C O N T R A D IC T IN G J E F F E R S O N . The world wax uot made in «lx day*, whatever the weaning of the Drat chapter e f Gamete may be. an4 men are » A created equal. whatever Jefferson way have meant by his Im m ortal dic­ tum. The differences between men at birth -congenital d iffer­ ences—are as great aa those be­ tween tw o tender slijm juxt push­ ing tbeir tops into the sunlight, one to become a primrose pale, the other a tow ering sequoia. There are only a few «.-quotas on earth now. Just as there are at any given tim e only a few really great and atroug men on earth. W e began to disprove Jefferson's first "self evident” truth politi­ cally wheu we w rote our first organic law W e began to dis­ prove It industrially as soou as we went to work under the Im ­ pulse o f a national conscious­ ness. as soon as our congenital differences felt the quickening (lower o f opportunity.—D a rw in P. Kingsley T H E LO SER. H E A R D th e scream o f a passing t r e la Across th? desert today. I t took m e hack to th e to w n a g a in A nd th e c la tte r o f old B ro ad w a y . A s n atch o f song, th e c lang o f a gong. T h e g la re fro m a hundred bare. D o 1 e n v y him s till In th e hush an d c h ill G a llo p in g under th e stars? I Docs This Mean Anything to You? We are the only direct factory distributors for the world's best Pianos and Player Pianos at the least possible expense to each purchaser in Southern Oregon. We pay no rents. We hire no high-price I men to sell our goods, and we will agree to sell you any Piano when quality is your aim for $100 less than you can buy elsewhere. Does this mean anything to you? Our salesroom is located at Corner Tenth and Oak­ dale avenue, three blocks south of Washington school. We are outside : fig h t he wins Is th e fig h t I lost, - In m y desert camps. W h o scarcely save In a y e a r th e cost O f one o f his m otor lam ps. M y place is not and m y nam e fo rg o t In th e w o rld I once called m ine. D o I g re a tly care In thia desert a ir T h a t is h e a d ie r f a r th a n w ine? of the fine limits, but w« are inside on prices and real Piano quality. T O V K N his u ltim a te v ic to ry — D o 1 grudge him th a t a t last? F o re v e r sweet is y o u r sm ile on me. M y p e rfec t hope o f th e past; F o re v e r young, as w h en firs t you flu ng T h e spell o f y o u r eyes’ g ra y gleam . D o I g ru d g e him th e w ife o f his p ro s p e r ous life. I w h o h a v e s till m y dream ? —A m e lia Josephine B u r r, i Huntington, Laffoyne and other Pianos. TTÍ Tha Aptiatio Temperament. M ille t, the painter o f "T h e Angelas." had a standing agreement w ith a firm o f a rt dealers who took all his work In exchange for regular imym ents o f £4C a month. When he was told that they could sell a single picture fo r as ranch as £2.000 he said: "T h a t Is th e ir a ffa ir Aa long ns 1 have all I need and can paint w hat I like and as I like It I do not mind w hat they get for my pictures.” — London Graphic. Knabe, McPhail, Behring, Sterling, T H E DANCE PROBLEM. I f society would only realise how much depends u|M>u It I ba Heve the members u f the an r a ll­ ad exclusive aat would ba mora careful thau they ara. T h a shop­ girl coplas to tha best o f her ability tha gowns and hats o f tha society lender and tries to Im i­ tate her mannara. I f tha Isader daness ilia "turkey tro t” mid tha shopgirl reads o f It ahe lu m ia dlataly trlea liar hnnd nt II Tha rich woinnn o f today covers up her degrading actions by calling them "art.'* T here I» nothing alevallng nr a rlla tlc In iheae v u l­ gar. suggestive dunces. h o w e 'e r T he only difference between the "tro t" aa done on the Itowery and tu F ifth avenue draw ing room« la that In the la tte r place« It may lie a hit more gruceful. T he young woman who la k e part In these perfortuancea saci-illc« their rnllty Mra. York delicacy and flaunt linitio In the face o f the world Charlea I I . lanicia, Naw Social W orker FRO M •T H E E asy T H A N A T O P 8 I8 . Ro live, (h a t w h en th y n im m n n i come« to jo in The In n u m e ra b le c a ra v a n th a t m< vet T o th a t m ye te rlo u a re a lm w here each «h a ll ta k e H ie c h a m b e r In th e s ile n t h a ll« o f death T h o u go not. lik e th e q u a r r y «lave a t n l« h t. i Scourged to hl» dunaeon. but. eu«- talnetl a n d soothed B y an u n f a lt c r ln * tru s t, approach th y c ra v e I L ik e one w ho w ra p » th e d ra p e ry o f I hie couch A bou t him . a nd Ilea d o w n to pleas­ a n t dream «. M U L L IG A N P a y m e n ts W man. Hale’s Piano House M e d fo r d , O r e g o n H e c a rrie s hl« « w o rd lik e a R ussian d u ke w h en ever he ta ke s c o m m and CilORt’8 S ho uld er a rm « a nd m arc h and m aro h aw ay. O u t B a i t e r s tre e t, w a y up to A ie n u e A? T h e d ru m « and fife« th e y s w e e tly , s w e e tly l ! || As we m arch, m a rc h , m a rc h In th e M u l- h«un g u ard « i T h e band p lay a •’G a r ry o w e n ’* an d the Con nemo r ra pet. W ith a ru b -a -d u b -a -d u b wo m a rc h th ro u g h the m ud w ith a m ilit a r y etep W ith th e green above th e red, hoy«, to »bow w h e re we com e fro m . O u r gun* we lif t to a rig h t «houldcr s h ift as we in u rch to th e ta p o f th e d ru m . A u th o r U n k n o w n , Domestic happiness, the only bliss o f paradise that has survived the fa ll.— L'Estrange. I T y y y y ❖ ? ❖ ? ï r ! 1* ? ? ? î> Q U A R D 8 ." E c ra v e y o u r condeacenalon and w ill te ll you w h a t we know o f m a rc h in g |n th e M u llig a n gu ard « fro m (he H eventh w a rd below O u r cap tain*« n a m e le G aaey. a T ip p e r a r y GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON THE MINING METROPOLIS OE SOUTHERN OREGON CEMENT WALKS <2 OLD H ILL has a natural site for a city, built as it is on , the hanks of Rogue river, at the gate wav to the won­ derful valley of the same name- The setting’ for a city is here—picturesque and inspiring—and if the law of natural development works as it should, the setting will some dav, and that not far distant, be filled bv a city such as southern Oregon may not boast at present. The town takes its name from Gold Hill mountain, so called because nearly half a million dollars was taken from a ledge at a point near its summit in the early fifties. No town in southern Oregon has a greater list’of actual, get-at-able natural resources awaiting development immediately contiguous to its corporate limits. The rushing current of Rogue river—teeming with gam} salmon, trout and steelhead—offers at a compara­ tively slight cost per developed horsepower an abundance of power for any and all industrial development. And speaking of hunting—the neighboring hills are the happy hunting grounds of southern Oregon. No hunter return's without plenty of venison, and generally he brings in the legal limit. Cougar, bear, panther and coyotes may be had by those who care to hunt them, and several trappers in the vicinity make good money each winter on the finer furs. _ I FILTERED WATER — ..... ....* i" ■ - lie» in th e region contiguous Io Gold H ill, classified a» to th eir re»|*eetive districts: Kane« ( r e e k : R evenue, A ll« ., M endenhall, R oaring Gimlet, Braden, M illionaire, C enten­ nial placer, und many oilier»; a lso the H ughes en d House holder lim e qiiarriee. Gall» Greek: Bill N ye, recently pur.haaed >y a fiowerful French syndicate, o |N*rutJng m ines in all parte o t the world; five «tamp» w ill »oon be in operation. Gold Standard, Red Oak, R attlesnake, K ubli, Tin Pan, Burns * D uffield, H. D. Jones, laist Chance. und B ig F oot. Foote (r e e k : Champlin Dredging Co., Black Cliannel placer, Lance Bros, placer, Dixie Queen, Bertha, H orseshoe, Hwaker, Hum mingbird, and many others. Sardine Creek: L ittle Giant, Black Hawk, (■rcy R agle, Lucky Hart group, Corporal o ' Garrison, lla ff group, H inckle, Sm ith placer D n sen b u r, placer, and m any others; this creek placers its «H ire length. It.^ u e River H ills: F airview , Blizzard. W hite Horse, Sylvanite, Trust buster, F acto, llnn, Garfield (iro n ), Fiom lng-W ard (ir o n ). Gold H ili M onntaln: Gold H ill ledge Cop­ per Q teen , W hitney, F isher, IMkeman and many others. Rockwell H ills: M aybelle, N ellie W right, Bowden, Y ellow Jacket, Lone Pine, Frank Shaffer and m any others. Sprin«": Murnty, Kick Jerry. Hersehberger, Houston and many others. J , ’ ,s ,hc of n rich mineral district. Go d, copper, iron, cement rock, brick and p o tter’s ' • ’ shale, lime the purest on the continent, according to government geological reports—all are here, and all m -le \ < <>» cd | |,p nch surface gold deposits, both placer and quartz, have been worked for fifty years, and have paid and arc still paying handsomely. There is no deep mining, i his will come later, and when it does it is freelv predicted that Gold Hill will become one of the greatest camps the west has ever seen- G , ( l A y iountal,' ° f High-grade cement rock lies ju st south in?t 'n 1UG a ,n?unt,a,n of high-grade hematite iron ju st north—both undeveloped. A bituminous coal belt many square miles in extent lies seven miles north of the town—undeveloped. This is in the Sams Valley and Meadows districts, comprising some of the finest land for fruit and general farming in southern Oregon. An +ieVij*fOj )t VC'n ° / bIack n gnite has been uncovered in the Meadows, and samples of coal taken from wells in Sams Valley have been proven by analysis and forge tests to be of high quality. h oithninanpirtal is in eited to inve8tiSate the Gold Hill district, the T ’ef?re ° ! ? ft.e r 1DVC8t’gAting other districts, whether W l i J t ° f a l V n TC8tlpa tLOn is mines’ Hmber, cement, lime, brick and tile clay, timber, coal, power, or a location for a sanitarium or tourists’ hotel—Gold Hill has them all The choicest fruit land in southern Oregon surrounds Gold Hill, the numerous creek valleys, with their deep, fertile, mineral-mixed soil and absolute immunity from frost providing almost ideal conditions for the horticul­ Add to all its other advanta to location and tural ist. For further information address resources an all-the-year climate ages as c w t be ue beaten oeaien on on that can’t the Pacific coast, and an idea is gained of the justice of REX H. LAMPMAN e claim that Gold Hill has the best prospects for future Several extensive timber belts can be most easily Secretary Business Men’s \ssn development of any town in the world-famous Rogue Rivef put into the market with mills located at Gold Hill. Gold Hill Oregon A vailoy of southern Oregon.