Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, April 20, 1912, Image 8

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    Rougti Rider first. Little
W M e Star Chief m i
Truth Wins Voter» by
Bob Next, Taft Third
Grill Before Congress
Thousands in Oregon
(Continued from first page)
betweea tha «romea of Iba staaraga
Woodrow W lh e e did aot have a
aad tha weasee a f tha sabia. At tra t w alkaw ay ta obtaining tho Oregon
thay rofaeed t a aatar tha hoata
profaroaco far dim email« nomination
Fassaagaes Battoead gMg Unelnhable tor ( resides «: W hile Multnomah coun­
Whaa tha firat Itfeboat waa betag ty wett* strong far Governor Wilson
00faC tha asóla yaassag em , «ras la several a t tha other eoaatloe gava
tha beMef that tha Titania waa uaalak Champ Ctas* heavy pluralities. Tho
able. laaghad about tha “aklff rlda.' result la lhat oa tho face of tho Incom­
plete returns Oovornor Wllsou la
toa wassaa ware about to tah a
t by tons (baa 1000
M wao aot aatU hatt a
seat adrift that tha
a total eeeal a t 11,410. Thia
roprooonts two-thlrde
a f tha situation began to dawn
tha majority of tha
of the dew sere He votaa cast In the
of whose had refused until this
available give tho fbl-
to *ut aa the life bolts. Tha Tt-
4307, Clark 1421. Bar­
was staking by tha hand.
’s piarallty 004.
Mfabaad h a y s l y Inoefftelent.
pr f l deal aa Oto re­
Tha lifeboat supply was Insufficient
publican ticket. President T a ft appar
to lake off half of those oa hoard.
Owe by oaa the lights began to go out sally has serried ala eouatlea.
A feature of thia fact la that two of
Vessel Sl«k» Ififfirt Aid Ar*
r iv M M d t a ly Boato
VrMfcM« Ar» r
(Ft rei New« ot Disarier)
Ob tho v eto » eragt higher lata tha
vessel. Tha eraw, lacking la dleelp-
Ban, out away boat after boat, leav-
lb * assay o f tho soots uueeeuptod
Tho women ta tho boots sow tho
groat Tttanlc break In twain. At the
sam e time there came a roar and a
(rom «ba Tttaata, far tt wsa directly
series of ezploslona The afterpart
afterward «hat thetr wtrolaaa algaala
to right Itself and bobbed up
aad down. Its top was black with
men and women who could not be
Oeeaa groybeunds from all sides ro- taken off because there were not suf­
dad to the Titanic's signals of dla-
ficient lifeboats and rafts
aad boos a la s passenger vessels
explosion came and then tbe great
a namber of freighters vara
mans of stool sank down into the
toward her. But they v ara I
watera. raised again and then plunged
Oaly tha Carpathla arrived
forward to disappear forever.
la time.
Through all the harrowing scene
After Id hours of silence, a abort
eight heroic bandsmen had played con­
m essage was received from tha Car- stantly to allay a panic. When the
pathla. Baying: "All survivors. num­
Titanic finally plunged under the sur­
bering US. are well. W ill arrive off face, these brave musicians were send­
Bandy Hook lata on Thursday. Will ing out the strains of “Nearer, My God
dock at New York early Friday."
to Thee," playing their own funeral
Out of nearly 1100 people that she djrge as they stood knee deep In wa
oarriod reports Indicate that only ter with their eyes fixed on the giant
about ITS were saved and most of Iceberg which towered above them
th ese were women and children.
like a great white monument.
They were picked up from small
Thirteen boat loads of passengers
boats by the Cunarder Carpathla. l n j crew were picked up by the Car-
whlch found, when she ended her des­ pathla after a thrilling Journey
perate race against time, a sea strewn through the Icy sea. Four hundred
with the wreckage of the lost ship and ninety-five passengers and 210
and the bodies of drowned men and o( (be erew were landed at New York,
Among the notable passengers
Women Number About 500.
were: John Jacob Astor, Major Arch­
There were 325 first cabin passeng­ ibald Butt, President Taft's military
ers on the Titanic, ot whom 128 were aide; Isldor Straus, Benjamin Gug­
women and 15 children. In the sec­ genheim. Jacques Futrelle, the author;
ond cabin there were 285 persons. F. D. Millet, artist; Henry B. Harris,
Including 79 women and eight child- , theatrical manager; J. B. Thayer, C.
ran. and In the steerage the comple­ M. Haya, president of the Grand
ment of 710 was divided alm ost equal­ Trunk railway; W. T. Stead, editor,
ly, It ta believed, between women and ■
of whom perished,
men, with a small percentage ot child- ■ Slxty-four bodies have been rocov-
ren. The orew numbered 850.
«••<! by the cable steam er Mackay
Carefully compiling the available ^ n e t t . which has been searching
lists, the record of the Identified su r U»e vicinity of the Titanic disaster,
vlvors of the disaster stands signlfl- according to a report received,
oantly thus:
men 7». women 233, 1 The «1 bodies recovered are regard-
ad as Identifiable, aocordlng to the re­
children 10; total 338.
port. Those that were sunk were pre-
Seamen Estimated at 100,
snmably In a condition making the'r
Of the remaining 540 known sur­ preservation Impossible.
vivors It Is estimated that not more
than 100 were seamen required to man
Many Notables Aboard
the boats. This would leave approxi­
Tha passenger list la a notable one.
mately 440. and In the ordinary pro-
W^~g the 1330 passengers of the
portions of women and children In the
w<r, c o ^ n .j John jBcob
steerage. It seem s probable that the
w lfe l8ador gtrsuB,
greater part of these 440 were women
w Butt. alde to
and their Uttle ones.
tsnstdsiil T a ft; George B. Widener
Nothing eould show more plainly
Mml Widener, of Philadelphia;
the heroism of the crew, and the men
Mra. Henr7 8 Harper. WU-
passengers who stood by tha doomed
r Btead, y , ,
)ournai i . t
ship, facing Inevitable death, and sent )
whoM name. a„
the women and children away In tha
on both sides of the Atlantic,
life boats. Soma would have to be
aggregating som ething like
left. But to all appearances the men 0000,000,000 Is represented by seven
who were left stayed behind deliber­ «0 the passengers on the Titanic. If
ately, calmly stepping
aside , to let the the fortanes of the first class passong
weaker one., t h o « to whom th .y
•w ed protection, take their way to would easily make 01,000,000,000. Fore­
most In point of wealth la Colonel
John Jacob Astor.
and Brooders
No Craft Invulnerable.
The White Star Line believed that
the Titanic -was practically Invulner­
If you want an incubator or brooder, able and Insisted until there was no
one that will hatch every hatchable egg, doubting the full extent of tha catas­
trophe that she oould not sink. The
write M c C la n a h a n , “ t h e incu ba ­ great ship w as the last word In mod­
to r MAN,” EUGENE, ORE. Get his ern scientific construction but she
new catalogue; it will tell you all about found the ocean floor almost as qulck-
his incubators and brooders. He is mak- If as a wooden ship.
ing a special price for the next thirty 1
her mal<len trlp the TUan,e' bu,It
,, ,
, ,
, and equipped at a cost of 010,000,000,
days. He has all kinds of eggs for hatch- # floatlng pa]aM found her graveyar(t
ing; among others, the Crystal White Swinging from the westerly steam ship
Orpingtons, which he makes a specialty lane at the south of the Grand Banks
of. He hatches all kinds of day-old
Newfoundland to take the direct
chicks in his hatchery. Don’t put it off,
thl' pOrt'1 "be h'‘,r? ^ her f Rnt
hulk against an Iceberg lhat rose from
but write him today. Address
an Immense field drifted unreasonably
from the Arctic. Running at high
t J. c lanahan
speed, Into that grim and silent enemy
of seafarers, the shock crushed her
350 FERRY STREET, Eugene, Ore
e e e e e e e e e e
e e e e e * « * * *
In case you like the stuff in this issue of The News, pass
it along to some friend who hasn’t seen it, after you have read
it, and tell that friend to pass it along, and so on. Pass it
along until i t ’s worn out. The last man that is able to read
it is supposed by the rules of this pass-it-along game to send
in $1.50 for a y e a r’s subscription.
.Continued from first page)
(Continued from first page)
Thu Wbcmmtu Way
Senator La Follctto then gave a desrrip-
tlon of the way Wieronsin has hem re-
emstmeted economically, drawing a
lesson (nan tin* improvement in condi­
tions tltrre 16 years ago and uow.
“ Wlaeotudn has solved the proldem,”
declared Mr. I a Follctte.
“ There are
three great powers held by tlie «■ourts to
be within the jurisdiction of a slate In re­
gard to railroads.
First, to fix rates;
second, Io prevent discrimination, and
third, to enforce ade<|(tato service. This
we have done in Wisconsin, and I want
to do it (or tlte nation. Wisconain has
saved her dtirens 015,000,000 in freight
rates since Uils plan waa worked out. It
is a sorceas. It can he made a sacrees
Taft,rTro«ta, Tariff
Sonator l a Toilette devoted little of hla
lime to President Taft.
He tooclwd on
the tariff slightly, declaring lie « M t pro-
tocUoniel, tmt on the Ixsls of regulating
the duties so as to equalise llu- difference
twlwscu Uis cost of home and foreign
production. Crunching behind and pro­
tected by the present high tariff wall ths
trusts liave baaa able to breed by
the thouaand unmolested, declared ths
T a iK W i t h
K ellogg'
» •w IB Iks 0taM I t bay *roa«rty la
t M i «wF« waM 00U yea havs t»
haro B | bay m w aafi a w ls Iba la .
Tsririy After Towth Tasat
ta Iba wlaa la
Keferriag to the tliird term querilun, vsslsr'i p ro rtt •
aa« Iba aaah|
tlie speaker declared that what Roods veil
la after is a fourth term
“Taft U his ( a * 0» > e (la « t ba W « gat H fs r y * a |
ba baa aa
third term.” he said, amiilag.
Ia Tollette spoke at Aahlaad Thartday fa O r ifilM
afternoon ami at Uranta Pare Thursday
•vuaiag, aad, aa at Medford, m aaf Bwo
at I »at i
unable to get Into the overcrowded halla
la faaa a a i
to hear him.
0 la • y«a<» a t • »sv
la l«ab aa taprovefi property,
Joined at Orante Paas Friday by his
far twe y e a n a t 10 par e e a l
national campaign manager, Walter
Taadria Up Teddy
M00100 fa leaa aa taprevefi property,
Houesr, La T o ile tte went direct to Saa
» I» • years a l 10 par eeal.
Senator I a Follctto scored the great
tho hlg stock eouatles, where It might combinations of capital throughout the Frenciaco to begin tho fight far tho on-
havo b ees Inferred R oosevelt's Inter- United States, dtviaring that wla>n Theo­
far 0wa year» t t 10 per e e a t
eot la b e range woirid gala him vote«,
dore Roosevelt was elected In 1004 there SaUafaetory AdJasUasat af
We vaaraatee 7 per ee^t aafi hava
havo gone for Taft. T hese are Crook were 140 combinations with a capitalisa­
Tatsaf r ir o Lata aever palfi less «haa I I per eeal ea
and Harney. In addition Breeldent tion of 03,78-1,000,000 in tlie United
Taft has apparently won In Morrow,
Talent, Oregon, Apr. I t , 1012. aaviaff areeaala palfi by lha a e a lh ,
States. When he left olBiv there were
bath large aafi samlt,. Tha Faclfta
Polk, Sherman and Yamhill.
A Wakeman,
10.020 combinations of 031 .000,000,000.
There la no certainty that La Toi­
Rsllfilag 0 Leaa AsserlaUea. T alk
Medford, Oregon.
“ Had he gone at it right, he could
lette has oarriod moro than ons coun­
with A. K. Kellogg, leeal ageaL
lutve elieckud this great menace with a
ty. Multaomah. Incomplete returns
stamp of his foot—hut oh I how it has ed by fire, being Insured in tbe Con­ ..O w e year awa haaie«i step paylag
on Jackcon eouaty give him a alight
grown and grown. Now, indeed, there tinental Insurance Co. of Naw York, r e s t Tha Farlfle Ballfiiag 0 Leaa
load over Roosevelt. La Follotto also
is danger, and the question must be dealt we take pleasure In saying that the Asserlatloa w ill faralsb yaa tha mea-
has a alight load over R oosevelt In
with without error or wilhoat compro­ Insurance has bean adjusted and paid ayt pay by tbe aieatbi Jest like pay.
Josephine In the Incomplete returns,
In full to our ontlro satisfaction. Wo lag re a ti It rests ae ■ o r r ) talk with
and Is close on the heel« of Roosevelt
Boh Never Splits
cheerfully recommend all who desire krllogg, be fiers th rlr batlarss la
In Tillamook.
At one point in his address Senator first claaa Insurance— with prompt and Uelfi H IIL
Roosevelt. It aeema probable, has
carried all of the following counties: I a Follctte was «purred into Mating Itow satisfactory treatment—to Insure their
Baker. Benton. Clackamas. Clatsop, Roosevelt had broken faith with hint. property In this old reliable company.
FOR BALE— Well Improved farm of
Very truly,
Columbia. Coos. Curry, Douglas. Gil­ Tlie sonator hud , m * i <1 a trilatte to (Vdonel
42 acres 3 miles from Gold HUI, 30
liam. Orant, Hood River, Klamath. Rooaevelt’a j>ower to ap|<cal to tlie na­
under cultivation water right,
Lane, Lincoln. Malheur. Marlon, Uma­
and Irrigating system with place,
tilla Union, W allowa. W asco and mirer cried: “ I’m sorry yon split with
plenty of timber on place. 300 fruit
him .”
Graham A Wakeman
trees 3 years old, 1 acre In berries,
Tha total vote counted It 82.805,
The Insurance Men
" I didn't split,” thundereil the sen­
good houis, barn and out buildings,
which, It Is believed. Is about 12.000 ator. “ He sent Gilson Gardner to me to Room 3, over Poetofflce, Medford, Or.
picket and wire fence, % mile from
short of the com plete returns.
induce me to rnn. I ngnvvl. Then when
Phonea Pacific 3681; Home 279.
school. Team, stock and Implements
In this total Roosevelt has 25,391, it looked like sue« «.« for u progressive Ito
go with place. Brice 04000, part
La Follctte 20.194. Taft 18.219. Roose­ tri*wl to get nte out of it. lint I am fight­ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
velt's incom plete plurality over La ing bream« I belit vc in the cause. De­
down, balance on favorable terms.
Tollette Is »197. over Taft 7172. La ft ated tiiia year, in 1010, in lirjt>— It
FOR HAlJfi—3 miles from Gold HUI,
Tollette's plurality over Taft Is 1975. make« no «liffen>n«v—«till I will 1« found
20 acres placer mining ground, good
It will not be known who the re­ fighting.”
+ + + + + + •;• + + + + + + + + +
title, all tillable land, 500 tiers of
publicans Indorsed as candidate for
fire wood standing on tbe claim. No
Itce-presldent until the official count
improvement on the land. This Is
has been made. The names of C. W. 1
a snap for some one that wants a
Fulton. Thomas McCusker, Dan Kel-
sm all ranch and a nay roll right at
laher, United States Senator Borah, of
their door. Brice, cash 0400.00.
Idaho, and numerous others were writ­
ten on the ballots.
FOR BALK A sm all home of 15 seres
The names of Governor Burke, of
2H m iles from Gold Hill, new up-
North Dakota, and Senator Chamber-
to-dste bungalow, 26x40 feet, Vi
lain were written in for vice-president I
mile from school, spring and run.
and only the official count will show
ntng water on place. Four acres
which received the greater number of :
under cultivation, balance good till­
able land. Owner has a buslneee
1 5c per lb.
Fancy Mixed Candy
proposition he wishes to take up.
La Follctte Will Keep Fighting
1 5c per lb.
Fresh Supply Peanuts -
and will sacrifice this property for
01300 cash or trade for Medford res­
idence property.
San Francisco, April 21.— With In­
complete returns from Oregon and
English Walnuts
FOR RALE— Farm, 80 seres, I miles
Nebraska Indicating his defeat at the
from Gold HUI, rich river bottom
Almonds, Oranges
primaries In those states, but still de
land. 7 acres hi alfalfa, good Im­
termlned to fight on, Senator Robert
and Apples
provements and fences, all under
M. LaFollette, after an arduous cam.
cultivation excepting 4 acres. Brice
palgn in the north, arrived In San
00000; 02000 cash, balance on one
Francisco today and Immediately
and two years time.
went into conference with his cam­
FOR BALE—40 seres unimproved land
paign managers.
hi Sams Valley, price 0tC par care;
Final plans for LaFollette’s cam­
also an 80 acre tract at sam e price
paign in California, to continue right
per acre. Both tracts nicely Io*
up to the eve of the primaries May
14. were gone over and are expected
to be completd by Monday. Mrs. La
FOR BALE— 100 acres of timber land
F ollette accompanied her husband.
5 miles from Gold Hill, about 2 Vi
,-.,en In bis rooms at the Palace ho­
million feet fine fir and phis timber
tel, Senator LaFollette declared that
nearly all tillable land, plenty X
he waa In excellent health and said
spring water on tbe tract and nicely
that he was equal to an eighteen-hour
located for farming and stock rais­
day's work aa long aa there was work
ing. Brice 020 per sere, or will en­
to be done here In the Interest of pro-
tertain a proposition with mill men
gressivelsm .
for the timber at 0L5O per M.
"I can’t dlscuaa the Oregon and Ne­
braska primaries," he said, "until I
FOR SALE— 160 acres situated 3
know the complete results, but I will
m iles south of K elseyville, Lake
say that, on matter whether It be vic­
County, C alif, About 40 acres clear
tory or defeat In these two states, the
to work, balance pasture. Creek
results will In no way affect our plans
running through the place. Brice
for the coming campaign In California
and other states.
FOR BALE— Two lots 25x100 each,
"This fight Is going on to the end.
W illamette Addition to East Bort-
The fight is the same, the principles
land, Oregon. These lots are situ­
are the same, and It will be continued
ated In a rapidly growing suburban
In the same way with the sam e con­
district of Bortland and have In­
fidence that those things for which
creased at the rate of 40 per cent
we are fighting will ultim ately tri­
each year. An excellent, buy and
and one which Is bound to make
"I am determined that no matter to
money. Brice 0600.
what extent or how frequently my
Gold Mill Cafe
For Sundries and Meals
At Prices that Meet any Competition
TRUAX & CO., Proprietors
T h e C le a n e s t
Best M a d e
Storage Rooms for Everything ■
opponents resort to personalities I
shall keep my campaign clear of an y­
thing that may obscure the real Is­
“California has placed herself on
record before the world as standing
squarely for true progressive prin­
ciples, and I am determined that the
people shall have an opportunity of
Reelng those principles so clearly pre­
sented that the Issues may In nowise
be befogged by the Injection of things
which ultim ately count for very little,
but which may heretofore provided a
great deal of campaign ammunition.
"I am ready to work eighteen hours
a day and to crowd as many speeches
Into the days as they will hold."
Darling and Hodges handle our
ice and will fill your orders prompt­
ly. Phone them.
FOR SALE—11 acre* near Banta Rosa,
Cnl., highly Improved farm, nil In
fruit trees 7 years old. New 4-room
house, large new barn, fence, fine
chicken wire. Team, Implements,
and 400 chickens go with the farm.
Brice 03000; 02000 cash, balance can
remain on mortgage at 7 per cen t
Medford Ice and Storage Co. T a i K W i t h