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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1912)
% Local News Notes Dunn Is Honest and Fronnmical If nominated nod elected eoiiiuy lodge n™ - of Jack»«! county, It 1« reasonable pi I«- II. A Ensign was in Medford mi Friday. imw ) lieve thattieorgi Dunn will not run Jack* «»u county «nolher quarter or half mil lion dollar« into debt ClmrliM En ilunliurK * m * In front Hains Dunn will not «llow county wurram« Valley Tluir-.liiy Io go 1« |.,W par, Itor will lie «id and «1« t II. II. Hammond wax at Medford mi I hose who are Interested in seeing them go I m I o w p.r, nor will lie him«clf 1«, In- I him I i i i ' xh Wcdlicnduy. tv rested in seeing («unity warrant« d< ph - Janies Hrlsost wax h. n> frmn Medford elated. Italber It will be Id« earnest en deavor to put county warrant« hack at o il business Tliiirmlny, I la ir Iru t valoe L iter Ilian gold, for 5 0 lbs h a lf ground salt 35c J II Hummersty nn.l F. N, Kddlng« it will la* n mrml« rcd th«l .... inly war Baking powder 16 oz can 2 5c ruula wild H l IKI during the lust Hum were At \) oodvillc on I him | i i «* mh Tuesday, 5 0 lbs fine dairy salt 50c administration. Vanilla extract 2 oz bottle 25c Mix. Nina Smith, Mr«. J. II. Hum. Dunn, a« countv judge, will not build Range sail block 10 lbs l§ c Lemon extract 2 oz bottle nierxly and .Mr«. Clarissa William« wen» Mil expensive road and luidge for the ex 15c i hl«lve Ix-ni'llt of »ny prive cer|«irutlmi. Gram« I’li«« visitor« Monday. P ink and white beans per lb 6c Pork and beans per can as w a A h e ea«> with the Ik-rliy road and 10c K, II. Graham, who 1« up among the bridgeJiuill ln«t «iiiiinu r under the Nell* P ink salmon per can 10c Oysters 2 cans loaders of Medford insurant«) men, wa» Harmon-Davis regime. * 25c Dunn will imt bin' a county r.iad'iiia- in town Monday looking for risks. M ilk 3 cans 25c Peaches 1 can ler at a »alary of Kits» h month without 25c Mr. and Mr«. Tima. Aliorn and Mr. first making mire thut th e m a n h e In n • C b a n laundry soap . 25c Pears 1 can ami Mr», Heller of Hugo w r< giawts of 1« fully quullficd for the position. 2SC Dunn w ill not find It net« ««ary to bn ak Hanker Knilih and family tlw first of the Fancy head rice 3 lbs 25c Pine apples 15 20 25c per can every Igw on the «latlite l»»>k« relating week. to the conduct of comity «ll'uir« in oriler 1. \ \ . GsgtH.I of Medford, candidate that Id« administration may receive tin- 35c. Carton Gasem Soap for 25c for the republican nomination for sur «auction of tlw Medford Mail-Tribune veyor, was in town Thurwlay running a and other« equally reckless In their Idea« as to how the people's money «hoiild !«■ lew lint*« on local sentiment. »pent. • .J. Q, Järvi« aaw tla» Graula i’aa« liull If Dunn 1« nominated and eketcil coun team l» at the Portland Northwest league ty Judge, I«' will serve a» county Judge, learn Tliurwlay, :i to 2. Wlaa-ler Os which mean« th«t lie will serve the Inter- (•«1« of a few of tla' whole i««iple of Jack- borne, Grant« Paa«' «tar piteltcr laxt son county instead of serving tlw Inter- yoar, wa« loaned to hl« old train by of a few of the |««iple of Joeksotl county who are more persistent in ilwlr Portlaml, and pin lied a great game. demand« to have tbe puldie money» «pent (.Imiie cooked timau and graviea. pota- for tlafir own peculiar Is-nefit than an- nw* In wveral disguises, macaroni and tlie yvholc people Io (utve tlw public via«««', t>akcd b on a, pieklaa, brown and moneys «|«-nt for tlw general henefit white bread, pie«, pialdiug«, eoflka and Tlw people a« a rule, having elected a man to public oilier, Inuit him to do tlw tea—that'« (lie hnc-up for tlie ladle« work of that office and do it right with Aid'» lag gastronomic tournament next out any intimate Ihterral or aupervtainn Friday. Game called at II dlOxliarp, and on their part. Tlw grafter, However, no tickets add after 2::», by which time never sleep«. He g<»-« after what he want« “ hammer ami tengs,” and if Iw it 1» presumed that everyone will have Alvina weak or venal set of official«—and had a chance at bet. tlw present county <«airt auema to have Dick Hnuseliolder, son of !«aae Houae- l»>en Iwah wi-ak and venal—Iw get« what Iw 1« after with little trouble, wlietlwr It hohler of Kanes creek, 1« in the Grant« i« a mad or bridge for Id« own |>artienlai With conservative management, good equipment and Paa« ln*)dtal a« a result of an accident benefit, a contract for »umdyliig u convict modern facilities, nigfwr price iirl t ban which occurretl Friday while lie waa eamp with «uiiplie« at » fiigfwr working with a team and stump puller they can I«- olgained elsewhere, or what- ever form hi« graft may take. on tin- mail near W. L. Greenleaf's new If Dunn la nominate«!and elected coun bouae. A atuhl«>m «tump gave the team ty Judge, Iw will not turn tlw public fund.» aueh a bard pull that both «ingletn»-« over to a gentleman adventurer who may is well prepared to handle all your Business in the most broke. ndea«ing the aweep and letting the have Woimed hi« way onto tlw pulille payroll a« county road muNtcr. nor 1« it satisfactory manner. «•verier fly back, one end «triklug the l«»y pmltahlc, a» laifore Mated, that a mail on tlie right km«», tearing ihe flesh and like ex-roadinaHter Harmon, ridiculously breaking tlie h o lie s . It la eorudilered a lllllit f<»r the JMwilioii lie liliH-tUkll Citizens of GOLD HILL, be patriotic; patronize your dangerous Injnry, considering it« pumilile 1WII, will I«- Inflictol on tlm taxpayer» home Bank. Jackson («auity with Id« “ m iemltl effect in «tiffcnlng the km«> Joint. highway« that («art tlioiiHuiid« id dollar» A moat delightful evening waa apeut per mile, without culvert« or other littl 4 Per Cent In erest on Time Deposits. at the home o f Mra. C. H. Price, essentials. If to waste county fund« thrmigh ignor Safety Deposit Boxes for R ent Insurance of All Kinds. March 80th. the occaaion being a am«- or rn'klcMNiie«« or crook(«hie»«t or all surprise party given In the honor of three 1« part of tlw «i-iemith- highway Money Orders to All Parts of the World. Rev. E. C. Richard». Many games program, then Dunn will probably builil were played In good spirit, but the no m-icntific highway«, hut jiwt a« many feature of the evening wa» the flah mile« of homwt macadam mad« a« tlw county can afford to build and keep it« MORACf PCI TON ROBT. M. MOORC pond, where everyone received their credit good. LYNN W. SMITH Resident e t Oregon M Years. Mem PesMcnt V k sl lunch. T hoie present were: Mr. and George Dunn a« county judge will prob ber e t L egislatore Hessians IkM-t Mra. Richards, Mr. and Mr». DeAr- ably never find It nece««ary to take-Dr. O. P. fjo»h6w, Dt'lniNTHliv <t.ndidut»' for mond of Medford. Mr and Mra. A. E R oidy, Frank Brown ami a laink cashier U. K. «ciiutor, wa« Itorn at Hr» wn»villc P regrestlve Platform to Portland to bmiihly salaam belore tlw Raker. Mr at,-I Mra W K Raker. Mr. tumkers of that city to tlw end that thi-y Grcgnn, in DMKI, wlwrv hi« father settled and Mra Hhiver. Mr. and Mra. Harvey, buy our («auity warrants at 100 or97J* in 1NA1, slid Id« mother, who was a If nominated and elected, 1 wi!l. Mr. and Mra. Price, Mra. Avery. Mra. or at lesa if ia«»-«Mary to unload. daughter of Vnele Billie Cochran, »ettled during my term of offioe favor; Tlw people of Jackson county, with in 1MH. Kelaey, Mr». Rice. Mra. Plemore, Mr». Progressive republican policies. He was educated In tlw public Dunn as judge, will prnlmhly be span«) Holler, Mra. Fanlth, Pearl Colllne. this huindiatlou, and al«o tlw traveling school, at Browsville, high school at Port Amending federal constitution for Daisy Hayden; Nora. Bessie and Mary and hotel expense« for tlw«e envoy« ex land, and Vniverslty of Oregon at Eugene, people's sleotlon of Vnp.ed States Newton; Lulu sod Eva Baker; Lily traordinary to the Portland temples of lie studh«] law with Hon. J. K. Weath senators. and Ida Starnes, Frank Avery, Will mammon. Federal incorporation law as to erford <>f Albany, Oregon, wlwre Iw lived Watheral. Henry Baker. Ben Hamler,! Tlwae aaa«'rtlona aa to what Dunn will for nearly three year«. Later he moved ■ corporations transacting interstate i w- a « ns- . .x * or Will not do • • county Judge an» bam d John and William Kelsey. Darld ,,n Mall-Tribunes asnrlion that to McMinnvill, Yamhlllecounty, Oregon, bualneaa. Avery, Earl Van Houten. | “ Ihinn la honest and economical.’’ and practiced law there for nearly five Income tax. years. In 1KD7 he moved to Koavburg, Limitation labor hours for »afety Oregon, where, by close application to on railroads bu»ine«e ami strict fidelity to his clients' I »reels post, Purs food law. ¡nterests, Iw ha« built up a large praeticx*. In 1IXM he wa« nnmlnaUst by (lie Demo Oood reads. John F. Roche, the wall-known Maw York actuary, after crats for State Senator, and was elected Liberal approprlatlo&s for improve making a personal and moat («arching examination of the by a majority of 273, overcoming a norm- ment of all Oregon porta and navi- hooka, account!, finance« and method« of Oregon Life, aaya si Ib'publicnn majority of 1,000 in a total gable rivers. Including Columbia. vote of a little over 4,000. Free locks at Oregon City. The showing made by the Company is Hi« dein>N-raey is of the old fa«hioned Proper share of Irrigation fund foi kind that exprwam k» e«.« lice in the «en- Oregon. a remarkable one, and it is evident that tenec, “ Equal right« and exact justice to Enforcement statem ent No. 1. the affairs of Oregon Life have been all, special pivilegea to none.” He be-1 Upbuilding American merchant ma lieves that this maxim should lx» rarrk«l rlne. economically managed, and that every into execution. His faith in the reality Removal excessive tariff duties. one connected with it has done his of tbi« Democratic doctrine was ex pre«« «1 Government control of trusts. share to make the Company the success in hi« bill to increase the pay of jurors. Enforced arbitration between capi At that time juror« were receiving two tal and labor. that it is. lollar« per day, not sufficient in moat Conservation of natural resources i PR O G R E SSIV E A G GRESSIVE inoat Instances to pay theirexpense« while Reforestation of burned-over rang Oregon Life Insurance Company is attending to their disagreeable public dn- es. tie«. While bill« almost without nttmhcr an institution of which the people of Commission to pass upon value of were Is'ing introduced to increase the sal corporate stock. Is called to the fact that Drs. Saunders à Green, the state, the directors, and its policy ary of officer»seeking their official posi regularly graduated and licensed physicians, limit Exclusion of Asiatic coolie labor. holders may well be proud. tions, he pre»«?il hl« bill for a raise of 1 desire the follow ing statem ent be their practice to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and , uror»’ pay to four dollar« |«‘r day so as printed after ray name on the nomi throat and take this method of making your acquaint to pay all their expenses at least while I can recall no other American com nating ballot; they were jx'rfonning im]«>rtant public ance. We are particularly well equipped to cart for I will support tho great principle, pany that has done as well during the luties thrust it|«<n them by law. Hut “Justice be done to all men." and treat such diseases as Catarrh, Adenoids, E n the jurors were not at the legislature t" first six years of its existence. J. W. MORTON. larged Tonsils, Ear Trouble, etc. and will tell you press their claim, nor could they have a Indorsed by Oregon State Orange. about them through this p«tper from time to time. We pai<l lobby there, and the hill was amend P. of II. (S ee report, page 5#.) ed bv the committee fixing their pay at also treat diseases o fthe eye and if glasses are re three dollars. This hill is typical of tlie quired we will fit them accurately, furnish the glasses Vote for a man broad-mindi attitude of Mr. Ooshow. If ekxtted to enough to know that all the peouh with lenses ground specially for your case for a mod Congress tho special interests will not Iw O o n n lttn s i e l i a f y . of Oregon must be equally represent erate fee. I f you require any work in our line it will favored by him, but hid utmost endeavor ed, without reference to any partlc will be to protect the people against the pay you to call and see us, as a consultation will cost ular section of tha state. Prlmar:«.- few who seek, through partial laws, to you nothing. Aprll 19. 1912. njoy special advantages to the disadvant Remember the name-Consultation Free-Best W ork (Paid advertisement) age of the many. He advocates liberal YOUR PERSONAL INTEREST la beat served laws for, and liberal treatment of, the Dying Struggle» when you do as other discriminating buyers of sturdy people who are building homes on (Ashland Record.) life insurance in Oregon always do. Place Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Specialists. our frontiers, and in more generous ex We used to know a humorously In your life insurance in penditures of the (funds eolhwted for re Both Phones. Garnett-Corey Building Medford. clined fellow back in Illinois who— claiming our arid lauds. Oregon’s full i R E L IA B L E ‘ ETH ICAL when he was com pletely downed In quota of this sum should be spent in Ore an argument and had nothing more to The Only Lift Insnrs cc Company gon. say—would make an ugly face at his Far Caanty Clerk M S e e McClanahan. “ The Inrnbator (Paid advertisem ent) antagonist and say, "Revenge Is I hereby announce my candidacy lor Man's” ad in this issue, ‘ r the best sw eet” and let It go at that. The republican nomination as oonnty clerk. incubator on the market t< ay for the H o m « O ffice, C o rb e tt REST FOR OREGONIANS LOST—One 38-3)4 n e* Diamond auto cartoons the m etropolitan press of If nominated and elected, I will conduct price, and there are none 1 ter at any Tiulldlnir. P o rtla n d . O r. mobile Inner tube between Medford and the office according to law and will treat price. A . B. C O R N I L I . Gold Hill last Sunday. Address Ashland Medford are now running anant coun all parties courteously. A. L. MILLS L. OWrict Msaegtr Motor Car Oo., Ashland, Or. ty politic« remind na of that fallow. Better take Tbe News. Pr»»'da rt G-u ra! Manager GEORGE A. GARDNER OUR SPECIAL PRICES if Pelton’s hams, bacon and lard M B R R ÎTT Q, COMPANY 0 . P. C 0 S H 0 W J. W. MORTON FOR SENATOR FOR SENATOR Usefulness to the Community T h e G o ld H ill B a n k The Opinion of an Expert FLOUR FEED AND GOLD HILL FLOUR, FEED & COMMISSION STORE H. C . R a e d e l, P ro p . H om e P K one Y O U R A T T E N T IO N Sound Logic Drs. Saunders & Green O regon life EXCLUSIVELY OREGON I