Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1912)
S H X ( S o l ò H i l l Z V c tV ö BRYAN CONSIDERED AS A PRESIDENTIAL POSSIBILITY Mi», *|*»R O U G H the beat and haxe of the battle one figure le seen to loom * up atrong, amillug and undaunted, and awinging a mighty sword against the hosta of evil. Yes, it’s Bryan, dear old foolish Bryan, who ■■ ■— by - -- '■""=* could have been president If he had not so fearlessly spoken the truth ns RCX H. IAMPMAN he saw it. If he had not declared for the right when he knew by keeping £ * U m * wm 1 at the Geld H ill peek»®©« for tranam l». still he could have all the cohorts of wrong fall In behind Ills banner. •io n through the V slletf Stato» maila Failing- no, not failing, for the truth never falla—-but unable In the a» »eoood e las» matter wisdom of providence to serve the people as presideut of the United States, he has never faltered In the fight. S ATTUO* Y, M ay 11, 1912 Now. not as an aspirant for any high place, he Is fighting In the ranks. Sabsrription $1.50 Per Annum, in Äthan e He has just cleaned up Harmon in Ohio, and even If that foxy old minion of Wall street a pretender to progressiveness, but a staunch standpatter at heart— does win In his own state, Bryan has clipped hts wings so that “ The Bridge o f the G ods” his (light toward the White House will be brief. With tongue and pen, Bryan for years has fought the good fight. Ainonj the many stnutg attractions l<> I»' provid d at the Portland R. -< Festival ' With each so-called defeat he has grown strouger and has heeu given this year will be “The Bridge of the clearer vision. There is no doubt but at the present time Bryan sees Gods." the great open air spectacle! what is the matter very clearly— that the serpent of privilege must be which achieved »«eh fame at tlte Astoria crushed or crush this nation. Whether It is government ownership or centennial. government regulation, it amounts to the same thing the trusts must “Tlte Bridge of the Gods" will be play-1 be controlled. Socialism, which would make big business the government in ed on Multnomah field June 8 and 10. | name us well as in fact, and free it from the curse of privilege for the few the Saturday I* fore ami the Monday of | . at the expense of the many, offers the saute solution as llryan with gov- Rose festival week. Five hundred In i ornment ownership and La Follette with government regulation. dians, from all the different reservations, Had it not heeu for the entrance to the game of Roosevelt, either will participate, as well aathe same num La Follette or Bryan would have beaten any matt put up by Wall street. ber of white persons. But Roosevelt, bee-use a majority of the people believe hint to tie trun, Prineipl among the spectacular scenes will be the rupture of tin- givat britlge trusting In his words and not scrutinizing his deeds, will probably be the which Indian legends say s[ vanned the next president. And If the people want more Roosevelt, they deserve Columbia, the eruption of Mount Hood more. But watch out for Bryan. In case of a deadlock in the democratic as a volsano anti the passing of Chief Multnomah of the Willamette tribe of national convention between Wilson and Clark— and the two-thlrds vote Indians in his tlery death canoe on the requirement makes one highly prohabla— a howl will go up for Bryan that will not abate until he is nominated. Then will come a battle of the waters of tlte Columbia. Mias Mabel Ferris, who dramatised the giants. Roosevelt, because he has never dona anyth'ng to hurt Wall work, will be in Portland for “The Bridge street, will have the money power back of him. and with his enormous of the Gods,” which is promised to be popularity, may be able to beat Bryan once more. For Bryan hag only one of tlte most remarkable of the many the truth on his side, and Roossvelt will persuade many that he hasn't Rose Festival spectacles. Save fAe label» from a ll “ M o n o p o l e ” good» an d tab» them to even that advantage. Twenty-five thousand dollars is being Oh. if the people would only vote fcr what they believe to be right spent by tlte producers on “The Britlge Instead of for what they think is best! of tlte Gods,” which will be under the general direction o£William Dills. Tltere will be but two night performances, both of which are shown on the Rose Festival official program and which will not con Within 500-mile zone, eight cents for flict with any other attraction. Postal rates on parcels vary with dis tance, thus protecting kx-al merchants first pound and four cents for each addi tional pound. and competing with express companies. School Notes Third and fourth classes of matter are- Within 1000-mile zone, nine rents for Tha Upper Trail school with nine pu combined. tlte first pound and five cents for each ad pils enrolled bad a record or perfect at A special rate of one cent an ounce up ditional pound. tendance for the month ending April to four ounces is provided for circulars Within 2000-mile zone, twelve cents for 19th. Mays Creek comes a cloee second and small packages of goods. the first pound and ten rents for each ad with sixteen pupils aod two absences ditional pound. Rates are as follows: The Evans Creek schools are circula Local, city and rural delivery only, five Outakle 2000-mile none, twelve rents for ting petitions asking permission to vote cents for the first pound and one cent for tlte first pound and twelve cents for each Bpon the qn eti in of school consolida each additional pound. additional pound. lion at the time of the annual school Within 50-mile zone, six cents for first These rates are based npon a careful me ting, June 17th. pound and two cents for each additional computation of the actual cost of collect The Pank.y and Dardanelles school, pound. This is the time of year for gardening and paint ing, distributing and delivering packages, actual cost of transportation. closed April 26.h and Galls Creek aod ing and I have an up-to-date stock of garden tools Within 200-mile zone, seven cents for plus Weight limit eleven pounds, and maxi earns Valley Ma; 3d. first pound and three cents for each ad mum citante twelve cents, the internation of every description and they will do the work per It is a well recognized fact that every ditional pound. al limit ami rat*-. fectly if they have some one to work them; quality phase of pnblio progress depends upon specific united effort; that business men iXeö first class and prices rig h t Buy your garden tools get together to learn of e-ch other th- SUPT. REDDING SHOWS OREGON & SOUTHERN of D. H. Miller and feel happy. My stock of paints moet modern methods of commercial RAILROAD BLOWS UP BIG YELLOW FEATHER and oils is complete. Ready mixed for use and White Pioneer Lead, Raw and Boiled tactics, and to secure the benefit of un Bed efforts and co >perntion ; that bank Linseed oil, colors in oil and dry, Paint Brushes, Calsomining Brushes and Whitewash (Continued from first page) (Continued from first page) ers, lawyers, doetvrv, dairymen, poultry Brushes. Remember the place to purchase goods and at reasonable prices is at that Ite forgot to leave his forwarding and Rosenbaum, now In the hands of I raisers realise not only the beoedit but address or poetoffice key with Postmaster Yanckwlch. goee to show that the the economic necessity of each organi company has recognized the claim zation in this age of rapid pros rest. Hanunersly. It is locallv regretted that Redding and made promûtes, by mall and by Thus it is a selr-evidsat fact that if we hope to keep up with the demands of should not have stayed to face the music, 1 wjrSi to pay IL it is generally comudered that even-I yw ck w lch eays that suits have the day ws mast apply modern methods tually it would have been brought out b~ n flled . Kaln, t member. of the in order to secure the best resalts io ^ T, ry of the publie education. The teacher and sup tliat whatever mistakes he made, includ-1 tom pany for ing the floggiig of the Hemier boy, wen- ervisor are striving t> bring to our boys Rosenbaum claim, and that execu »nd girls the beet there is is modern largely tlie result of tied advice from tlie tions have been entered against any education, bat tbey cannot secure tbe schixil Ixiard, and tlie feeling is strong | funds the company or Its promoters Optimist c Mr. Scott beet results without well dlr<eted co against the district attorney for not hav may hare at tbe banks. Dec.arc» Everything operation of pareuts. The teacher ing allowed full justice to be done to all About two months ago Doyle and concerned. should know as tally as possible the is A ll Right, Hooray Farren arrived In Portland from the -ambitions of tbe parents (or tbe child north and registered at the Cornelius Loots Creek Bridge Ready and the child for his own future. On That husinetw conditions have improv hotel. The Journal, at that time, at the other hand, tbe parent, as well Tlie White suspension bridge which tempted to get a direct statement ed wonderfully during the |su*t months tbe child, should know tbe plans and hag done service across the Rogue and that this summer will see a gradual dvtlrea ef tbe teacher relative to the at this placo hag been removed to from tbe promoters as to the finan constantly increasing business awakening cial standing of their company. pupil’s work in school. This can only the mouth of Footg creek and ig now Thia was refused on the ground that is the word brought tv Medford by John be realized through tbe closest coopera ready for travel. Tlie motor cars will contracts for grading and building a M. Scott, general pamenger agent of the tion and most direct communication be stop at the station which will be stretch of the road were about to be Southern Pacific lines in Oregon who » as tween teacher and pareuts. named Colvlg, In honor of Judge let and that It would not be policy in that city on a bri, 1 business trip this A very natural and convenient plan Colvig of tbe Medford Commercial for the company to tell bow the week. Mr. Scott is very much pleased at which will help to bring this about is tla* increased business as shown in the club. money was being raised until these to have an occasional public meeting at railroad world, stating that it is a sure This will also necessitate a change contracts had been awarded. Doyle which some of the late.t methods of index to business throughout the nation. school work are explained anddiscuseed in the school districts, as at pres said at that time that construction Gold Hill Makes Good. by teacher and parents, but perhaps tbe ent one district extends some dis work would be started in about ten most essential means of understanding tance along the north side of the days. the purposes and efforts of the teacher river which is sparsely settled. This Doyle and Farren were In Port is the visiting of schools by the parents. district will be changed so as to ac land until April 28, when they went It is very desirable that tbe parents, commodate a dozen families on the to Roseburg. Rosenbaum sent his when making these visits, observe the south side of the river adjacent to correspondence with the railroad of methods of work and ask tbe teacher to the bridge. ficials to a newspaper at Roseburg, explain anything which may not be where it Is said Doyle and Farren fully under.tood. It it suggested that Rootevelt Carries Maryland were trying to sell stock in the com these visits be made very informal. Let Baltimore, Md., May 7.—Complete re pany, and after further Investiga tbe mothers take their sewing or the tion the newspaper published Ros fathers help themselves to books from turns from yesterday’s primaries received enbaum's statement of affairs and the library. Enter wilbont knocking, today show that Theodore Roosevelt will taking any convsnieut seal: mak» control the Maryland state convention the promoters have since been In May 14, thus insuring to him the solid rather an unfavorable position. yourselves “at home”. Citizens at Roseburg and Marsh delegation of 16 from Maryland in the THE PLAINSMAN Chicago convention. Roosevelt elected field had made promises to pay bon HE m an from tbs prairie Is Isen 66 delegates to Taft’s 63. uses to the company amounting to and brown. On the democratic ticket Cliamp Clark’s 1100,000 for each community, part on followers elected 80 delegates to the state to be paid when work was started A nd keen are bla kindly eyas. and tbe remainder when the line was democratic convention, wliile Woodrow N o smoke from tbs distant aeeth- Wilson got 45 and Judson Hannon 2. completed. t—. In» town la dim m ing hla wondrous skies. Roosevelt carried every district in Bal Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the Mayor Smlck, of Canyonville, Hts paths wind over the rolling plain. timore. Taft carried the districts in the Yanckwlch says, turned over |R00 needs of this growing city, and will design T h ey fo llow tbe swales a fa r And lead him back through the gentle eastern shore and in southern Maryland. to the promoters, as Canyonville's and execute anything in the Building line. rain SO UTHER N bonus for having that town on the Brick, Stone and Cem ent Plain or artistic Jio te r the Is tw be in o klin f his g tasks wrong. W p h ra ere ranch gone lights are. N o creature o f whim and mood. OREGON “Don’t you want lo leave any foot new road, and stock was Issued for F o r the calm th a t m aketh the weakest prints In the sands of time?" this amount. S U P P LY CO. strong “I don’t know,” replied Senator Sor- Is d ra w n fro m hla solitude. Grant» At th e cloee o f day. w ith a task til dona. ghum. "There’s so much sleuthing go Remember this: Jim Hill don’t go W hen all o f toll seems vain. ing on that a man geta shy of a thumb Pa»» T h e n g ive m e the poise o f this prairie son. up hill to get down hill—he’s coming The stren g th o f the m an fro m the plain. print, a footprint and even of leave to A S p e c ia lt y to Gold Hill. —D en ver Republican print.”—Washington Star. td [ > « c Saturdav dl Gold Jackson County, Oregon M o n o p o le ” labels are worth each from now on nearly 20 pet. off think of that Pineapples...Strawberries...Cherries Appricots...Blackberries...Peaches...Corn Tomatoes...Beans...Sweet Potatoes Asparagus...Olives...Olive Oil...Oysters Salmon...Smoked Herring...Vinegar Jams and Jellies...Shelled Nuts Pickles and Condiments = ========== J. Bourne’s Parcels Post Bill Lance and Company’s MW. Garden Tools and Paints D. H. M ILLER G old H ill, O regon S T E IN H O F F T T h e A rc h ite c t an d B u i l d e r Men’s Shoes Cement and Iro n G rill Pences ’S