Saturday laat. Mias Ague* and Applegate’s Lumlierjacks, issued a time, it ia definitely assured that within cane poles in tlie town. Heim- remained for several day* longer a* the challenge to a «»mposite team from the a very short time tlu- Gold Hill class will tiling new in flies. guest of Mr*. Wm. Searle.' two local teams, and the game will lie ! la- dnl«-tly competing with tlie sweet ' singers of Hams Valley and Antioch, On Satunlay August 3rd, the Iatdies played upon the home diamond tomor Aid will have another of their splendid row aftoTt"-on at 2:8Q, at which time where rlasi.-s are already in practice. entertainments and 1«, cream social« at will be definitely settled the anperiority ! The Ashland class, tinder tlie direction their room xnd yard, beginning at 7 i wf Alic rival "has beens” of tin- diamond. : of the g«Riia) Professor, is expected to W« also issue hunting and fish The entertainment will he in the nature As extemperaneoua vaudeville of more ■ render a concert at Gold Hill within tin- ■ not diatant future. ing licenses ' of fortune telling, games, contests and than usual merit the contest is pleasantly other mirth producing "stunts. ” Fruit sherbet every day at the drug atore. anticipated. Local News Notes C O M PL E T E ST O C K D airy S alt, 5 0 l b s . . . 5 0 c S to c k S alt, 5 0 l b s . . . 3 5 c 3 C ans M ilk .. 2 5 c W h ite Beans . . 6 c Pink Beans . . 5 c T a k e n in E x c h a n g e M erritt & C o m p a n y G eneral M e r c h a n d is e ____ D. H. M IL L E R | H e a d q u a rL ers fo r] In a T ig h t Place A Man went hunting in a ticscrted forest. A terrible storm came up. The hunter ran for *hclb-r. But tliere was none. It began to rain. He crawled iato a hollow log. It fitted snugly, it rained and rained. Then it rained more. Tla- water soaked thru the wood. The log began to swelL When the storm was over, the hunter could not get out. He strained till lie was bine in the face. But the log held tight. Exhausted lie gave up. He knew that he »mild starve to death. Like a drowning man, hi* whok- life fiasla*) before him. Kapeeially his mis takes. He suddenly retneudiered that lie had not started a hank accennt. And tliat his wife and I «by, p-nnikvis, w<»dd starvx-. Il made him feel so small that he was able to crawl out of the log without difficulty. Tin- story of tlie liunter was only a red light warning near a treaelicrous place in tlie Road to Wealth. Far iAe Next Do not wait until the storm breaks. Prepare sliclter so yon cannot he driven into the hoBow log. Start a bank ac- count NOW. It is an umhreita which you can cirry with yon to keep out the rain. Thirty Days It will he large enough to shelter the whole family before yon know it. Tliere will always be storms. And it is a had time to get an umbrella AFTER a rain. A (e-rtificate of Dcpostte drawing-4 per «-nt at the GOLD rtJLl BANK "will keep yon from getting "in a tight place.’’ Co# and Ji N. FOUNTAIN BON TON Give us a trial ! Flour Feed Hay Grain W h ea t $ 1 .2 5 per bushel ...B a rley — 7 5 lbs. S ack $ 1 .5 0 ... GOLD HILL FLOUR & FEED STORE H. C. RAF.DEL, i’n-prietor Hom e P h on e