ta in w it o Kellogg >ew Is »he time Io huy prupertj la ««Id Hill» d«a*t w all till 7«« have 1« have 111 buy bow aad wake tho, la Teeter's profit, a ward to the wlae la sufficient; It yea have not the cask; talk ta Kellogg he w ill get It for yea; he baa some real barpalas Jast now In Geld H ill properties. We pnarantee 7 per cent and have never paid leas than 11 per cent on savinp aeeonata paid hy the month, hath large and sasalL The Pacific Rnlldlnp A Loan Aasoeiatlen. Talk with A. K. Kellogg, local agent. ..O w n year awn bamest slap paying rent. The Pacific Rnlldlnp A Lean Association w ill fnrnish yon the man eyt pay by the month: jnst like pay- tap rent: It costs no more: talk with Kellogg, he does their baslness In «old HUL FOR SAKE—Well Improved farm of 42 acres 3 miles from Gold Hill, 30 acres unaer cultivation, water right and Irrigating system with place, plenty of timber on place. 200 fruit trees 3 years old, I acre In terries, good house, barn and out buildings, picket and wire fence, H mile from school. Team, stock and implements go with place. Price $4000. part down, balance on favorable terms. FOR SALE—3 miles from Gold Hill, 20 acres placer mining ground, good title, all tillable land. 500 tiers of fire wood standing on the claim. No Improvement on the land. This is a snap for some one that wants a small ranch and a pay roll right at their door. Price, cash $400.00. .w iith run PUBLICATION n i L j i i m t i r m i a tu .:» a i LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES Department af the Interior Fatted Stale» Land Of flea Roseburg, Oregon, May 12, Hill Notice ta haraby given that Stephen Tobin, of Eagle Point, Jackson Coun ty, Oregon, assign«« of Henry Kaglar, ou will find everything for your home here at prices has on April 10, 1111, filed In this offtoa bla application to antar, under LOWER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN Southern Oregon the provisions of Seo. 2300. Revised Statu tea of tha United Statea. the SW either Medford or Grants Pass. I also do upholstering, HSEU. and the NEH3W H. aec. 26. T. S6.8.K.1.W.W.M. Any and all persona arid can make you as nice a piece of MISSION FURNITURE as you claiming adversely the lands describ ed. or desiring to object because of can wish for, and at a very low cost. It doesn’t coat anything the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to tha disposal to investigate. Give me a call and find out prices. Rugs of all to applicant, should file their affidav its or protest In this office, on or be kinds. Linoleum, Matting, Portiers, Couch Covers, Go-Carts, fore the 12th day of July 1912 BENJAMIN F. JONES. Koglster, Notice of Tax Sale PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY giv iteware. Full line of fine Wallpapers. en, that, pursuant to the real eetata tax Judgment and decree of the Re- Tent Wagon Covers, Folding Cot and Stool for Campers. corder'a Court, In the CITY OF OOU) HILL, COUNTY OF JACKSON, STATE e v e r y t h in g f o r y o u r H O V S B B . OF OREGON, an order of eale duly latued out of the said COURT, entered on the 39th day of May. 1912, In the G O L D H IL L , proceedings In foreclosure of tax lien upon real estate, as per provisions of law, I shall on the Ttli day of August, T R A N K « U R .N E T * , P r o p r i a » ? • 1912, at 3 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the Court House or City Hall. In the City of GOLD HILL. COUNTY OF JACKSON, STATE OF OREGON. In a manner provided by law. sell the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION following described Lot:—or so much Department of tl»‘ Interior thereof as shall be sufficient to ant- U. 8. I .and Office at Roseburg, Oregon iafy the full amount of lien, tntereet April 12,1912 Notice lx hereby given that Richard M. | and coats adjudged to be due thereon Jennings, whose uuetoAcc a.ltlrvxs in aa follows: to-wit: Eugene. Oregon, did, on the 17th day of | Lot Saven <7) Block twenty-seven Novctnlier, 1910, tile in thin office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 06781,1 (271 City of Gold HUI. to purchase the K*tEk«, Sectiou 1», i In wltneae whereof, Township 3ft South, Range 3 West, Wil L S. NOE. City Marshall. A. E. KELLOGG lamette Meridian, and tia- timber tliere- Du ted at Gold HUI this 39th day of | on, uniter the provisions of tla> Act of GOLD HILL. OREGON May 1919. June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, VARIETY & FURNITURE STORE C le a n st a n d B st M a d e Storage Room for Everything D a r lin g ' & H o d g 'e s h a n d l e o u r ic e a n d w i l l fill y o u r o r d e r * p r o m p t ly MEDFORD ICE & STORAGE COMPANY Legal Publications Professional Cards Embalmer and Funeral Director Cal., highly improved farm, all In j iftt-Corov Î’ ng. M“dfaru, Ore fruit trees 7 years old. New 4-room 1 bouse, large new barn, fence, fine | + + + + + + + -5- + + + + + + + + chicken wire. Team, implements, 4- GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE -F and 400 chickens go with the farm. 4* Seating Capacity 600. + Price $3000; $2000 cash, balance can + Stage 50i22. + remain on mortgage at 7 per cent It is the object of the + FOR SALE—120 acres Improved management to book only «F farm 6% miles from Gold Hill, rich first class attractions and + creek bottem land; 80 acres under about two performances a + cultivation. An old perfected water month. The stage has been 4- right, plenty of water; producing 75 enlarged and new dressing 4* to 100 tons alfalfa, can double that rooms added to the building 4* amount with more acreage; very rich with new scenery and the 4* placer channel running through farm. | present stage, we can stage 4* Price $9,000.00; terms reasonable. any kind of a production. 4* The House In the future + will be booked through the 4* Northwestern Theatrical as- 4 soclatfon having signed a con- 4- tract to this effect, and they + have assured us that they 4* will use their best endeavors + to only book good companies. 4 W. H. 8TICKEL, 4> Manager 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 > 4 4 4 Kellogg' t ' Talking and Sewing Machines, Silverware, Crockery and Gran known as tile “ Timber and Stone Law, at such value ax might he fixed by ap- For TAe Detraction of Ftitt. praixement. and that, pursuant L• xtieli FOR SALE—A small home of 15 acres application, the land and timber thereon Complete line of burial robes, These rules wen- published by the 2H miles from Gold Hill, new up- have been appraised $782, tile timber ex- : Merchants* Exchange of New York, »ltd ! caskets, eta titnatrxl 1,080,000 board feet at 00 cents will answer for all localities: to-date bungalow, 26x40 feet, % per M, and the land $80; thai said ap mile from school, spring and run. FUNERAL CAR Keep the fib's away from the sick, os- i plicant Will oiler final proof In support of teeially those suti'eruig from contagious ning water on place. Four acres Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence nix application and eworv statement on SÏ sea.es. Kill every tly that enters the I under cultivation, balance good till UlT 29th day of June, 1912, before W. W, i sick room. Do not allow decaying tna- i Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main. Calkins, United State» cuuituitiMinncr, al tonal of any sort to aet iiinnlate on or | able land. Owner has a business Eugene, Oregon. hear your premises. AU refuse which proposition ha wishes to take up. Any person is at liberty to protest this 1 and will sacrifice this property for CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. purehaxe before entry, or initiate a eon tends in any way to fermentation, stteb Ι . ........ — ™ ax betiding liedding straw, paper waste and vegr vegt tast at any lin e before patent issues by ublt. |nBtu,r or ,.„v $1300 cash or trade for Medford res GENERAL PRACTITIONER ’ filing a corroborated affidavit in this idence property. ervd with lime. AU f<s»lx should la1 Office in Wells Building office, alleging facts which would defeat i Screened. All receptaelt»« for garbage I tlte entry. FOR SALE—40 acres unimproved land Hours 10-12—2-4 should be kept carefully coverts! and tint BENJAMIN F. JUNES, cans cleaned or sprinkled with lime. .>¡1. in Sams Valley, price $20 per care; Register. I or oilier cl wap preparation. See that also an 60 acre tract at same price IOHM B.CARKIN GLENN O. TAYL3B \ your sewer is in gtssl order, that it d<se per acre. Both tracts nicely lo ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE, i not leak, is up-to-date and Is not ex- CARKIN & TAYLOR cated. lotice is hereby given to whom It ti LAWYERS FOR SALE—Farm. 30 acres, 6 miles ooua 17-19 ovxr jacksox county b a n * concern: That I, George Patrick, have table refuse. Semen all foods for sale; been duly appointed administrator of the screen all windows and doors, und espec from Gold Hill, rich river bottom MEDFORD. OREGON estate of Daniel Leslie, tieceaxed, (>y an ially those of kitchen and dining room. land, 7 acres in alfalfa, good im order o f the county ooturt, for tiie eotmty Burn pyre-thrum powder in Ute house; provements and fences, all under D R R. C. KELSEY of Jackson, and state of Oregon, made don’t forget that files have their breed cultivation excepting 4 acres. Price orricB lx and entered of record on the 4th day of ing place in filth; it may he on your $6000; $2000 cash, balance on one G O LD H IL L H O S P IT A L June, 1912. A1I persons having claims premises; even inside your room. Keep COR. THIRD A C RTS. and two years time. ' against tile said estate wiU present them to your own premises clean, and if tliere is GOLD HILL, OREGON tiie tunlenigned, at his place of residence an unabatis] nuisance in the neighbor- FOP. SALE—160 acres of timber land , in Gold Hill, Oregon, within six month» * lvi"’ heaUh «'“P«rtment of it t> miles from Gold Hill, about 214 , . . . million feet fine fir and pine timber DR ARTEMAS W. DEANE i from the date of this notice. Dated this, 1 nl ' the 26th day of June, 1912. I known th ,‘ ■ »arly all tillable land, plenty A DENTIST GEORGE PATRICK I ny lays about one hundred and twenty pnng water on.the tract and nicely I Administrator of the .■state of Ihmiel ' ' W 'hiring Uw season, and she selects a GAS ADMtXISTBBKO ■ocated for Farming and stock rais RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD I Ledey, deceased. 8-11 place where there kt an accumulation of ing. Price $20 per acre, or will en . I __________ ’ filth—any decaying animal and vegetable tertain a proposition with mill men matter that will furnish food for her ADMINISTRATRIX S NOTICE. for the timber at $1.50 per M. A. E. KELLOGG Notice i* h reby given that Amelia larvae; the eggs mature In about urn Messner, 'he administratrix of th - .lays, and in a season there may be ten NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SALE—160 acres situated 3 Estate oi W (J. Measner, deceased, lias or twelve generations. Tlius, under fa Phone 83 Main miles south of Kelseyville, Lake I rendered and presented for set l-mn •», GOLD HILL, OREGON County, Calif., About 40 acres clear and filed in the Countv Court e f the vorable conditions, millions of fUes may i Stale of Oregon, for the County of Jack- result from the eggs of a single ,louse to work, balance pasture. Creek i son. h-r final acrou t of heradm'.iiistra- fiy. running through the place. Price DR. E. KIUCHUESSNEB ! tion of the said E state; and that 8 « t» ’ $1600. Practice limited to chronic diseases. , dav the 3rd day of A ugust, 1912 at Id o’ lock A M , at the Court room of - i FOR SALE—Two lots 25x100 each, HOTEL HOLLAND, Medford, Orerò» ' • u r i , »1 Jacksonville, in the said Com.I OBEDIENCE. Wednesdays Hours 10 to 3 t "fiate, baa been duly appointed Willamette Addition to East Port We mustn't be In a hurry to Office Hotel Holland. Both Phones. t e .lodge ol said Court, for the a tih - land, Oregon. These lots ate situ fix and choose our own lot. We ro nl of said account, at which i • Residence phone. Farmer 16xx5 ated In a rapidly growing suburban must wait to be guided We are a. <1 place any person interested in am > led on like the little children by district of Portland and have in- E -late may appear and file exc» pti o.s a way that we know not. It Is creased at the rate of 40 per cen t CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. in writing io 'he »aid account, and contest the same. a vain thought to dee from the each year. An excellent buy and Dated al Gold Hill, Oregon, 26th day J v, v , Practice Limited to work that God appoints us for and one which is bound to make _ . _. of June 1912. the sake of finding a greater bless. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat AMELIA MESSNER money. Price $600. Ing to our own soula. a s j f we Eyes scientifically examined and glasses Administratrix of the E state of W Q could choose for ourselves where Messner, deceased. 8-11 FOR SALE—11 acres near Santa Rosa, j furnished when needed. T a lk W ith I -■ . Mineral Application Number 07718 United States Land Office Roseburg, Oregon, May 24, 1912. Notice is hereby given that J. J. Ritter, whose Postofflce address is Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon, has made application for a United States Patent for the Prefount In Group of Placer Mining claims, situ ate in the Foots Creek Mining District, County of Jackson, State of Oregon, embracing the South-fvest one quarter (%) of the South-east one-quarter (54) and Ijot eight (8) in Section Twenty-five (26) in Township Thirty- six (36) South of Range Four (4) West, of Willamette Meridian, Jack- son Comity, State of Oregon, contain ing exclusive of conflict, of any min eral survey, or lode claim, slxty-nlne and ninety-five one hundredths acres (69.96.) There are no known adjoining min eral claimants. Notice posted on the ground Janu ary 26, 1912. BENJ. F. JONES, Register. I we shall find the fullness of the divine presence Instead of seek ing It where alone It Is to be found. In loving obedlem e.— tieorge Eliot. Electric Iron Is one of the most useful among the electric family, and ironing day has no more terrors since the advent of this useful member. Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a a more practical or convenient article would be hard to find. GUARANTEED TWO YEARS, and the price is only $450 Rogue R iv e r E le c tr ic Co. Keep Happy B y G e ttin g Your M e a ls Q. L u n c h e s --■ ■ ■ -"» i i/. — >t th e ^ = — ---------------■■■.: Gold Hill Cafe I T r u a x 6> C o .. P r o p r iw t o r a | Is not marriage an open ques tion when It Is alleged from the beginning of the world that such ns are in the institution wish to get out and such as are out wish la get in?—Ralph Waldo Emer son. AHH AY B it AND CHEMIST. EARL V. INGLES, H Ho.—General as say and analytical work. Cement and stplialt testing. Best equip ped assay office and terting- lalxir- atory in Oregon. All work guar N o r th b o u n d anteed. Cslvei t-Paddock block. No. 20 • • » 8:13 a. in. Phone 370-J, Grants Pass, Oregon. No. 24 (motor) 11:02 a. in. No. 32 ( motor ) ft:27 p. in. No. 1(1 0:44 p.in. S. P. Time Card M IN E R S If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see No. No. No. No, S o u th b o u n d 23 (motor) Ift • • 31 (motor) 19 • • « 8:13 a. ui. 2:ftft a. in. 1:42 p. m. 10:40 p. m. CHA?U'I5 S„ £ ELL Gold Hill the 4th