Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, May 18, 1912, Image 6

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    .......................................................................... S S e S S e ...........................................................................................
to J
-WM B . W Grato
Tke California—Orogon Tower Comp- surfac. of the water. Thadischanra ia , The total head and static and fric
any a experimental irrigation plant, through 200 feet of four inch steel pipe,
tion ia 42.07 feet,
constructed for the purpose of demon-
In order to decrease the friction loss 1 The 3 horse power Induction motor ia
atrating the use of the Electric Motor to a minimum in the discharge, no el- placed on a wooden foundation hued
for lifting water, is now in operation bows greater than 46 degrees angles from a tree that was growing near the
on the company's property in the town ' were used. It was found preferable to proposed site.
of Rogue River.
j bend the four inch discharge pipe in J The shaft center from the motor to
An ideal location for the plant was places where conditions permitted and the pump is 18 feet,
found on the north bank of the river make 87 degree five feet radius bends j The motor weighs 176 pounds and its
near the Jackson county bridge. For after leaving the pump.
speed ia liMO rwvaiutioas per minute,
this installation a 2 | inch, belt driven , The pump's rotor speed Is 1160 revo-
For controlling devices two switches
Byron Jackson Centrifugal pump and a , lutions per minuite with a rim velocity ' are used; one located hear .the motor
3 h. p. General Electric Induction motor ' of 3612 feet per minuit.
and one in a convenient place near the |
is used to elevate 147.4 gallons of water
The velocity of the water through end of the discharge pipe. The motor
per minute, or 12f miner's inches 40 the intake ia 6.8 feet per second with can be controlled by either switch,
feet above the river at a point opposite a friction loss of 6 feet.
The water from the discharge flows
the Sub-station.
The velocity of the water through into a box 12 inches by S3 incher by 14
The pump is bolted to a concrete the discharge pipe is 3.8 feet with a feet and through a miners inch measur
foundation eight feet above the surface friction loss of 1.47 feet.
mg board. By box measurement the
ut the water at the intake. The intake
The amount required to overcome WBter is diichargsd from the pump at
r ,te of
of 147.4
M7? gallons per minute,
is a three inch pipe ten feet long with a resistance in the intake and discharge the rate
three inch foot valve with strainer at­ pipes, including elbow, and bend, u
•• a discharge of 12| inches, "equivalent to I
tached. submerged 24 inches below the 2.07 fee t
1147 gallons per minute.
Blend Flour Best
«1 A straight hard wheat flour is peculiarly suited to
certain uses; but the housewife finds it hard to work.
A straight soft wheat flour also has its good qualities.
But the professional baker, the man who makes his living
working every day with flour, has learned that a judicious
mixture of hard and soft wheats, gives best results.
<J Aiming to produce a perfect all-purpose flour, the Fisher Flour­
ing Mills have had the foregoing facts in mind.
I' isiif . r s B lend F loui is not a haphazard combination of hard and
soft wheat. It is the result of careful experimentation covering a long
........... *u - c u liiu the propel proportions of each to get the fullest
advantage of their particular qualities in the blend.
The two kinds of grain are ground separately, Individual milling ma-
chnn y being required for each. Then they are combined scientifically. In
this way, the full strength is saved.
<i For household purposes, blend flour will supersede all other varie­
ties, when its advantages are generally known.
L H sher ' s B lend F louk is a pleasure to knead and a joy to bake.
Costs More per Sack—because it’s worth more.
•j Costs Less per Loaf—because it gives results.
For Long Distance as well as for Local Service
You can talk three minutes for fifteen cents to^all
America's Finest Flour Mills.
points on ou lines in the Rogue river valley and
get the best service that can be had anywhere.
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co|
«==■ —
of Southern Oregon
£ loü Æ~
-== •
? H jo OÄW
M o tr il
Big Mine Sold
nswttfs muir
One of the biggest mining deals of
the season was closed In this city yes­
terday when Huaselton and Wagner
■old their Tennessee Gulch property
to parties from Salem and Portland, 1
the price realised being quoted at
The property sold la at the mouth
I * . C . A p p l e g a t e , S a le a M a n a g e r
of Tennessee Gulch, tributary to
Josephine creek, in what was one of
the richest placer districts of the ear­
ly days. It consists of free milling
quartz, having three distinct leads,
upon one of which a body of excep- 1
tionally rich ore was struck during
the past winter, this strike having
brought it Into public notice, and be­
ing responsible for its present pur­
chase by the investors from the
The mine Is one of the old-time
prospects upon which a great deal of
Rigs for all occasions
work was done before the rich vein
Good horses and drivers that know the roads
was found, although it has made
good returns In the yellow metal
W e m a k e n o s p e c ia lty o f a n y c la ss o f tr a d e
through ground sluicing. Three tun­
nels have heen driven a distance of
500 feet on the veins, in one of the
tunnels ore returning values of 3100
per ton being struck.
Tennesse Gulch was the scene of
some fabulous strikes In the earlier
days of placer mining, parts of this
gulch, and of Josephine creek, of
which It is a tributary, paying at the
rate of 32,000,000 per mile. For
( IN C O R P O R A T E D )
years the search for the mother lode
has been pursued, and the purchasers
The Only Complete Abstract System In Jackson County
believe they have It now located on
their new property.
The new owners of the Tennessee
Gulch mine will install machinery at
once, and proceed with the develop­
ment of the property.
Gold Hill, O regon
F or Sale by all Dealers
Profssioriäl Cards
A. E . K E L L O G G
E m b a lm e r a n d F u n e ra l
D ir e c to r
Gold Hill Livery
Complete line ol burial robes,
caskets, etc.
U nderstsking r»un,« opposite 1 .0 0 1
building; pitone :n Main
Darling & Hodges
C L E M E N T IÍ. .SM IT H . M. D .
A ll Get t h e Best
J a ck so n C o u n ty
A b str a c t C o m p a n y
T. W . M IL E S
Copper in Josephine County
S e c r e ta r y a n d G e n e r a l M an ager
Loading In the Southern Pacific
Cor. Sixth and Fir Streets
yards Is the fourth car of copper-gold
ore from J. O. B. Gunn's mine at
All la y Saturday there
were teams coming In, and at times ^jje copper market has stimulated
there were several waiting their turn
copper mlnIng wor]d to acUon> ,t
to unload.
It was estimated by a mining man 18 the bellei that other ownerB ot
who Is familiar with the values of copper properties In this county and
the ore that the four cars will re-¡Curry county will bring In exhibits
turn a total of 310,000.
lor the purpose of advertising their
It la expected that quite a n urn her holdings. All will be welcome
of pounds of rock from this mine
The ore going to the Rennet
will be secured for exhibition at the
Southern Oregon and Northern Cal­ smelter from Gunn’s mine is as
ifornia Mining congress, to convene handsome sulphides as has ever been
sent out of the county. About 60
at Yreka, Cal., June 18.
As the stiff prices now ruMng In teams are now employed.
M e d fo rd , O re .
O ffice in W e lls B u ild in g
H o u rs 1 0 -1 2 -2 -4
C A R K IN & T A Y L O R
DOMI 1 7 - 1 0 O V K K J A C K S O N C O U N T Y H A N »
D R . R. C. K E L S E Y
C O B . T K IR ll A
C ST«.
DR. A R T E M A S W. D E A N E
A. E . K E L L O G G
Phone 8S Main
Practice limited to chronic diseases.
HOTEL HOLLAND, Medford, Oregon
Hours 10 to 3
Sense of H unger and T hirst.
Whether the hunger sense has Its seat
Office Hotel Holland. Both Phones.
In the stomach and thirst In the throat
Residence phone. Farmer 16xx6
has been a subject of much scientific
controversy. The Italian physician, Va­
lenti, puts the sent of both these emo­
tions In the gullet. He found that a EARL \ INGLES, H 8c.—General as-
•ay and analytical work. Cement
cocaine Injection In the oesophagus (the
and asphalt testing.
Best equip­
channel from the mouth to the stom­
ped assay office and testing labor­
ach) resulted In Immediate suppres­
atory in Oregon. All work guar­
sion of the feeling of both hanger and
Phone 370-J, Grant« Paa», Oregon.
Savages have long known that the
chewing of coca leaves renders the gul­
Arsenate of Lead for the codling moth
let Insensitive and destroys any desire and other pests. Sold by Jarvis, the
for food or drink.-Chicago Tribune.
‘‘X*a, I'm sorry, too, that you cannot fill the position, but whet
I need is a TRAINED man—a n a n who thoroughly understands
the work.”
No, there’s no other position open—we’ve hundreds of appli­
cants now on the list waiting for the little jobs. This position cal's
for a TRAINED man. Good day.”
That s it. There’s a big call for the trained man—thn
man who can handle the big things—the man who is an
You can easily receive the training that will put yon
in the class of well-paid men. You can’t begin to under­
stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you
success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better
paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you
only a two-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just
mark the coupon as directed and mail it today. The Inter­
national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you.
During last year over 4,700 students voluntarily re­
ported better positions and
h ig h e r s a l a r i e s secured
International Correspondence Schools
through I. C. S. training.
Box MA, Scranton, Pa.
To only th is sm a ll p e r ­
Plesa« explala, without further obligation ou my
c e n ta g e o f o u r s tu d e n t
J i
.to K—
I can
♦ part,
how 1
qualify A
, trade, or
« profeaaloa before wblab I have marked X
body there was brought in­
'—— Electrical
creased salaries amounting
E lectrical Engineer
M et hanlcal Draftsmen
in one y e a r to over Two
Mac hanlt al Engineer
T e le p h o n e Espert
Million Dollars!
S b o w -C a rJ W ritin g
Atatlnnarv E ngineer
W in d o w 1 rim m ing
Textile Meaufeeturtag
Com m ercial Illuatret.
Don’t fill a little job all
C iv il Engineer
Industrial Designing
Building Contractor
Arch I teotur el Drafts.
your life when you can so
A rchitect
Concrete Conatruct’n
easily move up in the world.
Plum bing, Steam F h fg
Germ an
M in a Forem an
The Business of This Place
Is to Raise Salaries
.. ■■■,
M ina Superintendent
NOW Is ike Halt Io mark the Cospos
« ••••••••e e e e a e e e e e e e e e e • *
H- ®uUo?k, L ocal H R
o m e ^ h o n e 1 O 8 -L
1 0 3 R o o s e v e lt A v e n u e ,
M e d fo rd , O reg o n