- ■ "JX i MR » ’’ " ' ' * ........ ’ " ■. ■ «-<•’— .»«■ ». a ÿ. & 4 1 r , • . * ALFALFA HAY First cutting, $ 8 .0 0 per ton in field, one and one-half miles from Gold Hill, or $9.00 per ton delivered Wheat or Barley Hay M ercu ry U p $11 .00 per ton delivered S h o e s fro m .5 0 t o $ 7 .5 0 SLEEPY HOLLOW EARM * P rices D o w n - C alicos and G inham 6 c t o 8 c Sum m er L a w n s 7 c Mom« Telrphohe G R O C ER IES Mr«.C. 11. Price rwturfigd on Thura- day evening inn from a month'» visit ------------ | with her daughter, Mre. C. R. Do*. t i n your hunting and fivlimg bouse at tw lck. at Blodgett. Hhe w u accotn- the Hon Inii . pnhled upon her returu by liei staters, h r R. C. Kelsey transacted bu«- , Mr«, O /e .veil and Mr». .Mill«, who w ill Ine«« at Medford Tupaday, [rem niii'«« her gu»»ts for some lim e. Local News Notes P r ic e s S a tisfa c to r y D airy S alt, 5 0 l b s . . . 5 0 c C O M PLET E ST O C K S to c k S a lt, 5 0 l b s . . . 3 5 c 3 C ans M ilk .. 2 5 c W h ite Beans . . 6 c Pink B eans . . 5 c For that tired fooling try Grapu Purple 1 The Gold Kill Bakery wish«-« to an- —Un) in a drink at the Bon Ton. h r Clement H. Smith was a visitor 1 uoiiuoe that »11 order» for cakea « III be promptly filled. Till» Insures a rake that at M edfoid last Saturday, Is alwoluh-ly fresh and mail« to suit tlie It. C. Blesd, of Rlvursld*. transact taan* an.l pia-kctbonk o| tin- purchaser, ed business In this city Tueaday. Me bake all ainds of cake and iststry, C o u n tr y P r o d u c e T a k e n in E x c h a n g e C h& . tinman was In from hl« Bar and everything ns g<HH| a» can I,. made, lint carry in stis'k only staple and plain dine frtvik hojnoitrud on Tuesday, g<»»l*. , D, P nine «pent the Fourth ita’the Fermín Zana has purchased for a gueat of hla aon, Vernon, at Aahlund. tonalderailoti of (2 .0 0 0 ,0 0 the new W W. Eddington ¿f Bums Valley ! Potter-Applegate bungalow on Flral waa a buslneaa visitor In Hold H ill ' I ¡» Id P atreeta, and w ill shortly o> Tuesday. cupy the adnie na a permanent real- Mr. Zana recently disposed A. W. M arlin , of Medford, was In dente. Gold Á l l l ’on bu«lne».'the "|'atte7part !Oi hto r,n ch ln 8#ra# V«P'»F. - - ' e - » where he has resided for the past of last week. twenty years. ‘ W . *T. Coburn of Grants Paaa Professor Burt Adam« and fam ily, transacted bualneaa In this city ou accompanied by Mr«. Adams' »uter. Wednesday forenoon. Miaa Proctor. ^ yr|y » a on Tueaday and Mrs. Wood, . Mr. .. ...... r Frank r . „ K Uom ,, of fr<Wb , h, l r nt Hpbbard Oh Mrs. I. B. Avery.m In ly F.mrth , W . U ; Myafs returned on Tueaday enlng from a week's absent» upon alnnas matters at Ban Francisco. i D. H. M IL L E R I and Mr». C. H. Price at present. t Profeaaor Adams has heen engaged by the school board lo superintend : the local schools next term. rlea, which. In appearance and aixe. are entitled to banner honor as pie I m aterial. The berries are of the English Industry variety, fully Ha large as a pigeon's egg. and when M. F. Anderaon, of Grants Paaa, ripe are a deep wine color. farm er chief of the forestry depart To Andy Jennings and B ill Chil ment for that district, waa a visitor ders belong the honors of the open- at the ce’/'bratlou. . —. . . I» » season for steel head trout of Cbarley Carter returned on Wed- whli.h , hey ° utbtoy evening to .pend the Fourth day of the ()reapnl Waeh * « J - H. C. Pelton, Lynn W. Smith and their fam ilies autoed to Ashland on Bhiiday and spent the day with friends. x n X ™ . ; , , : ^ po'” ,dg' wh,,e A H . Huntington and W . II. O a r d -|l0 ‘ * l ,tu re- As la alwaya the case net arrivc.l hum» on Tueaday from !™ " '" " b e r of larger fish were hooked CuVrv t 'yuuty. where they hgve h c e ii'''n lj 10 c»c* l » - eiuployTn 1n'tlfe BloMhm Bower mine E. M. Smith, who Uvea one mile foil some e pgat. uaat. , weal .of uhia oily, baa an eye-opening norae tim iltne naddraiA-to a Imiijpilfiw., , , d. Nadeau, whojeaW ha near Kdgue Rlvt r. J’aa one of the many*' visitors frohi that vicinity to Gold Mill on the 4th1, nnd while here entered hl« name upon the subscription Hats of The’ Ne^vs O lk a t tile Hold H ill Variety and Fur niture Store and a«k Frank Burnett to «how yog tlie handanrne Nyw Royal cald- net kewlng macMw. It p ig » S «| pace both is piechanical utility and machine cabinet donotrnotion. Toth Feather waa In from 8am» Valley Monday, and renewed hla aub- acrlption to The New«. M r Feather waa In pleasant anticipation of the big d o in ', scheduled for the Fourth at Morrison creek, In 'hla neighbor hood. Tony Olson and fam ily came down from th eir ranch In upper Bams V al ley the first of the week In order to be present at the celebration, and are occupying their residence here for several day« before returning to rural life. D. C. Henry and fam ily left on F r i day evening last for Chicago, where M r. Henry w ill attend the meeting of the National Educational Associa tion. They w ill visit friend« and re l ative! In various points before re turning. Dad T u rn e r’« lunch room and confectionery emporium la modeatiy resplendent In an In terio r decorative scheme of blue paint and blue paper ing, which adds vastly to the attrac tiveness o f hip luaUy popular estab lishment. The Improvement came In very conveniently as a best drees for the Fou rth , and appeared to great advantage when combined w ith dec orations appropriate to the day. . , ................. Hardware, Stoves, Tin, Granite, and Aluminum Ware :: Builders’ Materials, Plumbing Goods, Haying and Harvest ing Tools :: Fine assortment of Queensware i: Paints, • Oils, Varnishes, White Lead and Paint Brushes Guns, Ammunition, and Fishing Tackle that cannot be excelled :: Wall Tents and Campers’ Sup plies Miners' Supplies, Powder and Fuse, Caps, Picks, Shovels, Pans ■ ‘ ’ tTl I /I i i" 1 ?’ ’ - ' 4 ‘ • G A Y N O R 'S A D V IC E TO A C L E R K . > tru ly yours. 41 j Ritter. JO H N R IT T B R . M R. AN O MRS. W M . OOOK. W E B E L IE V E that what are termed ‘ ‘time« of bum- neos defiremhMi” are hut period« of preparation for greater ano more pronounced commercial »neceare?. , T h e G old Hill Bonk — We have spoon hooks espec ially eonstructed for Rogue Riv er. Tlie lieet lowoniiient of cane poles In the town. Some thing new in flies. ■ ----------------------------------- F lo u r and Vs» vun* s * f e e d ¿ fi 1 • J •» • - V»*-. fl H M ---W i*’ . 1 i.t -c '•« * #4» ■ i w GOLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STORE H . C. RABBEL, Woprictor — ---------------------------------------------------------- Give us a trial 4 W. J. GAYNOR. Msyor. « »<»0 0 >»oao»o»o«»»gg»y D IS C IP L IN E OF SORROW. Nine times out of ten It is ovsr the Bridge of Sighs that we pass the narrow gulf from youth to Sianbood; that Interval la usually occupied by an 111 placed or dis appointed affection. We recover, and w» find ourselves a new be ing. The Intellect has become hardened by the fire through which It has passed The mind profits by the wrecks of every ['Hanlon, Hml we may measure our road to wisdom by the sor rows we have undergone.—Bul- wer Lytton. We also imiH* hunting ami fish ing licenses A Wise Decision Mr». June«:— “ Why, ro v l morning, Mr«. Brown. My, bnt isn’t it hot to- day?” Mr«. Brown:— "W ell, I should «ay so, and I «to m arly dead; 1 am baking to^ .lay.” Mr«. J .:— ‘ ‘Why, you foo<l«h woman; when you can get everything in that lint at tlie Gold H ill Bakery. Why don’i you buy your bread and cake«?” -Mr«. B . “ I Imli ve I will aficr Ihl« and tla'lr good« are just aa good a» mine anyway." METHOIHST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ernest C. Richards, Minister 'M'O'W the bright morning «tar. day's Services Every Sunday Av harbinger, With her — A New and Complete Line o f Fiehing Tackle B O tT TON Comes dancing from the oast and laade We desire In this manner to •«- press our heartfelt gratitude for the kindly »ympafhy and many beautiful offering^,' of flowers upon the death of the Infant daughter of Mr. John W F BELIEV’E in tlie American pentde, their geniua, k ' ' “'.’f V™ '"’ * n,<1 ,,M ir ,*n‘ wa- We believe in their homvdy their integrity and dependability. We tielieve that nnthinit can «and in the way of tlw ir commercial advancement and prosperity. ' 'f' ON A MAY MORNING. CARD O F THANKH. i M y S tocK i n a l l o f t h e a b o v e V in e s i s a s c o m p le t e a s a n y i n S o u t h e r n O r e g o n , a n d m y p r i c e s a r e R ig h t It will pay you who MAYOR I B E L IE V E in our country—the United Stau« of i--... , mí‘r'cS' believe In her Cunxtitution, her MW«, her inntUiitionn, an,j the priarijih * for which nhe in her future—the part in secure. W | believe in her vart reaouraw. her irreat powibilitirte- yea, more, lier wonderful eertaintiea. <»•!! So« ¥ rn in Jackson County, m (-»old H ill, and in the certainty of their continue«] development and wubrtantial progrew. : A clerk employed by the city of New York recently wrote exhibit of wheat at the Raedel feed Mayor Gaynor mu enrne«t letter atore. The grain, which la of several of protvHi IwcMUKe be was some varieties, lg over five feet tall and time« keid at work In the office possesses well filled heads of six after 4 o'clock He set rerth Pichea or more In b-ngqi. Not only that be was a civil «ervlce em this, but It baa studied sq marvelous plover and that It waa a rlola tlon of the rule« of the commie ly that In tpany Instances 200 stalks «loo to detHln him after the of have congregated from a single par ficial rloMlng hour The .mayor ent seed. Mr. Smith's success, eent lilm the following charac though conducted only on a small terlatlc reply; ■ . ■ •cale at present. Is the result of care- : Dear S ir — If I were yeo I •el»< ful selective breeding covering a per ' would de everything I was asked te do. T hat I t the w ay to get en lod o f « several years, and he la con- in life. Oid you ever hear it said fldent th at from the seed so procured that he whe takes oar» to do no the |H«*«ibiiity of HJ0.bn-hcl w h e a t mor» than ho is paid fee w ill novor bo paid f» r mor» than ha la, w ithin hla grasp, in addition to decaf 0 » rig ht in and de every the exhibit of grain he also displays thing from ounriso to «unset and a collection of garden truck that y»u w ill go right up all ths time. Who» da jmu think of th » tf Very would be hard to equal. The crowd of Medford automobll- Ists who passed through Gold H ill Monday afternoon on th eir advertis ing tour o f the county for the three daye' race meet, bore bravely up the slogan, "W e're Going Some," de spite the cloud of dust which hover ed behind each machine and deposit ed Itself upon the grimy enthusiasts In the next car. in all ten carload« of those dusty devotees to civic pro gress passed through, smiling wanly through th eir generous application of good valley soli, and chewing duat with devoted abandon to a worthy cause. The populace cheered them on th eir way, and went back to the more serious business of preparing for a Utting local observance of the big Fourth. A P a tr io tic C re ed o ..................... have not been trading with me to call and see for your selves, and I am sure you will be pleased and I will have you for a permanent customer. in« remaining two were each fire P. (J Herman uui . mm I up from Graut» pounds In weight. Two were taken Pdas on 'he Fourth to participate In with file , and one w ith ttie spoon, the eelehra.’ ton. He was aooompan- but all Justified to the fullest the M from (bat city by D. It. Morrison, ¡reputation of their species for un- of Kerby, . equaled gamines« before submitting Walter Ihingcy, t h e (deal caqieQ. ter and contractor, la at present em ployed .at Medford in aui>»rlnlt ndlng tha r«4t’ odz.'llng of George Laney's ■■ ' | H e a d q u o r b e r s to r ] Misses Johnnie Glenn and Kat ha- George Holcomb, who resides one r»n Pan key attended the «octal dance mile weal of Quid H ill, la exhibiting at Rogue H ire r last F rid a y evening, i some mammoth spineless gooseber- : ¿ F' ' Sunday school at 10:00, sermon at The flowery May, who from her groan lap 11:00. tpraw . Epworth League at 6:46. Song The ySllow oowallp and the pato primrose. service and sermon at 7:80. Hall, bounteous May. that dost Inspire M irth and youth and warm dealrel A sincere Invitation to all. Woods and groves are of thy dressing, HUI and dais doth boast thy blessing. Thus w» salute thee with our early song For Sale— Fine stock hogs, averaging And weloome thee and wteh thee long. from 26 to 12« pound». W ill sell at -John UUton. p- H- «ray, Beagle, N tw ly F tr n t h tJ B u ttrie LagAtatf Thé Gold Hill Hotel L. R. CarJwtU, Proprietor A Pleasant Place to Stop from Rogua Rioor, s fo r tro sst s>nW.«/m«n First-class B a r a word ! Miners, I can sharp en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work to stand the racket; try me and be shown C. F. C A RTER B L A C K S M IT H Rataa* y S fJ c M u u jim j Gold Hill, Oregon P R A C T IC A L sh o e m a K IN G Boots a„d Shoes Made to Order r e p a ir in g Don» In First-class Shape H ARNESS R E P A IR E D SATISFACTION uUARANTCCD J. B . M A K T IN G ftoat to Barter Shop