ntWS FROM OUR iiATibil.iL b/tl .TAL + + + + + + First- Class Methods of Stag« Drivers In ths Moun W A N T K O a L O I T a F O R I A L C f e e tain» of Msxiso. The driver» who pilot the »tagecoacb- Rampaon Spray—Lhucjstid sulphur so + It Is the object o f the ea through the mountains in Mexico lution, in any quantity, ami the right W ashington.—A deetsloh handed ♦ tUAnagenient to book only have a w ay o f their own o f coaxing Frier Ssnipsnn Spray (>»., Grants r»e. down by the interstate commerce com first class attractions and their mule» along the rough roads. A T H O N L ST P R IC E S mission ordered big reductions In ♦ about two perform ances WANTED—To buy, or rent, 800 Get The method la described by Wallace + rates on wool, hides and pelts from ♦ month. The stage has been OUIpstrick in his book. "The Man Who of 12 inch and 800 feet of 10 Inch hydrau + points west of the Mississippi river + enlarged and new dressing Mexico:" lic pressure pips, with giant to match. + Likes to points east. If you have never ridden on a Max Address J, B. HUNT. Ashland, Ore. + rooms added to the building + ican coach you have still a new sen- The commission ruled that the pres ♦ with new scenery and the + •atlon In »tore- The Chapala coach ent rates were unreasonable. The de ♦ present stage, w e ran stage WANTED— Ssoond-hand machinery + has a cushion on top, and if you are and EXAMINATION end ADVICE cost* you nothing, and may Nave you cision also orders that the preernt + any kind o f a production. t-lron aerap. Orante Pass many dollars. + fortunate In sharing thia seat you may Iron oM "blanket system" of freight charges + and Steel Work». Orante Pnse. The House In the future ride muy a gusto, seeing the country on wool I e supplanted by graded + O re. My office, th.- most up-to-date In souihi-ru Oregon, U filled up with all w ill be booked through the + and the manner of manipulating an freight rates and prescribes lower + nuxkm electrical appUanrra, and thus rnahlss t h w living out of town eight male team at the sam e time. Northwestern Theatrical as H1R SALE—Aafew ret tings of eggs of rates for baled wool. The ruling al to h aw iteir work done promptly ami get home the same day. ‘T h ere are two about the slxe of rab choit» strain Black Minorca*. Thlrtren + sociation haring signed a con + lows western growers to bale their bits In tbe lead, a string o f four In the W + tract to thia effect, and they Compare my prices with otte r« and are If (here is any reason why for $1.80. A. E. Kellogg, Gold own products and In addition to estab you should pay more. + have assured us that they + middle and two larger ones on tbe HUI, Ore. lishing cheaper carload rates. It gives + w ill use their beet endeavors + wheeL The driver haa a whip with a ALL MY WORK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED, intermediate cities the privilege of la d y Httendant. lash long enough to reach tbe leaden. We have a few tons of First Crop Al + Those living out of town will not he kept wailing. to only book good companies * Ills assistant haa another shorter one. falfa left at $14, delivered. O. E. liter k- cleaning and treating wool in transit. W. H. 8TICKKL. + but his chief persuaders are rocks. The present rate of $1 on wool from + 22-Karat Gold Crowns • 55.00 ington, Gold Crest Fruit Co. Full S -l of Teeth, on Ruhte<r M anager + "The assistant earns 00 routs a day Pacific coast terminals to Boston and >•***•..................................... ..... Porcelain Crow ns • + + + + + + + + + + + + > + + + • 5 .0 0 and free Inaumnce against dyspepsia. other points on the Atlantic seaboard , / c, ®, McQanshan, “ The Incubator He alights at the foot o f every hill and Man s sd in this Irene, for the best Best 8et of Tooth, on Ruhte-r w ill be continued in effect, notwith Bridge Work (perianth) - 5.00 Plan....................................... ..... fills his sombrero with rocks on the uienhator on ite- market today for the standing that this rate Is materially (»old filling • • $ 1 .5 0 and up N 0T IC 1 FOR PUBLICATION way up. He then shies several bowl pntv. Aini uien* gru nono ln*(u*r ut niìv Paiiilem Exlraulioti - - 50< higher than the rate from Intermediate J Deportment oi the Interior ders big enough to dislocate a hip at price. Silver Fillings - • 1.00 and up other work in proportion. points inland. The commission speci U. 8. Land Office at Ruaebarg, Oregon the leaden, and when the whole team fically declares that this rate of $1 Is la In a gallop he sw ings him self on to April 12, 1912 REM EM BER, THE M ATERIAL AND W ORKM ANSHIP forced upon railroads by actual water Notice is hereby given that Richard M. the box In some miraculous way. 1 competition. ARE G U AR AN TEED TO BE THE VERY RKST Jennings, whose poetoffice addrere is think be stands on the hub. H e could Pointed Warning Sent To Mexico never do It If he wore shoes." Eugene, Oregon, did, on die 17th day of I f you want your Warning was issued by the United Nowmher, 1910, file in this office Sworn tfitates to the Mexican government, aa Statement and Application, No. 06781 tools put in good TRAINED TURTLES. well as General ltexcual Orozco, chief to purchase the E l ,E ^ , Section 18, shape be sure to see of the revolutionary forces, that the Township 35 South, Range 3 West, Wil Tricks The»» Clumsy Creatures May H<' “■ » • ' I n .jH ic fi)« , 9 a. m. to 1 p.m. United States "expects and must de Bo Taught to Perform. lamette Meridian, and the timber there mand that American life and property Of all living creatures, says n writer J O I-8 F arm u ra* a n d F r u itg r o w e r s ' B a n k B u ild in g on. under the provisions of the Act of In tbe Strand Magaxlne. the turtle Is ■within the Republic of Mexico must be Jane 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, B la c k s m it h Cor. W, Main end Grape Sts. M e d fo r d , O re. undoubtedly the slowest In Its move Justiy and adequately protected, and known as the “ Timber and Stone Law,” ment and probably possesses the least that this government must hold Mex B o t h PH ov««« z at such value as might be fixed by a,»- brain. Yet a well kuowu American ico and the Mexican people responsi prairement. and that, pursuant to such naturalist hns succeeded In training ble for all wanton or illegal acts sacri application, the land and timber thereon three of these creatures to do a num ficing or endangering American life have been appraised >782, the tlmlx-r es ber o f little tricks. He places them, or endangering American property or timated 1,080,000 board feet at HO rente one aboTe the other, on spools, and if interests. Miners, I can sharp per >1, ami the land $80; that said ap a piece o f cabbage or other green stuff Orozco recently refused to recognize la held out In front of them they will en, repair or make plicant will offer final proof in support of Mr. Letcher as the American Consular make a complete circuit, all moving In his application and sworn statement on tools, and guarantee representative because the United unison, keeping their Its lance and not (he 29th .lay of June, 1912, before W. W tumbling off. my work to stand Stales withheld recognition of the Tbe bigger turtle will also ring a rebel cause. The representations to Calkins, United States commiamoner, at the racket; try me Eugene, Oregon. bell. This It grasps In one of Its fore Orozco accuse him of "practical mur and be shown Any person is at liberty to pretest this feet. Jerks it off the ground and then der" of Thomas Fountain, an Amerl can gunner enlisted with the federate purchase before entry, or initiate a con gives It a shake. It Is quite umuslug to watch the slow, deliberate manner hut summarily put to death test week test at any time before patent femes, by In which this la done. The turtles filing a corroborated affidavit in this B L A C K S M IT H when taken prisoner by the Insurrec office, alleging facts which would defeat have alw ays lived In their owner's tos. house, spending their time In the kltib I he entry. Popular Election cf Senator Possible en bunting down the vermin. P R A C T IC A L BENJAMIN F. JONES, One of tbe turtles draw s a little cart Senator Borah is confident that the Register. S H O E M A K IN G aboat tbe garden, a task which be ap present session of congress will not parently does not resent In tbe least. adjourn until an agreement has been NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Boots and Shoes Made to O tte r Of course be Is never kept harnessed reached upon the Joint resolution pro Department of the Interior, for any length of time. He la quite viding for the election of senators by r e p a ir in g U. S. Land Office at Roeeburg, Oregon. tame, follows tbe children about tbe direct vote of the people. The dead Dons in Tint-class Shape garden and w ill even eat from tbelr March 27, 1912 lock has continued for some months, Notice is hereby given that Charles F fingers. Is one of the most useful among the electric family, and but It now looks as If the house would h a r n e ss r e p a ir e d Young, whose post office address is ironing day has no more terrors since the advent of thi* recede from its position that the con SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Hay for aale—A lfalfa, baled; grata, Medford, Oregon, did, on the 20th day of useful member. trol of the election of senators shall baled and loose; $1$ per tea; smaller Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a he taken from the federal government. October, 1911, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application No. 07605, to than ton lets at rate of $1T per lea. Bill For Rail Line In Alaska 5 rT ioreJ ’ractK'al or convenient article would 1« hard to Nest to Berber Shop find. uaranteed two years and the price ¡. o n ^ Governmental c o n s t r u c t i o n ___ purchase the Northeast Quarter, Sec Darling A Hodgsa. equipment of a thousand miles of rail tion 28, Township 35 South, Range West, 'Willamette Meridian, and the road In Alaska and the establishment of a naval coal supply base off its timber thereon, under the provisions shores are advocated In a bill intro of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts duced In the sen a te The bill calls amendatory, known as the “ Timber and for an Alaskan railroad commission to Stone Law,” at snch value as might be aid ths president In building the line fixed, by appraisement, and that, pur It also provides for th s acquisition of suant to such application the land and existing railroads In Alaska and rights tiinl»er thereon have been appraised, of way by lease and condemnation. $615.00, the timber estimated 700,000 The Interstate commerce commission board feet at 75 cents per M, and the Is empowered to control the railroad’s tend $90.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his Application opera done and sworn statement on the 21st day of Railroads Fear Panama Laws Washington is Just beginning to re June, 1912, before W. H. Canon, alize that the railroad and steamship United States Commissioner, at Medford, legislation pending in congress pre Oregon. P. B O U C H E T , P r o p . Any person is at liberty to protest this sents an issue almost as Important as purchase before entry, or initiate a con the tariff. The most radical proposals test at any time before patent issues, by made since the enactment of the Hep filing a corroborated affidavit in this burn bill are contained In the Adam office, alleging facts which would defeat son bill, forbidding railroads to own the entry. any Interests In steamship lines with BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register which they may compete for traffic, B est W ork D on e T h at C an B e D on e and In the Humphrey bill, excluding Notice of Final Settlement of Account A s h la n d , O reg o n from American ports any foreign ships In the County Court of the County of which may be a part of a foreign Jackson, and State-’of;Oregon. H. G. Butterfield C. W. Watson steamship pool. In tbe matter of the estate of W. H. Electrical Fng’r If no other sign existed of the im Caine, deceased. portance of these proposals, one demo Notice is hereby given the undersigned, cratic and one Inspired by the admin the Administrator of the estate of W. H. istration, It would be indicated by the Caine, deceased, lias rendered and pre recent visits of eminent railroad men sented for settlement, and fifed in said to the White House. court, his final account of his administra National Capital Brevltlsa tion of said estate ;Xand that Friday, the The president has signed the bill to -’Cth day of April, 1912, at 10 o ’clock a. tax white phosphorous matches. It is m., at the court room of said court, at Proprietor» asserted the law will In effect pro the ( ourt House at Jacksonville, in said hibit their manufacture county and state, has been duly appoint e s p e c ia lly a d a p te d to f is h in g in t h e Rigs for all occasions The interstate commerce commis ed by the judge of said court, fortheflnal R o g u e. A n e w a n d c o m p le te lin e o f sion holds that there Is no substantial settlement of said account, at which time Good horses and drivers that know the roads reason why mohair should be required and place any person interested in said flie s , tie d b y th e b e s t e x p e r ts . We make no'fipecialty of any class of trade to pay a higher rate than wool. i estate may appear and file exceptions in A new order issued by President writing to the said account and contest G IV E U S A T R I A L Taft permits federal service employes same. A. E. KELLOGG, to present petitions to congress or Administrator of said Estate. S o ft D r in k s Ice C ream any of the com m ittees through the Dated atGold Hill, Or., March 20, 1912 heads of their departments. C a n d ie s C ig a r s T estifying before the senate finance tom m lttes, Huntington Wilson, acting secretary of state, said that the free sugar Mil would mean the abrogation o f the agreem ent between the United States and Cuba. obtain«! OB WO FBI Trade- *"*1 Label» reffi«t«red. Under the present law, homestead- F*ACTICI. Hithert refcrea««. , Bend model, «ketch nr photo, for free report »rs oi reclamation lands cannot ac * " •»»■"»«« •> n M ~ 5 » l. I BAWD-BOOK FBEB Explnin«ererythln<. Toll« , quire i 11 title until at the end o f ten wm “nd **" W Unt*‘ What I o tob M o W Will Par. How to O«t a Partner, espial ng | years. Under a bill Just Introduced moTem Rod contain« »00 ot__ C. C. A p p l e g a t e , S a l e s M a n a g e r by Senator Smoot, they cotild obtain ■uhjeete of importance to inventor«. Adtlretf Utle In five years, the government re- tablin': a Hen cn the land until ail pay- 365 Willson 8ldg. WftgHINSiON, 0. merits are inada. Dentai Work Consult Me Before Going Elsewhere M IN E R S D r. B a r b e r T h e D e n t is t CHARLES KELL E le c tr ic I r o n C. F. C A R T E R J. E. M A R T I N G G A re You Going to Y our L and? Before perfecting your plans consult US. W e are prepared to investigate your project, to de sign and construct your dams, ditches and pumping stations and to furnish the necessary Pumps, Engines, Moters e tc . Butterfield & Watson , $^#50 R o g u e R i v e r E le c tr ic C o . P a n to r iu m C lothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired in Good Order C ry sta l B a r b e r S h o p Gold Hill Livery Darling & Modges F is h in g ' T a c k l e All Get bhe Best TENTS H. B. WILLSON & CO. _ ’ E. C. STEIGER LUMBER CO. J lumber J Gold Hill, Oregon B O N - T O N Do not let your subscription run out, keep it paid up.