Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1912)
School Picnic Local News Notes (Continued from flrat page) which padded Ila rib» with fat on the TU- New» I» no» gulu« U» green pastures and pure watera of K» x Uunpnian l* »«* k”“'« ■"* im‘' Acting Superintendent Greenleaf’« Kane» creek ranch. It waa a d a y 1 ul town. Ite will «lay ln <»o»d Hl“ “'.Ui he * ,u when no fun waa held In lea»h, and j eo everybody took a turn at kickin' rwuly te <”• the goat joke aroun' as the Kanee He rxprete that h« * “ > »** »>' "’• “ J creek burnt offering—the phrase !« gii lor unite » while yet employed merely for He euphonious Kil Mininoli» I» at Sontln'rlln on boaincM. value—wae reduced to rulnloua re Mice Pearl Odili« la vWtlug Modlord main». Ml»» Daniel»’ oven waa not lemw. I larga enough for the roast, and the friend« Ml». Bli*-om Ihv’inanl»visitingIrtemte Gold HUI bakery cam» to th» reacue. , |t.« l.«inr. t Entrle» In »11 elgMM of contaata C It Ritter was a ««••»»btialiiw» vi»l- were made promptly and by a goodly . u .r .1 number of conte»tants. and the foot tor In Mod/ rd. racing, base ball throwing, Jumping, C. R. Ritter wa» a recent burin««« vie- , bot put wU itor in Medford. traded Intenae Intereat from «tart to ! IVrry Kimtte 1 » itony «> H-rtl«n.t. & M referee. ‘ wheie I«’ !>»* ■«"ivri «wploymcnl tilled hla rather difficult position moat | Remember dont - »atl«r Keinwuuier « thia; » • Jim Hill ------ aatlafactorlly actor liy to to uh all paru«». parties. The wln- up hill to get down bill—*>•*• coming n#rB of prtoee from Central Point were to Gold Hill. Howard Mayfield, Frank Mayfield, Ina Roy Awry, graduate of The New" «hool OwenM Wilbur Dunlap, Frank Roaa, o( tyiM^raphy, ha» taken a p<*lti'>« •* Harold Grimm. Melvin Hay and Mlld- fanman ..I the W.aalvllle Argus. j red Hawk; of Gold Hill. Gene Bowman Waller Dungey 1« lank In »own. after Krneet Lyman, Lloyd Miller and Walt- y,n,. week» «pent In remodelling the er Kelaey. Many spectators expressed n.ami.lin naddenco on F««ote « wok. regret that more of the boy« and girl» Hob” Cook, the pion. , r Foote from the .mall w h eel, did not win , „ , k tdaoer miner, vlelted Gold 11111 wla- prlsaa. „ 4,„ tiv. -th- oile r day, and went on U«Ja« k- State Superintendent U R. Aider- X S ; on hiLlmL - n <— / » «”> ‘V X ^ r y te Mh-M.Hilin.t a.warOyntWaTi.ttJe.two and .poke for a few " ¿ ’'J* 1..H lor their hoinee lareatlngly on the .object of aehool I w-r « - » w « — - - - - , ¿’KÍ Off •• '• / 1 , . . ** «• » MB«'*» i qlfte t «¿«Me .« J ... ■ ,¡ri c . t 's*> ' ’ -I o ‘ « > ♦ *** *< • -’4" I ' ’ ■ r . >V- - >.«-■ ‘ ' . ■ . < . ’• ' . .a - 1 J ' '■ •%' i ■’ ’.#■ 1 ■ 1 j. A < . . act. • ’ » JLske . V I - .... W a n t e d « i . O o lA M i l l , - » • » - a h . a « . w k . .» liw » .» » 4 » e » t l « l » g » b a i l a . . » s > r o » « « H I« » » " * — o t » b rlh w a w 1 « » »>*• » « » • » • » • » f r o m » r t » t l « * g «Mo « ra tte • I?.'- ■: '.V* I *"• 1 '..»-úiáÍÁ ».«■ '.w. Neighborhood News Notations neat little bungalow. UALI44 CHEEK C. H. Alden, fatner of O. B. Alden, Thomas Dungey le on the sick Het arrived Friday from Eyota, Minn. this week. Jimmy Burns made a visiting trip He ha» come to make hla home here with Mr. and Mra. Alden. to Gold HUI Tuesday. Messrs. Slead and Wolverton have Ray Eaton made a buslneaa trip their ranches officially named. They to Gold Hill Saturday. Mr. Jamenaon made a bualnesa trip are to be “ Laughing Waters” and “ River Bend. Both very appropri to Oold Hill Wednesday. R. M. Cook and wife made a bual- ate to the respective places. Mr. Myera Deputy and Mr. Aiken, neas trip to Gold Hill Friday. H. W. Steelman ma«te a buslneaa chief orchard Inspector, were In thia vicinity Saturday. They report our trip to Gold Hill Wednesday. Mr. and Mr«. Blackert made a bya- orchards In excellent condition and doing flnely. Inesa trip to Gold Hill Thursday. About fifteen of the Riverside The Sunday school here on the ladles met at the home of Mrs. H. B. creek Is getting to be a aucceaa. It Nye Thursday and organised a club Rome IJp-lo-dafe was largely attended last Sunday. R. M. Cook and family took an for pleasure and profit to all. The (Oontinned ft » “r«t i*»»«» club is to he called the Recreation outing 8unday down on the river. Father Ryan or icipereonate one of Thomas Dungey nnd wife made a Club. Mra. Butler wae chosen presi T A. Daley’s transplanted Neapolitan» dent; Mre. Nye, vice-president, and with equal ease, may he said to be the business trip to Oold Hill last Sat Mrs. D. H. Slead secretary. «71rat n mpnral raptaln of the car He look« urday meeting to be held with Mrs. Elliott. O. E. Blacklngton and wife made after the schedule and commlaaary, and by personally conducting a race and »hot put" for the little girl«, giving cash prtaea. The foot race waa won by Daisy Lyman and the “»hot put flrat prlxe by Velma Davidson, with Audrey Britt second. County Superintendent and Mrs. J. Percy Welle drove over from Jack sonville early In the day and «pent most of the day with the happy picnic crowd. It 1« planned that thia May Day field meet be made an annual event for Oold Hill and neighboring districts, as the beneficial results are plainly apparent. John Hammendy, Ham lh«lg«« and tliarh y Young roturnod Imm their l» ar hunt gulltl.-«« of bear blood and mlnua Mr. llainiiM'rely’a two line Kentucky l«-ar dogs, who attempted to get gay with a grouchy Umber wolf. Tlw Gall« creek bridge ha« been oom- plrU-d II U a ten « win. «|«<ii «tnteldng bom via- «ouU» «hie of town to a point a- boot a quarter mile c.««t of U h - month of the ciwk U wa« built by donation« of money and l»l*)r ,r”lu GaU'' c"” k "*1‘ dr um and<¡old lllll cltlaen« and ImUnw men. . IC. G. Parham, tba contractor who built the ltay Gold dam, tha Prospect power line, and who has done much other building work of magnitude In «ouihern Oregon. Is now advertising a new addition to Marshfield, compris ing eighty acres, which he haa put on the market as "Perham Park" The Marahfleld paper« aay that the ad dition comprise« on« of the beat lo cated and moat beautiful future real- pl»y« for the eervfa« on tlw little organ a buslneaa trip to Oold -fill one day DEBKNGER GAP A recently. dentlal section« of the great city that i that la tneked away In one corner. Claude Jones, of Sama Valley, will Frank Lawrence le doing tome Cliinev chef lak.w care of tl>e niWne. Is building on t'ooa Bay. ! The car will be In Oold Hill until clearing and la going to now alfalfa. have finished planting his corn thia week. next Saturday, with services dally, He le wise. SPKCIU. CITY KLKCTION E. H. Thombrue. of Beagle, waa Mrs. Lawrence, H. W. Steelman To the elector« of Gold Hill, Ore- morning and evening. Local Catholic» a pleasant visitor at Central Point m! are taking eager advantage of the op- and wife made a business trip to Oold gon: last Thursday. Notlce Is hereby given that on the ix>rtun|ty afforded them for spiritual Hill Saturday. G. Bird Johnston, of Debenger Ellis Randale, of Medford, visited 3d day of June. 1»1«. »k«r« wiu be 1 renewal and refreshment. “ hall * a The church ha« but two of the«e car«, his father-in-law, Mr. Jameson, last Gap ranch, was a buaine« and pleas held at the council room or city ure visitor at Oold Hill. special election for the purpose of both in America, but U building a third Saturday, returning Sunday. The Sunday school clawea of Table voting on the amendments of aectlona that will be mwh larger and more con A few of the Creekera called on 28 and »0 of the city charter of Gold venient. It will atMMiminodale a congre Mra. Lawrence laat Wedneaday night Rock and Antioch combined laat Sun gation of HM). or about four thnea « day and were taught at Antioch. Hill Oregon, pained Nov. 20, H it. many a« “ Kt. Anthony” .chattel. Tl>e and »pent a very pleaaant evening. Baptiste, who driglnatiMf the ¡«lea, have I A little shower of rain blew up I E. D. Wilhite, of Beagle, waa a W. H. HARVEY. ■even aueh mtedonary car«. Acting Recorder. about 6 p. m. Tuesday and lasted a buslneaa visitor at Central Point laat few hour». It 1« Juat what we need Monday, and hla ton, Clarence, was -aro-i—«sa also a buslneaa visitor at the « m e ed for the crop». Mr«. W. Steelman la contemplat place Saturday. Among the visitors at the Deben ing a trip to California for her Special health some time In the near future, ger Gap ranch laat Sunday were Mra Saturday as »he haa been In very poor health J. B. Hanna and family and stater- In-law, Mia Hanna. Perry Foster. and of late. Russel Thombrue, all of Dehen ger Sunday H. W. Steelman has been on the tick list the Inst part of the week Gap vicinity, and Mr. and Mra. C. E. I suffering from an attack of qulnaey Wilkinson and daughter-in-law, Mra. sore throat, but la better at this J. B. Plymlre, and two children. Reg S ta n d a rd Inald and Giles, all from the Wlllowa writing. Tan Wm. Hawkins, of Portland, made ranch east of Medford, these being C a n ta r a buaine»» trip out on the Creek Sat relatives of the resident« of the Deb urday, returning to Gold Hill the enger Gap ranch. Quite a large number of relative« ’ riwv day Claud 1-awrence accom of Mr. and Mrs. George Stacy and panied him on hla return trip. on family gathered at their place last Sunday to »pend the day. Those HIVElfKlDE RIPPLES present were; Mr. and Mra. John Mrs. Lynn Smith, of Gold Hill, was Rodger» and family, Mr. and Mrs a caller at the Slead hente Tuesday. Tha Miss Ruth Kimball left Sunday for Howard Rodger» and family, -Jr. and SO UTHERN Mrs. Frank Rodgers nnd family, Mr Bon Ton’» Salem, where she haa procured work. and Mra. Oscar Rodgers and family OREGON Mi»» Harper Is enjoying a visit tha SU PP LY CO. from her »later, who reside» In Wash Mr. and Mra. Wm. Houston and fam placa ily, Mr. and Mra. Jack Houston and ington. Grants Mr. Isaac Porten 1» building an family. Mr. and Mrs. James Cornett Pass addition and will soon have a very and Sanford Richardson. HERE’S a wonderful satisfaction and sense of security in being able to live on just a little less than you earn, x Your work then pays a dividend and you are climbing upward, not merely reading water to keep afloat X We pay 4 per cent on time deposits, and cordially invite your account T T H E G OLD H IL L B A N K [STATE DEPOSITORY] HORACE PELTON ROBERT H . MOORE LTKK W . »MJTH PRESIDENT VIC E-PRESIDEN T CAkH IER FLOUR AND FEED COLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STORE H . C . R a te d e l. P r o p r ie t o r H om e Phone Rufus King sc Men’s Shoes AGGRESSIVE P R O G R E S S IV E We W ant Your Business f 3ÎK Consultation A lw ays Free $1O R ew ard fo r the return o f m y brow n F ren ch B ull D o g Drs. Saunders & Green Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Specialists. 2nd Floor, Garnett-Corey Building Medford, Oregon M a y be in upper Evans c re e k country o r in upper Sams V a lle y JACK MORRILL RELIABLE ETHIC AL