Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1912)
county fairs » î “ Do not overlook tbo co u n t/ fair*. They fornj tbo pivot In tbs develop ment ot the north waatarn states ag ri cu lturally. They are the groat olaarlug bouses for tba big laud pro duct! anil live stock shows aa wall aa all state fairs." Thia la the kaynota which Louie W. H ill, preaidant Wort hern railw ay of tba Northwest In ba itfig g j « Table Showing Size and Capacity of Centrifugal Pumps and Amount of Water Pumped in Four Months Development League masts In Seattle Among the benflta to »weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee iRRIGATION BY ELECTRICITY Great baa Bounded and Which w ill be taken up with a vim when the f ?»♦»♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦ June derived from the county falra ot the I northwestern states, M r. H ill sums up eplgrnm m atlcally, aa follows “ ( 1 ) . They atart many persona ox hlblttng who would never think of m aking exhibits at the state fair. " ( » ) . They bring the fa ir auffl d e n tly near so th at all may attend ’ * ( 3 ) . They educate the farmers In attendance along the lines of their own greatest needs. “ ( 4 ) . They stim ulate effort In the direction of highest excellence. “ (B ). They tend greatly to the building up of the state fair, both In regard to attendance and exhibits BeenuBo of these benefits the ama'I fa ir la well worthy of the support of the state and of all actively engaged la buslnes In the communities In which they are held." Continuing this subject. M r. H ill says: “ The location of the sm aller fa ir makes It easily posslbi for many farm er to attend, who may not be able. In the meantim e, to afford the expense Incurred In Journeying to the state fa ir and of maintenance w hile there. Such men are content In the absence of the sm a.ier fa ir to stay at home and therefore they miss the benefits In educational tinea that fairs furnish so effectively by way of ocular demonstration. H e Is encour aged to go to the sm aller fa ir be cause he knows many of his ac quaintances w ill be there whom he can meet and he has friends In the town who are glad to care for him It may bo, during his stay at the fa ir. “ Such fairs are highly education al, as Indeed all fairs are. The farm er may have concluded that a certain product which be grows Is about good as can be produced w ith that lino. Ao long aa be stays a t borne he becomes no wiser with reference to shortcomings In his w ork. When he goes to th e fair and puts that pro duct on exhibition, ho finds to hit astonishment, that h alf a doxen oth era are nhead of him In the compe titio n . H e Is n atu rally anxious to know the reason why, and In this way be comes to see Imperfections In hie methods that he wonld never otherwise have seen. In a hundred ways, valuable Inform ation may be obtained. The farm er comes to know about new end valuable grains, end he becomes acquainted w ith the posalbtlltlee of attainm ent In growing all kinds ot produce Ir hie locality. These are away beyond hla long cherished conception In gard to these things and he naturally desires to know the methods by which such excellence has been a t tained. He sees livestock, much bet ter It may be, than he possesses, and he desires to know the measures b> which such excellence has been brought about. He finds machinery on exhibition, better than anything In th at line th at he has used and h< becomes acquainted w ith the source from which he can obtain It. Hr can get such Inform ation w ith tear of distraction than would attend the securing of the same at the large fa ir, bemuse of the mnny side a t tractions at the la tte r.” —Courier B. H. Guthrie in Grants Pass B. H. G uthrie, connected w ith n Portland wholesale house, was In the city yesterday, being enroute home a fte r m aking a trip from Portland to Oakland, C alifornia, to study business conditions. “ I expect to be able to go from Portland to San Francisco, through Grants Pass, on an electric line when I go to the big exposition In IB IS ,” said M r. Guthrie, who seemed con fident In the belief th a t plans were already laid for the completion Of an electric railw ay up the W illam ette and through the Umpqua and Rogue valleys to the big city to the south. “ Business of a ll kinds Is on the Im provem ent,” continued M r. G uth rie. “ You have the climate, the scenic surroundings, the mines, the fe rtile soil, and w ater for Irrig ation , that w ill make of this valley one ot the moat prosperous districts of the west, and recovery here from the period o f bualneee depression w ill be rapid.” —Courier, Gaants Pass Kite of Pum p Suc- t ion and D is charge No. Acres Pump Gallons por minute Numbsrof Min- srs Inches 20 No. acres Pump will cover 1 In. deep every hour will cover 12 in. deep running 24 hours per day for 120 days Horse Power re- quired for 1 ft. 1.78 T T Horse Power re quired for 50 ft. Hft .012 300 35 7 1200 107 ■ fiF In the larger .h e My mole», from 10 H . P. up, about 20 acre feet can be hanled per horae power, or a cost of not over $ 1 ,25 per acre. ! i f r 4230 hours, and is a cheaper rate per hours’ use than any other form of power offered. i These Facts Can All Be Proven and W e Invite Your Investigation i CaHtomia-Oregon Power Co. Successors to ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + •h • + + + The Valse sf Wert 4 4* + (By H. M.) + 4- + + + + + + Here they go. there they go, back and forth. What la all this effort worth? + Sea the houss-wtvss dally task. + as they go: + la the bouM, out the door, to + + and fro. + + Never a moment to call their + 4- •w *. ♦ What do they reap of what they * 1 have sowaT + ♦ + F Here they go, there they go. 4- hack asd forth. + 4* What Is all this effort worth? + In the field, through the woods. + ♦ + here and there: !• Sea tbs farmers labor hard. + Js bowed with caro. •!- Always more to do when that ». task Is done. W hat goal Is conquered when •J. *• they have won! I M IN E R « If you want your tools put in good shape be sure to see CHARLES K ELL B la ck a n x iflh : Just a word ! Miners, I can sharp en, repair or make tools, and guarantee my work te stand the racket; try me and be shown \ CARTER B L A C K S M IT H N O T IC E FOB P U B LIC A TIO N . +♦♦+++++++++ Department of tba Interior, + + + + + + + + + H- + + + + + + u 8. I -and tiffin at Roseburg, Oregon, i March 27, 1912 Notice Is hereby given th at Charfca F. Young, whose post office addreax is Medford, Oregon, did, on the 20th day of tk-toIxT, 1011, file in this office Sworn Stab in c u t and Application No. 07605. to purchase the Northeast Quarter, Sec tion 28, Township 35 South, Range 3 West, W illamette Meridian, and nd the tim ber thereon, tinder the provisions of tlie act of Ju n e 3, 1878, and acts am endatory, known as the “ Tim ber and Stone I j » w , ” ut such value as m ight be I fixed by appraisem ent, and th at, par- suant to such application the land and 1 tim ber thereon have been appraised, >815.00, the tim ber estim ate« 700,000 board feet a t 75 cents per M, and the land $90.00; th a t said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application 1 and sworn statem ent on the 21st day of I June, 1912, before W. H . Canon, ' United States Commissioner, s t Medford, Oregon. Any jx-rson Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a con- , test at any time before patent issues, by j filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat I the entry. B EN JA M IN F. JONES, Register P R A C T IC A L S H O E M A K IN G I i ' * . Summer Vacation W?/ SUNSET A i * . or 4* ’T i Mountains ' . • • . ' . To the East Rose Festival Elks’ Convention Round trip tickets to the principal Cities of the East, going or re tu rning through California, or via P ortland. Going lim it 15 days fi nal returning lim it October 31, on sale as follows: SALE DATES May 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24-29 June 1-8-7-8-13-15-17-18-19-20-21-24 J illy 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-26 29-30-31 Aug. 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-29 30-31 Sept 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30 Stop-overs going or returning within the lim it Newport—Yaquina Bay NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D epartm ent of the Interior The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to spend the sum mer U. 8. L and Office at Roseburg, Oregon V Low round trip and w - k end tickets. Keasi natde h o til rates out April 12, 1912 Boots and Shoes Made to Order d sir aniineiiieiit«, bathing, boating, golf, fishing, etc. Notice is hereby given lliat Richard M. ••• R E P A IR IN G Jennings, whose postothev uddrots is Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs Eugene, Oregon, did, on tlie 17th day of Done in Firet-dess Shape San Francisco, June 24 to July 2. November, 1910, file in this office Sworn Statem ent and A pplication, No. 08781, 4- Pacific Railway & Navigation Beaches H A R N E S S R E P A IR E D to purchase tlie E h tE ’», Section 18, X Township 35 South, Range 3 West, W il Are now within easy reach by the P. R. A N. and a new field for a SATISFACTION tiUA R A N TfFD lamette Meridian, anil the tim ber there pleasant vacation open. Week end tickets now on sale and season tic- on, under the provisions of the Act of keta from all pointy on «ale Ju n e 1st. <• June 3, 1878, and acts am endatory, j. E. M A R T IN G Portland Rose Festival known as the “ Tim ber and Stone Law ,” Next to Barber Shop nt such value os might lie fixed by a p Opens Ju n e 10 nnd doses Jtm e 15. Tlie greatest Floral Fiesta and 4. .¡. 4. 4. 4. 4. .], praisement. ami th a t, pursuant Io su li •. ( arnival of Pleasure yet held. Low round trip tickets on salt from all point m . .j. .¡. 4. q. 4. .¡. .¡. .¡. .¡. .j. .;. , application, the land ami :i:.b e r thereon h a w been appraised $782, the tim lier es For In autifully illustrated booklets describing Newport, Bayocean G O LD H IL L O P E R A H O U S E • tim a te d 1,080,000 hoard feet at bo cents ami other points, as w ill uh inform ation a I suit Eastern Fares rout«-» Rose Festival in Grants Pass 1 •: Seating Capacity GOO. per M, anil the I-m! $80; th at said ap stopovers, etc., call on nearest agent or write to plicant will oiler final proof in support of I Stage 50t22. <cxt month comes the entcrtalnlu J ohn M. S cott , Gener. Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I Ills application and sworn statem ent on I A Rose Festival In Grants Pass. Al I the 29th tiny of June, 1912. before W . W. 1 F. P. 0. Elks’ Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912 I t la the object of the I Calkins, United States eonmiissioner, nt ready there are many residents pr.j- management to book only j Eugene, Oregon. paring for tine event and It Is ex Any person is at Hlterty to protest th is j + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .j. + + + + .j. first class attractions and ■F + 4> + 4 + + + + pected th at the celebration this year i purchase before entry, oC initial«- a « m - about two performances a Notice of Final Settlement o f Account j test a t any time before patent issues, by 111 surpass by far all of past »<••!- month. T he stage has been NOTICE TO CREDITORS . filing a corroborated affidavit in tlii hi the C ounty Court of the County of sons. Jackson, and State of Oregon. I office, alleging facts which would defeat enlarged and new dressing Estate of Stillman A. Gray, Deceased In the m atter of the estate of W . H . i the entry. rooms added to the building Notice Is hereby given that the un Caine, deceased. BENJAM IN F. JONES, w ith new scenery and the Notice is hereby given the undersigned, dersigned, Executrix of the estate of Register. (lie A dm inistrator of the estate of W. H. Stillman A. Gray, deceased, to the present stage, we can stage Caine, deceased, has rendered and pre any kind of a production. sented for settlem ent, and filed in said creditors of and all persons having The House in the fu tu re This Is the open season for court, his final account of his adm inistra elnlm against said deceased, to exhibit w ill be booked through the tion of said estate; and th at Friday, the them w ith the necessary verification, calendar solicitors. In this 28th day of April, 1912, a t 10 o’clock a. Northwestern Theatrical as connection The News wishes to m ., at the court room of said court, at within six months after tho first pub sociation having signed a con remind local business men that the Court House at Jacksonville, In said lication of this notice, to said Execu tract to thia effect, and they their home p rint shop can fu r county and state, has been duly appoint trix at Medford, Or ego, or A. C. ed by the judge of said court, fortheflnal have assured us th a t they nish Just as prstty and artistls settlem ent of said account, at which time Hough, her attorney, at Grants Pass. w ill nse th eir beat endeavors calendars for 1913 as can be and place any person interested in said Oregon. to only hook good companion. had anywhere—and at a lower estate may appear and file exceptions in W. H. BTTCKHL. Date of first publication, March 2, writing to the said account and content price than they can be had the same. A. E. KELLOGG, M anager elsewhere. 1912. Hqre they go, there they go. !• back and forth. •J- W hat Is all this effort worth? In the long race we are ull J» pursuing, Putlence, hope and courage. Is what we are using. Eneh day Is a lesson In life's •- great plan: He who does the best is the greater man. PATENTS +♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+ > + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Administrator of said Estate. Dated at Gold H ill, O r., March 20, 1912 FLORENCE J. GRAY. Executrix.