À T a lk W ith Kellogg' New b the liste te bar p rep ertj la Gold H ill) don’t w ait till job hate to hate it: baj now and make the la* vestors profit, a word to the wise Is sufficient; If job bave not the cash: talk to k e llo a * he w ill (ret It for yaa: be bas some real bargain» jast aow In Gold HUI properties. We raaraatee 7 per eeat and bare ae ra r paid less than 11 per cent on satina accasato paid b j the month, both large and smalL The Pacific Halidina A Loan Association. Talk with A. E. Kellogg, local agent. ..O w n year ewa homes: stop paying re n t The Pacific Bntldlag A Loan Association w ill fnralsh yea the moa* oyt pay by the month; jast like pay­ ing rent; It costs no more; talk with Kellogg, be does their haslaess In Gold M IL FOR SALE—Well improved farm of 42 acres 3 miles from Gold Hill, 20 acres under cultivation, water right, and Irrigating system with place, plenty of timber on place, 200 fruit trees 3 years old, 1 acre in berries, good house, barn and out buildings, picket and wire fence. % mile from school. Team, stock and implements go with place. Price 34000, part down, balance on favorable terms. LEGAL SEALS IN JAPAN. ■ very Pereen Must Have One Whleh the Government Registers. Japanese seals (haul are of wood, atone or metal, with signs engraved oa the face. They are used In addltlou to a signature to represent an Individual a legal person or a corporation. The seals of the emperor are distinguished as privy and state eeala They are each three Inches square. The state aeal la used mostly upon documents relating to foreign couu tries. The privy seals are stamped on Imperial rescripts, Issued for procla tlons at home. Japanese law require* that each in dividual should aeud In an Impreealoa of his eeal as a specimen (called Jlteu- In) to have It registered and kept la a government offlee (district office ef a city, town or village) that It may rep resent himself In a deed. The material employed to make these eeaia consists of various kinds of pre­ cious stones, gold, silver, etc. Thoee moatly In use at the preeent day are of agate, rock crystal. Ivory, rhinoceros or buffalo bora, shell, marbles or of cherry wood or boxwood, and recently India rubber has come In use. The Ink used for stamping Is called hlku. It Is generally of vermilion red. The cheapest kind of seals are made of boxwood and sold at 5 cents apiece. Most seals are oval In shape, but some are round and others square. They rarely exceed one-half loch In dial ter.—Oriental Review. PEROXIDE’S MANY USES. It Is a Valuable Antiseptic and Can Be Employed In Other Ways. One of the most powerful bleaching agents employed in various trades is peroxide of hydrogen, also known as hydrogen dioxide and oxygenated wa ter. The natuial color in ostrich FOR SALE—3 miles from Gold Hill, plumes Is removed by It, and It will 20 acres placer mining ground, good ! also bleach a great number of other title, all tillable land, 500 tiers of things, such as bones. Ivory, silver, fire wood standing on the claim. No wood. silk, cotton and balr. It can be improvement on the land. This is used to restore the color to old oil paintings which have become darkened a snap for some one that wants a by age. small ranch and a pay roll right at Peroxide is a valuable antiseptic and their door. Price, cash 3400.00. will also destroy objectionable micro­ organisms In water. It can even be FOR SALE—A small home of 15 acres used to cure Indigestion, but for this 2 H miles from Gold Hill, new up- purpose as well as for other medicinal to-date bungalow. 26x40 feet, H uses it must be diluted. A drop of mile from school, spring and run­ pure peroxide is strong enough to raise ning water on place. Four acres a white blister on the skin. Minute quantities of peroxide of hy­ under cultivation, balance good till­ drogen are found In the air, la rain able land. Owner has a business water and In snow, and It la some­ proposition he wishes to take up, times found In the juices of certain and will sacrifice this property for plants. The liquid Is produced on a 31300 cash or trade for Medford res­ large scale by the action of acids on idence property. peroxide of sodium. The solution may be concentrated by allowing the water FOR SALE—Farm, 30 acres, 6 miles to freeze out, by passing dry air from Gold Hill, rich river bottom through It or by evaporation In a va­ land, 7 acres in alfalfa, good im­ cuum over sulphuric acid.—New Tork provements and fences, all under Bun. cultivation excepting 4 acres. Price Brother Jonathan. 36000; 32000 cash, balance on one The origin of the term ’’Brother Jona­ and two years time. than" was as follows: When General FOR SALE—40 acres unimproved land Washington went to Massachusetts to organize the army be found a great in Sams Valley, price 320 per care; lack of ammunition and of other nec­ also an 80 acre tract at same price essary means for the conduct of the per acre. Both tracts nicely lo- war, and at one time it seemed quite • cated. impossible to arrange things properly Jonathan Trumbull wan then governor FOR SALE—160 acres of timber land of the state of Connecticut, and the 5 miles from Gold Hill, about 2% general, who pin e l complete reliance million feet fine fir and pine timber on his excellency’s Judgment, said. "We nearly all tillable land, plenty A must consult Brother Jonathan.” lie spring water on the tract and nicely (I’d so. with the satisfactory result that located for farming and stock rais­ ice governor was successful in supply- ing. Price 320 per acre, or will en­ !:”t many of the pressing wants of Use army. nnd thenceforth, whenever dif tertain a proposition with mill men Acuities arose and the army spread for the timber at 31.50 per M. over the country. ”We must consult Br< ther Jonathan" beenme n common FOR SALE—160 acres situated 3 saying until it passed into a nickname miles south of Kelseyville. Lake for the whole country. County, Calif., About 40 acres clear Congressional Nominees. to work, balance pasture. Creek running through the place. Price In the Republican congressional race 31600. W. C. Hawley, now representing the first district, has been renominated, FOR SALE—Two lots 25x100 each, as he had no opposition. N. J. Sin Willamette Addition to East Port­ nott, progressive, has been nominated land, Oregon. These lots are situ­ In the second district over Lllls, his ated in a rapidly growing suburban closest opponent. In the third dis district of Portland and have in­ trict, which comprises Multnomah creased at the rate of 40 per cent county, A. W. Lafferty, incumbent, each year. An excellent buy and was renominated. and one which is bound to make In the second congressional district money. Price 3600. N. J. Sinnott’s lead over W. R. Ellis has not been impaired, he now having FOR SALE—11 acres near Santa Rosa a plurality of 746. The corrected to­ Cal., highly improved farm, all In tals are aa follows; fruit trees 7 years old. New 4-room Sinnott 3404, Ellis 2658, Rusk 2178, house, large new barn, fence, fine Cochrane 2019, C. E. Roosevelt 587. chicken wire. Team, implements, On the democratic ticket there is an and 400 chickens go with the farm interesting contest for the nomination Price 33000; 32000 cash, balance can for congress in the second district. remain on mortgage at 7 per cent. Returns have been sent In, in part, from nine of the 14 counties in the district These returns give Graham a lead of lese than 100 votes. The to­ tals reported stand as follows: Covey 1216, Graham 1808; Graham's majority •3. T a lk W ith K ellogg fin . MÔÔftB's P O IS O N rA aiN G öa K REMEDY msuHOARO 3C!rMRS If L PILLI r P IL E S , C H IL B L A IN S F E L O N S , B U R N S , ETC A V A L U A B L E H O U S C H O LO SALVE. A U O R u e e is rs m a v ì it ok w iu . o s t » iw on « m u u r ACCCKT N - SUBS TITUTE S. r r í c e Í S C o n fa . M U S I CA L E Laura Thomaa Gunnell Importonator Ethel Carolyn Palmer Piantai Tlwiv never has been a more popular or capable rvailcr on the Chautauqua 'stfonu than Laura Thomas Gunnell. er reading was a tiuislxsl dramatic pro­ duction, in which there was a snbieltv of expnw ion and a rare display of emotion­ al power.—Ashland Tidings. _ Few expertvd the wonderful rendition Ethel Balmer gave ol numerous claspies Ttawe who heard la>r prediet a gn>at fn hire (or her. Evan now they aav she equal to many ol the pmtewuouals ol this country and Europe.—Oregonian, l\»rt land. K Gold Hill Opera House Wednesday, May 15 C le a n e s t a n d B est M ad e Auapicea M. E. Church Storage Room for Everything ALFALFA HAY First cutting, $ 9 .0 0 per ton in field, one •nd one-half miles from Gold Hid, at D a r lin g ' & H o d g 'e s H a n d l e o u r i c e a n d w i l l A ll y o u r o r d e r s p r o m p tly SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM K eep H appy M ED FO R D IC E & S T O R A G E COMPANY B y G e ttin g Y our E x tr a ! M e a ls