Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, April 27, 1912, Image 2

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    to* »
1 he Taxpayers' National Bank of Jackson County
ariei hews or u.e Week
Desultory fighting in Mevico during
the past week was mostly in favor of
the rebels.
By a vote of S60 to 2«« the Irish
home rule bill has passed Its first
reading in the British house of com­
fo u r large Italian warships attack­
ed the Turkish fort at the entrance to
the Dardanelles and after three and a
half hours' fighting, were repulsed.
Federal Judge Bean has Just decided
that land patented and sold by the In­
dians to white settlers in an Indian
reservation is by that act removed
from reservation regulations aud be­
comes the same as any other land.
The house of representatives at San
ta Fe. N. M„ has passed the Tripp
prixe-fight bill by a vote of 28 to 17
The measure permits 45 round con
tes;s, which legalises the proposed
Jedi ".son-Flynn fight at Las Vegas on
July 4,
Unexpectedly adverse crop esti
mates for Missouri and a revision up­
ward of the total abandoned acreage
of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, helped
raise the price of wheat to a new high
point for the year, May wheat closing
on the Chicago exchange at $1.15
M. J. SCOTT, a fanner residing in Antioch voting nrecinect u-i
, - ,rc; ■ , 11,
• rv * i » • ,
Hural Route No. 2, has evolved a plan of hanking and houdi
ich ‘if ± i d I- , ’* a io
county of every state in the union, he and his /¡¡ends helievT wool I , ■ ; '
n op, ration in every
1 ? !'
, .
— -
u iv u v t ( h i m , lu v u i v i v
nisi n l i i n k i» n m n A frn » l
............ 14.1___
11 x »» T .
\ <»
U . h c o tt haH s u b u u t t c d
i 1
la'v-v ers’
aud they all
tell him that
it is not 0 onlv
uertectlv o, - IhV n ’
but that it will bear every test which may be made to d< terinine s ,
‘ -, h ' ■ \ he national hanking
In ease there should
M a n y question raised as to the constitutionality or locality of his , l a l , A • ■'
(he people, not
only of Jackson county and the state of Oregon, but of the eiitire eouiitry ’ w I si Jo, ih L . 11
votes, expressed wherever possible through the initiative. As to th e praetie'hi i > ^ / l is
the m atter by their
an neither he nor
on> one to whom he has submitted the scheme has any doubt. An effort will
1(1, i o - t
people of Oregon as an initiative measure at the coming general election.
M the plan before the
The Birth of a Wonderful Idea
frankly admits that his plan did not spring from his brain full fie 1
inillHnf , i a 'e’i bVi i
l t Sad 11S incePtion in> «»<> gradual growth since the at , ;,‘f t( ill, like Minerva from the
million and a half for good roads last September, the issue carrying hv an ov. o h I •. • nd ¡ Jackson
„ - i h . h county
i ’ for a
dared invalid by the state supreme court because it wns not
later being de
hut three of the thirty-three votes cast in V
• ?
“ V 1 general instead of a special election. All
vote being east v* i’,’h th e
ve .u a l r i t . N ^ h e ie '■ ie'his , 'a ‘ T''*
' h”. .... ..
" l#- iniueipal and interest, for the use of ♦1,500,000 for twenty veare
peared to mean to them, and actually did mean
' *
eii' is ' w'e
for J a < 2 o V jX r t
‘ " ^ t t i n g tnoney fo r good roads
°07 X
, , Mow thc Pe°P,e Can Bond Themselves Without Paying Interest
f y e a i a t° o T «
Political News Bits
? “ i‘« ‘ *« „
How the Principle Will Work in Practice
"T aking »3,300,000 for ,
raents, it would cost the people in interest a lo n e on ft n >r f..n f / ‘i otbeiJ co‘inty iur g^od roads or other improve-
system that was p ro p o se/to the people of Jackson county las/sJp tein b er
S' Stqa‘ ° f i’01141“ ’* and the
v-uv a year m interest that would be paid under the old nlan nliw whTf»™.
vy uie people oi ipiy»,-
used for road or other public purposes The tables would he tnr.m 1 *
4L lu ere81 waa received from money not
the people instead of tie ir b e in g X T s to U , s t “ ““ m w
'u "
fT” “
M°” ey beCOnK lhe
bond issue as was proposed i,, Jaekson
lai, f tl/ ; ." ;;
if such a
How the Bonds May Be Retired at Any Time
ref ire t ^ ^ ei» te ^ w w u lm ro fo (soimhe7oll^owbHÍ1n H ^ (t t . (,Vsí^£it8^ 't en,’ the
“ X «■»« they see fit to
the ,x-ople may at any tune t a i themselvea to the extern .O liS o o i,!
,0 h" e been $3,300,000.
been necessary to pay the interest a n d m a in ta in th n
:n „ k , . i
1 le sa,uc amount that would have
last fall and in twentv vnir« tho *
n Sk k ‘^
°D & b° Ud 1S8Ue
$l«’'>00,000, SU«h « 8 WUS p r o -
able to Taft.
In a letter given out last week. Pres­
ident T aft declares that he does not
Intend to remove any federal office­
holder because of his political views
President T aft has decided to aban
don his attitude ot
of alienee
silence under th
the e,
aevere criticism which Colonel Rooa^
th e
▼eit has made of him in
so m e of
a t bla
n«Tt ntiK.
speeches, and In
in some
his next
pub­ I
lic addresses will reply to the colonel,
probably mentioning him by name
James Hamilton Lewis, who cut
w u u m i and
quite a figure in the political
cial life of the state
• few
tew years ago, is democratic candi-J
date for United States senator from
’ at
succeed shelby M . cuiiom.
L. Y. Sherman i . h i. repubUcan o p -
ponlnt8herman “ h" repubUcan op- | e o u n t y l a s t
e h -.r t.T
’ th® P?°Ple can then return
tlicir cancelled bonds and go out of
. ‘ ¡v ' ii
» ’ f < i i\ e
The People’s Votes Wili Make the Taxpayers’ Bank Possible
I greatest econonuc^rincipie°since H enrvQ ew rtr/!1!.,
1 wi" ’!n. ‘-lis J'1’1," ‘,r '
submitted to be the author of the
of Washington jlveg jn comT)arqt j rPfiL ,n
- i •
1” (,mid£ b h i s single t. \, makes no claim to legal learning He
„ s,. ^oniParative retirem ent m his 136o-acre ranch on Rogue river. I t m ile s n o r th o f \ i (.df,.i-?i u i,
I'CHCtieallv i- no books
On political v,vu,,viuj
economy vi
o r e c o n o m i c G U e s t io n s
T ie h o « a im » If-
1 1
I •
1 1 » *,a 8 r e a d
t > — 1
c u v i i v u i i u questions,
payers’ National Bank from ideas m v e n h im h ? hn9! , , Vi i i
J ’i3, ?Iorked out hl« P’an of the Tax-
1 county last fall.3
^ e ardent
n t ^ o o i?ood
r r o a rood
d ^ v ndv/L
o c a t ,♦,/
T eTinJ ?„T
“ ° i ^ l ’.502’000 for
fall. He
He ^ is ^ an
’d T T v t L
for g°od
good roads
roads in
in Jackson
= Roosevelt
was a three
to one winner
in the Nebraska primaries. He cap­
tured the entire state delegation of 16
La Foiiette ran second to Rooeeveit
In the republican column and T aft
that the same will be speedily removed hv n n n n l \
F )nst)tldlonal !)arrJcrs against it, Mr. Scott believes
either directly
lep d atu res, or by congre», of laws m iking thc eatabliahm
t h c ^ a the
i p initiative
a y e ^ ^ t i or o throiioh
^ B ^k
e n a c tm e n t h v s t-,t > ln r i
In nearly the same rate as Roosevelt
Name Your Ranch
New« About Two Orest Man.
Even Franklin himself would be sur­
prised at the following information
gathered from a freshman’s essay:
“Franklin’s education waa got by
himself. H e workeo himself np to be
fl great literal man. He was also able
to invent electricity. Franklin’s father
was a tallow chandelier.”
This followed:
‘‘Sir W alter Raleigh was pnt out once
when his servant found him with Are
In bis head. And one day after there
liad l»een a lot of rain, he threw his
(lonk In a puddle and the queen step­
ped dryly over.”—Everybody’s.
8he Knew.
Mistress—Nora, I saw a policeman In
the park today kiss a baby. I hope you
w ill remember my objections to such
things. Nora—Sure, ma’am, no police
man would ever think of klssln’ yer
baby when I ’m around.—Louisville
Two Tornado« H it Illinois and Indiana,
and Proparty Lota Immense
Chicago. Thirty-two persons were
killed, hull a wear« worn Injurml ao
severely that they may die mid 150
other« were hurt In two tornadoea
which swept over Houthern Illinois In
one Instance mid across Northern 1111-
uoia mid Indlnnn In tha other. Fifteen
were killed nt llush, III,; five at W illis­
ville, three nt Ituddlck, 111., and uluo
nt Morocco, Ind.
Many thousands of dolinra' damage
was canned to farm and nmnll town
property and electric lie"«. Waupon-
see, a vlllaao noiir Coal City, w in re-
ported.demolished. Houses, sheds and
farm butldlnga near Coal City war«
Wltidmllls waro blown
down and many baud of catlla wore re­
ported klilad, Conslderahle damage
at various other places wan reported.
Couple Parted by Suffrage Make Up,
San Francisco.—-Dr Lee Pe Forreat,
ttic wlreleee luventor and promoter,
residing In thia city, and bla eel ranged
wife, Nora lilatcb He Forreat, the New
York suffragist, both of whom have In­
dulged in acerbic recrimination In a
spectacular longdistance divorce suit,
are Io lie reconciled.
The Inventor blamed hla mother-in-
law. Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blateh, the
famous New York auh.-sge leader, for
alienating bla wife*« affections.
Yorfc.— lea vin g New York
stunned and aghast at disclosures In
a bare surface Investigattoa of the
tragedy of the Tltanle, the senate in
qulry committee shifted operations to
Washington and Monday the power­
ful hand of the government resumed
thrusting aslda tha veil yat shroud­
ing with mystery the real cause of
the disaster.
F ifty witnesses, all snatched from
death by the rescue ship Car pa thia,
were summoned to appear before the
entire senate committee selected to
Investigate the catastropha
From J. Bruce Ismay, managing di­
rector of the W hite Star line, to the
lowliest atoker of tha 111 fated Titan­
ic, tha government will seek to learn
the truth of the marine mystery.
The burden of testimony presented
emphaalxea the unquestioning faith
of the Titanic officers In her unsink­
able character, the recklessness of
steaming full speed through a sen
where dangerous Icebergs were known
to threaten, and the rntnnrknble calm­
ness of passengers and crew.
Floods in South Claim 200 Lives
$3,300,000 in bank notes to the government surrender their
campaign the banking business—if thev so w ish
.«fit».. totereot fo,
retain their national bank charter For thVuse o fth ia in o n e v t l ’ i r V ’ L*
or as l°nK a» they wished ta
privileges that are' extended to other national'banks The S o c le th r o u g h ? ! ‘ ¿ 7 ° ‘i°P“y ^ thiug< havin# the •*»“
selves, with the assessed valuation of Jackson emmtv
’ S ?
• V u " k’ W0U,d ° Wn the 1,011(18 thera-
resources, agricultural, mineral, timber and water power together with Vtf 'i, \IU I1008’. and. a11 the Sreat natural
every good man and every good woman in J a c k s o n e n n n tv «m v ... i r . l. h , In(lus| r)» intelligence and integrity of
the equal of the best money ever minted or printed.
’ ’
* ° rcver’ back of their lx,nds, making them easily
Ten of the 14 Connecticut delegatee j
to the republican national convention
W ere Instructed for T a ft
Colonel Roosevelt’s New York cam
pagn cost $59,162, according to the re­
port of the Roosevelt league.
The republican state convention of
Delaware this week elected six dele-
' " , V 11'
teu n d th o t what he proposed, If pnt in
Pecple in the News
J. P. Morgan, one of America’s fore­
most bankers, reached his 75th birth
day recently.
Miss Julia Lathrop of Chicago has
been appointed by President T a ft as
chief of the new children's bureau, at
a salary of $5000 a year.
Archbishop Ireland has accepted an
Invitation to deliver the annual ora­
tion at the memorial exercises In Gal
•na. 111., the old home of General
Claiming that his previous attitude
was due to misinformation brought to
him by subordinates. General Paacual
Orozco has decided to recognise Uni­
ted States Consul Letcher at Chihua­
Violet Carver, the Tacoma girl who
shot Edge, a real estate man. to death
In Los Angeles a few weeks ago, has
been released, the court ruling that
the girl was not responsible at the
time of the shooting.
The Jury in the case of E. O. Lewis,
the St. Louis publisher charged with
using the malls to defraud, were un
able to agree after being out for 70
hours, and were discharged. The trial
had occupied nearly two months.
ll '
1 0 luoP<»s<>d bond issue ap-
Crest, Shady Lawn, Old Homestead,
Every mine has a name, and every Bend, Meadow Lake, Locust Lawn,
ranch should have one. Many ranches Maple Leaf, 8unny Brook, Cozy Cor­
in the Gold H ill district are already ner, Ashwood, Breezy Meadow, Lln-
possessed of fittin g titles, by which Rivervlew, Grandview, Clover Leaf,
they are fa m ilia rly known for miles Outlook, Glenwood, Woodside, Ridge­
around. A ranch In which the owner wood, Highwood, Peaceful Valley,
takes any degree o f pride is certainly Forest H ill, Ideal, Greenwood, H igh­
entitled to a name, and more ranches wood. Fernnook, Sandy Creek, Mo­
in this neighborhood are entitled to del, Wood H ill, Rock V alley, Meadow
be so distinguished. H ere Is a list Brook, Cozy Cottage, 8hady
W ildwood, Meadow L a rk . Lone Tree,
of names suitable fo r ranches:
Orchard Weeping W illow , 8outhslde, Diamond
Crest, Oak Grove, F airview , Lake­ wood, Cottagewood, F ir B lu ff, Cedar
side, Highland, Woodend,
Rogue- Law n, F a irfie ld , Elmwood
view, Wopdlawn, V alley, O akdale,' i Farm .
Many other pleasant and poetic
Shady Nook, Hillside, H illto p , O a k -’
h ili, Fairdale, Pinehurst, Pleasant names w ill readily suggest them­
Valley, Grand Meadow, L ittle P ra irie, i selves, It should be a m atter of pride
Pleasant View , Ridgelawn, Sunny i to every ranch-owner to give
Slope, Northwood, Westwood, East I place a fittin g and distinctive title.
named his ranch should make haste
The governor said the bill would
to place an order w ith The Gold H ill provide for general revision of laws
News for neat printed stationery, governing state Institutions and would
te ling the location of the ranch and cut the institutions loose from much
what Is produced thereon. Don’t a ll of the red tape that now hinders the
name your ranches a t once, or The 1 state board from bringing them up to
News w ill be compelled to enlarge Its the highest state of efficiency.
p la n t
The bill Governor West la prepar­
Jackson, M lsa— Reports have reach­
ed here that 200 persons have been
drowned In Bollver erfunty, Mies., by
the flood that swept through that sec­
tion when the river dykes broke near
Beulah, Miss.
Fifteen persons nre known to have
been drowned near Benoi, In the flood
that came from the levee break be­
tween Benoi and Beulah. The loss of
life in the delta. It is believed, will be
T H E M A R K ET8.
Wheat—Track prices: Club $1.02;
bluestem, $1.07; red Russian, $1.00.
Oats— No. 1 white, $40 per ton.
Hay—Timothy, valley, $14; alfalfa,
Butter— Creamery, 28c.
Eggs— Ranch, 21c.
Hops— 1911 crop, 38c;
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 16c; W il­
lamette Valley, 19c.
Wheat— Bluestem,
<1.01; red Russian, $1.01,
Oats— $39 per ton.
Butter— Creamery, 30c,
Eggs— 21c^_________
Claaa Distinction.
“Did ye see as Jim got ten years'
pennl for stealing that ’oss?”
_ “Servo ’lm right too. Why didn’t
’’e buy the ’oss and not pay for 'lm like
any other gentleman.”-London 8ketch.
ing, If enacted into law, will provide
for co-operation between the various
institutions that is Impossible under
the present laws. It will permit the
8tate Executive Is Planning Change exchange of commodities among In­
The Best Way.
Choose Always tho way that seems
in Prison Control.
stitutions and thua give opportunity
the best, however rough it may be.
Salem.—Governor West has an­ for great savings to the state.
Custom w ill soon render It easy and
nounced that he Is heartily in favor of
Not All.
placing the control of the state peni­
“Thomas," said the mother severely,
tentiary In the hands of the state
Tha Mental Railroad.
“some one has taken a ldg piece of
board, where the control of all other gingerbread out o f the pantry.”
Patient—I cannot concentrate, doc­
state institutions now reposes and that
tor. My train of thought keeps Jump­
'rtimmy blushed guiltily.
he is engaged in preparing a bill to be
“Oh, Thomas,” nho exclaimed, “1 ing the track. Doctor—Ah, a nervous
Prairie, Spring Brook, City
View , This done— and here comes the m ilk introduced In the next legislature didn't think It wns In you.”
" I t ain’t all," replied Tommy. ‘T a r t
| W illow Grove, Orchard Grove, H i l l ! In the cocoanut— the man who has which will bring this change into ef­
The absentare like children—helplese
fe c t
Of I t ’s In Elsie.”—National Monthly.
to defend themselves.-Rende.