•4 ' ambition, but that certain plan ing fate by running for his etary conjunctions indicate that thirteenth term. In the apt terminology of the Published (vary Saturday at Gold Kilt. 1948 will see the moat strenu ous presidential contest subse Medford Sun, which will still I« M o n Countv. Oregon = by quent to the one now in prog I be feebly shining with its head R tX M. IA M PM AN ress. The astral asseverations, light on behind at that time, tf.tc n s l « I the Geld H ill puabUBcv tor ir a n .m l.- moreover, are that this latest Mr. McCarthy says that “pres •io n through the State« tnalla champion of the Oregon system ent indications seem to indi at Mxxxncl-rlaM matter of popular government w ill cate” that the boy orator of the S attboày , M ay 4, IMS beat C o l. William Jennings Rogue will be elect«! over whelmingly,carrying by approx Subscription $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Advance Bryan in the national presiden tial primaries for the nomina imately a seven-to-one majority tion of the Anti-Dictatorial every state, county and pre Boom Started for 1 9 4 8 party, following this triumph cinct in the nation, which will (Continued from fir^t page) then include all the territory pie in Gold Hill who seem to in November with a sweeping from the Arctic ocean to the agree with him absolutely in his victory over Col. Theodore Panama canal. attitude that the world or some Roosevelt, then rashly tempt- one in it owes him a living. Apparently a foreigner, for THE ORIGINAL GOOD ROADS BOOSTER he speaks a strange and jum bled jargon which is caviar to the general, yet there are those —and a peculiar fact in this connection is that every one of When Caesar took an eastern ride, them are of the saving gentler And grabbed the Gauls for Rome; sex—who profess to readily un What was the first thing that he did derstand everything he says. To make them feel at home? They declare that the very first Did he increase the people’s loads words he uttered before strid And liberty forbid? ently demanding a square meal No, he dug in and built good roads— were to the effect that he would That’s what old Caesar did. be a square-deal candidate for Did Caesar put the iron heel th e presidency in 1948, and that Upon the foeman’s breast? furtherm ore he was, is and will Or did he try to make them feel be firit, last and all the time a That Roman rule was best? militant advocate of the great made-in-Oregon principle, ren What did he do to make them glad He’d come their midst amid; dered famous through all the He built good roads in place of bad, land and even overseas by Sena That’s what old Caesar did. to r Jonathan Bourne and crys tallized in the phrase, “Let the He built good roads from hill to hill, people rule.” His economic Good roads from vale to vale; philosophy, according to inform He ran a good roads movement, ation imparted to several of the Till old Rome got all the kale. many friends he has made He told the folks to buy at home, among the women—like a true Built roads their hills amid; politician he has told them that Until all roads led straight to Rome, he has always been for woman’s That’s what old Caesar did. suffrage—will follow lines laid If any town would make that town down by such eminent leaders The center of the map; of advanced thought as Thomas Where folks would come and settle down, Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Abra And live in plenty’s lap. ham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Henry If any town its own abodes George, Wm. Marlon Reedy, Of poverty would rid; Robert Marion LaFollette, W. Let it get out and build good roads, S. U’Ren, Bill Guernsey, George Just like old Caesar did. Putnam, Levi Oolong Walker — Kansas City Star. and Rex H. Lampman. When one of his feminine admirers timidly suggested t h a t this would m e a n a platform as ing for life work. Where large groups of School Consolidation broad as all humanity, as deep- pupils play and work togtlier, they con foundationed as human suffer The plan made possible by legislation sciously or unconsciously learn to respe« t the rights of otliers. T lay cannot afford thirty-seven st teat ing and as high as heaven it in The plan provides lor the uniting of to offend or lie offended liccause of any self. and that, perhaps, standing two or more contiguous district* and a small differences of opinion. These les on such a platform, he would vehicle for the conveyance of distant sons serve to help in developing those characteristics which attract the atten be rendered a trifle insignifi pupil* to the central achool building. tion of business men and help to hold Common Objection» cant, the latent young states 1. Bail Roads —One-third ol the roads positions. man made a few emphatic re in consolidated districts throughout the 7. It tends to eliminate individual dif marks, which being interpreted United State« are dirt roads which be ferences and community quarrels from school matters. A little affair ran seri are said to have meant that he come extremely muddy in the spring ; no ously disturb and practically destroy the n e k or gravel for macadam at hand. A would grow, a n d grow big large proportion of Oregon roads have a usefulness of a small district school on the enough for any platform or oc gravel foundation, or shell rock, decom principle that a pebble tossed iiits, a pud posed granite, or hard rock which could dle would make a great splash, but into casion. a pond would scarcely make a ripple. near at hand. H. H. McCarthy, the well- be 2. crushed 8. Permits of the selection of specially Increased Expenses. — While the known mining man, who is now general expenses are increased, the per trained and fitted teachers. A teacher who has the mother instinct and special engaged in the preliminary ar capita expense is actually reduced. 3. Time on Road—The average through training which makes her particularly rangements for a $20,000 amal out the United States is five miles an adapted to teaching the first three or four gamation plant to be located at hour. A very small per cent, of pupils grades where tlie children follow with im this point, ar.d who is a deep would he beyond this limit, U nder the plicit confident« the instructions of their teacher, is very likely to be largely or student of astrology, at once district plan, where the pupils walk to wholly unfitted to train and teach chil school, as great or even a greater per took pains to determine the cent, are on the road a longer time than dren of the adolescent grades where the horoscope of t h i s ambitious the most distant pupils would be where child is rebellious against authority and follows his own opinions and day dreams young person, and announces conveyance is used. 4. Some pupils live off the road. Even and the "suggestions of his classmates as a result of his sidereal seance with the liest of improvements all disad mote readily than lie does those of the th a t the heavenly bodies would vantages cannot be overcome any better teacher. Hence, it is essentia! that a indeed have to forsake their or in school affairs than on a dairy ranch jr specially adapted and specially trained teacher have charge of the children dur bits to be in more favorable fruit farm. Favorable Points ing this stage of their development. positions than they were at 1. More than half as many more pupils 8. It is favorable to the high srhool. eight o’clock Thursday morn above the sixth grade attend school. Pupils early in the lower grades begin to Pupils begin dropping out of school in the form their ideals anil ambitions and when ing, May 2, 1912. fifth and sixth grades, and a very few associated with high school students a Mr. McCarthy declares that complete the eighth grade under the much larger number, instead of dropping out of the school during the fifth or sixth not only is it highly possible, present district plan. but altogether probable, accord 2. A grand total of twenty per cent, grades, go on through tlie grades and en pupils attend under consolidation. ter high school. ing to the wisdom of the stars, mom 10. Jackson county has a high school 3. The attendance of pupils enrolled is fund. The towns are now taking advan th a t this youthful White House ten per cent, better. aspirant will achieve his bold 4. Numbers add interest in class and tage of this fund and the country people ®br (Salii Bill Sirtofl EVERY special privilege that II does not conserve the common good is evil; fo r the common good is the only good.--£• £ McC/or. L should take direct advantage of it also, since they pay a large portion of the tax forming the fund. Moreover it would cost individuals more to send a few favor ed pupils away to get high school advan tages than it would cost the district to maintain a high school of their own in connection with the consolidated grades, 6. Larger association gives better train and in this way the parents retain over- on the playground, which has much to do with inducing the larger number to remainjin school, as stated above. 5. Competition increases power. It is a recognized axiom that where people have competition they will put forth more nearly their best efforts and lienee develop more fully their latent powers. i- •!« M o n o p o le ” labels are w orth each from n o w on nearly 2 0 pet. o ff think o f that Pineapples...Stra wherries.. .Cherries Appricots...Blackberries...Peaches...Corn T om atoes...B eans...Sw eet P otatoes A sparagus...O lives...O live O il...O ysters Salm on...Sm oked H erring...V inegar Jams and Jellies...Shelled Nuts Pickles and Condim ents ================== Q .c ======================== Save fAe label* from a ll " M o n o p o l e " good* a n d take them to Lance and Company’s I« Garden Tools and Paints This is the time of year for gardening and paint ing and I have an up-to-date stock of garden tools of every description and they will do the work per fectly if they have some one to work them; quality first class and prices rig h t Buy your garden tools of D. H. Miller and feel happy. My stock of paints and oils is complete. Ready mixed for use and White Pioneer I>ead, Raw and Boiled Linseed oil, colors in oil and dry, Paint Brushes, Calsomining Brushes and Whitewash Brushes. Remember the place to purchase goods and at reasonable prices is at D. H. M ILLER Gold H ill, O regon sight of the pupils while they are attend- ing high srhool »ml have tneir assistance in the home and their help ami social as sociation is not lost to the district. These points are taken from Kern’s "Among Country Schools’’ and from the report of the Commissioner of Education for 1910. Music in the Air Tlie people of Sams Valley were well entertained by Prof««or Isaacs ami a party of young people from Ashland last Saturday night, April 27th, at Mrs. Gard ner’» hall. Tlie hall was packed to over flowing, and tlie long and continued cheering was convincing that all were well satisfied ami greatly enjoyed them selves. Among the singers were Miss Esther Silsby, Miss Eva Poley, Miss Celia Gsterdoh, Miss Nellie Baker anil Miss Margie Lambert, while tlie male singers were Messrs. Goldie Herndon, Strick land, William Hunt and Ray Stoner. Tlie program embraced almost every phase of vocal and instrumental music, together with recitations ami elocutionary productions ably rendered by young Wil liam Hunt and Miss Celia Esterilob. In fact, tliejwhole program was nicely ar ranged and excellently executed, and shows lieyond doubt that Ashland has some of the very best developed talent in the state. The entire party left with , hearty congratulations from the people of Sams Valley, and their visit will be long remembered ami cherished in the hearts of our people. It is to be hoped that the class of more than thirty who, after the exercises of the night, decided to take the regular course of music lessons under Prof. Isaacs, will attend regularly and take the Interest necessary for proper suc cess in the lines laid out by the profes sor, and that the parents will take the ; necessary activity in helping out in the ' work, as there is no doubt but that there is some excellent talent in our valley I f: only proper development Is made along musical lines. E. W. COOPER Better take The News, éJÌXWWÌÌAt' __ fern W ARN YOU against going ont of Gold Hill to buy drugs or medicines, or having prescrip tions filled, unless yon know exactly to whom you an- going. Mistakes an- not as rare as they might lie in the average drugstore, but you are always sure of getting exact aervii« here, with quick at tention at any time and lieflttimrly low prices. We carry h full lino of Perfum ery, Fancy Soaps, Talcums, etc., and pride ourselves upon our prescription sendee. JA R V IS T H E DRUGGIST G o ld H ill. O r e g o n S T E IN H O F F T h e A rch itect a n d B u ild e r Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in thje Building line, Brick, Stone and Cement. Plain or artistic id Cement Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lty