T aiK W it h How to Get Nice : Premiums FREE Ï Kellogg New to U m time to bay property to CtoM H ill» <•■*« w ait till yew have te have H | b ty eew a r t make the la- veetar's profit, a w a rt to the wise to •a ffle la a ti if yea have aat tka rash) talk to K a lia n ha w ill gat It far yea, he has sene real kargalaa jast aaw la Weld HUI properties. Wa gaaraatoa 7 par aaat a r t have ■ever paM lata than 11 par aaat aa aaalag aaaaaata paM hy tka amath, k a tt large a r t small. Tka Pacific Balldlag A Leas Asseelattoa. Talk with A. K. Kellegg, lacal agent. ♦ + * : . .Owa yaar awa hemes» «tap paying reak Tka Pacific Bnlldlag A ____ Asseclatiea w ill faratok yaa tka mea­ n t pay ky tka m aatki jast like pay lag re a tj It co«»» ae more: talk with Kellogg, ka doc» their baslaess la Gold H IIL + + FOR SALE— W ell Improved farm of U acres 3 miles from Gold H ill, 20 acres under cultivation, water right, and Irrigating system with place, plenty o f timber on place, 300 fru it traaa 3 years old, 1 acre In berries, good bouse, barn and out buUdlnga. picket and wire fence, to mile from school. Team, stock and Implements go with place. Price 34000, part down, balance on favorable terms. FOR SALE— 3 miles from Gold H ill 20 acres placer mining ground, good t lt l« all tillable land, 600 tiers of fire wood standing on the claim. No Improvement on the land. This is a snap for some one that wants small ranch and a pay roll right at their door. Price, cash 3400.00. Among the Articles to Be Obtained Free Are J 1 New Royal Parlor Cabinet Sewing Machine warranted for 10 years, for >100 in cash trade. 1 Harmony Talking Machine for >76 in cash trade. Dishes, Earthen and Glassware. Also China and Silver. 75 Axminiater and Velvet Rugs to pick from. -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------j * * ♦ + * REMEMBER: Every Doflpr Purchase gives you 10c on any of these Premiums. C a l for a Punch Card when you come to the store. : : : FRANK BURNETT, Proprietor Professional Cards Netlee ef Tax Sale PUB LIC N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y giv­ en, that, pursuant to tha real estate tax judgment end decree of the Re­ corder's Court, In the C IT Y OF OOLD H IL L , COUNTY OF JACKSON. 8T A T E O F OREGON, an order of eale duly Issued out of the said COURT, entered on the 39th day of May. 1913, In the • proceedings In foreclosure of tax lien upox real estate, as per provisions of law, I shall on the 19th day of August, ♦ + + -4- + ’4-4-4- + *4' + 4--4->4- + 1912, at 2 o 'tk d t P. M ., at Us> front door of the Court House or City H all. In the City of OOLD H IL L , COUNTY OF JACK90N, S T A T E O F OREGON. In a manner provided by law, sell the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION following described L o t;—o r to macb Department of the Interior thereof as shall be sufficient to eot- U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon „ , , April 12, 1912 I lsfy the full amount of Hen, Interest Notice is hereby given that Richard M. I and coats adjudged to be due thereon Jennings, whose wwtoffiee addrem is I as follows: to-wit: Eugene, Oregon, did, on the 17th day of ¡ Lot Seven (7) Block twenty-eeven Legal Publications November, 1919, file in this office Sworn ¡ io purchase the EMBto, Secern 19J x nP >3 Wí ? , >WU A. E. KELLOGG GOLD H IL L . OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Office in Wells Building Hours 10-12—2-4 FOR SALE— 40 acres unimproved land In Sams Valley, price 320 per care; also an 80 acre tract at same price JOHN H . CAKKIN GLENN O. TAYLÖS per acre. Both tracts nicely lo­ CARKIN& TAYLOR cated. FOR SALE— 160 acres of timber land 6 miles from Gold H ill, about 2 to million feet fine fir and pine timber nearly all tillable land, plenty yf bpring water on the tract and nicely located for farming and stock rais­ ing. Price 320 per acre, or w ill en­ tertain a proposition with m ill men for the timber at 31.50 per M. * ♦ >Utekm ent aud Application, No. 06781, FOR SALE—A small home of 16 acres Complete line of burial robes, 2 to miles from Gold HU I, new up- caskets, etc. to-date bungalow, 26x40 feet, to mile from school, spring and run­ FUNERAL CAR ning water on place. Four acres Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence under cultivation, balance good t ill­ Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46- Main. able land. Owner has a business proposition he wishes to take up. CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. and w ill sacrifice this property for 31300 cash or trade for Medford res­ GENERAL PRACTITIONER idence property. FOR SALE— Farm , 30 acres, 6 miles from Gold H ill, rich river bottom land, 7 acres la alfalfa, good Im­ provements and fences, all under cultivation excepting 4 acres. Price 36000; 32000 cash, balance on one and two years time. ♦ ' * t The Gold Hill Furniture Store i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • f the (starter l altad States Land Office Rossburg- Oregon, May S3. 1211 Notice Is hereby given that Stephen Toblu, of Eagle Point. Jacksou Coun­ ty. Orsgoa, asalgaaa of Hoary Kaglar, h u on April 1«, 1313, mod la thia offlco his application to eater. uadar tho provisions of Sac. 3306. Rsvtaod Statutes of the Ualtad 8tatea. tho SW toSBto. and tka NB toSW to. sac. 31. T. 35 SR.1.W .W .M. Any and all parsons claiming adversely tha lands describ­ ed. or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidav­ its or protest la thia office, on or be­ fore the 13th day of July 1313 BENJAM IN F, JONES. Register. I give you a card with your H im cash purchase numbered from Sc to HW. For every Dollar in cash purchanw, you are al­ lowed life in premium money to apply on any article in the store. OOMS LAWYERS 17-19 OVKB JACKSON COUNTY MEDFORD. OREGON BANS DR. R. C. KELSEY O W IC B IN GOLD H IL L C O * . TH IBD H O S P IT A L A C STS. GOLD H IL L , OREGON DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS ADMtNISTKBRD RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD IC E C le a n e st a n d B est M ade Storage Room for Everything Darling' & H o d g es H a n d le o u r ic e a n d w i l l f i l l y o u r o r d e r s p r o m p t ly MEDFORD ICE & STO R A G E C O M PA N Y n City of Gold Hill In witness whereof, • u a NOE. CItJ Marshall lametta Meridian, and the timber then-- ‘ , hl. , Q,u on, under the provisions of the Act o f ' *,ate“ at Oo,d Hill this 39th day oi June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory. | May 191?. known as the “ T hnhrr and Stone law , at such value as might be fixed by a p -' prawemeut. and that, pursuant to su ch I |f | S M A T U U fA D If P ftC C n i l application, ÜK-land and timber thereon ItL n lw n in n u f i n u u t u UN have been appraised 3782. the timbar ce- ------------ timated 1,080,000 board feet at 60 rente Bscond Unit o f Reclamation Project per M, and the land 380; that said a p - ! Starts. Electric Iron luicMiit will offer final proof In wupport <»f Ids application and sworn statement on Klamath F a lla — W ork on the tee­ the 29th day ol Jmie, 1912, before W. W ond unit of the Klam ath reclamation FmJe"8' o “ ’“ ''’ SUU* roumiwuoner, at ! Project has begun In earnest. The «* liberty to protest this ' #C° nd unlt cover* ,Mnd'' Poe ¥ab purchase before entry, or initiate a con-. *,3r 00 1,0111 Mdee of Lost river, the t farmed now. This first unit is In of Jackson, and state of Oregon, made the Klamath valley, extending to the and entered of record on the 4th day of south and southeast from Klamath June, 1912. All persons having claims Falls, and lies between Lost and Kla- against the said estate will present them to math rivers. Another unit designed tlie umfersigne-d, at his place of residence was to cover the marsh lands and a In Gold H ill, Oregon, within six months portion of the bed of Lower Klamath from tlie date of this notice. Dated this, Lake, and covers with some high lands tlie 20th (lay of Jane, 1912. about 6000 acres. B E N JA M IN F. JONES, Register. GEORGE PATRICK, Administrator of the estate of Daniel Lesley, deceased. 8 -li Bridge Collapses and 3 are Hurt. Eugene.— Three workmen were In­ jured when 460 feet of falsework for a new county bridge across the W il­ lamette river at Jasper, suddenly ool- lapsed. The bents for the falsework were framed and set on the eurfaee of the river bed. as bedrock was too near to allow of the driving of piling. Aa the next to the last bent was being raised, they slid forward and col­ lapsed. Is one ofsthe most useful among the electric family, and ¡ ^ f u lgn S i “ n° m° re telTOre 8inCe 11)6 advent th “ Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a a more practical or convenient article would b e hart! tn find. GUARANTEED TWO YEARS, and the price fa J ? $430 R o g u e R iv e r E lectric C o . A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ’S N O T IC E . Notice it hereby given that Amelia, “ + FOR SALE— 160 acres situated 3 Messner, ihe administratrix of the Estate ol W. Q. Messner, deceased, has miles south of Kelseyville, Lake rendered and presented for settlement, GOLD H IL L , O REG ON County, Calif., About 40 acres clear and filed in the County Court of the to work, balance pasture. Creek State of Oregon, for tbe County of Jack-1 son. her final acronnt of heradministra-1 running through the place. Price DR. E. K IB C H G E 88N E B tion of tbe said E itate; and that 8atur-1 31600. Practice limited to chronic diseases. day the 3rd day ol August, 1912, at 10 FO R SALE— Two lots 25x100 each, H O T E L HO LLA ND, Medford, Oregon o'clock A. M ., at the Court room of said Court, at Jacksonville, in the said County Honrs 10 to 3 W illam ette Addition to East Port­ Wednesdays B y G e ttin g sod State, has been duly appointed by Offlco Hotel Holland. Both Phones. the Judge of said Court, for the settle­ land, Oregon. These lots are situ­ BANK ment of said account, at which time Residence phone, Farm er 16xx5 ated in a rapidly growing suburban Your and place any person interested in said district of Portland and have in­ Estate may appear and file exceptions Superintendent W right lesuea State­ creased at the rate of 40 per cent ment Pleasing to Oregon. in writing to the said account, and CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D contest the same. each year. An excellent buy and Salem.— Deposits In the banks of Practice Limited to Dated at Gold H ill, Oregon, 28th day and one which is bound to make the state have increased 36,345,126.01 of June 1912. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat money. Price 3500. between June 7, 1911, and June 14. AMELIA MESSNER Eyes scientifically examined and glasses Administratrix of the Estate of W . Q 1913, according to a statement which FOR SALE— 11 acres near Santa Rosa, furnished when needed. a t tH< Messner, deceased. g -u was Issued by Superintendent of Cal., highly Improved farm, all In S ': «‘Lt-Corey P iL i'ic g , M“dford, Ore Banks W rig h t The total amount of fru it trees 7 years old. New 4-room Mineral Application Number 07718 deposits in the state were $124,759,- house, large new barn, fence, fine + + + + -F + + + + + + + + + + + 013.79 at the close of business June United States Land Office chicken wire. Team, Implements + GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE + Roseburg, Oregon, May 24, 1912. 14, this year, as compared to $118,- and 400 chickens go with the farm Seating Capacity 600. + Notice Is hereby given that J. J. 413,888.78 last year. Price 33000; 32000 cash, balance can Stage 60x22. The entire statement shows that the R itter, whose Postoffice address is remain on mortgage at 7 per cent Gold H ill, Jackson County, Oregon, banks of Oregon are In a flourishing I t Is the object of FOR SALE— 120 acres Improved has made application for a United condition, the only decrease being management to book farm 6 to miles from Gold H ill, rich States Patent for the Prefount in that In overdrafts, this decrease being firs t class attractions and creek bottom land; 80 acres under Group of Placer Mining claims, situ­ $283,608.48. This leaves a total of about two performances a •) ate In the Foots Creek Mining District, $471,037.14 In overdrafts as compared cultivation. An old perfected water month. The stage has been -1 County of Jackson, State of Oregon, Io $764,645.82 for the preceding year. right, plenty of water; producing 75 ABSAYER AND CHEMIST. Total resources this year are $166, enlarged and new dressing -1 embracing the South-west one quarter to 100 tons alfalfa, can double that EARL V, IN G LE S , B Sc.—General as­ 720,960.61 aa compared to $147,764, rooms added to the building -I amount with more acreage; v4ry rich (to ) of the South-east one-quarter say and analytical work. Dement w ith new scenery and the -I (to ) and Lot eight (8) in Section 892.68 for the preceding year, or nn placer channel running through farm. and asphalt testing. Bast equip­ Increase of $8,966,067.93 for the yenr present stage, we can stage d ped assay office and testing labor- Price 39,000.00; terms reasonable. Twenty-five (26) In Township T h irty - story In Oregon. All work guar­ any kind of a production. -I six (86) South of Range Four (4) Loans and discounts total $80,304, N o r th b o u n d anteed. Cslvei t-Paddock block. The House In the fu ture d West, of W illamette Meridian, Jack- 991.87 as compared to $74,726,584.93, No. 20 8:13 a. m. Phone I TO-J, grants Paas, Oregon. or an Increase of $5,579,406.04. No. 24 (motor) : !• w ill be booked through the d son Cou.ity, State of Oregon, contain­ 11:02 a. m. No. 32 (motor) > Northwestern Theatrical as- 4 ing exclusive of conflict, of any min- Bartlett Pear. o T T a . t 4:27 p. m. No. I« • sociatlou having signed a con- 4 8:44 p. m. Znd n.“. 7 V r l0d\ Cl8*“ ’ Medford.— The Rogue R iver Valley tract to this effect, and they + ?69 9^ i On” hUn 4 4 4 BENJ. F. JONHS, Register. Trade kept at home ’• ® ean> «n