Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1912)
Q$e «Soli S ill 3faw Pub»ah.«t (very Salurxtav al Gold Itti. Jackson County, Oregon r by = = = = = = = = = RtX M. IAMPMAN Cntvnxl at the UcM H ill poalolBc« for Iranami»- .Ion through the Vhtte.t State» m all, a» Meontl claM matter S atuuday , M ay 18, 1912 Subscription $1.50 Per Annum, in Advance Rexall Remedies recommended for that tired feeling Albany More Convenient Owney Patton, who knows Infinite ly more about baseball than Bob RuJtl does about Sanskrit, tells a story on his bon camarade, Dr. Reddy The doctor was preparing to leave for a trip to New York, expecting a stop in several cities en route, and was dictating a letter to his stenog rapher. "Tell Mr. Soandso," he order ed, “that 1 will meet him in Schenec tady." “How do you spell Schenectady f asked the stenographer. s-c er—er—er-----, Tell him Til meet him In Albany ” Just What's the Matter The following essay on the newspaper I business, written by a stuilent of the’Gold | Hill high school, conn's pretty near tell ing exactly what is the matter with it : The news papers need many criti cism, because of the editors different ideas. These ideas are mostly polit ical ideas and orther national ques tions. The modern newspaper will not tell only one-side o f tne qiiestion, when it should publish both ques tions. In this way a person reading one newspaper, will not get tin' real truth. Another criticism is the way their reporters get their material to write about . This way is by going to some acci dent, and write a few notes, about it, or have a imagary dream of it, when they get a few notes they go to tlieir room and write a story about it to tit their own imagation. Another reason is the way the print, they will praise one person, while the other person’s get their criticisms. Money is agreat factor in newspapers. The Boycotters’ Ultimatum (A Rexall Remedy Prescribed for Wlioever Needs It) Sah -h u sh ! Keep it quiet, Don’t let people know; Don’t print the facta; don’t try it. Or out of town you go; For Business is a sacred thing. By all means do not hurt it; Don’t let the truth have ample wing - Don’t tell the truth; pervert i t Ssh - hush! We need the cash To meet our monthly bills, So don’t let any one get rash - We must defend our tills. For Business justice must be stopped, The criminal let go; So with the truth let floors mopped, Don’t give the truth a show Ssh - hush! Let’s fool ourselves; We know it isn’t right, But we have goods upon our shelves - For profits we must fight For Business is the god we love, We have none else beside; No other god we own above; We must keep on his side. Ssh - h ush! Keep it dark - Light hurts the eyes of wrong; So smother every little spark. And sing a whitewash song. For Business is a holy thing, Naught else so fine by naif; So all join hands and bow and sing Before the golden calf. Ssh - hush! We do not care So long as we make money. Do not let in the light and air - ’Twill spoil our hive of honey. For Business’ busy bees may sting And close Truth's honest mouth; Don’t dare to k ic k -g e t in the ring. Or take the first train south! T aiK W it h K e llo g g E lectric Iro n Naw l i the Ume to bay property la Gold H ill | don’t w ait till yoa have ta bate l t | bay aaw and make the In- yextor's profit, a ward Io the wine In lu fflelea tt If yoa have aol Ihe eunlit talk to Kellogg he w ill pet It for yoai he han some real bargain* Jant bow In Hold H ill properties. We guarantee 7 per rent and have never paid less than 11 per rent on navlnp account» paid by the nventh, both larpe and small-. The Pacific Building Loan Association. Talk with A. K. Kellogg, local apeak A ..O w n your own homes) atop paying rent. The Pacific Building Loan Association w ill furnish you the mon- eyi pay by the nvonthi Jant like pay. lap rent! It eoata no more« talk with Kellogg, he does their bnalaeas la Gold H IIL Is one of the most useful among the electric family. *nd ironing day has no more terrors since the advent of thia U8tf Hot hTa jiffy, clean and economical to a more practical or convenient article would be hard to find. GUARANTEED TWO YEARS, and the price it only A FOR SALE—Well Improved farm of 42 acres 3 miles from Gold HUI. 20 acres unaer cultivation, water right, and Irrigating system with place, plenty of timber on place, 200 fruit trees 3 years old, I aero In berries, good house, barn and out buildings, picket and wire fence, U mile from school. Team, stock and Implements go with place. Price $4000. part down, balance on favorable terms FOR SALE—3 miles from Gold HUI, 20 acres placer mining ground, good title, all tillable land, 500 tiers of fire wood standing on the claim. No Improvement on the land. This Is a snap for some one that wants u small ranch and a pay roll right at their door. Price, cash $400.00. FOR SALE—A small home of 15 acres must be “written or printed-' to con when Dr. Kelsey made an early-morn 2H miles from Gold Hill, new up- ing drive to W. L. Greenleaf's ranch stitute a violation. to-date bungalow. 26x40 feet, H on Kanes creek, and secured Mr. Only the Truth Was Printed mile from school, spring and run. No claim was made by Mr. Moore, Greeleaf to finish the term. nlng water on place. Four acree But In spite of all this strong cir at least In the remarks he addressed under cultivation, balance good till cumstantial evidence that the school to the publisher of The News regard able land. Owner has a business ing the matter, that the statements ■ board was In hearty sympathy with proposition he wishes to take up, Redding In hla obvious desire to ea. made in the school scandal article and will sacrifice this property for were untrue. The members of the cape prosecution for a crime which $1300 cash or trade for Medford rei many people believe he admitted by school board, however, maintain that ldence property. Boycott Story Told It is untrue that they connived to his flight, that body proteats Inno cence of any connivance. FOR SALE—40 acree unimproved land beat the law and help a man under (Continued from first page) The patrons of the school, those tn Sams Valley, price $20 per care, arrest on a criminal charge to escape he claimed to represent. who had children In attendance and also an 80 acre tract at same price prosecution. Mulkey the Spineless per acre. Both tracts nicely lo School Directors Attempt to Explain those who pay taxes for Its proper Mr. Moore did not deny that he had cated. The school directors admit that maintenance, and the general public, tampered with the prosecuting attor Redding's sudden notice that he must always vitally Interested In education FOR SALE—Farm. 30 acres, 6 miles ney's office to the end that the case go came as a surprise to them, and al matters, were given no whisper from Gold Hill, rich river bottom against H. E. Redding on a charge of that they were unaware of the date of the impending shake-up until after land, 7 acres In alfalfa, good Im assault and battery be dismissed, but of hit departure until the day before It had occurred. Nor do the minutes provements and fences, all under rather seemed to be proud of his har he left, but they claim that some thirty of the school board, according to the cultivation excepting 4 acree. Prloe ing possessed Influence enough with days prior to his departure. Redding., statement of Its president, contain $6000; $2000 cash, balance on one the spineless Incumbent of that of then under arrest, notified them th a t. »ny record at any time of Redding and two years time. having served notice, written or other fice to pervert the ends of Justice. he had a Job In prospect at his former wise. that he had any Intention of Publisher Mast Take to Ties FOR SALE—160 acre« of timber land home In Covington, Indians, and that In concluding his remarks, which he might have to leave at any time. leaving. » muss from Gold Hill, about 2 H In view of all attendant circumstan were made In the presence of a small They maintain that such an Indefinite million feet fine fir and pine timber bat attentive audience on the main notice aa this was sufficient as to ces, the protestations of the school . -»rly al’. tillable land, plenty A street of Gold Hill, Mr. Moore told warrant them In paying him his sal board that It wanted and urged Red ep-ing water on the tract and nicely the publisher of The News that. In ary In full and allowing him to leave ding to stay, and that It did not en ■ocated for farming and stock rais the event of his failure to comply with no preparation made for the wel courage and aid hla escape In every ing. Price $20 per acre, or will en with the wishes of the business men fare of the school of which he had possible way, gain very little cred tertain a proposition with mill men of the town, he would not only lose been superintendent for eight months. ence In the community. for the timber at $1.60 per M Jnst an Instance their patronage, but would eventually Neither Dr. Kelsey, president of the One of the many distressing con FOR SALE—160 acres situated 3 have to walk out of town. The pub board, nor do either of the other miles south of Kelseyville, I-ake lisher admitted his ability as a pedes two directors, deny that the apace in ditions created by Redding's sudden County. Calif.. About 40 acres clear trian, but affirmed his determination tervening between the time that Red severance from his duties, is that teat to work, balance pasture. Creek to remain a resident of Gold Hill un ding gave actual notice that he must papers prepared for entrance to the running through the place. Price til he cared to leave of his own free go and the time that he did go was Jackson county spelling contest, en $1600. will and accord. two days or leas. Nor does the board trusted to his care, cannot be found. Moore Against Muckraking deny that It paid Redding hla salary One of tii two departments entered in FOR SALE—Two lots 25x100 each Not only, maintained Mr. Moore, In full to the day he left, but main this contest attained an average per Willamette Addition to East Port eould no good come from printing the tains that It had no choice in the centage In the tests of 99.6 per cent, land, Oregon. These lots are situ and on this showing the children and truth about the school scandal, but matter, as he had given notice that ated In a rapidly growing suburban he expressed the opinion that The he might wish to leave before school their teacher. Miss Margaret Wallace, district of Portland and have In confidently expected to carry off the News In showing up corruption In closed. creased at the rate of 40 per cent county pennant for orthography In Schoolmaster Panic Stricken Jackson county official life last win each year. An excellent buy and their grade. It seems that Just before Redding's ter had done no real good to the and one which Is bound to make School Closed Successfully people, but had actually done harm by flight, the circumstances were that money. Price $600. This is only one of many Instances letting outsiders know how rotten the young schoolmaster was In a of the kind, but the school, in spite of state of panic caused by his desire to FOR SALE—11 acres near Santa Rosa, things were. escape further prosecution for his al the fact that the term was finished Cal., highly Improved farm, all In Boycott Shapes Cp under the superintendency of one who fruit trees 7 years old. New 4-room The boycott took definite form next leged crime, and that he told the had no opportunity to consult with or house, large new bf.rn, fence, fine day, when an agreement was drawn school board that he was going study the methods of his predecessor, chicken wire. Teem, implements, up on one of D. H. Miller’s letterheads whether or no, pay or no pay. The fact that Redding would leave had a remarkably successful closing, and 400 chickens go with the farm. virtually pledging those who signed due largely to the masterful way In Price $3000; $2000 cash, balance can It “not to advertise in The Gold Hill his school work In a chaotic condi which Mr. Greenleaf grasped an un remain on mortgage at 7 per cent. News any more.”. Armed with thia tion was apparently not urged by the usual situation and the splendid co deadly weapon, Mr. Moore made a board In Its alleged effort to get him operation accorded him by both FOR SALE—120 acres improved careful canvass of the business men to remain, or else was urged without teachers and pupils, as well as by the farm 6% miles from Gold Hill, rich of the town, with the result that he avail. The school board does not deny members of the school board, who creek bottom land; 80 acres under got two advertisers and one non- did all In their power to remedy a cultivation. An old perfected water advertiser, W. G. Myers, to subscribe that Redding’s going was so much of condition for which the bulk of public I right, plenty of water; producing 75 to the unique document, besides him a surprise to It that It did not know who was to take bis place as sup sentiment seems to consider them to 100 tons alfalfa, can double that self. amount with more acreage; very rich erintendent until the morning he left, | largely to blame. Barely Misses Violating Law placer channel running through farm Had the arguments used by Mr I Price $9,000.00; terms reasonable. Moore in soliciting signatures been ------------- -------— --------------------------------------------- 77 7 _ 1 J ..» * " P n er A V written or printed, he would have rall. 8. Vocal duet, "Cover Them The following program will be ren violated the Oregon law relating to Over With Flowers,” Mesdames Rob boycott In letter, as he was violating dered; 1. Music, Selected, Rogue River inson and Gorham. 9. Music, select It In spirit, and wonld at once have Band. 2. Chorus, ' The Star Spang ed, Rogue River Band. 10. Chorus, been a candidate for a term In the “Brave Hearts Sleep On.” 11. Read county Jail. Aa It was, he violated led Banner” 3. Reading, “Decoration ing, selected, Leland Jacobs. 12. Flag Day” Mrs. Merriman. 4. Music, se the spirit of the law with a venge Drill, Eleven Young Ladles. 13. Ex ance, and was only saved from violat lected, Rogue River Band. 5. Doll ercises and Remarks by Comrades, Drill, Sixteen little girls. 6. Chorus. ing it In letter by the weakness of the 14. Chorus, "America.” IB. Music, statute In requiring that such argu “The Battle Cry of Freedom.” 7 Read selected, Rogue River Band. ing, “Kentucky Belle,” Bertha Bor- ments as were used by Mr. Moore Memorial Day at Rogue River T a iK W it h K e llo g g $4.50 R o g u e R iv e r E lectric C o . J IM H i l l d o n ’t g o u p H i l l to g e t d o w n H i l l i c o m in g to G o ld H i l l w ith a car C olgate9 s JA R V IS D r u g g is t S T E IN H O F F T h e A rch itect and Builder Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick. Stone and Cem ent Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lt y IC E C R E A M Soda Fountian Drinks C o ld a t ic« a n d p u re as m o w H a v e a aundea ’fore you go Turner’s Lunch Room What Brought on Boycott (Continued from first page) hand did not Is come nlainly apparent until last Saturday,when lx- refused to act further or to subpoena witnesses for a rehearing, which Hemler, la-rause he was not satisfied with the procedure in Justice Taylor’s court at Medford, had asked to take place at Woodville. He also told Kelley that the Incident was closed, stating that Gold Hill taxpayers had protested against a continuance of the expense to the county, thus fixing a precedent which allows any amount of mischievous meddling witli the machin ery of justice by those who are direct ly interested in seeing its aims thwarted. Hetnler, however, refused to allow the district attorney (7) to defeat the ends of jnstice by the misuse of his official power, and proceeded to employ Grants Pass leigal counsel with a view of compelling the recreant public prosecutor for Jack- son ami Josephine counties to do his duty. It was this juncture that Redding, acting probably on the apvice of Mr. Mulkey and his attorney, Gus Ncwtxwry, of Med ford, and certainly with the knowledge and consent of the Gold Hill school Isiard, wlio upheld him throughout, re- reived word that a gissl job awaited liim at Covington,Indiana, if he could get them by May 15. lie got, and got so naddenly tiiat lie forgot to leave his forwarding address or |ssitortlre key with Postmaster llaiiimersly. It is locallv regretted that Redding should not have stayed to fare the music, as it is generally considered tiiat even tually It wonld have liocn brought out tiiat whatever mistakes lie made, Includ ing the Hoggiig of the Hemler isiy. were largely the result of had advice from tlie school Isiard. and the feeling is strong against the district attorney for not hav ing allowed full jnstice to M done to all concerned. ___________ _ Lost, Strsyed or Stolen.—A dnrk, almost black, mere. W hite face, branded “ F ” on left shoulder. Some saddle marks. New Shoes. Inform ation leading to the recovery will re ceive suitable re w a rd .-R ile y Hammer- gly, in car« of The Argus P oiso °A'5 a K REMEDY rSíuNO 3 0 VCASS m ts n s M M F I L I S , C H IL B L A IN S . S X L O N S , U U S N S . S tC A V A L U A B L S H O U IIM C lL O SALVC. AU.