®be (SoW BUI 3frtw Announcement BFN H. LAMPMAN I have sold The Gold Hill News, with all that thereunto ap­ pertains, except advertistog aeMBlts up to and including June 15th, 1912, to » /b ro th e r, De#M. Lampmai. fckx R. L ampman . A bMrvd M the 1WW Mill poMutt.-,- tor truumi»- •U mi thruugk til« United Status mall» A Declaration of Principles. PubHabnd Every Saturday at Gold HUI. Jackson County, Orogoa * • »evouu f It for you: Not merely to comply with traditional custom, but rather to !:o hits some real bargains Just now , ' give sincere voice to his belief in Vie splendid future of Gold In Gold II Hi properties. H i guarantee 7 per <•• .m l . Hili, the present publisher wishes to announce that the primary id step aln n o ut ’W * I«« Saturday Harper as clerk. It was also voted t o | to vWt wi,b Mrs Mrs- M- farm 6 % miles from Gold Hill, rich Miners, I can sharp­ creek bottom land; 80 acres under make a few much needed improvements j ^"’r,^on ani* family. en, repair or make An old perfected water for the school, and as M rs . Gay, next! -fames J. Fredenburg of Sams Valley, cultivation. tools, and guarantee year’s teacher, and the new board stand J roalac>' to get Urtig:- and Mcrtfcltuts that arc at all title « n Habit. Wi: priilc ••ntxh .1- up >11 our .m>l for Í “ì ’ repujatioit for keeping th e te ,-t at putting up doctor's prowripiJoiis exactly a wrllictt, In reaMiiiahle time, .and mi a most j moderato chargw. All i-ur oli'cruig* are d. - I Ä pcndtihks and you w ill find «ur j>rl> » n-asuua 1 7 » hit* too. In the matter of Bath and T, oUel I Articles wc (»rtninly take the lead. J a r v is t h e D r u g g is t S T E IN H O F F T h e A r c h it e c t a n d B u i l d e r is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick. Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lty ICE CREAM Soda Fountain Drinks C old as ice a n d pure as snow H ave a sundae ’fore yo u go Turner’s Lunch Room Gold Hill Livery Darling & Hodges Proprietors Rigs fo r all occasions Good horses ¡and drivers that know the roads We|make nojspecialty|oflany classjof trade All Get th e Best Kellogg' Better take the News!