Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1912)
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CBUItfU DR. K. KIUCIIUKHHNBK Brasai C- Richarde, Mfalster Practice limited to chronic dlseasos. Hervlces Every Munday HOTEL HOLLAND, Mcdlord, Oregoa Horslsg Wednesdaye Hours 10 Io S Sunday school at 10:00, sarmon at Office Hotel Holland. Both Phonea. 11:00. Residence phone. Farmer lOzzO Evening Epworth league at 0:41. Song kitchen Weight, and Reasaree The following valuable table of service and sermon at 7:20. A sincere Invitation to all. weights and meaaures for kitchen use has been prepared by the domestic science department of the Oregon Ag ricultural College: 1 teaspoons equal 1 tablespoon. 12 Ubleappons (liquid) equals 1 cup 10 tablespoons (dry) equals 1 cup. 2 cups equals 1 pint. 2 tablespoons butter equals 1 ounce. 4 tablespoons flour equals 1 ounce. 2 tablespoons gr. sugar equals 1 oz. 2 tablespoons liquid equals 1 ounce. 1 square Bakers' choc, equals 1 ounce 4 cups sifted flour equals 1 pound. 2 cups grauulsted sugar equals 1 pound. Juice of 1 lemon equals 2 tablo- spoons. • _______ MOTtCS TO CHKDITORN Estate of SUIImun A. Gray, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned. Executrix or the eetate of Stillman A. Oray. deceased, to the creditors of and all persona baring claim against said deceased. Io exhibit them with the neoaesary verification, within alx months after the ftrst pub lication of this notice, to v«id Execu trix at Medford. Ores»-». or A. C. Hough, her attorney, at --rants Paaa. Oregon. Date of first publloatloa. March 2. 1212 FI j ORENCB J. ORAY, Executrix. ♦ ♦ + 4- ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ N o r th b o u n d No. No. No. No. No. 20 24 (motor) 32 (motor) , • 10 14 • No, No. No. No. No. 23 IS 31 13 10 . • ♦ ♦ + + + + 4* 4* 4- ♦ 4- 4- ♦ e le e w h e r e + . . . . . 8:39 a. in 11;02 s. m 8:27 p. in H:00 p. m 0:27 S o u th b o u n d (motor) . , (motor) . . . . . . , , . . . 8:02 a. in. 0:82 a. m. 1:42 p.m . 2:48 p. m. 10:48 p. ni. A. E. KELLOGG Embalmer and Funeral Director Compiste line ol boriai robas, caskets, etc. Underslsklng room» opposite I. O. O. F. building; phone 30 Main GOLD HILL. OREGON OLKNN O. TAYLO» CARKIN & TAYLOR o w e s r t w If the people of thia county de son county should be administered In a businesslike manner, always sire the Issuance of bonds for the keeping within the law. If any law construction of permanent roads, as Is wrong, let ua change the law, but, may ba shown by a vote of the people, so lung as It la a law, let ua abhte of the county, should 1 be elected by It. If we have outgrown the con county judge. I shall endeavor to stitution of our atata, let us amend It, make every dollar of the bonds thus votad do Its full duty, and without not violate It. I believe in the censtructloa of favor to any locality, but, aa far as permanent roads, adapted to our possible, apply the sums voted, for present needs, and, so far as can ba the best Interests of the entire coun determined, to our future needs, and, ty. should I be elected county judge, I ' I shall not favor the employment shall use alt lawful means at my of convicts or undesirable foreigners command to further the construction upon the public Improvements of the of substantial, permanent roads for county, so long as It possible to get our own citizens, or those who have, this county. We have a county Indebtedness ap In good faith, declared their Inten proximating $825,000, a large per tion to become such, to perform the centage of which is not an Indebted-, roads or other Improvements that ness contemplated by the law. But ’ may be established. I feel that our first duty Is to our no person who has regard for the welfare of the county would seek to own citizen«, and that. If there Is a repudiate any of that Indebtedness. public fund available for expenditure However, I think that some steps' upon the public roads, these citizens should be taken towards legalizing should have the first right to earn the same, If It Is possible to do so. | by their labor, the money thus ax. * CON. T H IR D A C STS. pendad. The horticultural Interests of Jack- son county have grown to such pro portiona that It Is Imperative that the same should have competent, et- flclent and scientific supervision, and. If I shall be elected to the office of county Judge, It will be my pur pose that the laws in these particu lars shall be strictly enforced. In abort. If I shall be elected to the office of county Judge, I shall en deavor honestly and energectlca'iy and to the extent of my Intelligence, to obey and enforce the laws as I understand them. I hare no other pledges or prom ises to make to the people of Jackson county, and I have made no other pledge or promise to any one. And. while I shall always court advice and counsel. If elected, 1 shall be as free as "the dew from heaven" to per form every duty devolving upon me. as the dictates of my sonscleoce and whatever ability I may have, shall suggest GEORGE W. DUNN. East---Seashore or Mountains COLD HILL, OREGON Egg»— Ranch, t ic . Sate Date» April, 28-20-27 J m /. mh W W d 99 k ìgfepgDM, Pint May, 2-3 4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24-29 June, 1-0-7-8-13-14-15-17-18-19-20-21- 24-25-27-28-29 July, 2-3-0-7-11-12-15-1020-22-23-20- 29-30-31 August, 1-2-3-0-7-12-15-10-22-23-29- 30-31 Sept., 4-5-0-7-0-11-12-30 Im perial Council M ystic Shrine, Lo» A n geles, A p ril 3 0 th to M ay 4 th N e w p o rt---Y a q u in a Bay Offer« many advantagi-s for a «eawhore outing. Iz»w (ares from all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rale«, outdoor ainosements and all the delights of tile HCSMlion*. The N ew P. R. & N . Beachee Tillamook, Garibaldi (Bayoeean), Brighton, Manhattan and Rockaway, Lake Lytle, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beech and Bay City will open a new field for a summer outing. I/>w Round Trip Fares bom all points in Oregon. Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to Ea*t Bound E x cursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to John M. Scott Cesserai Passenger A g e n t, P o rtla n d , O reg o a « b A b - M2«A « bm W 99 C a l California Itatela». Kalein D ay A p ril 301» ’/>•»> «/Jan F rbm A m ». ’•'tea, I’m terry, too, that you cannot fill the position, but what I need is a T-1AIL5D man—a men who lioiou-hly understands the work.” “No, there’s co other position open—we’ve hundreds of appli cants now on the lint wal'dr.’ for the little Jobs. This position calls for a TRAINED man. Oood day.” T hat’s it. There’s a b ig call for the trained man— the man who can handle the big things— the man who is an expert You can easily receive the training that w ill put you in the class of well-paid m en. You can’t begin to nnder- stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you only a tw o-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just mark the coupon as directed and mail it today. T he Inter national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you. During last year over 4,700 students voluntarily re ported better positions and h ig h e r s a l a r i e s secured I literuUeoal («rresperieaee Scheeb through I. C. S. training. T o only t h i s s m a ll p e r c e n ta g e o f ou r stu d e n t body there was brought in creased salaries amounting in o n e y e a r to over Two M illion D ollars! D on’t fill a little job all your life when you can so easily m ove up in the world. The Business of TUsPIftce b !• Kaise Salaries Keep Up Your Subscript«« ‘ Na .S t& N e .~ W2W Is Be Das Is wart I Z C itf____ i LUNCHES Be Not Deceived Served at All Hours T he Hom e T elephone Com pany o f Southern O regon is ST R IC T L Y INDEPENDENT Sandw iches Chile con Carne C offee The ow n ers have no idea o f selling to the Bell T elephone M onopoly or any o n e else, hut intends to maintain it for the purpose o f g iv in g the people o f the R ogue River V a lle y the best telephone service know n. Lunches Put Up fo r Drives o r Parties Arc You Supporting Your HOME COMPANY? 77ie Home Telephone & Telegraph Co o f Southern Oregon TURNERS Ü For Your Wants See the News Will place on «ale low round trip tickets to all tlie principal Cities of the East, going or nturning through California, or via Portland with going limit 18 <lay«. Final return limit Oct. 31.4. IN G O L D H IL L H O S P IT A L V f a f r a y Wool—Snatura Oregon. 12o; Wil lamette Valley. I2e. Mohair—34c. h Southern Pacific DR. R. C. KELSEY A m k ra n e M e e Me. k Tha MEDFORD, OREGON • It contracts, In consenting to run for the nom ination for the office of county judge, I feel that It 1» due the electorate of Jackson county. Oregon, to set forth fully the reasons which have prompt ed me to do so. There Is not, nor can there be. any strong personal desire for the office, for everyone knows that the duties appertaining to that office are many, complex and difficult, under ordinar) conditions, and will he doubly oner ous under (be conditions that now ! prevail In the county and In respect I to the county's finances. I was born In Jackson county, and | fuel, and con, therefore, be pardoned , for feeling, a pride In the prosperity and the upbuilding of this beautiful 'ley. 1 want to live long enough to this valley the garden spot of the *ld, and I desire that she ahull gross along safe and sane lines, -..elo p in g her many and diverse re sources as rapidly as the most favor able conditions will permit. I believe that the affairs of Jack LAWYERS OOMS 1 7 -1 2 OVBB JACKSON COVNTT BASS DENTIST HATE APPENDICITIS • AS A U M IN IS T S a S O Many Gold Hit people who have chronic appendicitis, which Is not RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD very painful have doctored for years for gas on the stomach or constipa A. E. KELLOGG tion. J. Q Jarvis, druggist, states NOTARY PUBLIC If these people will try simple buck Pbose 21 Haig thorn bark, glycerine etc., as com GOLD HILL, OREGON pounded In Adler-l-ka. the German appendicitis remedy, they will be sur AMATHH AND CHRMMT. prised at the QUICK benefit. A BARL V INGl.Kh, K Sc.—G s.e -sl *■- SINGLE DOSE relieve« these troubles ray sad aaalvtleal work. Cement and asphalt tesuna. Best eqsip- INSTANTLY. prd estop efllee sad Mating labor atory la 0>er>a. All work guar- an teed. Galtet t-Padri oek block T H E M ARKET«. Phone 2T2-J, Grants Pass. Gragen. ForWsod. Wheat—Track prices: Chib, 22c; bln estem. 2 1 .0 1 ; red Russian, 2£o. Pioneer A rra y in g A Oats—No. 1 white, 23* per ton. Hay—Timothy, valley. 214; alfalfa. I S I - t t S S t .., a a e r t / . » . SSOt Hope—1211 crap, 22c; 1ÉÍ i to the D R ARTEMAS W. DEANE Butter—Creasserr, 23c. _______ Plan Your Vacation Now GENERAI. PRACTITIONER Office in Wells Building Hours 10-12—2-4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 - + + + * + + + + 4>e D O ST KNOW THEY George Dunns Statement to Voters CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. lOHM H. CAHKIN ♦ This Is the open season for calendar solicitors. In thia connectlna The News wishes to reniln- local business men that thslr borne print shop can fur- p i t h just as pretty and artistia calendars for 1211 as can be had any where—and at a lower price tlinn they eaa he bad 4- S. P. Time Card I S tate_ R. H. Bullock, Local R epresentative 1 0 3 R o o s e v e lt A v e n u e , H o m e P h o n e 1 O 8 -L M e d fo rd . O rego n Sutherlin Plane Factory. Sutherlin.—At a meeting of the com mercial club suiTlclent capital was pledged to Insure establishing a can ning factory here during the present season. A commodious building will be erected and equipped with modern machinery In time to handle this sea son’s fruit and vegetable crop. Autos Oust Weak Bridge Hood River.—Because of the Intro duction of automobile trucks Into the valley for freighting, County Commis sioner O. H. Rhoades announces that the county court will replace the wood en culverts of the highways with sub stantial steel structures. Collision at Goble Rainier.—The Portland-Astoria pas senger train was wrecked at Goble when it ran Into the rear end of a freight train, bound for Astoria. The engine of the passenger train and the caboose of the freight were smashed. No one was hurt POUJADE MODEL HATDCERY Warden Finley Planning to Enlarge And Improvs State Plant Eugene.—To make the state Osh hatchery on the McKenzie river at Poujade, the principal trout hatchery of the state, is the plan of State Came Warden Finley and Master Fisa War den R. E. Clanton, who spent sever I days In Eugene In conference ove; thj details of the work at the hatcher/. M. J. Ryckman, in charge of the hatch ery, has his plans well along and is now engaged in taking trout spawn for hatching. Poujade hatchery is to be a model plant, situated In a beautiful spot on the plcturesgue McKenzie. Workmen have completed BOO feet of the 4000 feeet of flume required to bring water from Granite Creek to the hatchery. Back of the hatchery building, which will be 120 or 130 feet long, there will be a large number of ponds for stock trout, to be kept from year to year for spawning. On a slightly higher bench will be nursery pools for young flsh, from which the supply will to drawn for stocking the streams cf western Or** aon Union High School Wins Junction City.—The vote taken on forming a urtlon high school district We hare a car of resulted In a majority of 1(3 In favor 8tar-A-Star red eedar of the district per M. U ses A Co. «fai sxtra gles. »1.S9