Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1912)
ÄLfÄLfA HAV > ;V -'i first cutting. $ 8 ,0 0 p^r ton jn field, one - “ f e t e a a ™ Wheat of - fear ley“ Hay $1 1 .0 0 per ton delivered SLEEPY HOLLOW EARM Home Telephohe * ' ' 1 » L • ; T H E R E » some talk pf a po- ■ operative store in Gold Hill ifor the handling of general) merchandise and the marketing of farm produce. Some people cannot see why, as long as they have to pay cash for their goods, they should not spend it in their own store and keep the profits piling up for themselves. .. - - John Parka, of (¡rants Paa», has been visiting friend» and looking after busi ness affair» in Gold Hill the past week, Mr«. E. A. Van Hlyi ke and daughter, Have yon a vote at the school election ’■if French Quirk, (Jal., have been viait- Mouday? ipg the Udy'a parents, Mr. and Mra. It you're not sure about It auk l>r. Ellxlia Ray, lla- past, week. KalMf • He kuowa. Pr. Smith cvitort» tin* arrival of a fine Wile wanted. Where? At the ojwra l» iy at( |tas. Kill'» home in Gold Hill honor next Tlmrwlay evening. , Monday, June 10. Mother and child aw AV, I’. Harliee, ol Ashland, a fltvt-elaap both getting mi nicely, and Clug-fey »ay» ■ printer, haa bean a member of The New» lie la »ure tlui lad ia presidential timber. (owe this week. The p re * (or (lie Boycott Ba»«i ha» ar- Mia** Etlu-I ami Marion Gray, of Mcd- ived, and is upw lniiulksl a t Pr. Kelsey's fordgkrere the guest* of their friend, Mlaa iiwpital. Tlai doctor dqeanot claim own Pearlt'oUina, till» week. ership, hut says it belong» toD . H. Miller ' r, ' - r ? O .N Nelson, the Jaekaonvllle Inaur- and otliera who wen- interested hi starting ancuuian, waa In Gold HID Friday talk another paper—whieh, be aaya, there is ing l»is commodity rvt*t idoqnendy., j , , no intention of »tarring at present. All ;•• ihgi Lautpnutn anti («ally are getting ♦if the pnw» 1« uot at the kuhey hospital. settled in the J. U Hammer»!) revi'h'iuv, Certain of its vital organs aw Iteiug oper- A11 the farmer» are busy haying. Mean*, i ■ one of the prettiest pbuxw to live in town. ap-d on at Charley Carter*» home hospital Galls Creek Stead and Alitea iiave a new mowing' Mr- Jeoaie Midjlcndou la having her on the south side, 1 , Mra. Josie Cook is on tlie rick list rids machine, which they keep going most of residence nwhlnglcd and will otlierWtee > When ManagirStickel. of the Gold HUI week. . the time. ,i . . . Improve it. P. I*. Blue and F. B. AVI1- Opera hot»»», booked Pixley A Lauder’s O. E. Bhu'kingtoii waa a Gold Hill P r. and Mr». Johnson, ol Ashland, inatfh are o(l the job- .» *ul 1. l»tett comedy »ong aoneeaa, "A Wife caller Monday. PI-;'?<■' "SK* V were Weuk-end visitor» with M m Gay A girl baby waa born te Mr. and Mr». Wanted,”, la- »rured lor Ids paU-ons tint R. M. Cook waa a burineaa visitor to and Mia» Harper. They expraaed great »AZ u iiJiiJririft i u i t u u n u i j i MtUd*w lauglting hit of rite ana*, it, thia funniest of George Mehnmpf at the liuuie of C. F. delight with thia part of the valley and tlie eity Tiieaday. t lUUHUIIIINIIHMUIIIItUliHiMUHIIflNUilUUiHHUfUUlHUilliaM all fanny MMMdiea, written for the purpose Bowman in Hold Hill, Monday, Jnno S, Billy Hawkins waa a burineaa visitor to the improvement«,going on. Pr. C. H. Smith attending. Mr. Schmnpf of laughter — a laugh from hegfnnhtg to Mra. Gay sad Mia» Harper entertained Gold Hill Saturday. la employed by J. W. Opp at the Braden 1 m l; (rum tla* rise to the fall of the curtain H. AV. Steelman m id? a land nee» trip the ladle« of Riverside Tueaday, May 28, the andlemv is kept laughing. The mine. at a luncheon in honor of Mra. I. T. AV. 1'. AVcliterali, who wan appointed comedy ia eh-an and moral, witli nothing to Gobi Hill Tliur»djy.( Gailigar. About twenty were present, at Tuesday’» eoundl m itring to succeed to offeiid the moat refliicl aodfoncc. One l al Jameson maiiu a buaineo» trip to and at 1 :!M>, i t ? • appointed hour, tlie John Hamrneraly # f recorder, waa sworn. night only, Thuradsy, June 3t>. tlie city one day recently. g»*te wen- invitial to the large porch at doesn’t have as many listeners In tetperform the dutiea of that office a t Of the Put eighth grade “ graduaU-s” Mrs. Mary Lawrence waa a business rite back, widch waa a veritable bower a special meeting of tlw council laat who reerlwd "diplomas” at the rei'ent visitor to Gold Hill Saturday. as does a bank account of green. The throe table« had each a evening. roninawns-inent exeeelaeaof the (¡old Hill Tliomaa Ptingey and wife were businem huge bowl of California [xippiea, the Mian Anna Sweeney, of Grants Paa», schools, but three waliy ‘‘passed” un- vi-itora to Gold Hili Monday. , whole effect being moat pb-aring. The and Ml«- lerne Ahern, of Hugo, were eonditionally. The diplomas, which were gjjeate were seated hy means of place Gus Biackert haa secured a position at I lank ones, wun< praaenhsi by Pr. K. ('. gtiintr nt (lie home of Banker Smith from I cards, which upon being opened revealed the Braden mine on Kanes creek. Saturday until Tuesday. Mina Bcreic Kelsey, presiilent of the board of educa TiioiuaM Pungey and family made a inside sage advice and delightful little Daniel- awdated Mr«. Smith in entertain tion. WI1111 tin* returns of the fluid ex , verse» for Mra. Galiigar. Tlieae were llllllllllinilillllllillllllllilllllHIIIIUIIIItHIIIHIIUHIIIIIIIillllllilllllll pieasnre trip down the river Sunday. amination» were received from County ing them. i read to tier during tlie luncheon. An Su|»-rinlendi'iit Wells It waa found that Claud Utwmnm was a huaineaa and AV. II. Salmon and wife left for Cali 1 elegant fonr-eourve lunch was then aerv- fo rn ia point» Wednesday. Tin7 enjoyed aeven of tlw ten “ graduates” hail fallen plea-ure caller to Gobi Hill Saturday, ! ed, the Miaaca Wolverton and Blodgett Mr. and Mra. AVm. Blai kert and AVm. 1 smearing in serving. our climate immenaely while byre, and it outside tlv breastwork», so to apeak, Each lady waa having failed In one or more anhjerte ia reported Hold an Interest to local ]>ar Shoemaker made a hifainea« t rip to Gold then given [»-nril and paper and told to tie» In the patent right« to »»team rooker Tills is the sort of tiling that the taxpay Hill Friday. illiutrate a proverb. Some of the draw ers of tl»< Gold Hill M-iiixd district have of which Mr. Salmon ia the Inventor. Mrs. Eil. Shoemaker, of Kane« Creek, ing» showed much talent and caused lieen paying for for several yi'ara. Eli Teplea ia back from Portland, wa i <ui the creek Friday vuiting at the conaiilerabte merriment. A ride in th e ' where he liaa been working for Aman ■ Isaac R. Haito lias been »noetvded hy Laurclhurat ranch, han .a rt wg» tin* penalty for the lady Migirt, tile cement magnate who at one Napoleon Kaaeka in the piwltion of stew gue-wing the moat of the proverbs. Mi»- Pr. C. H. Smith, of Gold Hill, acoom- ting' proposed to enter the aotilhem Or»- ard iu charge of J. F. Morrill'a liaclielor pnnied hy hla motlirr, made a proba- dami* Stead, Porter and Hamel tied for go# di Id witb-a.factory and whom many bungalow at the Rlvendde orchard. »ional call up the creek Sunday. it and each had a riite Ail voted the people «till tu llevc ha« doafgna on thia Hritn goes to Medford, wlieae he has i-m- occasion about the most enjoyable since barki-d witli some of his fellow country A nice rain act in Tue»lay evening anil our coming to Riverside. teirito ry .__ men of tlx- ehryaantliemum empire in tlie lasted most of the night and done good, b ia rg|K>rtod that P r., A. L. Hoe, ol fuel buNiueaa. Tlwy will sell wood cut I alt a few «till had hay in the fleJd. Debenger Gap Heigtlr, lull Hold to private |Uttli<-> the Mc- Several of the (Balia Creek people Chjrc-Neilson power site and p ^ p t, ag-l feuni ifuallua-'ts ol wild land which they By Norman Gage Itavu+uryhaaialaiul which they will wlu-n went down to aee the ball game Sun Clarence AVilhite, of Beagle, was a bus quteiil by him aeveral itmntiia ago. »»di deim d,. put< l!»w garden. During tlie day which waa a very good game and iness visitor at Central Point last Satur wltfch lie proposed the city of Gtgd Hill Haito haa been Mr. wag well attended. day. »liquid buy (or municipal pur|-x»l». The neraliaaiino lie baa Roy Stacy and Herbert Johnson, of pnfpoml waa reaponNihle for (lie recent Mra. W. Steelman made a pleasure Beagle, were lmsineas visitors at Eagle in Gold Hili, who, farylcal bond election. . mtSAtl »11^ known |jlm, absolutely refuse to trip to Gold H ill Saturday, returning Point last Katurday. Mr». Thoa. Oriifla, of bacdintk'ggtsk* ^ uilthc least lie J apa iut»e war Sunday, staying with Mr». Thomas Pr. E. Kirchgeasner, of the Riverdale ami Mra. E. M. Newton. 9!,tlie #aute dis prcdlellona of William Randolph Heart# Cook while in town. ranch, made a professional trip to Jack trict, hatv been markethtg spine flpe or H. AVgldv Dikeman. Oliver Fierce and. wile haa again r >- sonville last AVednewlay. atr|wl«-rriea in Gold Hill tiiia week- luriuit to their ranch on the ereek. He F. T. Piukhain, government Inapcrter The Sunday school picnic held on the David Brown, of Kane» ereek, wt‘H alxait of propiaKsI rural mail rout»* (or the liaa been up in Washington for some northern ahore of the beautiful Rogue tUi# flr-it to hring in atrawhcrrii'H, and It time b n t say» the ranch is good enough river last Sunday, June Oth, was attend la ¿veral weeks now »¡nee hi» licgnn to soutliem Oregon district, was in the city (or him. yesterday conferring with Postmaster ed and enjoyed by a very large crowd. £gvt|ripi'—with plenty more »till coming. W illiam Blaekert, one of Galls Hamrneraly regarding die new Foot» Tom Ray la back from Nntheriin, witow ervek route which'wilt probably lieestab- Creek'» old pioneer», lo»t one of his All of the following places were well rep- H. C. RAEDEL, Proprietor he lia» been working for E. T. Sinnnona li«hisl tIlia summer, either from Gold Hill Iiorses Sunday night, which leaves reiwiited: Medford, Central Point, Gold H om e P hon e on Jhc latter'« contract to dig a well to or AA’oodviik*. Tlie fact that ixith town» him in the »ame shape as some of the Hill, Eagle Point, Sams A’alley, Darda provide a water »apply for that town. have secured practically the aanie list of rest of us. Pretty hard on “B illy” nelle, Beagle, Agate, Tolo, Debenger Gap and Trail. The well la now down 76 feel, with hut signatiirus praying for Unde Ham to give though. A tnnric school has been organised at little water, and Mr. Ray think» it will tlw stilMcriiicrx free daily mail» compli Antioch, and the class will be instreeted be a (ailnre. The Bolt txiya, A. H. cates tlie situation, and will delay the Riverside hy Prof. H. Isaac, of Ashland. He ia Huntington, Chaa. 0 . Carter anti aeveral granting of either petition until the p»«t- R. C. Hlead waa a business caller in a well-known professor all over the patt other Gold HUI men have been employ ntttce department dvterminea exactly Medford AA'edneaday. N ew ly F urnished Cleet rie Lighted ern stale* and in some European coun ed pn the »nine work. which town ia tlie moat advantageous aa Miaa Anna McKeown is suffering from try. lie also has a class of students at Tomorrow will he the third Sunday a distributing point. It is ladleved- in the effects of jxiison oak. Sams A’alley, and every one is taking that the 1)1. K. church congregation haa Gold Hill that Inasmuch us several more Mr and Mrs. L. MUler, Mr. A V . A. gn at hiierettin the class. held services in Ita remodeled building, familiea may I»1 aervtsl through tlie local whieh now real« on a »tone foundation postoiflix* than could be served from Elliott and Mrs. Butler took an auto trip Advertised Lette on the lot« which Pr. Kelsey traded for Woodville it ia prohahle that tlie depart- to Medford Monday. L. R. Cardwell, Proprietor The following 1» the list of letters re Mr. Bitter, of Miller’s Gulch, drove to thoae th a t were the original location of nient will houorGold Hill’s petition. Medford AViainesdny to market about 175 maining uncalled lor in tlie Gold Hill the church. AVith a »tone foundation, a A Pleaaant Place to Stop pnstoftioe .lime 1, 1012: quart« of gooseberries. new roof and thorough interior renova Why No Pennants Cam« Here Bullard, Melvin ' R a i n : T w a d o lla re p a r d a y Tuio b lo ck» fro m R o g u t R iv e r . Mrs. F. M. Compton' and daughters tion, Gobi Hili'« only house of worship In a nawnt rejsirt from the otilce of S p a c ia l ra te e f a r th e eeaob fa m o v e f o r t r o a t a n d ea/m a n Ballard, Aditli made farewell calls on their friends here present« a much improved appearance. County School Superintendent Well» on Bremelion, Mr. P . Pr«, Saunders A Green, the live-wire credits and pennant winner» in the mjh '11- tlie last of tlie week and departed Satur Cumbert, Mr. S. Medford eye, ear, noae and throat spec Ing-Hritlimetic contest., the fth, fitli nnd day evening for Portland. Carry, Mr. Harry ialists who have been advertising in The fltli grades of the Gold Hill school were Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Gailigar took din Gold Hill, Oregon F irtt-c la s t B a r Pwyer, Mr. Albert N. News the past, two months, have dissolv given «,K>cial mention, but owing to the ner with Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry at Gold Peisern, Mr. Ray ed partnership, The business will he fact thatSnperintendent Redding neglect 11111 Saturday eve, and were Sunday din Pox, II. G. continued by Cilark E? Saunders, M. D., ed to »end some of tlie children's contest ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Alden. SmiUi, Mr. A. J. (2) who assumes all obligations of the firm, papers to tlie eonnty superintendent’» The Recreation club met at tlie home McCoy, Mr. D. and who in his announcement, naively ottice the fith and (ttli grade» were thereby of Mrs. AV. A. Elliott Thursday. The Gary, Mr. C. C. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHCBCH states that he “ will collect, when possi deprived of the honor anil pennants due day being unnsually warm, Mr. Miller P R A C T IC A L U-riey, Mr. R. V. Ernest C. Richards, Minister ble, all accounts due said firm.” them. Aa shown from the report and made several trips with the auto nnd Moyle, Mr. Joseph (2) S H O E M A K IN G Services Every Sunday Frank Oeol, Italian farmer who as record« kept in the school tlie 6t,h grade t.ho»e living the fartheat away were the Morse, AV. H. (2) saulted and almost killiri W. 0. Daley of (fold Hill made 1 » average of 04.8 per fortunate ones. The ladles responded to Bools and Shoes Made to Order Sunday school at 10:00, sermon at AVood, Mrs. G. AV. of Inke Greek, pioneer and democratic cent as compared with the pennant win roll call with interesting items of interest. Parties railing for the same will please 11:00. R E P A IR IN G candidate for county commissioner, was ning fith grade of Central Point, whrch Mrs. Miller favored the club with some say advertised. J. B. Hamrneraly, Epworth League at 6:45. Song Done In First-class Shape held over te the grand jury in $3,000 made only 03.1 per-eent; and the 6th grade tine piano selections, and delicious re Postmaster. service and sermon at 7:80. of Gold Hill made 06.1 per cent while the bonds Saturday afternoon. His wife and freshments were served. Mrs. Butler A sincere invitation to all. Take Notice H A R N E S S R E P A IR E D daughter, charged with aiding in the as- 8th grade of AVagner Creek won the pen took several kodak pictnres of the club. (Paid advertisement) SATISFACTION e.LIARAN" FED sank, were dismissed only because there nant with a grade of 94.1 per cent. AVe Each lady Is to bring her choicest cake T H E world’s all right, Any one molesting the property of Is a sick child at the Gaol farm and the make thia explanation because the bi^s recipe to the next meeting with Mrs. Witli its lilies and its light, Thos McAndrews and J. C. Godlovc or prosecution knows that whenever it is and girls deserve It nnd we want, them to Woolverton and a general discussion on the crop thereon across the river south J. E. M A R T I N G And it rolls so close to heaven necessary they can be taken again. Mr, keep up their good work. eake making will be an interesting part of town will he prosecuted to the fullest That tl»e angels are in sight— Next to Barber She » The world’s all right, all right! Daley’s condition is critical. D. C. Henry,-Supervisor, Dist. No. 8. of the meeting. oxtent of the law. 6-29 Local News Notes f A Hard Luck Tale The G old H ill Bank FLOUR AND FEED COLD HILL FLOUk, FÉÈD & COMMISSION STORE J The Gold Hill Hotel