GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY. O R E G O N T h e SEWERS Í M etrop olis o f S o u th e rn Oregon CEMENT WALKS • •• A ' OLD H IL L has a n a tu ra l site fo r a city, b u ilt as it is on j , the bauks o{ R ogue riv er, a t th e g atew ay to the won­ d erfu l valley o f the sam e name- T he se ttin g fo r a c ity is here— p icturesqu e an d in sp irin g — an d if th e law of n a tu ra l developm ent w orks as it should, th e se ttin g will some dav, an d th a t not f a r d ista n t, be filled by a city such as so u th ern O regon m ay no t boast a t p resen t. T he tow n ta k es its nam e froin Gold H ill m ountain, so called because n early h a lf a million dollars w as ta k en from a ledge a t a p o in t n e a r its s u n u r it in th e e arly fifties. No tow n in so u th ern O regon has a g re a te r list of actu al, g et-at-ab le n a tu ra l resources a w aitin g developm ent im m ediately contiguous to its co rp o rate lim its. The ru sh in g c u rre n t of Rogue riv e r—teem ing w ith gam y salm on, tro u t an d steelh ead — offers a t a com para- t n elv slight cost p e r developed horsepow er an abundance of pow er for a n y and all in d u stria l developm ent. A nd sp eak in g of h u n tin g —th e neighboring hills a re th e h appv h u n tin g grounds of so u th ern O regon. No h u n te r re tu rn s w ithout p lenty of venison, and g en erally he brings in th e legal lim it. C ougar, bear, p a n th e r and coyotes n u be h ad by those who care to h u n t them , an d several tra p p e rs in th e vicinity m ake good m oney each w in te r on the fin er furs. FILTERED WATER ••• ... ELECTRIC LIGHTS HK follow ing Is a list of m ining proper- 18 the cen ter of a rich m ineral d istrict. lira in the region contiguous to Gold G o d , copper, Iron, cem ent rock, brick an d p o tte r ’s Hill, classified as to their respective districts: d a y , shale, lime—th e p u re st on the continent, according Kanes O e e k : Itevenue, A lice, M endenhall, to governm ent geological r e p o r ts - a ll are here and all Roaring Gim let, Hraden, M illionaire, (V nten­ n is 1 placer, and many others; also the H ughes undevehiped. 1 he rich surface gold deposits, both placer and Householder lim e quarries. and quartz, have been w orked fo r fifty y ears a n t/ have Galls Creek: lllll Nye, recently purchased m id n 'w ' T r Payl“ f T h e r e ’is no deep by a pow erful French syndicate, operating m ining. This will come later, and when it does it is freelv m ines in a ll parts of the world; fire stamps p red icted that Gold H ill will become one of the g re a te st w ill soon be in operation. Gold Standard, c&znps the w est has ev er seen- & Red Oak, R attlesnake, Kubli, Tin Pan, Burns k D uffield, H. I). Jones, Last Chance, mid Rig Root. nF yiount«in o f high-grade cem ent rock lies ju s t south F oots Creek: Champlin Dredging Co., j i l t h n o rih U’ h ’ n * ni? unt,ain high-^racd h en iatite iron lUack Channel plaeer, I juice Bros, placer, ju s t n o ith — both undeveloped. A bitum inous coal b elt Dixie Queen, Ilertha, Horseshoe, Swaker, Hum mingbird, and many others. »»any sq u are miles in e x te n t lies seven nhk>s n o rih of the to w n -u n d e ,e lo p e d . Thin i, ¡„ t h e s X V alley and Sardine Creeg: L ittle Giant, Hlaek Hawk. Grey Eagle, Lucky Hart group, Cor|M»ral G ," fo r f n r i? dl; tllc ta ’ com prising som e of the fin est land Garrison, H aff group, Hlnckle, Sm ith placer, fo r fru it and general farm ing in so u th ern Oregon An Dusenbury placer, and many others; tills £ Vei" '“ -on o n co v ertd I creek placers Its entire length. S a o .i’v li i " nd, o f coal ta k en from wells In Rogue River H ills: Fairview. Hltzaard, W hite Horse, Sylvanite, Trust buster, l*»cto> t o b e o f M ih q;',P„ it7 ." Pr0Ve“ b y “ “ d ,o r «« to sts Han, Garfield (Iron), Flem ing-W ard (Iron ). Gold H ill M ountain; Gold Hill ledge. Cop­ per Queen, W hitney, Fisher, Dlkeman and many others. Backwell H ills: Maybell«, N ellie W rlglit, i s e s : Bowden, Y ellow Jacket, lx»ne Pine, Frank Shaffer and many others. W illow Springs: Murray, Nick Jerry. fo r a sa n ita riu m o r to u ris ts ’ hotel— Gold H ill has them aH Herschberger, Houston and many others. T T he choicest fru it land in so u th ern O regon su rro u n d s Gold H ill, th e num erous creek valleys, w ith th e ir deep, fertile, m ineral-m ixed soil and ab so lu te im m unity from fro st providing alm ost ideal conditions fo r th e horticul- tu ra list. For further information address Several exten siv e tim b er belts can be m ost easilv p u t in to the m a rk e t w ith m ills located a t Gold H ill. R E X H. LAM PM AN S e cretary B usiness M en’s Assn, • Gold Hill, Oregon £ f ¡W O o H H “ A ^ 0«Z‘ of n i ^ /o r & £ W<,rM-& ,a o ' - " O ' " ' Professional Cards [EARL , \ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION c h e m ist . INGLES, B S c .—Gene-a, ae- Department of the Interior Department of the Interior l »ay mu) analytical work. Cement U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon and nyphalt testing. Best e q u i p United States Land Office „ , , , . April 12, 11112 a-sat office and te-tiug lulmr. Roseburg, Oregon, May 22. 1912 Notice IM hereby given that Richard M. atnry ¡n Oregon. All work gna - JenmugN, whaae i-srtorticc aildrcHH iw Notice la hereby given th at 8tephen anteed. Calvei t-Paddock I Eugene, Oregon, did, on the 17th day of ! Tobin, of Eagle Point, Jackson Coun­ Phone S7O-J, G rants Paaa, Oregon. , November, 1010, file in this office Sworn ty, Oregon, assignee of Henry Kegler, Statement and Application, No. 0*17«I has on April 10. 1912, filed in this I to purchase the F.J$E^, Section IH office his application to enter, under Township 3J> South, Range 3 Wert, Wil- j lamettc Meridian, and tlie timber there­ the provisions of Sec. 2306. Revised on, under t h e provisions of the Act of Statutes of the United States, the SW June 3, IH7H, and ails amendatory A E. KELLOGG USBU. and the N E U 8W U , sec. 28. T. known as the “ Timlwr and Stone la w -5 GOLD H ILL. OREGON at such vain, nfc „light be llxi-i My ap­ 35.S.R.1.W.W.M. Any and all persons praisement. and that, pursuant to such claiming adversely the lands describ­ application, the land and timber thereon Embalmer and Funeral ed. or desiring to object because of have been appraised 37H2, the timber es­ Director the mineral character of the land, or timated 1,OHO 000 board foot at «0 rents Complete line of burial robes per M, and t i l e land $H0; that said ap­ for any other reason, to the disposal plicant will offer final proof in support of caskets, etc. to applicant, should file their affidav­ Ins application anti sworn statement on FUNERAL CAR day of June, 1912, before W. W. its or protest in this office, on or be­ Calkins, I nited Slates commimioner, nt fore the 12th day of July 1912 Office Phone : Home, 9—M ; Residence Engi ne, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific Main. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a con­ test at any time la-fore patent - imues, by CLEMENT H. SMITH, M. D. THE STORE THAT SELLS AT filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat GENERAL PRACTITIONER tlio entry. Office in Wells Building BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. Hours 10-12—2-4 LESS THAN PORTLAND PRICES 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 JOHN H . CARKIN GLENN O. TAY L39 * CARKIN $ TAYLOR o n if 8 17-19 OYKR JACKSON COUNTY MEDFORD. OREGON BANk DR. R. C. KELSEY 1O W fR THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN Southern Oregon either Medford or Grants Pass. T I also do upholstering, OFFICE IS G O L D H I L L H O S P IT A L COR. THIRD A C STS. GOLD HILL, OREGON DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST OAS AUMISISTKKKD RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD A. E. KELLOGG NOTARY PUBLIC Phone 33 Main GOLD rflL L , OREGO? OIL E. KIRCHGE8SNER P ractice limited to chronic diseases. HOTEL HOLLAND, Medford, Oregon Wednesdays Hours 10 to 3 Office Hotel Holland. Both Phones. Residence phone, F arm er 16xx5 CLARK E. SAUNDERS, M. D. Practice Ijinited to and can make you a3 nice a piece U MISSION fUHNITURE as you can wish for, and at a very low cost. to investigate. It doesn’t cost anything Give me a call and find out prices. Rugs of all kinds, Linoleum, Matting, Portiers, Couch Covers, Go-Carts, falk in g and Sewing Machines, Silverware, Crockery and Gran- lteware. le n t Wagon Covers, Folding Cot and Stool fo r Campers. E V E u v n n x o fo r voi r h q < kk , Eyes'bcieutifically examined and glasses furnished when needed. nett-Co^y ’’■’bding. M“dford, Ore. •E V •h + •h ■h •> •F + •h ? •i- •E + + Seating Capacity 600. + Stage 50x22. + It is the object of the m anagem ent to book only first class attractio n s and ab o u t two perform ances a month. The stage has been enlarged and new dressing tpoins added to the building with new scenery and the present stage, we can stage uny kind of a production. The House in the fu tu re will be booked through th e N orthw estern T heatrical as- soclatlon having signed a con- tra c t to this effect, and they have assured us th a t they will use th eir best endeavors to only book good companies. G O L D H IV E VARIETY & FURNITURE STORE r .W O < H U R N K T T , P r o p r ie ty E lectric Iro n iron?n«v°Lt,heKrn°8t U8efU’ am° ng the electric family» a"d u S gm e m b ^ n° h 1 ”™ terr 0F8 8 in CC th ® advent this Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a a find. more (iUARANTEEII practical or convenient article and would hard to TWO YEARS, the p be r ic e hi o n l i $4.50 R o g u e R iv e r E lectric C o . -I- >F -p + + •> 4 + + ♦ 4 + + W. H. STICK RL, + M anager -p + + + + + -F + + + + + + + + ¿. M IN E R S Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ,i + ou will find everything for your home here at prices LAWYERS + + + + (..!. + + GOLD HILL OPERA HOURS The If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see CHARLES KELL •p •h Keep Happy ♦ B y G e t t in g + + 4 $ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Your 4« M e a ls L u n ch + 4 4 4 4 4 es the Gold Hill Cafe [ T r u a x j, C o „ P r o p r i e t o r , | 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4