he school board should have the recall rubber hose used on it. T VOL. 15 e <£t»lö » ill GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912 NO. 1 Jim Hill Don’t Go Up Hill to Get Down Hill; He’s Coming to Gold Hill ’ OTHER DISTRICTS ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN SCHOOL PICNIC M AY 17 Baseball and Basket Lunch Oregon & Southern Supt. Redding Shows Thirty Prizes for Athletic Events ¡fate Superintendent Alderman Will Speak Big Yellow Feather Railroad Blows Up £0 With Aid of District Attorney Makes Get - Away School Board Also Does What It Can to Aid Escape and Beat Law B tar Creek Fish Live Too High to Be Good Wholesome Food Stuff Medford physicians ars warning residents of the city against flailing In Dear creek snd eating the fish. A short time ago the septic tank, into which the sewer system of the city empties, burst and since that time the sewers have emptied into Bear creek direct and will continue to do so until the new septic tank, of concrete, has been completed. Sewer fed tlali are not recommended by Dr. Wiley. With tlie connivance of Distrii'l Attor­ ney ( ?) Mulkey and the Gold Hill school board, H. E. Retiding, superintendent of tlx' local arhool xince lost S-ptt-mls-r, wax enxbksl to escape facing a charge of ax- iiault and Italb-ry on thu |»'rxon of one of h b pupil«, when Iw left suddenly Twwday hand did not become plainly apparent morning for hix fonner home at Coving­ until laxt Saturday,wlu-u he refused to act ton, Indiana. H b departure wax a coni furttar or to xuhpm-na wilm-xxex for a plete surprise, only the xehixil Ixxtrd and rehearing, which Heinler, Ix-caiisc lie a few other« intimately Intenwted in see­ wax not xalixtled willi (la- procedure in ing him make hb get-away Ix-ing aware Justice Taylor's court at Medford, had that Iw wax to leave. He went to Ash­ asked to take plat« at Woodville. He land on the early motor, wliere Iw wax also told Kelley that the incident wax joined an liour and a half later by Mr« closed, stating that Gold Hill taxpayers Redding, who left on No. 15, the two hail protestisi against a continuance of Inlying ticket« from there for tlw eaxt. tlie expense Io the county, Unix fixing a Tlx- Softool board paid Nodding In full precedent which allows any amount of to tlw day of hb de|xirtiire, and had mischievous meddling wiUi the machin­ thoughtfully provided a substitute super­ ery of justice by those who are direct­ intendent in tho person of W, L. Green­ ly interested hi seeing its aims thwarted. leaf, who will tlnixli tile term, which ex­ llemler, however, refused to allow the pire« May 17. Tlw xtidden xliift in tlw district attorney (7 ) to defeat the ends of miperinlemlriicy ootnea at a moat disad­ justice by tlw miaaae of hb official power, vantageous time for tlw g>xxi of tho pu­ and proceetled to employ Grants Pass pil-. with eiaminationx prepared by oiw leigal counsel with a view of coui|ielling man to bo given by another and other tlie recreant public pioseciitor for Jack- important features that arire toward tlw xon and Juauphim -c-str *is fourteen-yi ar-old Harry Heinler on April A they can well afford to allow the xchool to done chaot­ Yankee Counsel at La Paz ically. On that date, it is allegixl Iwcaitxe Says Little Gold in Bolivia young Heinler did not attain an average Washington, I). ( ’., Mxy 10.—Ameri­ percentage mark of Ho in hb studies, he wax taken b> tlx' basement by Sii|>t. Red­ can miners, (>s|Hs'iully this* in tin- western ding, and with Principal R II. Swank ax section of tlie country, are warned against, a witnem, wax Mtcxxl up in a wlaelliurrow false re|Mirtx of enormously rich gold dis­ and brutally (logged with a piece of rule coveries in Bolivia, which aln-ady have tar-canvas garden hose three-fourtha of sent a nuinhor of American fortune limit­ an inch in diameter and two feet and ers into that country with disastrous re­ sults. seven incites long. The l«>y wax badly Tlw American legation at La I’az lias bruised alxiut the leg«, and ax a result o f cabled tin* state department that many dainenexx and n< rvoux xlex-k wax practic­ of these miners were retarding from ally confined to hb hod for alnioxf a Tipunai and that although the Bolivian week. Redding wax arrested on complaint of government had been assisting prospect­ J. J. Heinler, tlu> Ixiy’x father, and the ors no discoveries of gold warranting a case wax xet for April 1:1 in Judge More- trip to Bolivia liad been made. lock court in Gold Hill. Redding bxik T H E ROSE a change of venue to Mixlford for tin1 ■ p lX E D to tier nxcalacx. like another Kern. following Saturday on account of alleged -1 A rose she wore, the Cower June made local prejudice, ami the trial there re­ fo r her sulted in a hung jury. In advance of F a ire r It looked than when upon tha stem tlw Iwaring District Attorney (?) Mulkey And must. Indeed, have been much hap­ entered a plea of possible prejudice pier. against himself on the ground« that he —Thomas B. Aldrich. UMcd to he a schoolteacher himself, and ■night tlierefore lx* temperamentally unlit b> prosecute a pedagogue for the crime of amault and liattcry on the |x*rxon of a fonrteen-year-old lx>y who had failed to make an average of Ha in hix studies— prcxuinbly Ixxauxe hix xympathiex were with tlat xchiHilmaxter. So lie deputinal E. E. Kelley, who, although he uxed to teach school, does not allow that fact to «warp his mind in the )x*rfornianiv of his duty ax a lawyer ami a man. Tlie district attorney’s fine shyster I. The Big Iceberg (Received by Wireless fo r the poor—and not suppressed for a price) By C. A. Strickland •f There’s but one God in all o f Space! The Armies of the World shall prove That Fear removed from Mind, leaves place For nothing but the God of Love. The Armies of the World have learned That every fight is simply crime To hide grave crimes, such aa are spurned By MEN OF HONOR thru all time. And as the Armies gather fast, In Mexico, to fight—for what? From ’round the World there comes at last The thot words: Comrades! struggle not! Those foreign flags all sim ply hold The rights o f property supreme; Cease cowardice—be m anly—bold! While hearts respond to Love!—God’s them e. Your officers are only slaves, In great degree you make them act; But everywhere the red flag waves, God’s bond of Love becomes a fact! So call a meeting. Act! En-masse And put “this question” up for vote: Having cringing cowards right to pass In judgm ent on what flag shall float? JA CKSON AND JOSEPHINE’S JEWEL OF A PROSECUTOR Gold Hill Physician Victor in Hard Fight With Strange Disease A case of septicemia, to unntutl that there la bnt one other like It on record, is that of Merrill Betts, now convalescent after a month’s 111- neae. The trouble commenced In on ulcerated tooth. After a few daya of suffering such as is usually attendant upon such affairs, symp­ toms of general blood poisoning de­ veloped. A severe meningitis being apparently imminent. Dr. C. H. Smith, who was attending the case, called Dr. S. Longhridge, of Grants Pass, and Dr. J. Longhridge, and an abo-xx of tlie upper jsw was opened, but It was evident from the symp- toms that the infection was a se- vere one. with little nopes of re- Values Are Mythical Scheme Bubble No Good So Say» Portland Attorney, But Promotors Still Maintain Everything Lovely Inasmuch as J. Arnold Doyle and H. M. Farren, even with Attorney (?) B. F. Mulkey to present their proposition In Its most favorable light, were unable some months ago convince Mayor Beeman and the G°ld »111 city council of the wisdom granting them a franchise for their so-called Oregon and Southern railroad— from where in Oregon to where south?— the following article covery. from Thursday’s Portland Journal: After a week the symptoms began Alleging that 3. Arnold Doyle, to subside, and the chances for re­ president; H. M. Farren, vice-presi­ covery became better. The clinical dent; George Godfrey, treasurer, and history Indicated that the case was other promoters of the promised different from the usui-1 type, and a Oreg on ft Southern Electric rail­ blood culture was sent to the lab­ road from Ashland to Marshfield, are oratory of Dr. E. B. Pfckel. of Med­ unreliable and w i t h o u t sufficient ford. The bacteriological examina­ means, Harry Tanckwlch. local at­ tion explained the unuaal features of torney, representing L. N. Rosen­ the case. The germ causing the baum, financial attorney of Seattle, trodMe proved to be micrococcus said this morning that the com­ tetragenas. Thia germ Is occaaion- pany’s real value and promises are ally found In the pus from localized j mythical, and that the road will infections or In absesses, but aa a never be built by the present cor­ ns# of general septlcen-U U ad- porcMon. most unknown. i | “Believing at first that Doyle, As there Is bnt one other case ot Farren and their associates were re- thls kind recorded in the annals of liable and acting in good faith.” said medicine, no specific treatment Is Mr. Yanckwich, “Rosenbaum con­ known, as with infections caused sented to enter their employ as coun­ by the usual pus-producing germs. sel for the company. He drew up The case Is of unusual interest from the articles of incorporation and. technical standpoint, and Mr. through his influence with local Betts’ recovery, under the circum­ bankers, the Northern Trust com­ pany, of Portland, as trustee, took stances, is considered remarkable. over a deed of trust to secure a $10,000,000 bond issue through Truthful Teddy Tells Us which funds were to be raised for He’s the Only Candidate the construction of the road. “Mr. Rosenbaum, considering that New York, May 10.-*-Declaring the promoters had not dealt fairly flatly that "there is just one candi­ with him later on, started an inves­ date whom It is possible to nominate tigation of the methods of Doyle and against the bosses—and that's my- «Farren and their associates, and self,” former President Theodore soon concluded that their whole Roosevelt, in a letter published here scheme Is a bubble. Mr. Rosen­ today by the Roosevelt committee, baum has been unsuccessful in get­ expressed generally his view of the ting a settlement of his own claims present situation in the presidential against the company end he will fight. make the results of his Investiga­ Addressed to Chairman Caswell, of tions known to the Northern Trust the Minnesota Roosevelt committee, company.” the letter declares that President Though no satisfactory explana­ Taft is the tool of the bosses. tion of the real status of the Oregon _ & Southern company has been ob- Y V E live In deeds, not years; In thoughts, . , ., , , ’ ’ n o t breaths; b re a th s : talnable since It was Incorporated In not In feelings, not In figures on a dial. Washington some six months ago. W e should count tim e by heart throbs there had been no real facta made H e most lives Who thinks most, feels ths noblest, acts public which might place the com­ the best. Life's but a means unto an end. th at end pany In a bad light until Rosenbaum Beginning, mean and end to all things— made known hia difficulty in getting Ood. a settlement from the promoters for legal services rendered. Rosen- baunV's claim amounts to $4,387.03, and $500 has been paid on account. George M. Farrln and W. A. Leet. representing the Oregon ft Southern In Portland, say that Rosenbanm’s claim Is unjust and that It will he paid as soon as Rosenbaum fulfills his contract. On the other hand, correspond­ ence between t h e railroad officials (Continued on editorial page) 1N T E R R Q G A TO RY THE FORTIFYING VIRTUES- The greatest of nil economists are tho fortifying virtues, which the wlxest men of nil time have nrranged under the general heads of prudence or discretion, tlie spirit which discerns and adopts rightly; Justice, the spirit which rules and divides rigidly; fortitude, the spirit which |»er- slsts and endures rightly, and temperance, the spirit which stops and refuses rightly.—Rus­ kin. Is it not true as a matter of fact that when Medford was incor­ porated that all territory, including county roads, was taken within and as a part of its corporate limits? Is i t n o t true as a matter of fact th at a few years later W . I. Vawter, then a member of the legislature, put a bill through amend- Medford charter by putting the burden of all expense over $20 for all bridges and culverts on former county roads within the city limits back on th e people of Jackson county? Is it n o t true as a matter of fact that the Medford commercial club, then in its infancy, decided that this would he a good scheme provided i t could he worked ? '' aH,not. ' aw,< r s legislation backwards? Could such a hill lie passed, affecting the pocketbooks of the whole people of Jaekxon county, and be conslileHonal, without the consent of all affected thereby, namely, the who!» people of the county? Anyway, why not 1st MaJford bailJ bar own bridg,’ O BLIG ATIO N S OF F R IE N D S H IP Don’t flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your inti­ mate«. The nearer yon come Into relation with a person the more necessary do tact and cour­ tesy become. Except in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn un­ pleasant things from his enemies. They are ready enough to tell them.—Holmes.