À *• I Bbe «otó H ill 3frUw «4 fv « ry Saturday at Gold rid), facksaa County, Oregon ™ e o id -^ ashioned vs . the modern mother poo many centuriee have gone by in which women believed their work consisted in marrying “and no questions asked” RfX M. LAMPMAN regarding the moral nature and physical fitness of the men they Mater**»! at the Geld H ili for tranatni»« married to become husbands and fathers, and in bearing chil­ •ion through the United StaNB naaiU dren and leaving the education of these children entirely to as eeroad c U m matter schools. Not one mother in one thousand ever considered it S aturday , A pril 27, 1912 her duty to talk to her boys and girls regarding the emotions Subscription $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum, in Advance phases of life, or to prepare them for an understanding of the world before they were thrown into the maelstrom, writes Ella Wheeler Wilcox in the American Weekly. Ignorance was misnamed innocence, and sorrow, sin, inval idism and life-long tragedies have resulted from these mistaken recommended for that tired feeling methods of the old-fashioned mother. Great Identification Contest The old-fashioned mother prided herself upon her skill in making with her own hands the most appetizing and indigestible condiments and creating a family of dyspeptics with her loving labor. The moment one of the children was ailing she pro­ ceeded to stuff it with more food, and she believed a good hearty appetite a sign of health. The modern mother studies the chemical value of food, and knows that no one ever took cold save from an over-loaded or wrongly-loaded stomach. And she proceeds to teach her child­ ren to fast when they are ill, and to avoid overeating always. The old-fashioned mother gloried in a “big family.” If one was halt, another blind, another deaf, another afflicted with spinal trouble, she called it the “will of God.” The modern mother knows that just as the field, however fertile, must have its seasons of rest in order to produce good (Paid Advertisement) Believing that mental diversion is le t­ grain, and the orchard trees cannot bear good fruit every con­ ter than nioHt medicine for what ails a secutive year, so no woman can bear a child every year or every majority of his patients, the Rexall spec- ialist has decided to offer a year’s free alternate year during her whole maternal period of life and give treatment of his famous remedies to the the world desirable citizens. Therefore quality, not quantity, is first person who shall call up or at his now the mother’s pride in presenting children to the world. laboratory—situate«! in The News block, The old-fashioned mother believed all diseases the “will of Main street, Gold Hill—with the correct -b y j = ~ - - ■ " « Prices at the Big Store C o m p a r e o u r p r ic e « w it h o t h e r « to re « . I f y o u f in d t h e y a r e c o r r e c t , (fiv e u a p a r t o f y o u r b u a ln e a * . te ll u s so. Rexall Remedies LrOu. « 14 pounds Best Sugar - Fisher’s Blend Flour 16 “ Pink Beans - Pure White " 16 “ Jap Rice • - Peerless “ 4 “ Coffee - Carnation “ 3 “ Baking Powder Golden Rrxl “ 3 “ R. C. Coffee - Liberty Bell “ 10 cans Tomatoes 6 “ 13 “ - - - 60-pound Dairy Salt Eagle Milk - - 50-pound Stock Salt Yellow Band Milk Kerosene Oil, gallon Ranch Bacon, Packer’s Bacon, Ranch Lard, Packer's Lard. Highest market price paid for produce. C a ll a n d S e e U s Lance and Company identification of the above handsome The modern mother knows it to be the result of breaking half-tone of a prominent citixen of Gold Hill, who accounts for the fact that the God’s laws. And she busies herself in studying ways and means picture does not look exactly like him to educate men and women to understand the laws of health when he is himself by the prior fact that and to live accordingly. Ire sat for it before the Rexall remedies It will require several generations before the best results were put on the market, and while he WM jet taking another brand of patent will be observable from the efforts of these “New Women”— pain-killt . He has been using my rem­ and they will be great, glorious and wonderful results. edies now for some time, and says that he never felt better, even before the votes were counted at the last election. As a further inducement, calculated to arouse even greater interest in Rexall’a great identification contest, Manager Kellogg, of the Wego theatre, has gen­ erously agreed to augment the emolu­ State Offioers Nam ed. either branch have been defeated ments with a free season ticket, and to Ben Olcott has keen nominated for There are IS holdover senators. Two make things even more interesting and secretary of state on the Republican nominees for senatorial positions have the rivalry more intense, Deacon Walker, ticket, although Fields has a few coun­ served la previous sessions chief usher at the Bon Ton confectionery ties to his credit. Multnomah county, Oemecratle Returns Incomplete cathedral, will give the nimble-witted where Fields la heat known, was car­ Democratie returns have not been winner a buslx-1 and a half of fresh ried by his opponent eempletod. In some districts the dem minted popcorn, delivered in quantities Robert Raktn, having no oppoal tloa to suit the person whose superior deduc­ for the nomination for Justice of the aerate made no nominations. In other and oils is complete. Ready districts they Indorsed the republican tive powers enable him or her to first es- Supreme Court, has woa, of course. Linseed oil, colors in oil and namln tablish the identity of the well-known For dairy and food commissioner, Brushes. Remember the W. Lair Thompson, the floor leader Gold Hill business man whose near-like- John D. Mickle to In the lead In most of the tost housa. was nominated to no» is »bore portrayed. 5UÍ eountle. outside ^ Multnomah, and in 1 . uec. ^ hl»se)f as aen.tor of the all Yl • • • Multnomah W. L Cottel the ad- Ueath dlotrtot without opposition. The A Vary I n n Story vantage. The returaa from outside district to com peto d of Crook, Klam- A Gold Hill rnu WU called to Im eountlee lndloate that Mickle will have ' ath. sad Lake counties. Mr. Thomp- peaoh the testimony of a witness and the nomination wfcea the official vote . eon to a well kaowa lawyer of Lako- waa asked If he was acquainted with to canvassed. A. H. Lea seems to be ' vlow. the reputation of the witness for truth running third. W. M. Ragsdale, of Sherman county, Clyde B. Altchtooo sad Thomas baa hoea aomlaatod from the elgh- and veracity. Jim said he guessed maybe he was. Campbell have been renominated for toeatk senatorial dtotriet, which eom R. R. Butler, of the Dalle«, ha« de­ railroad eommlesioaors la their re- 1 prises Otlllam, Sherman and Wheeler “la It good or bad?” feated D. J. Cooper, of the same city. “Well,” said Jim, “I don't want to apectlve districts. They have held the eountlee. Mr. Ragsdale to prominent Butler was formerly circuit Judge of office since It was Instituted. do the man no Injustice, but I will say in hie home county, and had no oppoal the eleventh Judicial district, consist that If his neighbors were to see him Convention Delegatee Uncertain tlon In tha primaries. Ing of Wheeler, Gilliam and Sherman looking as if he was dead they would In the twenty-first dtotriet Edward counties. He lived at Condon at that Under the Oregon system, the 10 want some corroboratin' evidence be­ delegates sent to the republican na­ B. Kiddle, a prominent business man time. fore they would be willing to bury tional convention at Chicago are In­ of Island City, was nominated over Twe Senators Renominated him.’’—Central Point Herald. structed to vote for Roosevelt, al­ E. H. Flagg. The district is composed Members of the senate who have P act But Jim has decided that he though the delegates receiving the of Union and Wallowa counties. been renominated are W. D. Wood , of W. H. Hollis, of Washington county, Is wasting his talents In this truthful highest vote are personal friends of Washington, and Dan Kellaher, of an active member of the last house, community, and, believing that com­ La Follette and Roosevelt. Thomas Multnomah petition Is the life of trade, he will McCusker, La Follette’s campaign has been nominated to represent the Members of the last house who have move to Central Point ant start manager in Oregon, leads the ticket twenty-fourth dtotriet in the senate. been renominated are Oeorge W. John ---- „ — among the -------------- candidates for delegate Hl» opponent waa H. T. Botta, of Till son of Marion; Allen H. Eaton and I another paper. The delegates are In doubt, other an,ook. Lincoln, Tillamook, Washing­ V. Cushman, of Lane; 8. P. Pierce of ton and Yamhill counties comprise the Coos and Curry; J. A. Westerland of Extract From Roosevelt s Speech than Thomas McCusker. Henry Wal- I district do Coe appears to have been another Jackson; P. O. Bonebrake, of Benton, (Omitted on last pf oc) delegate selected . Not until the com- Few Anti-Statement No. 1 Nominees. Roy Graves, of Yamhill; John A. Chap­ The decisions of which we com; lain Plete return, are In will It be possible The only nominee for the senate are, as a rule, based upon the con­ to announce the name, of the 10 elec- who did not sign Statement No. 1 I. man, of Washington; J. D. Abbott Multnomah; L. O. Belland, of Clatsop stitutional provision that no person ted by the republican voters. The j. C. Smith, of Josephine. and L. L. Mann, of Umatilla. F. shall be deprived of life, liberty or Among the candidates for the lower Olli, who represented Hood River and property without due process of law. same condition ex ist, in the democrat- The terms "life, liberty and property,” lc ballot, and aside from Alex Sweek, house who did not sign Statement No. Wasco counties at the last session, have been used in the constitutions who is conceded to be elected, and pos­ 1 are 1. B. Cushman, of Lane; Roy but who has since removed to Esta­ of the English speaking people since sibly John H. Stevenson, the result is Graves, of Yamhill; S. A. D. Meek, of cada, has been nominated for state Magna Charts. Until within the last In doubt. Washington; L. O. Belland, of Clatsop. representative by the republicans of sixty years they were treated as hav­ The result as to the nomination of Supporters of the Oregon system de­ Clackamas county. ing specific meanings—“property” 8. A. Hughes, of Marion; 8. A. D. means tangible property; "Liberty” five candidates for presidential elector clare that the result Is an overwhelm­ meant freedom from personal re­ on the republican ticket also will not ing Indorsement of the system, as Meek, of Washington, and C. N. Me straint, or in other words, from Im­ be finally deeded until the vote of the most of those candidates who refused Arthur, of Multnomah, members of prisonment In its largest definition. state hag been counted. Judging from to sign Statement No. 1 were defeated the house at the session of 1909, but About 1870 our courts began to attach the returns In this county, however, In Douglas county George Neuner, a not members of last session, however, to these terms new meaning. Now it is evident the voters very generally member of the last house, defeated J have been nominated. J. T. Bridges “property” has come to mean every complied with the suggestion of the A. Buchanan, also a member of the of Douglas county, a member of the right of value which a person could representatives of the three candi­ last house, for the senatorial nomina house of 1895, has been nominated for enjoy, and "liberty" has been made dates for president and wrote on their another term. tlon in the fifth district. to Include the Hght to make contracts. ballot the name of one of the five fol­ Incomplete returns from Columbia Ira 8. Smith, of Marshfield, nomi­ Ad a result, when the state limits the hours for which women may labor, It lowing republicans: L. M. Lepper, M. nated for Joint senator from Coos and county Indicate n close contest Id told by the courts that this law de­ J MacMahon and Grant Thomas, of Curry, was a member of the house tween M. E. Miller, member of the last session, and A. E. Clark and W. prives them of their "liberty,” and Multnomah county; William Hanley from Polk county in 1898. when It restricts the manufacture of of Burns, and E. V. Carter, of Jackson. In the twenty-second senatorial dis­ Hall. tobacco in a tenement It is told that trict, consisting of Orant, Harney and Several Members Renominated. the tow deprives the landlord of his Clean Up Notice Malheur counties, Incomplete returns A review of the result of the recent property. Now, I do not believe that Indicate that Loring V. Stewart, a Bv order of the city council at. a meet­ primary election on the republican •ay people, and especially our free ing held on the 10th day of April, 11112. American people, will long consent candidates for the legislature showe prominent stockman of Layvllle, Orant all rcHidento are hereby notified that all that tha term "liberty” shall be de­ that several members of the last county, has defeated William Miller, rubbish, tin cans, etc., must lx? removed fined for them by a bench of judges, house and senate have been named to * well known attorney of Burna, for from their premise« and the ground thor­ oughly gone over with a garden rake on ■vary people haa defined that term succeed themselves, some bouse mem­ the nomination. In the sixteenth district, consisting or before the first Monday in May, 1912. for itself in the oourse of its develop bers have been elevated to the upper JOHN B. HAMMERST-RY, branch of the assemblv asd some in of Wasco and Hood River counties, Recorder. DETAILED RESUL TS RECENT OREGON PRIMAR Y ELECTION I f w r o n g , c o m e in a n d « Garden Tools and Paints This is the time of year for gardening and paint­ ing and I have an up-to-date stock of garden tools of every description and they will do the work per­ fectly if they have some one to work them; quality first class and prices rig h t Buy your garden took of D. H. Miller and feel happy. My stock of paints mixed for use and White Pioneer Lead, Raw and Boiled dry, Paint Brushes, Calaomining Brushes and Whitewash place to purchase goods and at reasonable prices is at D. H. MILLER G old H ill, O reg o n te rn LKT US W A R N YOU against going out of Gold Hill to bny drugs or medicinal, or having prescrip­ tions filled, utd)*s« you know exactly to whom you are going. Mistakes are not as rare as they might be in the average drug store, but you are always snre of getting exact service here, with quick at­ tention at any time and lx-fittingly low prices. We carry a full line of Perfum­ ery, Fancy Soaps, Talcums, etc., and «pride ourselves upon our prescription service. JA R V IS , D ru g g ist G o l d H ill, O r e g o n S T E IN H O F F T h e A r c h ite c t a n d B u ild e r Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the needs of this growing city, and will design and execute anything in the Building line. Brick, Stone and Cement Plain or artistic Cement and Iron Grill Fences A S p e c ia lty