Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, June 01, 1912, Image 2

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    Cfr (£olû UiU 3ïrl»s
P u b W if il (v a ry Saturday at Gold
Ja<tu\on County, O regon
Inierw i at the Geld HUI pooiofflc* (or tranam le.
•io n through the I 'llted State» mail»
a* Rsum l t l#M matter
S u b s c rip tio n $ 1 .SO P e r A n n u m , in A d v an ce
“J U D G E
L A W ."
The Just feeling [»ervadiug the
counuunity U th at a bench of
judges is no more com petent
th an th e legislature to decide as
to the wisdom o r necessity o f
laws for th e health, safety and
progress and th e m aterial and
moral w elfare of the com m unity.
T hat Is a m atter of enlightened
opinion which th e courts have
uo right to arro g ate unto them ­
selves- T he courts of E ngland
do not do it. nor do th e courts of
any oth er country except ours.
And ours base th e right to do so
on fundam ental or constitutional
provisions for th e safety o f lib­
erty nnd property, which a re not
peculiar to this country a t all.
but are to be found in all sy s­
tem s of governm ent and Juris­
prudence No such m eaning w as
ever given to th ese safeguards
of property nnd liberty until by
the judges in th is country. It
is judge m ade law. pure and
simple. It were well if th e con­
stitution of the United S tates
w ere am ended by the addition
of a provision requiring It to be
reconsidered by a constitutional
convention every tw enty years,
the sam e ns in tin s state, and in
muny if not most of our states.
A. constitution must grow nnd
change, like everything else, b at
the more gradual th e better. As
M acaulay says o f th e British
“A lthough
changes have been great, there
never w as an in stan t of tim e in
which the m ajo r part of It w as
not old." T h a t is th e way to
am end constitutions and In n s— ■
gradually aud prudently
the class o f decisions w hich I
have m entioned never had any
justification u n d er ’he eoustitu-
t!c;i. cud If is : "I’toylng ro have
to keep on ac'euditt.u th e consti­
tution to . uuilify th em .—Mayor
G aynor of New York.
“ M Y L O V E IN
H E R A T T IR E ."
T L o v e in h e r a t t ir e d o th show h e r w it:
I t d o th so well “ecom e her
F o r e v e ry season she h a th dressings fit—
F o r w in te r, spring and sum m er.
N o b eauty th e do th mlsa
W h e n a il h e r robes a re on.
B u t B e a u ty 's s elf ahe Is
W h e n a il her robes a re gone
—A u th o r U n k n o w n (1602)
Galls Creek Pannings
(By P ro sp ecto r)
O. E. B lackington m ade a business
trip to M edford th is week.
Thom as D urgey has been on th e
sick lis t the la st few days.
Mr. Je n k in s and wife cam e up from
Medford S atu rd ay re tu rn in g Sunday.
F ra n k P oiser and wife cam e up from
Medford S atu rd ay re tu rn in g Sunday
Mrs. H. W. Steelm an is on th e sick
list th is week b u t is im proving ra p ­
Miss R etha H orn cam e up from Gold
H ill to visit h er siste r, Mrs. W illiam
Shoem aker.
W. M. S hoem aker m ade a business
trip to Gold Hill, Medford and J a c k ­
sonville W ednesday re tu rn in g Friday.
T he w ire is being stretch ed across
‘he Rogue on th e bridge th is week
and will be ready to cro ss in th e n ear
A very nice rain set in Sunday
evening and is still co n tin u in g today
hich is doing G alls creek a w orld of
. Ir. and Mrs. Ed Shoem aker, Mr. and
Mrs. G eorge G arret and Mr. and Mrs.
VV 1 B lack ert cam e up from Rogue
R iver S atu rd ay re tu rn in g Sunday.
Q uite a- num ber folks of th e creek
nttsnded the Gold Hill field m eet giv­
en by the high school Friday. Those
r? ending rep o rt having a good time.
The dance given S atu rd ay n ig h t ip
tl e Old H all w as well attended. Peo­
ple came from Rogue R iver, Gold H ill
and Medford. T hey all re p o rt having
a fine time.
Quite a num b er of people from the
creek w ent down to a tten d th e ball
gam e to be played on the new grounds
cn this side of the river but cam e back
very disappointed as th e re w as no
G alls creek business visito rs to Gold
P ill th is week w ere: Mr. and Mrs.
I lackington, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cook,
}?r. and Mrs. Jam inson, Mr. and Mrs.
’ ,'illiam Shoem aker, Mrs. Mary Lau-
rence, F ran k and Claude L aurence,
I ay E aton and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson, Miss Lee E aton and Mrs.
re tu rn of Mr. B uchanan in about four
Lave E aton, Mrs. Dugey and son L est­
er and Mr. Steelm an.
(Glendale News)
HE GOLD HILL NEWS has fearlessly told the truth
about corrupt conditions in that city and county,
as a reward a lunch of Gold Hill’s business men have
boycotted the paper. They claim that the newspaper
has done great harm to the city by exposing such a dirty
mess, but they do not deny that dirt was there. All they
aim to do, apparently, is to either muzzle their press
and thus keep their eoi i uptness hidden from the eyes
of the people while it thrives and flourish s, or to starve
out their local paper.
These “pin-heads” should be
given a dose of their ou 11 medicine by,the people of Gold
Hill and vicinity, for they stand for enmity of the best
institution a community can have—its newspaper.
Most people in free America believe in a free press.
Russia is the land the Gold Hill boycotters should seek.
Oregon doesn’t need them. We need more editors who
will tell the truth, the whole truth, not occasionally, but
all the time. Whitewash is useful in its place, but it
shouldn’t be used to cover up filth to fool the people.
S atvbday , Jt'XB I, 1M2
T a iK W i t h
Special City Election June 3,1912
(T his publication is mail,' graii» by The U ntil H ill News, lo r the lien, til of the
people oi ( io b llllll. and without authorization front the city conned.)
O R D IN A N C E NO. 68.
An o rdinance providing for th e subm ission to the electopi of the
City of Gold HUI of an am endm ent to section tw en ty-eight of ch a p te r five
of th e C h arter of City of Gold HUI, and providing for th e In cu rrin g of
indebtedness not to exceed fifty tho u san d d o llars for the purpose of
acq u irin g a m unicipal w ater and electric pow er p lan t and electric llg ’a t-
ibg system for th e city and Its in h ab itan ts an d for the sale of pow er and
The people of th e City of Gold H ill do ordain o r resolve as follow s:
Section 1. T h at th ere sh all be subm itted to the electo rs of the
City of Gold H ill an am endm ent tc the c h a rte r of the City of Gold Hill
am ending sectio n tw enty-eight of c h a p te r five of th e said c h a rte r to
read as follow s:
Section 28. "T he City council sh all have pow er to in cu r indebted­
ness o th er th a n a bonded indebtedness to th e am o u n t of fifteen hundred
d o lla rs per annum , b u t no indebtedness in excess of th is am ount, except
for ta e p u rpose of building o r acq u irin g a m unicipal w ater system or a
m unicipal w-ater and electric pow er and ligh tin g system , shall be in­
cu rred except it be auth o rised by a m ajority vote of the electu rs of the
city voting on th e question a t n g en eral o r special election of th e city.
T he Indebtedness of th e city exclusive of th a t In cu rred to r a w ater
system o r a w ater pow er or e le itrlc pow er and lig h tin g system shnll not
exceed eight p er centum of th e assessed valuation of the p ro p erty w ithin
th e city as show n by th e Iasi a ss c .sm e n t roll o( Jack so n County. For
the purpose of acq u irin g or lc ild in g a w ater system to supply the
city and its people w ith w ater th e city council is authorized to <ncur
ad ditional indebtedness In a sum not to exceed tw enty-live thousand dol­
la r s ar.d for th e p u rp o se of acq u irin g o r building a w ater pow er and elec­
tric pow er and lig h tin g system the city council is au thorized to in cu r ad ­
d itio n al indebtedness in a sum n o t to xeceed fifty thousand d o llars w ithout
su b m ittin g th e question of in c u rrin g indebtedness to th e electo rs of t..e
W hen indebtedness is incur, d u n d er this section the city council
sh all have a u th o rity to issue bonds and dispose of th e sam e and to p ro ­
vide fo r th e tim e of paym ent of s a d bonds and th e form tlierof and
of paym ent and do an y th in g th a t may he n ecessary In the prem ises, hut
th e ra te of in te re st of said bonds sh all not exceed six p er centum per
annum ."
Section 2. T h e foregoing proposed am endm ent shall be subm itted
to th e electo rs of the City of Gold H ill a t a special election to be held
on th e 3rd day of Ju n e, 1912. and th e polling places of said election
shall be as follow s:
City H all Monday Ju n e 3rd from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. and from 2
P. M. to 6 P. M.
Section 3. T he ju d g es and c lerk s of the election shall be as follow s:
In th e F irs t and Second w ards. Judges W H. S tickel, C. H. P rice, R. L
D arlin g ; c lerk s C. H. P rice, W. H. Stickel.
Section 4. The notice of said election sh all be given by the
re c o rd e r as provided by the c h a rte r and o rd in an ces of th e city.
t'- ctlon 5. W hereas it is fo r th e best in te re st of the city and its
people and n ecessary for the peace, health and safety of the people of
Baid city th a t th e city council should have th e a u th o rity to provide for
a m unicipal w ater and pow er and light system , and th a t the city council
shall be Invested w ith au th o rity to Issue bonds to pro cu re m eans to
acq u ire or build th e sam e a t the e a rlie s t period, an em ergency is declared
to ex ist for the tak in g effect of th is o rd in an ce and It shall be in effect
from and a fte r its adoption by the city council.
O R D IN A N C E NO. 69.
AN ORDINANCE to provide for th e subm ission to the elec to rs of
Gold Hill an am endm ent to Section 40 of the "C h a rte r of th e City of Gold
H ill as adopted a t a special election held N ovem ber 20th. 1911," and
providing for th e m ethod o f tra n sa c tin g business by the Council and
th e p assin g and approval of o rd in an ces and resolutions.
Section 1. T h at Section 40 of th e C h arter of th e City of Gold Hill
as adopted at a special election held N ovem ber 20tb, 1911, be am ended
to read as follow s:
Section 40. "All business tra n sa c te d by th e city council sh all be
tran sacted w hile th e council is in session and all sessions of th e council
shall be public. The reco rd er shall keep a record of the proceedings of
each c .ti :lng of th e council arid such record shall be signed by the
’! ' e h u -in ear of t ’’c ccu sc il sh all be tran sa c te d by o rdinance
o r resolution, but every act of th e council relatin g to the pu n ishm ent
of offences o r th e ap p ro p riatio n of moneyg from th e city tre a su ry for
public im provem ents o r the levying of tax es or the opening or vacating
of stre e ts o r th e sa la rie s and com pensation of officers, unless provided
for in the c h a rte r shall be enacted by ordinance. T he general business
of t - e city and th a t re la tin g to s tre e t im provem ents may be en acted by
resolution. T he m ayor shall have th e rig h t to vote in case of a tie
on all q u estio n s before th e council except th e p assin g ol an .ordinance
over his veto. No o rd in an ce o r resolution shall be effective unless It is
passed by a t least the votes ot to u r m em bers of th e council. A fter the
passage of an ord in an ce o r resolution th e sam e sh all be tra n sm itte d to
the m ayor who m ay approve the sam e w ithtn five days from its passage
o r if he do not approve the sam e, he shall re tu rn th e o rd in an ce or
resolution to th e council w ith his reaso n s in w ritin g for failing to ap­
prove th e sam e. A t th e first m eeting of th e council a t which said com ­
m unication is received th e council sh all vote upon th is questio n : “Shall
the o rd in an ce o r resolution pass n o tw ith stan d in g th e veto of the m ayor.”
If fo u r m em bers of the council shall vote in favor of p assin g said o rd i­
nance o r resolution n o tw ith stan d in g th e veto of the m ayor, the sam e
sh all be deem ed effective and passed from and th e re a fte r, bu t if four
m em bers of th e council shall not vote in favor of p assing th e same,
n o tw ith stan d in g the veto of the m ayor, it shall be deemed lost. If the
m ayor do not approve o r veto an o rd in an ce o r resolution, it sh all be
filed with th e reco rd er and will be In effect from five days a fte r Its
passage. If he approves an o rd in an ce o r resolution it aifall be deemed
in force from and a fte r th e date of th e approval. The roll sh all be
called and each m em ber's vote sh a ll be recorded on th e passage of any
ord in an ce or reso lu tio n .”
Section 2. T he foregoing am endm ent shall be subm itted to the
elec to rs of th e city a t a special election w hich is hereby called to be
held on Monday, Ju n e 3rd 1912.
Section 3. T h a t th e polling place of said election shall be held
a t the council room or city hall, a t which place ail electo rs of both
w ards of th is city sh all vote.
Section 4. The judges and clerk s for th is election for the re ­
ceiving and co u n tin g of all votes c a st by the elec to rs of both w ards of
th e city s h a ll he as follow s: Ju d g es C. H. Price, R. L. D arling, W. H,
S tick el; C lerk s, C. H. Price, W. H. Stickel
Section 5. The reco rd er is hereby directed to give notice of the
tlm» and place of said election by publication In a n ew spaper published
in th is city provided for by th e c h a rte r, and to have prin ted tills o rd i­
nance and have th e sam e circu lated am ong the elec to rs of the city and
to provide th e ballo ts for such election as provided by the law s of th e.
S tate of Oregon and the o rd in an ces of th e c h a rte r of th is city
Section 6. T he title of this a c t to be placed upon the b allo t has
been provided by th e city atto rn ey as follow s:
An act am ending Section 40 of the C h arter of the City of Gold
Hill as adopted at a special election held N ovem ber 20tli, 1911 providing
for the m ethod of tra n sa c tin g th e bu sin ess of the city by th e common
council and of th e en actm en t of reso lu tio n s and ordinances and the
approval and veto of the same.
Sow Is the lime lu buy properly In
Gold lll l lt don't w ait till you h a ir Io
h a ir Itt buy non nnd aiuke the In-
lontor’s profit, a word Io Ih r wise It
»ufflrlent» If yon bine not Ih r cusbi
lalk Io Kellogg hr wilt get It (or youi
he has some real bargains just now
In Gold H ill properties.
C le a n e s t a n d
B e st M a d e
We guaranler 7 per rent and tune
tieier paid less than I I per rent on
saving nreoaats paid by Ih r month,
both targe and small. The Ih irlflr
Building A l.oan Association. Talk
with A. E. Kellogg, local agent.
Own your own homes» slop paying
rent. The ra rlfle lliilldlng A Loan
Association w ill furnish you the motl­
ey» pay by the month» just like pay.
lug re n t, It roots uo more» talk with
Kellogg, he does their business In
Gold III1I.
FOR SALE— Woll improved farm ot
42 acres 3 m iles from Gold H ill, 20
acres unuer cultivation, w ater right,
and irrig a tin g system with placo.
plenty of tim ber on place 200 fruit
trees 3 y ears old, 1 a cre in b erries,
good house, barn and out buildings,
picket and w ire fence. >4 mile from
school. Team , stock and im plem ents
go with place. Price 14000, purl
down, balance on lavornble term s
Storage Room for
D a r lin g & H o d g e s
h a n d l e o u r ic e a n d w i ll fill
y o u r o r d e r s p r o m p t ly
FOR S A L E —3 m iles from Gold Hill,
20 acre» p lacer m ining ground good
title, all tillab le land, 500 tie rs ot
fire wood stan d in g on the claim . No
im provem ent on the land. T his la
a m a p for som e one th a t w an ts a
«mall lunch and a ja y roil rig h t at
th e ir door. P rice, cash StOO.OC.
•'OR SALK A rm all home of 15 a erss
2V4 m iles from Gold lllll, new up-
to-dnte bungalow . 26x40 feet, '■>
m ile from school, spring and ru n .
:.lag w ater on p late. F our acres
untier cu ltiv atio n , balance good till­
ab le land. O w ner has a hitslnesa
proposition ho wishes to tak e up.
and will sacrifice this property lor
*130o cash o r trad e for Medford re s­
idence property.
G o ld
FOR SAI.E—40 a cres unim proved land
In Cams V alley, price *20 per ca re ,
also an 80 a c re tra c t a t sam e price
per acre. B eth tra c ts nicely lo­
FOR PALE—F arm . 30 ucres, ti miles
from Gold H ill, rich river bottom
land. 7 acres in «Haifa, good Im­
provem ents and fences, all under
cultivation excepting 4 acres P rice
*6000; *2000 cash, balance on one
and tw o y ears time.
D r u g g is t
T h e A r c h it e c t a n d B uilc. e r
Is here to stay, aid is very much ; live to the
needs of this growing city, and will design
and execute anything in the luildi.ig line.
Brick. Store and Cement. Plain or artistic
FOR SALE— 160 acres situ ated 3
m iles south of K elseyville, L ake
County, Calif., About 40 acres c le a r
to w ork, balance pasture. C reek
ru n n in g th ro u g h the place. P rice
FOR SALE—Two jo ts 25x100 each.
W illam ette Addition to E ast P o rt­
land. Oregon. T hese lots a re s itu ­
ated in a rapidly grow ing suburban
d is tric t of P ortland and have in*
creased a t th e ra te of 40 p er cent / f s
each year. An excellent buy and
and one w hich is bound to m ake
m oney P rice *600.
FOP. SALE— 11 a c res n ear S anta Rosa,
Cal., highly im iiroved farm , all In
fru it tree« 7 years old. New 4-room
house, large new barn, fence, fine
chicken wire. Team , im plem ents,
and 400 chickens go with the farm .
P rice *3000; *2000 cash, balance can
rem ain on m ortgage a t 7 per cent.
T a iK W i t h
K ellogg
H iï 1» c e m ir , g .©
H ill w ith a c # ?
•v ’l SA LE —160 a cres of tim ber land
.. m ues from Gold Hili, about 2 Vi
h 11 lion feet fine fir and pine tim ber
-••'v ali tillab le land, plenty A
, mg w ater on th e tra c t and nicely
cated lor turm lng and stock ra is­
Price *20 per aero or will en-
le i'n in a proposition with mill men
for the tim ber a t *1.50 per M.
FOR SALE—120 acres im proved
farm 6% m iles from Gold Hill, rich
creek bottom land; 80 acres under
An old perfected w ater
rig h t, plenty of w a te r; producing 78
to 100 tons alfalfa, can double th a t
am ount with m ore acreag e; very rich,
p lacer channel ru n n in g through farm .
P rice *9,000.00; term s reasonable.
IM H i l l d o n ’t g o u o
H *H to g e t (¿ o w n
Cement and iron Grill Fences
S p e c s » ? ty
Soda Fountain Drinks
C old as ice an d pure as snow
H ave a sundae ’fore you go
Turner's Lunch Room
Gold Hill Livery
Darling & Hodges
Rigs for all occasions
Good horses and drivers that know the roads
We .make no specialty of any class of trade
A ll Get th e Best