Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1912)
ALFALFA HAY M ercury U p First cutting, $ 8 .0 0 per ton in field, one and -one-half miles from Gold Hill, or $ 9 .0 0 per ton delivered P r ic e s D o w n Wheat or Barley Hay $ 1 1 .0 0 per ton delivered Shoes from .50 to $7.50 * Calicos and Gingham 6c to 8c ' Summer Lawns 7c SLEEPY HOLLOW EARM Home Telephohe Local News Notes GROCERIES Prices Satisfactory COMPLETE STOCK Dairy Salt, 50 lb s .. . 50c Stock Salt, 50 lb s.. . 35c 3 Cans M ilk.. 25c W hite Beans . . 6c Pink Beans . . 5c Mrs. Myra McNeil, of Ashland wa« the I guest of Mrs. W. E. Darling this week. Mlaa Edith Buell, «if Eugene, arrived Inquire at fowl on Satunlay last und ia tl»«- guest of Mi«a Jasmine Bushnell. II. A. Muirs of the Fairview mine, Get yiiiir hunting »n<l fishing llratUM »t klllisl a flve font rattler the first of the ill«’ Bull Ton. Prof. hurt Atlanta »pent Halunlay la»t week. Hla «nakvship «ported eleven rattle«, not Including the button. at Medford, At last warm weather haa »et in anil Eraidt Avery wa« a vlaltpr at Takuu nearly’ everyone 1« in Med of electric on Htiiijrt' nlay laat cooking uppuratu». Mayla- you need an wan a hiiHiiuaia visitor Dr. 0 . Kolai'y w Iron, toaster, stove, ooflbe percolator or at Mi-igord Ttunday. chafing dish. Nee John Kelsey,—lie'« Marian Laura, of Medford, waa a agent for tla) HOT POINT line. kih « m of local frlt-njln Sunday. Services at tla’ M. E. church were W. 'f. Nettyiii waa a vlaltor in Med- conducted laat Sunday by Mr. thsirg«’ lord <m Sal unlay of last «reek. Iverson, owing to the enforet-«l absence For dial tin'll feeling try Grap«' I’urplo of the Rev. E. C. Ricliards. The pastor, —Iba new drink at tlx- Bon Ton. while engaged lu putting up liay on Ina Mlm Virginia Braman la ilie guc»t of ranch near Ashland, Ml from the stack Mr«. Boy Brown at Miulfonl the preronl anil »tiMlainod injuries of ao severe a na OookMovv for "«I«', «tora. 8 weak. Mra. W. II. Harvey and «’blldren rc- turned on Thnnalay from a fortnight’« visit, with friend« and relatives at Ashland. Mike Watm-k, of Jarkaonvllle, waa in Gold Hill Monday enroute to a mining property In the Foot« crwk district. Tl«’ Champlin raan li on F««<« crack halt righty Iona of alfalfa hay by fin- on Monday afternoon of the preranl week. Mr». J. II. Heeuian and daughter, Mlaa Bluaaoin, returned on Sunday laat from Portland, when? d a y were giwata «it friepda. > f Karl Baker la gleefully U-lllng the glad tiding» of tla* arrival of a» eight pound ton ami heir at hla home on Wedueaday morning. Mr«. D W. MeMorri» ««nd children arrived from Seattle on Thunalay after noon and will spend tl»’ summer a« a guest at tl«- Sam» V«dley raurh of her brother, W. W. Eddington. W. T. Ward, of upper Sam» Valluy, waa In from the ranch on Sunday and Monday io «»infer with hi» partner, W, (1. Myer«, about bundling the mammoth fruit crop which threat«-«»* them. Waller Stickle, who ha« been employ- «d on die iwtixtruethai of a new brfrk M’hool houaefur Roseburg. returned home Thursday. For die last two wivka lw ha* hcett.laitl up lu that city with a tmdly ertwhed foot, from wliieh lie ba« iw w vr- ed save for a «light limp. Thmm«* Hungry preronfed the New* (uiidly w ith« bog of—everybody gue«»— white blm kl» rri«l«. Tom «ay» heueenred tla’ rot» three years ago at «’•»Halil« ruble expril«- and till« la their first roa«on of Is-uring. Tlte fruit 1» a largo, translucent white ln’rry, and 1» Mppropriati ly termed die " l.’e Berg." Mr». J. L. Moore who wa» taken »crl- omdy 111 tla* forepart of hurt wrak. wa» removed from lair home In thia city to the Grant’« Pa«» b<«tpltal on Friday evctiing. Mr. M«a>re made aeveral trl|«< to the Pa»« till» wcek to ace hi» wife, and report« that ahe 1» progressing rapidly toward «•onvalearanw. II. I>. Brail returned on Monday from Portland, where he attended the Elk* convention from »tart to finish and laioatod eoiislstently for Jackson county and Gobi Hill to the InquWtlve browsers from die far east.. Mr«. Ri-ed who ac companied him, will remain the guest of Portland frleml» for another week. The railroad people plan another pil grimage from Grant* Pa»« toColratin on Sunday, July 21*. leaving the former point »t 6:80 a. m. and arriving at Cole- d ll, at 10:40. Gold Hill ,*«>ple who plan to make tho cxcnralon to tin’ codl spring» of Ooleirtln will he asses»««! one fare for the round trip, leaving at 7:10 a. m. and returning at 10:06 p. m. Mi«a Mildred Hodges, accompanied by "Deacon” Walker, ywti«l a visit to Mr«. All«« Morgan at Medford Thurs- day afternoon. Mm: Morgan 1« at present oonvalearant from a serious nttn<-k of appendicitis for which »be underwent an operation on Friday of last week, and .her recovery, which at onetime wa« «Ira- paired of, 1« now tin»« happily araured. Z ture that lie has lieen roinpelksl to li«e cruUdaw lor ««■«’ day«. At present however. Rev. Iticliard* ha« practically j rerovered from hla sudden contact with , terra Anna, and will occupy tlie pulpit at the regular hours of servlra tomor row. A «pci lal train carrying a l«ttallon of the l*th U. H. infantry (suM-d through Gobi Hill on Monday enroute from tlie PhUllpine* to Fort Snclllug, Minnesota, where they will hr garrisoned. The boy« wn-re umler command of Capt. Ben Nlck- lln, who la one of tlie fortunate few to Itave risen from tlie rank«. Captain Nlcklln waa an enlisted man In the 1st cavalry until 1WM, when I«’ won Ids 2<l lieutenancy, »ml ha» atnro.bren promoted to his prtwnl rank. The train atop|ied at till« |«ilnt (or half an hour, and Capt. Nlcklln discovered In C. 11. Priee, of tills city, an old friend whom lie hail not seen for many years. Profesaor 11. Isaac, of Ashlaml, was in this city on Wislneailay arranging the details of a uaMing whbdl will 1« held at tie1 M. E. church on Monday evening to promote tla* establiahuent of a innstcal claas in Guld Hill. A chorus of seventy- five voiies is already at - work lu Stuns Valley under tlie «Hrratfon of Professor Isaac, and It is ptaniM-d to have a chorus of at least a hundred with tin- local class. At the «-omhig nul ling tla- profcraor will outline and itcmiinstrate tla’ valuo oi a complete course in musical theory, har mony mid interpretation. A »(ici ial in vitation is ex !<• m In I t«i (uirenta wlto eon- ti-mplate a eonrse of study for their chlblren. Uncle Dave Miller, who has more real fish stories In his rt pertoire than any other veteran of tho easting n s l in soiitla’rn Oregon, einergeil from Rogue river with thrw’ fietu f fighting Chin««>k sulnuui fast to his line Wwltauilay after- msm. The lug fish wra caught a short distune«' alsive town, and lor two hours gave its cantor one of the sternest strug gles of his long carevr with gaua-y fish. This 1» the first Chinook to be taken in tla' river at this point so far tlie pri’ront seaaon, and was in excellent rondlton. Uncle Dave maintains that not more titan three days had elapsed since tlie salmon tiegan his cruine up Rogue river from tlie him’ watora of tlie Pacific. It tlpissl tla- Beall’s at twenty- three |smnds, ami although many larger fish have Isen taken here, was a _eat«’h worthy of tla1 most arduous angler. ChitiiMik salmon are very infn>qtieiiily taken at this pcriisl. although several wix’ks later, when the spawning season commence«, the big fellows strike vici ously at every lure that preronts itself. Although Mr. Miller’s «-ateh exoelle all records up to date, some very flue fish— sti’clheails and silver salmon—have ls,en taken h^ other angle« tla' past wvek. J. E. Marling landed one of the latter which w«'ighe«l eight pounds. C o u n t r y P r o d u c e T a k e n in E x c h a n g e M erritt & C o m p a n y D. H. M I L L E R I H e a d Q u a rt» e rs f o r I Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite, and Aluminum Ware :: Builders’ Materials, Plumbing Goods, Haying and Harvest ing Tools :: Fine assortment of Queensware :: Paints, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Paint Brushes :: Guns, Ammunition, and Fishing Tackle * cannot be excelled :: Wall Tents and Campers Sup plies :: Miners’ Supplies, Z w d e r and Fuse, Caps, Picks, Shot »Is, Pans M y S to c k in a ll o f t h e a b o v e L in e s is a s c o m p le te a s a n y in S o u th e r n O r e g o n , a n d m y p r i c e s a r e R ig h t It will pay you who Elijah Was Fed By the Ravens But- That was a long time ago, and the ONLY bird that will feed you at the pres ent day is the EAGLE on the Great American D o l lar. Start a deposit in &?>e G o ld H ill B a n k have not been trading with me to cal! and see for your selves, and I am sure you will be pleased and I will have you for a permanent customer. A H orse L augh You will see your horses and other live stock laugh and earn a dollar for you, if you w ill keep the flies and insects o ff them. The necessary hand spray pumps and sprays are inexpensive and guaranteed. Do not forget to spray your poultry houses For the Next Thirty Days E V E R Y T H IN G IN T H E F L O U R A N D F E E D L IN E I will take your order for some of th at life-time Mission Furniture, or sell you some of that I have already made, at wholesale prices. COLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STORE H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor Call and Look Over the Stock at My Novelty Shop, South Side, Across the Street from the Planing Mill. J. N. FOUNTAIN Hom e Phone N t w t y F u rn is h e d E h ctrie U g h f J Gold Hill, Oregon < Au. ÏWiÎH Records at the Wallowa county courthouse show that bounties have been paid on 481 coyotes and 6B wild cats In the 12 months that ended July 1, 1912. The interior department at Wash ington la preparing details for the opening by lot of five sections of a townalte In the Slleta reservation. The date has not been announced. The Harney county rod and gun club will receive In a few days from Union Publie Library Building to Rlao State (lame and Flah Warden Finley Union.— Andrew Carnegie haa ap some 60,000 young trout to be placed proved of the plane of the Union pub- In Rilvlea river and Its mountain trib llo library, and the library board has utaries. taken steps looking toward the com The alx elk, including the baby, mencement of work upon the building which were an Interesting feature of at the earlleat possible day. The the showing of the Aberdeen lodge in building w ill be 47x82 feet In alxe. the Elks’ parade at Portland, have been purchased for the city park at Governor 8tarts on Horse Back Rida. Bugene. Salem.— Attired In sombrero nnd ail Thomas Hawthorne, of Eugene, for the other picturesque trappings of a several years in the reclamation ser cowboy, Governor West departed Sun vice at U m atilla and on Klam ath pro day on hla horseback ride to Boise to jects, has been appointed state engin attend the governors’ oonference to eer on the Paisley project, which is News Notes of State L. It. Cardwell, L. B. Avery, ami port- master John Hammeraly toured the upper Hogue country for aeveral day» the fir« of thia week on a (idling trip, eventually winding up at Crater Lake where they inspected and approved of the scenery before turning the prow of L. R. ’» auto homeward. The trip to Crater f-ake was an afterthought Inspired by very indif ferent auccesa In fishing. Snow »till sur round» the lake for a radius of a mile, and It will be several day» yet before sightseers may approach any nearer save ' ba held there August L on foot. G eneral M e r c h a n d is e under the Carey a c t The Gold Hill Hotel L. R. CatJwll, Proprietor A New and Complete Line o f Fishing Tackle at the BON TON We liave s|«>on in» «•»f»»«’-> A Pleasant Place to Stop Tutu b lo c k e fr o m R o g u e R i s s r , fa m o u s f o r tr o u t o n d sa lm o n ' F irtt-c la a a B a r ¡Just a word ! Lilly constructed lo r i >’.>|. ih ' cr. The liest n—or:mint of cane |mles in the town. Some thing new in flic«. Give as a trial We also ¡«sue hunting and fish ing licenses Miners, I can sharp en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shows C. F. C A R TER B L A C K S M IT H R u to s : Tuto d o ll a r s p o r d o y S p o e ta i r u to s f o r th o up Gold Hill, Oregon P R A C T IC A L S H O E M A K IN G Boots anil Shoes Made to Order R E P A IR IN G Done In First-class Shape H A RNESS R E P A IR E D SATISFACTION ( UARANTtFD J. E. M A R T I N G Next to Barber Shop